* feat(NET-584): wip: session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): session mgmt for RAC
* feat(NET-584): only enable if client is disabled
* feat(NET-584): check only for normal users
* feat(NET-584): fix condition
* add superadmin role, apis to create superadmin user
* apis to attach and remove user from remote access gateways
* add api to list user's remote client has gateway clients
* remove code related user groups
* remove networks and groups from user model
* refactor user CRUD operations
* fix network permission test
* add superadmin to authorize func
* remove user network and groups from cli
* api to transfer superadmin role
* add api to list users on a ingress gw
* restrict user access to resources on server
* deny request from remote access client if extclient is already created
* fix user tests
* fix static checks
* fix static checks
* add limits to extclient create handler
* set username to superadmin on if masterkey is used
* allow creation of extclients using masterkey
* add migration func to assign superadmin role for existing admin user
* check for superadmin on migration if users are present
* allowe masterkey to extcleint apis
* check ownerid
* format error, on jwt token verification failure return unauthorized rather than forbidden
* user update fix
* move user remote functionality to ee
* fix update user api
* security patch
* initalise ee user handlers
* allow user to use master key to update any user
* use slog
* fix auth user test
* table headers
* remove user role, it's covered in middleware
* setuser defaults fix
- Avoid referencing conditions we know are false/true
- Avoid using name of imported package as variable
- Avoid broken (see list item 1) if else statement in `ipservice.go` by refactoring to switch statement
- When assigning a pointer value to a variable along with an error, check that error before referencing that pointer. Thus avoiding de-referencing a nil and causing a panic.
*** This item is the most important ***
- Standard gofmt package sorting + linting; This includes fixing comment starts for go doc
- Explicit non-handling of unhandled errors where appropriate (assigning errs to _ to reduce linter screaming)
- Export ErrExpired in `netcache` package so that we can properly reference it using `errors.Is` instead of using `strings.Contains` against an `error.Error()` value