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# Usage
This guide covers advanced usage of Netmaker. If you are just looking to get started quickly, check out the Quick Start in the [README](../README.md).
## Server Config
Netmaker settings can be set via Environment Variables or Config file. There are also a couple of runtime arguments that can optionally be set.
### Environment Variables
**APP_ENV**: default=dev. Determines which environment file to use. Will look under config/environments/APP_ENV.yaml. For instance, you can have different environments for dev, test, and prod, and store different settinggs accordingly.
**GRPC_PORT**: default=50051. The port for GRPC (node/client) communications
**API_PORT**: default=8081. The port for API and UI communications
**MASTER_KEY**: default=secretkey. The skeleton key used for authenticating with server as administrator.
MongoDB Connection Env Vars:
**BACKEND_URL**: default=nil. The address of the server. Used for setting token values for client/nodes. If not set, will run a command to retrieve the server URL.
### Config File
Stored as config/environments/*.yaml. Default used is dev.yaml
- **host:** "localhost" (reachable address of this server, overriden by BACKEND_URL)
- **apiport:** "8081" (api port, overriden by API_PORT)
- **grpcport**: "50051" (grpc port, overridden by GRPC_PORT)
- **masterkey**: "secretkey" (administrator server API key, overridden by MASTER_KEY)
- **allowedorigin**: "*" (CORS policy for requests)
- **restbackend**: true (Runs the REST server)
- **agentbackend**: true (Runs the GRPC server)
- **defaultnetname**: "default" (name for the default network)
- **defaultnetrange**: "" (range for the default network)
- **createdefault**: true (Flag for creating the default network)
**mongoconn**: (see ENV values above for explanation. ENV values override.)
- **user**: "mongoadmin"
- **pass**: "mongopass"
- **host**: "localhost"
- **port**: "27017"
- **opts**: '/?authSource=admin'
### Runtime Args
**clientmode**: (default=on) E.x.: `sudo netmaker --clientmode=off` Run the Server as a client (node) as well.
**defaultnet**: (default=on) E.x.: `sudo netmaker --defaultnet=off` Create a default network on startup.
## Client Config
Client config files are stored under /etc/netclient per network as /etc/netclient/netconfig-< network name >
address: The address:port of the server
accesskey: The acceess key used to sign up with the server
name: a displayname for the node, e.g. "mycomputer"
interface: the network interface name, by default something like "nm-"
network: the netmaker network being attached to
password: the node's hashed password. Can be changed by putting a value in here and setting "postchanges" to "true"
macaddress: the mac address of the node
localaddress: the local network address
wgaddress: the wireguard private address
roamingoff: flag to update the IP address automatically based on network changes
islocal: whether or not this is a local or public network
allowedips: the allowedips addresses that other nodes will recieve
localrange: the local address range if it's a local network
postup: post up rules for gateway nodes
postdown: post down rules for gateway nodes
port: the wiregard port
keepalive: the default keepalive value between this and all other nodes
publickey: the public key other nodes will use to access this node
privatekey: the private key of the nodes (this field does nothing)
endpoint: the reachable endpoint of the node for routing, either local or public.
postchanges: either "true" or "false" (with quotes). If true, will post any changes you make to the remote server.
## Non-Docker Installation
### MongoDB Setup
1. Install MongoDB on your server. For Ubuntu: `sudo apt install -y mongodb`. For more advanced installation or other operating systems, see the [MongoDB documentation](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/).
2. Create a user:
`mongo admin`
> `db.createUser({ user: "mongoadmin" , pwd: "mongopass", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase"]})`
### Server Setup
1. **Run the install script:** sudo curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gravitl/netmaker/v0.2/netmaker-server.sh | sh -
2. Check status: `sudo journalctl -u netmaker`
2. If any settings are incorrect such as host or mongo credentials, change them under /etc/netmaker/config/environments/ENV.yaml and then run `sudo systemctl restart netmaker`
### UI Setup
1. **Download UI asset files:** `sudo wget -O /usr/share/nginx/html/netmaker-ui.zip https://github.com/gravitl/netmaker-ui/releases/download/latest/netmaker-ui.zip`
2. **Unzip:** `sudo unzip /usr/share/nginx/html/netmaker-ui.zip -d /usr/share/nginx/html`
3. **Copy Config to Nginx:** `sudo cp /usr/share/nginx/html/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf`
4. **Modify Default Config Path:** `sudo sed -i 's/root \/var\/www\/html/root \/usr\/share\/nginx\/html/g' /etc/nginx/sites-available/default`
5. **Change Backend URL:** `sudo sh -c 'BACKEND_URL=http://<YOUR BACKEND API URL>:PORT /usr/share/nginx/html/generate_config_js.sh >/usr/share/nginx/html/config.js'`
6. **Start Nginx:** `sudo systemctl start nginx`
### Agent Setup
On each machine you would like to add to the network, do the following:
1. Confirm wireguard is installed: `sudo apt install wireguard-tools`
2. Confirm ipv4 forwarding is enabled: `sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1`
3. Create a key or enable manual node signup at the network level
4. Run the install command generated by key create: `sudo curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gravitl/netmaker/v0.2/netclient-install.sh | KEY=YOUR_TOKEN sh -`
4.a. For additional networks on the same machine, you can just run `sudo netclient -c install -t YOUR_TOKEN`
4.b. For offline installs (no access to github), you can self-host a netclient file server on netmaker
This will install netclient@.service and netclient-YOUR_NET.timer in systemd, which will run periodically to call the netclient binary, which will check to see if there are any updates that it needs and update WireGuard appropriately.
**Back End Compilation**
The backend can be compiled by running "go build" from the root of the repository, which will create an executable named "netmaker."
**Client Compilation**
Similarly, "go build" can be run from the netclient directory to produce a netclient executable.
**Protoc command for GRPC Compilation:**
Whenever making changes to grpc/node.proto, you will need to recompile the grpc. This can be achieved by running the following command from the root of the repository.
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative grpc/node.proto
**Build binary:** `go build ./`
**Unit Testing**
When making changes to Netmaker, you may wish to create nodes, networks, or keys for testing. Bash scripts have been created under the "test" directory (*.sh) which run curl commands that generate sample nodes, networks, and keys that can be used for testing purposes.
**Integration Testing**
Similarly, several go scripts have been created under the test directory (*.go) to test out changes to the code base. These will be run automatically when PR's are submitted but can also be run manually using "go test."