Modified ingress deletion handling to preserve egress gateway if present. Removed ingress from FreeBSD as not supported.

This commit is contained in:
cameronts 2022-08-03 11:36:16 -07:00
parent 766084d6a3
commit eab23b7022

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@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ func DeleteEgressGateway(network, nodeid string) (models.Node, error) {
node.PostUp = ""
node.PostDown = ""
if node.IsIngressGateway == "yes" { // check if node is still an ingress gateway before completely deleting postdown/up rules
// still have an ingress gateway so preserve it
if node.OS == "linux" {
// nftables only supported on Linux
if node.IsNFTablesPresent == "yes" {
@ -155,12 +156,7 @@ func DeleteEgressGateway(network, nodeid string) (models.Node, error) {
node.PostDown += "iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o " + node.Interface + " -j MASQUERADE"
if node.OS == "freebsd" {
node.PostUp = ""
node.PostDown = "ipfw delete 64000 ; "
node.PostDown += "ipfw delete 65534 ; "
node.PostDown += "kldunload ipfw_nat ipfw"
// no need to preserve ingress gateway on FreeBSD as ingress is not supported on that OS
@ -257,12 +253,60 @@ func DeleteIngressGateway(networkName string, nodeid string) (models.Node, error
if err = DeleteGatewayExtClients(node.ID, networkName); err != nil {
return models.Node{}, err
logger.Log(3, "deleting ingress gateway")
node.UDPHolePunch = network.DefaultUDPHolePunch
node.LastModified = time.Now().Unix()
node.IsIngressGateway = "no"
node.IngressGatewayRange = ""
if node.IsEgressGateway == "yes" { // check if node is still an egress gateway before completely deleting postdown/up rules
// still have an egress gateway so preserve it
if node.OS == "linux" {
// nftables only supported on Linux
if node.IsNFTablesPresent == "yes" {
// preserve egress gateway via the setup that createegressgateway used
// assumes chains eg FORWARD and POSTROUTING already exist
logger.Log(3, "deleting ingress gateway: nftables in use")
node.PostUp = "nft add rule ip filter FORWARD iifname " + node.Interface + " counter accept ; "
node.PostUp += "nft add rule ip filter FORWARD oifname " + node.Interface + " counter accept ; "
node.PostDown = "nft delete rule ip filter FORWARD iifname " + node.Interface + " counter accept ; "
node.PostDown += "nft delete rule ip filter FORWARD oifname " + node.Interface + " counter accept ; "
if node.EgressGatewayNatEnabled == "yes" {
node.PostUp += "nft add rule ip nat POSTROUTING oifname " + node.Interface + " counter masquerade ;"
node.PostDown += "nft delete rule ip nat POSTROUTING oifname " + node.Interface + " counter masquerade ;"
} else {
// preserve egress gateway via the setup that createegressgateway used
logger.Log(3, "deleting ingress gateway: iptables in use")
node.PostUp = "iptables -A FORWARD -i " + node.Interface + " -j ACCEPT; "
node.PostUp += "iptables -A FORWARD -o " + node.Interface + " -j ACCEPT"
node.PostDown = "iptables -D FORWARD -i " + node.Interface + " -j ACCEPT; "
node.PostDown += "iptables -D FORWARD -o " + node.Interface + " -j ACCEPT"
if node.EgressGatewayNatEnabled == "yes" {
node.PostUp += "; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o " + node.Interface + " -j MASQUERADE"
node.PostDown += "; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o " + node.Interface + " -j MASQUERADE"
// preserve egress gateway via the setup that createegressgateway used
if node.OS == "freebsd" {
node.PostUp = "kldload ipfw ipfw_nat ; "
node.PostUp += "ipfw disable one_pass ; "
node.PostUp += "ipfw nat 1 config if " + node.Interface + " same_ports unreg_only reset ; "
node.PostUp += "ipfw add 64000 reass all from any to any in ; "
node.PostUp += "ipfw add 64000 nat 1 ip from any to any in via " + node.Interface + " ; "
node.PostUp += "ipfw add 64000 check-state ; "
node.PostUp += "ipfw add 64000 nat 1 ip from any to any out via " + node.Interface + " ; "
node.PostUp += "ipfw add 65534 allow ip from any to any ; "
node.PostDown = "ipfw delete 64000 ; "
node.PostDown += "ipfw delete 65534 ; "
node.PostDown += "kldunload ipfw_nat ipfw"
data, err := json.Marshal(&node)
if err != nil {
return models.Node{}, err