grpcaddress: Address of GRPC Server (used for all interaction with server after registration)
apiaddress: Address of API Server (used only for registration/unregistration)
accesskey:5qKTbTgsvb45y3qyRmWft# Key used to sign up with server. Used only during registration
name:my-computer# name of this node
interface:nm-example# name of interface to create/use for WG
network:example# name of network this ode is a part of
password:$2a$0afehuytviN/thMpVlCYkonxy.Ws2.rNCJjBSAa3HZuhrK5hpYxme# encrypted node password, used to retrieve JWT. Can be changed to new pass in plaintext and CLI will update/replace with encrypted pass
macaddress:6c:4b:91:0g:68:7b# MAC of node. Used as a Unique ID
localaddress: Address on local network, used as endpoint for other local nodes for faster comms
wgaddress: Private WG addres on network
wgaddress6:"f8:34:41:77:5c:15"# Private ipv6 address if network is dual stack