form table

This commit is contained in:
devezhao 2020-12-08 15:58:31 +08:00
parent 553ed5afdf
commit 636610f00c
7 changed files with 29 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
"Integration": "Integration",
"IntegrationStorage": "Cloud Storage",
"IntegrationMsgs": "SMS & EMail",
"BizAndEntity": "Business & Entity",
"BizAndEntity": "Business Entity",
"SomeManage": "{0} Management",
"DataImport": "Data Import",
"DataExport": "Data Export",
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@
"ProjectScope": "Project Scope",
"ProjectPublicTips": "Public (Visible to all, editable only to members)",
"ProjectPrivateTips": "Private (Only members can see and edit)",
"DeleteProjectConfirm": "Only empty items (no tasks under items) can be deleted. Are you sure?",
"DeleteProjectConfirm": "Only empty projects (no tasks under project) can be deleted. Are you sure?",
"DeletePlanConfirm": "Only empty panels (no tasks under the panel) can be deleted. Are you sure?",
"ProjectCodeTips": "The task number will be prefixed with the project ID to distinguish different projects. Supports 2-6 letters",
"ProjectCodeInvalid": "Invalid project ID, please enter 2-6 digits",
@ -1238,6 +1238,8 @@
"UseTransform": "Use record transform",
"EntityNotExists": "The entity %s no longer exists, please check the configuration",
"MultipleSessions": "Allow users to login multiple places",
"AdvFeature": "Advanced Feature",
"ExtForms": "External Forms",
"s.__": "STATE",
"s.ApprovalState.DRAFT": "Draft",

View file

@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
"Integration": "服务集成",
"IntegrationStorage": "云存储",
"IntegrationMsgs": "短信 & 邮件",
"BizAndEntity": "业务 & 实体",
"BizAndEntity": "业务实体",
"SomeManage": "{0}管理",
"DataImport": "数据导入",
"DataExport": "数据导出",
@ -1238,6 +1238,8 @@
"UseTransform": "使用记录转换映射",
"EntityNotExists": "实体 %s 已经不存在,请检查配置",
"MultipleSessions": "同一用户允许多地登录",
"AdvFeature": "高级功能",
"ExtForms": "外部表单",
"s.__": "状态",
"s.ApprovalState.DRAFT": "草稿",

View file

@ -407,8 +407,8 @@
"GeneralSet": "通用配寘",
"Integration": "服務集成",
"IntegrationStorage": "雲存儲",
"IntegrationMsgs": "簡訊&郵件",
"BizAndEntity": "業務&實體",
"IntegrationMsgs": "簡訊 & 郵件",
"BizAndEntity": "業務實體",
"SomeManage": "{0}管理",
"DataImport": "數據導入",
"DataExport": "數據匯出",
@ -1238,6 +1238,8 @@
"UseTransform": "使用記錄轉換映射",
"EntityNotExists": "實體 %s 已經不存在,請檢查配置",
"MultipleSessions": "同一用戶允許多地登錄",
"AdvFeature": "高級功能",
"ExtForms": "外部表單",
"s.__": "狀態",
"s.ApprovalState.DRAFT": "草稿",

View file

@ -491,4 +491,16 @@
<index field-list="createdOn"/>
<entity name="ExtformConfig" type-code="060" description="外部表单" queryable="false">
<field name="configId" type="primary"/>
<field name="belongEntity" type="string" max-length="100" nullable="false" updatable="false" description="所属实体"/>
<field name="name" type="string" max-length="100" nullable="false" description="名称"/>
<field name="portalConfig" type="text" description="表单配置 (JSON Map)"/>
<field name="startTime" type="timestamp" description="开始时间"/>
<field name="endTime" type="timestamp" description="结束时间"/>
<field name="bindUser" type="reference" ref-entity="User" description="数据绑定用户"/>
<field name="hookUrl" type="string" max-length="300" description="回调地址"/>
<field name="hookSecret" type="string" max-length="300" description="回调安全码"/>

View file

@ -51,10 +51,13 @@
<li th:class="${active == 'report-templates'} ? 'active'">
<a th:href="@{/admin/data/report-templates}"><i class="icon zmdi zmdi-map"></i><span>[[${bundle.L('ReportTemplate')}]]</span></a>
<li class="divider">[[${bundle.L('Project')}]]</li>
<li class="divider">[[${bundle.L('AdvFeature')}]]</li>
<li th:class="${active == 'projects'} ? 'active'">
<a th:href="@{/admin/projects}"><i class="icon zmdi zmdi-shape"></i><span>[[${bundle.L('NavProject')}]]</span></a>
<li th:class="${active == 'extforms'} ? 'active'">
<a th:href="@{/admin/extforms}"><i class="icon zmdi zmdi-collection-text"></i><span>[[${bundle.L('ExtForms')}]]</span></a>
<li class="divider">[[${bundle.L('User')}]]</li>
<li th:class="${active == 'users'} ? 'active'">
<a th:href="@{/admin/bizuser/users}"><i class="icon zmdi zmdi-accounts"></i><span>[[${bundle.L('DeptUser')}]]</span></a>

View file

@ -2506,7 +2506,7 @@ form {
.card-list .card-footer a {
color: #999;
font-size: 1.3rem;
font-size: 1.23rem;
display: inline-block;
padding: 0 3px;
margin-right: 6px;

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class DlgEdit extends RbFormHandler {
render() {
return (
<RbModal title={`${$L( ? 'Modify' : 'Add')}${$L('Project')}`} ref={(c) => (this._dlg = c)} disposeOnHide={true}>
<RbModal title={$L( ? 'ModifySome,Project' : 'AddSome,Project')} ref={(c) => (this._dlg = c)} disposeOnHide={true}>
<div className="form">
<div className="form-group row">
<label className="col-sm-3 col-form-label text-sm-right">{$L('Icon')}</label>