package functions import ( "context" "encoding/json" "log" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "syscall" "time" mqtt "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Daemon runs netclient daemon from command line func Daemon() error { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) networks, err := ncutils.GetSystemNetworks() if err != nil { cancel() return err } for _, network := range networks { go Netclient(ctx, network) } quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(quit, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt) <-quit cancel() ncutils.Log("all done") return nil } // SetupMQTT creates a connection to broker and return client func SetupMQTT(cfg config.ClientConfig) mqtt.Client { opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions() ncutils.Log("setting broker to " + cfg.Server.CoreDNSAddr + ":1883") opts.AddBroker(cfg.Server.CoreDNSAddr + ":1883") opts.SetDefaultPublishHandler(All) client := mqtt.NewClient(opts) if token := client.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { log.Fatal(token.Error()) } return client } // Netclient sets up Message Queue and subsribes/publishes updates to/from server func Netclient(ctx context.Context, network string) { ncutils.Log("netclient go routine started for " + network) var cfg config.ClientConfig cfg.Network = network cfg.ReadConfig() //fix NodeID to remove ### so NodeID can be used as message topic //remove with GRA-73 cfg.Node.ID = strings.Replace(cfg.Node.ID, "###", "-", 1) ncutils.Log("daemon started for network:" + network) client := SetupMQTT(cfg) if token := client.Subscribe("#", 0, nil); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { log.Fatal(token.Error()) } client.AddRoute("update/"+cfg.Node.ID, NodeUpdate) client.AddRoute("update/peers/"+cfg.Node.ID, UpdatePeers) client.AddRoute("update/keys/"+cfg.Node.ID, UpdateKeys) defer client.Disconnect(250) go Checkin(ctx, cfg, network) go Metrics(ctx, cfg, network) <-ctx.Done() ncutils.Log("shutting down daemon") } // All -- mqtt message hander for all ('#') topics var All mqtt.MessageHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { ncutils.Log("Topic: " + string(msg.Topic())) ncutils.Log("Message: " + string(msg.Payload())) } // NodeUpdate -- mqtt message handler for /update/ topic var NodeUpdate mqtt.MessageHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { ncutils.Log("received message to update node " + string(msg.Payload())) //potentiall blocking i/o so do this in a go routine go func() { var data models.Node err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Payload(), &data) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error unmarshalling node update data" + err.Error()) return } var cfg config.ClientConfig cfg.Network = data.Network cfg.ReadConfig() nameserver := cfg.Server.CoreDNSAddr privateKey, err := wireguard.RetrievePrivKey(data.Network) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error generating PrivateKey " + err.Error()) return } if err := wireguard.UpdateWgInterface(cfg.Node.Interface, privateKey, nameserver, data); err != nil { ncutils.Log("error updating wireguard config " + err.Error()) return } // path hardcoded for now... should be updated err = wireguard.ApplyWGQuickConf("/etc/netclient/config/" + cfg.Node.Interface + ".conf") if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error restarting wg after peer update " + err.Error()) return } }() } // UpdatePeers -- mqtt message handler for /update/peers/ topic var UpdatePeers mqtt.MessageHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { ncutils.Log("received message to update peers " + string(msg.Payload())) //potentiall blocking i/o so do this in a go routine go func() { var peerUpdate models.PeerUpdate err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Payload(), &peerUpdate) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error unmarshalling peer data") return } var cfg config.ClientConfig cfg.Network = peerUpdate.Network cfg.ReadConfig() err = wireguard.UpdateWgPeers(cfg.Node.Interface, peerUpdate.Peers) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error updating peers" + err.Error()) return } // path hardcoded for now... should be updated err = wireguard.ApplyWGQuickConf("/etc/netclient/config/" + cfg.Node.Interface + ".conf") if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error restarting wg after peer update " + err.Error()) return } }() } // UpdateKeys -- mqtt message handler for /update/keys/ topic var UpdateKeys mqtt.MessageHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) { ncutils.Log("received message to update keys " + string(msg.Payload())) //potentiall blocking i/o so do this in a go routine go func() { var data models.KeyUpdate if err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Payload(), &data); err != nil { ncutils.Log("error unmarshalling key update data" + err.Error()) return } var cfg config.ClientConfig cfg.Network = data.Network cfg.ReadConfig() key, err := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey() if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error generating privatekey " + err.Error()) return } if err := wireguard.UpdatePrivateKey(data.Interface, key.String()); err != nil { ncutils.Log("error updating wireguard key " + err.Error()) return } publicKey := key.PublicKey() if token := client.Publish("update/publickey/"+cfg.Node.ID, 0, false, publicKey.String()); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { ncutils.Log("error publishing publickey update " + token.Error().Error()) } client.Disconnect(250) }() } // Checkin -- go routine that checks for public or local ip changes, publishes changes // if there are no updates, simply "pings" the server as a checkin func Checkin(ctx context.Context, cfg config.ClientConfig, network string) { for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): ncutils.Log("Checkin cancelled") return //delay should be configuraable -> use cfg.Node.NetworkSettings.DefaultCheckInInterval ?? case <-time.After(time.Second * 10): ncutils.Log("Checkin running") if cfg.Node.Roaming == "yes" && cfg.Node.IsStatic != "yes" { extIP, err := ncutils.GetPublicIP() if err != nil { ncutils.PrintLog("error encountered checking ip addresses: "+err.Error(), 1) } if cfg.Node.Endpoint != extIP && extIP != "" { ncutils.PrintLog("endpoint has changed from "+cfg.Node.Endpoint+" to "+extIP, 1) UpdateEndpoint(cfg, network, extIP) } intIP, err := getPrivateAddr() if err != nil { ncutils.PrintLog("error encountered checking ip addresses: "+err.Error(), 1) } if cfg.Node.LocalAddress != intIP && intIP != "" { ncutils.PrintLog("local Address has changed from "+cfg.Node.LocalAddress+" to "+intIP, 1) UpdateLocalAddress(cfg, network, intIP) } } else { localIP, err := ncutils.GetLocalIP(cfg.Node.LocalRange) if err != nil { ncutils.PrintLog("error encountered checking ip addresses: "+err.Error(), 1) } if cfg.Node.Endpoint != localIP && localIP != "" { ncutils.PrintLog("endpoint has changed from "+cfg.Node.Endpoint+" to "+localIP, 1) UpdateEndpoint(cfg, network, localIP) } } Hello(cfg, network) ncutils.Log("Checkin complete") } } } // UpdateEndpoint -- publishes an endpoint update to broker func UpdateEndpoint(cfg config.ClientConfig, network, ip string) { ncutils.Log("Updating endpoint") client := SetupMQTT(cfg) if token := client.Publish("update/ip/"+cfg.Node.ID, 0, false, ip); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { ncutils.Log("error publishing endpoint update " + token.Error().Error()) } client.Disconnect(250) } // UpdateLocalAddress -- publishes a local address update to broker func UpdateLocalAddress(cfg config.ClientConfig, network, ip string) { ncutils.Log("Updating local address") client := SetupMQTT(cfg) if token := client.Publish("update/localaddress/"+cfg.Node.ID, 0, false, ip); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { ncutils.Log("error publishing local address update " + token.Error().Error()) } client.Disconnect(250) } // Hello -- ping the broker to let server know node is alive and doing fine func Hello(cfg config.ClientConfig, network string) { client := SetupMQTT(cfg) if token := client.Publish("ping/"+cfg.Node.ID, 0, false, "hello world!"); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { ncutils.Log("error publishing ping " + token.Error().Error()) } client.Disconnect(250) } // Metics -- go routine that collects wireguard metrics and publishes to broker func Metrics(ctx context.Context, cfg config.ClientConfig, network string) { for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): ncutils.Log("Metrics collection cancelled") return //delay should be configuraable -> use cfg.Node.NetworkSettings.DefaultCheckInInterval ?? case <-time.After(time.Second * 60): ncutils.Log("Metrics collection running") ncutils.Log("Metrics running") wg, err := wgctrl.New() if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error getting devices " + err.Error()) break } device, err := wg.Device(cfg.Node.Interface) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error readind wg device " + err.Error()) break } bytes, err := json.Marshal(device.Peers) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("error marshaling peers " + err.Error()) break } client := SetupMQTT(cfg) if token := client.Publish("metrics/"+cfg.Node.ID, 1, false, bytes); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil { ncutils.Log("error publishing metrics " + token.Error().Error()) } wg.Close() client.Disconnect(250) ncutils.Log("metrics collection complete") } } }