#!/bin/bash # This script is used to check if the style.css file is up to date. # Check if the git tree for CWD is clean if [ -n "$(git status internal/view/assets/css --porcelain)" ]; then echo "❌ git tree is not clean. Please commit all changes before running this script." exit 1 fi # Check if prettier is ok if ! bun x prettier internal/view/ --check; then echo "❌ code style issues found. Please run 'make styles' and commit the changes." exit 1 fi # Check style.css file CLEANCSS_OPTS=${CLEANCSS_OPTS} make styles if [ -n "$(git status internal/view/assets/css --porcelain)" ]; then echo "❌ style.css wasn't built from less changes. Please run 'make styles' and commit the changes." git checkout -- internal/view/assets/css/ exit 1 fi