Fix import not working

This commit is contained in:
Radhi Fadlillah 2018-03-02 16:12:31 +07:00
parent 3b8ce6ce0d
commit 259d1b96ed

View file

@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ func init() {
func printTagName(s *goquery.Selection) string {
tags := []string{}
for _, nd := range s.Nodes {
tags = append(tags, nd.Data)
return strings.Join(tags, ",")
func importBookmarks(pth string, generateTag bool) error {
// Open file
srcFile, err := os.Open(pth)
@ -54,48 +63,50 @@ func importBookmarks(pth string, generateTag bool) error {
return err
// Fetch each bookmark categories
// Loop each bookmark item
bookmarks := []model.Bookmark{}
doc.Find("body>dl>dt").Each(func(_ int, el *goquery.Selection) {
// Create category title
category := el.Find("h3").First().Text()
category = normalizeSpace(category)
category = strings.ToLower(category)
category = strings.Replace(category, " ", "-", -1)
doc.Find("dt>a").Each(func(_ int, a *goquery.Selection) {
// Get related elements
dt := a.Parent()
dl := dt.Parent()
// Fetch all link in this categories
el.Find("dl>dt").Each(func(_ int, dt *goquery.Selection) {
// Get bookmark link
a := dt.Find("a").First()
title := a.Text()
url, _ := a.Attr("href")
strModified, _ := a.Attr("last_modified")
intModified, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strModified, 10, 64)
modified := time.Unix(intModified, 0)
// Get metadata
title := a.Text()
url, _ := a.Attr("href")
strModified, _ := a.Attr("last_modified")
intModified, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strModified, 10, 64)
modified := time.Unix(intModified, 0)
// Get bookmark excerpt
excerpt := ""
if nxt := dt.Next(); nxt.Is("dd") {
excerpt = nxt.Text()
// Get bookmark excerpt
excerpt := ""
if dd := dt.Next(); dd.Is("dd") {
excerpt = dd.Text()
// Create bookmark item
bookmark := model.Bookmark{
URL: url,
Title: normalizeSpace(title),
Excerpt: normalizeSpace(excerpt),
Modified: modified.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
Tags: []model.Tag{},
// Get category name for this bookmark
category := ""
if dtCategory := dl.Prev(); dtCategory.Is("h3") {
category = dtCategory.Text()
category = normalizeSpace(category)
category = strings.ToLower(category)
category = strings.Replace(category, " ", "-", -1)
if generateTag {
bookmark.Tags = []model.Tag{
{Name: category},
tags := []model.Tag{}
if category != "" && generateTag {
tags = []model.Tag{{Name: category}}
bookmarks = append(bookmarks, bookmark)
// Add item to list
bookmark := model.Bookmark{
URL: url,
Title: normalizeSpace(title),
Excerpt: normalizeSpace(excerpt),
Modified: modified.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
Tags: tags,
bookmarks = append(bookmarks, bookmark)
// Save bookmarks to database