basePath: / consumes: - application/json definitions: ACL: additionalProperties: format: uint8 type: integer description: ACL - the ACL of other nodes in a NetworkACL for a single unique node type: object x-go-package: ACLContainer: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/ACL' description: ACLContainer - the total list of all node's ACL in a given network type: object x-go-package: ApiHost: description: ApiHost - the host struct for API usage properties: debug: type: boolean x-go-name: Debug defaultinterface: type: string x-go-name: DefaultInterface endpointip: type: string x-go-name: EndpointIP firewallinuse: type: string x-go-name: FirewallInUse id: type: string x-go-name: ID interfaces: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Iface' type: array x-go-name: Interfaces isdefault: type: boolean x-go-name: IsDefault isrelay: type: boolean x-go-name: IsRelay isrelayed: type: boolean x-go-name: IsRelayed isstatic: type: boolean x-go-name: IsStatic listenport: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ListenPort macaddress: type: string x-go-name: MacAddress mtu: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: MTU name: type: string x-go-name: Name nat_type: type: string x-go-name: NatType nodes: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Nodes os: type: string x-go-name: OS publickey: type: string x-go-name: PublicKey relay_hosts: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: RelayedHosts relayed_by: type: string x-go-name: RelayedBy verbosity: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Verbosity version: type: string x-go-name: Version wg_public_listen_port: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: WgPublicListenPort type: object x-go-package: AuthParams: description: AuthParams - struct for auth params properties: id: type: string x-go-name: ID macaddress: type: string x-go-name: MacAddress password: type: string x-go-name: Password type: object x-go-package: CustomExtClient: description: CustomExtClient - struct for CustomExtClient params properties: clientid: type: string x-go-name: ClientID deniednodeacls: additionalProperties: type: object type: object x-go-name: DeniedACLs dns: type: string x-go-name: DNS enabled: type: boolean x-go-name: Enabled extraallowedips: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: ExtraAllowedIPs publickey: type: string x-go-name: PublicKey remote_access_client_id: type: string x-go-name: RemoteAccessClientID type: object x-go-package: DNSEntry: description: DNSEntry - a DNS entry represented as struct properties: address: type: string x-go-name: Address address6: type: string x-go-name: Address6 name: type: string x-go-name: Name network: type: string x-go-name: Network type: object x-go-package: Duration: description: |- A Duration represents the elapsed time between two instants as an int64 nanosecond count. The representation limits the largest representable duration to approximately 290 years. format: int64 type: integer x-go-package: time EgressGatewayRequest: description: EgressGatewayRequest - egress gateway request properties: natenabled: type: string x-go-name: NatEnabled netid: type: string x-go-name: NetID nodeid: type: string x-go-name: NodeID ranges: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Ranges type: object x-go-package: EnrollmentKey: description: EnrollmentKey - the key used to register hosts and join them to specific networks properties: expiration: format: date-time type: string x-go-name: Expiration networks: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Networks tags: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Tags token: type: string x-go-name: Token type: $ref: '#/definitions/KeyType' unlimited: type: boolean x-go-name: Unlimited uses_remaining: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: UsesRemaining value: type: string x-go-name: Value type: object x-go-package: ExtClient: description: ExtClient - struct for external clients properties: address: type: string x-go-name: Address address6: type: string x-go-name: Address6 clientid: type: string x-go-name: ClientID deniednodeacls: additionalProperties: type: object type: object x-go-name: DeniedACLs dns: type: string x-go-name: DNS enabled: type: boolean x-go-name: Enabled extraallowedips: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: ExtraAllowedIPs ingressgatewayendpoint: type: string x-go-name: IngressGatewayEndpoint ingressgatewayid: type: string x-go-name: IngressGatewayID lastmodified: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: LastModified network: type: string x-go-name: Network ownerid: type: string x-go-name: OwnerID privatekey: type: string x-go-name: PrivateKey publickey: type: string x-go-name: PublicKey remote_access_client_id: type: string x-go-name: RemoteAccessClientID type: object x-go-package: File: title: File represents an open file descriptor. type: object x-go-package: os HardwareAddr: items: format: uint8 type: integer title: A HardwareAddr represents a physical hardware address. type: array x-go-package: net Host: description: Host - represents a host on the network properties: autoupdate: type: boolean x-go-name: AutoUpdate daemoninstalled: type: boolean x-go-name: DaemonInstalled debug: type: boolean x-go-name: Debug defaultinterface: type: string x-go-name: DefaultInterface endpointip: type: string x-go-name: EndpointIP firewallinuse: type: string x-go-name: FirewallInUse hostpass: type: string x-go-name: HostPass id: format: uuid type: string x-go-name: ID interface: type: string x-go-name: Interface interfaces: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Iface' type: array x-go-name: Interfaces ipforwarding: type: boolean x-go-name: IPForwarding isdefault: type: boolean x-go-name: IsDefault isdocker: type: boolean x-go-name: IsDocker isk8s: type: boolean x-go-name: IsK8S isstatic: type: boolean x-go-name: IsStatic listenport: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ListenPort macaddress: $ref: '#/definitions/HardwareAddr' mtu: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: MTU name: type: string x-go-name: Name nat_type: type: string x-go-name: NatType nodes: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Nodes os: type: string x-go-name: OS publickey: $ref: '#/definitions/Key' traffickeypublic: items: format: uint8 type: integer type: array x-go-name: TrafficKeyPublic turn_endpoint: type: string x-go-name: TurnEndpoint verbosity: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: Verbosity version: type: string x-go-name: Version wg_public_listen_port: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: WgPublicListenPort type: object x-go-package: HostPull: description: HostPull - response of a host's pull properties: host: $ref: '#/definitions/Host' nodes: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Node' type: array x-go-name: Nodes peer_ids: $ref: '#/definitions/PeerMap' peers: items: $ref: '#/definitions/PeerConfig' type: array x-go-name: Peers server_config: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerConfig' type: object x-go-package: IDandAddr: description: IDandAddr - struct to hold ID and primary Address properties: address: type: string x-go-name: Address id: type: string x-go-name: ID is_extclient: type: boolean x-go-name: IsExtClient isserver: type: string x-go-name: IsServer listen_port: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ListenPort name: type: string x-go-name: Name network: type: string x-go-name: Network type: object x-go-package: IPMask: description: See type IPNet and func ParseCIDR for details. items: format: uint8 type: integer title: |- An IPMask is a bitmask that can be used to manipulate IP addresses for IP addressing and routing. type: array x-go-package: net IPNet: properties: IP: type: string Mask: $ref: '#/definitions/IPMask' title: An IPNet represents an IP network. type: object x-go-package: net Iface: description: Iface struct for local interfaces of a node properties: address: $ref: '#/definitions/IPNet' addressString: type: string x-go-name: AddressString name: type: string x-go-name: Name type: object x-go-package: Key: description: |- A Key is a public, private, or pre-shared secret key. The Key constructor functions in this package can be used to create Keys suitable for each of these applications. items: format: uint8 type: integer type: array x-go-package: KeyType: description: KeyType - the type of enrollment key format: int64 type: integer x-go-package: LegacyNode: description: LegacyNode - legacy struct for node model properties: accesskey: type: string x-go-name: AccessKey action: type: string x-go-name: Action address: type: string x-go-name: Address address6: type: string x-go-name: Address6 allowedips: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: AllowedIPs connected: type: string x-go-name: Connected defaultacl: description: == PRO == type: string x-go-name: DefaultACL dnson: type: string x-go-name: DNSOn egressgatewaynatenabled: type: string x-go-name: EgressGatewayNatEnabled egressgatewayranges: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: EgressGatewayRanges egressgatewayrequest: $ref: '#/definitions/EgressGatewayRequest' endpoint: type: string x-go-name: Endpoint expdatetime: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: ExpirationDateTime failover: type: string x-go-name: Failover failovernode: type: string x-go-name: FailoverNode firewallinuse: type: string x-go-name: FirewallInUse id: type: string x-go-name: ID ingressgatewayrange: type: string x-go-name: IngressGatewayRange ingressgatewayrange6: type: string x-go-name: IngressGatewayRange6 interface: type: string x-go-name: Interface interfaces: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Iface' type: array x-go-name: Interfaces internetgateway: type: string x-go-name: InternetGateway ipforwarding: type: string x-go-name: IPForwarding isdocker: type: string x-go-name: IsDocker isegressgateway: type: string x-go-name: IsEgressGateway ishub: type: string x-go-name: IsHub isingressgateway: type: string x-go-name: IsIngressGateway isk8s: type: string x-go-name: IsK8S ispending: type: string x-go-name: IsPending isrelay: type: string x-go-name: IsRelay isrelayed: type: string x-go-name: IsRelayed isserver: type: string x-go-name: IsServer isstatic: description: IsStatic - refers to if the Endpoint is set manually or dynamically type: string x-go-name: IsStatic lastcheckin: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: LastCheckIn lastmodified: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: LastModified lastpeerupdate: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: LastPeerUpdate listenport: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: ListenPort localaddress: type: string x-go-name: LocalAddress locallistenport: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: LocalListenPort macaddress: type: string x-go-name: MacAddress mtu: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: MTU name: type: string x-go-name: Name network: type: string x-go-name: Network networksettings: $ref: '#/definitions/Network' os: type: string x-go-name: OS ownerid: type: string x-go-name: OwnerID password: type: string x-go-name: Password persistentkeepalive: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: PersistentKeepalive publickey: type: string x-go-name: PublicKey relayaddrs: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: RelayAddrs server: type: string x-go-name: Server traffickeys: $ref: '#/definitions/TrafficKeys' udpholepunch: type: string x-go-name: UDPHolePunch version: type: string x-go-name: Version type: object x-go-package: Network: description: |- Network Struct - contains info for a given unique network At some point, need to replace all instances of Name with something else like Identifier properties: addressrange: type: string x-go-name: AddressRange addressrange6: type: string x-go-name: AddressRange6 allowmanualsignup: type: string x-go-name: AllowManualSignUp defaultacl: type: string x-go-name: DefaultACL defaultinterface: type: string x-go-name: DefaultInterface defaultkeepalive: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: DefaultKeepalive defaultlistenport: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: DefaultListenPort defaultmtu: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: DefaultMTU defaultpostdown: type: string x-go-name: DefaultPostDown defaultudpholepunch: type: string x-go-name: DefaultUDPHolePunch isipv4: type: string x-go-name: IsIPv4 isipv6: type: string x-go-name: IsIPv6 netid: type: string x-go-name: NetID networklastmodified: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: NetworkLastModified nodelimit: format: int32 type: integer x-go-name: NodeLimit nodeslastmodified: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: NodesLastModified type: object x-go-package: Node: description: Node - a model of a network node properties: action: type: string x-go-name: Action address: $ref: '#/definitions/IPNet' address6: $ref: '#/definitions/IPNet' connected: type: boolean x-go-name: Connected defaultacl: description: == PRO == type: string x-go-name: DefaultACL dnson: type: boolean x-go-name: DNSOn egressgatewaynatenabled: type: boolean x-go-name: EgressGatewayNatEnabled egressgatewayranges: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: EgressGatewayRanges egressgatewayrequest: $ref: '#/definitions/EgressGatewayRequest' expdatetime: format: date-time type: string x-go-name: ExpirationDateTime failover: type: boolean x-go-name: Failover failovernode: format: uuid type: string x-go-name: FailoverNode hostid: format: uuid type: string x-go-name: HostID id: format: uuid type: string x-go-name: ID ingressdns: type: string x-go-name: IngressDNS ingressgatewayrange: type: string x-go-name: IngressGatewayRange ingressgatewayrange6: type: string x-go-name: IngressGatewayRange6 internetgateway: $ref: '#/definitions/UDPAddr' isegressgateway: type: boolean x-go-name: IsEgressGateway isingressgateway: type: boolean x-go-name: IsIngressGateway isrelay: type: boolean x-go-name: IsRelay isrelayed: type: boolean x-go-name: IsRelayed lastcheckin: format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastCheckIn lastmodified: format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastModified lastpeerupdate: format: date-time type: string x-go-name: LastPeerUpdate localaddress: $ref: '#/definitions/IPNet' network: type: string x-go-name: Network networkrange: $ref: '#/definitions/IPNet' networkrange6: $ref: '#/definitions/IPNet' ownerid: type: string x-go-name: OwnerID pendingdelete: type: boolean x-go-name: PendingDelete persistentkeepalive: $ref: '#/definitions/Duration' relayedby: type: string x-go-name: RelayedBy relaynodes: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: RelayedNodes server: type: string x-go-name: Server type: object x-go-package: PeerConfig: description: |- Because the zero value of some Go types may be significant to WireGuard for PeerConfig fields, pointer types are used for some of these fields. Only pointer fields which are not nil will be applied when configuring a peer. properties: AllowedIPs: description: |- AllowedIPs specifies a list of allowed IP addresses in CIDR notation for this peer. items: $ref: '#/definitions/IPNet' type: array Endpoint: $ref: '#/definitions/UDPAddr' PersistentKeepaliveInterval: $ref: '#/definitions/Duration' PresharedKey: $ref: '#/definitions/Key' PublicKey: $ref: '#/definitions/Key' Remove: description: |- Remove specifies if the peer with this public key should be removed from a device's peer list. type: boolean ReplaceAllowedIPs: description: |- ReplaceAllowedIPs specifies if the allowed IPs specified in this peer configuration should replace any existing ones, instead of appending them to the allowed IPs list. type: boolean UpdateOnly: description: |- UpdateOnly specifies that an operation will only occur on this peer if the peer already exists as part of the interface. type: boolean title: A PeerConfig is a WireGuard device peer configuration. type: object x-go-package: PeerMap: additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/IDandAddr' description: PeerMap - peer map for ids and addresses in metrics type: object x-go-package: RegisterResponse: description: RegisterResponse - the response to a successful enrollment register properties: requested_host: $ref: '#/definitions/Host' server_config: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerConfig' type: object x-go-package: RelayRequest: description: RelayRequest - relay request struct properties: netid: type: string x-go-name: NetID nodeid: type: string x-go-name: NodeID relayaddrs: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: RelayedNodes type: object x-go-package: ServerConfig: description: ServerConfig - server conf struct properties: APIConnString: type: string APIHost: type: string APIPort: type: string AllowedOrigin: type: string AuthProvider: type: string AzureTenant: type: string BasicAuth: type: string Broker: type: string BrokerType: type: string ClientID: type: string ClientSecret: type: string CoreDNSAddr: type: string DNSKey: type: string DNSMode: type: string Database: type: string DeployedByOperator: type: boolean DisableRemoteIPCheck: type: string DisplayKeys: type: string EgressesLimit: format: int64 type: integer EmqxRestEndpoint: type: string Environment: type: string FrontendURL: type: string HostNetwork: type: string IngressesLimit: format: int64 type: integer IsEE: type: string x-go-name: IsPro LicenseValue: type: string MQPassword: type: string MQUserName: type: string MachinesLimit: format: int64 type: integer MasterKey: type: string MessageQueueBackend: type: string MetricsExporter: type: string NetclientAutoUpdate: type: string NetclientEndpointDetection: type: string NetmakerTenantID: type: string NetworksLimit: format: int64 type: integer NodeID: type: string OIDCIssuer: type: string Platform: type: string PublicIPService: type: string RestBackend: type: string SQLConn: type: string Server: type: string ServerBrokerEndpoint: type: string StunList: type: string StunPort: format: int64 type: integer Telemetry: type: string TurnApiServer: type: string TurnPassword: type: string TurnPort: format: int64 type: integer TurnServer: type: string TurnUserName: type: string UseTurn: type: boolean UsersLimit: format: int64 type: integer Verbosity: format: int32 type: integer Version: type: string type: object x-go-package: Signal: description: Signal - struct for signalling peer properties: action: $ref: '#/definitions/SignalAction' from_host_pubkey: type: string x-go-name: FromHostPubKey reply: type: boolean x-go-name: Reply server: type: string x-go-name: Server timestamp: format: int64 type: integer x-go-name: TimeStamp to_host_pubkey: type: string x-go-name: ToHostPubKey turn_relay_addr: type: string x-go-name: TurnRelayEndpoint type: object x-go-package: SignalAction: description: SignalAction - turn peer signal action type: string x-go-package: SuccessResponse: properties: Code: format: int64 type: integer Message: type: string Response: {} title: SuccessResponse is struct for sending error message with code. type: object x-go-package: TrafficKeys: description: TrafficKeys - struct to hold public keys properties: mine: items: format: uint8 type: integer type: array x-go-name: Mine server: items: format: uint8 type: integer type: array x-go-name: Server type: object x-go-package: UDPAddr: properties: IP: type: string Port: format: int64 type: integer Zone: type: string title: UDPAddr represents the address of a UDP end point. type: object x-go-package: net User: description: User struct - struct for Users properties: isadmin: type: boolean x-go-name: IsAdmin issuperadmin: type: boolean x-go-name: IsSuperAdmin password: type: string x-go-name: Password remote_gw_ids: additionalProperties: type: object type: object x-go-name: RemoteGwIDs username: type: string x-go-name: UserName type: object x-go-package: UserAuthParams: description: UserAuthParams - user auth params struct properties: password: type: string x-go-name: Password username: type: string x-go-name: UserName type: object x-go-package: host: info: description: |- # API Usage Most actions that can be performed via API can be performed via UI. We recommend managing your networks using the official netmaker-ui project. However, Netmaker can also be run without the UI, and all functions can be achieved via API calls. If your use case requires using Netmaker without the UI or you need to do some troubleshooting/advanced configuration, using the API directly may help. # Authentication API calls must be authenticated via a header of the format -H “Authorization: Bearer ” There are two methods to obtain YOUR_SECRET_KEY: 1. Using the masterkey. By default, this value is “secret key,” but you should change this on your instance and keep it secure. This value can be set via env var at startup or in a config file (config/environments/< env >.yaml). See the [Netmaker]( documentation for more details. 2. Using a JWT received for a node. This can be retrieved by calling the /api/nodes//authenticate endpoint, as documented below. title: Netmaker version: 0.23.0 paths: /api/dns: get: operationId: getAllDNS responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/dnsResponse' schemes: - https summary: Gets all DNS entries. tags: - dns /api/dns/{network}: post: operationId: createDNS parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - description: DNS Entry in: body name: body schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/DNSEntry' type: array x-go-name: Body responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/dnsResponse' schemes: - https summary: Create a DNS entry. tags: - dns /api/dns/{network}/{domain}: delete: operationId: deleteDNS parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - description: Domain in: path name: domain required: true type: string x-go-name: Domain responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/stringJSONResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete a DNS entry. tags: - dns /api/dns/adm/{network}: get: operationId: getDNS parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/dnsResponse' schemes: - https summary: Gets all DNS entries associated with the network. tags: - dns /api/dns/adm/{network}/custom: get: operationId: getCustomDNS parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/dnsResponse' schemes: - https summary: Gets custom DNS entries associated with a network. tags: - dns /api/dns/adm/{network}/nodes: get: operationId: getNodeDNS parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/dnsResponse' schemes: - https summary: Gets node DNS entries associated with a network. tags: - dns /api/dns/adm/pushdns: post: operationId: pushDNS responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/dnsResponse' schemes: - https summary: Push DNS entries to nameserver. tags: - dns /api/extclients: get: operationId: getAllExtClients parameters: - description: Networks in: body name: networks schema: items: type: string type: array x-go-name: Networks responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/extClientSliceResponse' schemes: - https summary: A separate function to get all extclients, not just extclients for a particular network. tags: - ext_client /api/extclients/{network}: get: description: Gets all extclients associated with network, including pending extclients. operationId: getNetworkExtClients parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/extClientSliceResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get all extclients associated with network. tags: - ext_client /api/extclients/{network}/{clientid}: delete: operationId: deleteExtClient parameters: - description: Client ID in: path name: clientid required: true type: string x-go-name: ClientID - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/successResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete an individual extclient. tags: - ext_client get: operationId: getExtClient parameters: - description: Client ID in: path name: clientid required: true type: string x-go-name: ClientID - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/extClientResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get an individual extclient. tags: - ext_client put: operationId: updateExtClient parameters: - description: Client ID in: path name: clientid required: true type: string x-go-name: ClientID - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - description: ExtClient in: body name: ext_client schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ExtClient' x-go-name: ExtClient responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/extClientResponse' schemes: - https summary: Update an individual extclient. tags: - ext_client /api/extclients/{network}/{clientid}/{type}: get: operationId: getExtClientConf parameters: - description: Type in: path name: type required: true type: string x-go-name: Type - description: Client ID in: path name: clientid required: true type: string x-go-name: ClientID - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/extClientResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get an individual extclient. tags: - ext_client /api/extclients/{network}/{nodeid}: post: operationId: createExtClient parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - description: Node ID in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID - description: Custom ExtClient in: body name: custom_ext_client schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomExtClient' x-go-name: CustomExtClient responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/okResponse' schemes: - https summary: Create an individual extclient. Must have valid key and be unique. tags: - ext_client /api/getip: get: operationId: getPublicIP responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/byteArrayResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get the current public IP address. tags: - ipservice /api/hosts: get: operationId: getHosts responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/apiHostResponse' schemes: - https summary: Lists all hosts. tags: - hosts /api/hosts/{hostid}: delete: operationId: deleteHost parameters: - description: HostID in: path name: hostid required: true type: string x-go-name: HostID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/apiHostResponse' schemes: - https summary: Deletes a Netclient host from Netmaker server. tags: - hosts put: operationId: updateHost parameters: - description: HostID in: path name: hostid required: true type: string x-go-name: HostID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/apiHostResponse' schemes: - https summary: Updates a Netclient host on Netmaker server. tags: - hosts /api/hosts/{hostid}/networks/{network}: delete: operationId: deleteHostFromNetwork parameters: - description: hostid to add or delete from network in: path name: hostid required: true type: string x-go-name: HostID - description: network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/okResponse' schemes: - https summary: Given a network, a host is removed from the network. tags: - hosts post: operationId: addHostToNetwork parameters: - description: hostid to add or delete from network in: path name: hostid required: true type: string x-go-name: HostID - description: network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/okResponse' schemes: - https summary: Given a network, a host is added to the network. tags: - hosts /api/hosts/{hostid}/signalpeer: post: operationId: signalPeer parameters: - description: HostID in: path name: hostid required: true type: string x-go-name: HostID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/signal' schemes: - https summary: send signal to peer. tags: - hosts /api/hosts/{hostid}/sync: post: operationId: synchost parameters: - description: HostID in: path name: hostid required: true type: string x-go-name: HostID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/networkBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Requests a host to pull. tags: - hosts /api/hosts/{hostid}keys: post: operationId: updateKeys parameters: - description: HostID in: path name: hostid required: true type: string x-go-name: HostID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/networkBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Update keys for a network. tags: - hosts /api/hosts/adm/authenticate: post: operationId: authenticateHost responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/successResponse' schemes: - https summary: Host based authentication for making further API calls. tags: - authenticate /api/hosts/keys: post: operationId: updateAllKeys responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/networkBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Update keys for a network. tags: - hosts /api/networks: get: operationId: getNetworks responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/getNetworksSliceResponse' schemes: - https summary: Lists all networks. tags: - networks post: operationId: createNetwork parameters: - description: Network in: body name: network schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Network' x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/networkBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Create a network. tags: - networks /api/networks/{networkname}: delete: operationId: deleteNetwork parameters: - description: 'name: network name' in: path name: networkname required: true type: string x-go-name: Networkname responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/successResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete a network. Will not delete if there are any nodes that belong to the network. tags: - networks get: operationId: getNetwork parameters: - description: 'name: network name' in: path name: networkname required: true type: string x-go-name: Networkname responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/networkBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get a network. tags: - networks put: operationId: updateNetwork parameters: - description: 'name: network name' in: path name: networkname required: true type: string x-go-name: Networkname - description: Network in: body name: network schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Network' x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/networkBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Update pro settings for a network. tags: - networks /api/networks/{networkname}/acls: get: operationId: getNetworkACL parameters: - description: 'name: network name' in: path name: networkname required: true type: string x-go-name: Networkname - description: ACL Container in: body name: acl_container schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ACLContainer' x-go-name: ACLContainer responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/aclContainerResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get a network ACL (Access Control List). tags: - networks put: operationId: updateNetworkACL parameters: - description: 'name: network name' in: path name: networkname required: true type: string x-go-name: Networkname - description: ACL Container in: body name: acl_container schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ACLContainer' x-go-name: ACLContainer responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/aclContainerResponse' schemes: - https summary: Update a network ACL (Access Control List). tags: - networks /api/nodes: get: operationId: getAllNodes responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeSliceResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get all nodes across all networks. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}: get: operationId: getNetworkNodes parameters: - description: Network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeSliceResponse' schemes: - https summary: Gets all nodes associated with network including pending nodes. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}: delete: operationId: deleteNode parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID - description: Node in: body name: node schema: $ref: '#/definitions/LegacyNode' x-go-name: Node responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete an individual node. tags: - nodes get: operationId: getNode parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get an individual node. tags: - nodes put: operationId: updateNode parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID - description: Node in: body name: node schema: $ref: '#/definitions/LegacyNode' x-go-name: Node responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Update an individual node. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}/creategateway: post: operationId: createEgressGateway parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID - description: Egress Gateway Request in: body name: egress_gateway_request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EgressGatewayRequest' x-go-name: EgressGatewayRequest responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Create an egress gateway. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}/createingress: post: operationId: createIngressGateway parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Create an ingress gateway. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}/createrelay: post: operationId: createRelay parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID - description: Relay Request in: body name: relay_request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RelayRequest' x-go-name: RelayRequest responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Create a relay. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}/deletegateway: delete: operationId: deleteEgressGateway parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete an egress gateway. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}/deleteingress: delete: operationId: deleteIngressGateway parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete an ingress gateway. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}/deleterelay: delete: operationId: deleteRelay parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Remove a relay. tags: - nodes /api/nodes/{network}/{nodeid}/ingress/users: get: operationId: ingressGatewayUsers parameters: - in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - in: path name: nodeid required: true type: string x-go-name: NodeID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/nodeResponse' schemes: - https summary: Lists all the users attached to an ingress gateway. tags: - users /api/nodes/adm/{network}/authenticate: post: operationId: authenticate parameters: - description: network in: path name: network required: true type: string x-go-name: Network - description: AuthParams in: body name: auth_params schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AuthParams' x-go-name: AuthParams responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/successResponse' schemes: - https summary: Authenticate to make further API calls related to a network. tags: - authenticate /api/oauth/login: get: operationId: HandleAuthLogin responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/okResponse' schemes: - https summary: Handles OAuth login. tags: - nodes /api/server/getconfig: get: operationId: getConfig responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/serverConfigResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get the server configuration. tags: - server /api/server/getserverinfo: get: operationId: getServerInfo responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/serverConfigResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get the server configuration. tags: - server /api/server/status: get: operationId: getStatus responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/serverConfigResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get the server configuration. tags: - server /api/users: get: operationId: getUsers responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get all users. tags: - user /api/users/{username}: delete: operationId: deleteUser parameters: - description: Username in: path name: username required: true type: string x-go-name: Username responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete a user. tags: - user get: operationId: getUser parameters: - description: Username in: path name: username required: true type: string x-go-name: Username responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Get an individual user. tags: - user post: operationId: createUser parameters: - description: User in: body name: user schema: $ref: '#/definitions/User' x-go-name: User - description: Username in: path name: username required: true type: string x-go-name: Username responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Create a user. tags: - user put: operationId: updateUser parameters: - description: User in: body name: user schema: $ref: '#/definitions/User' x-go-name: User - description: Username in: path name: username required: true type: string x-go-name: Username responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Update a user. tags: - user /api/users/{username}/remote_access_gw: delete: operationId: removeUserFromRemoteAccessGW parameters: - in: path name: username required: true type: string x-go-name: Username responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete User from a remote access gateway. tags: - user post: operationId: attachUserToRemoteAccessGateway parameters: - in: path name: username required: true type: string x-go-name: Username responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Attach User to a remote access gateway. tags: - user /api/users/adm/authenticate: post: operationId: authenticateUser parameters: - description: User Auth Params in: body name: user_auth_params schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UserAuthParams' x-go-name: UserAuthParams responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/successResponse' schemes: - https summary: User authenticates using its password and retrieves a JWT for authorization. tags: - authenticate /api/users/adm/createsuperadmin: post: operationId: createAdmin parameters: - description: User in: body name: user schema: $ref: '#/definitions/User' x-go-name: User responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Make a user an admin. tags: - user /api/users/adm/hassuperadmin: get: operationId: hasSuperAdmin responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/hasAdmin' schemes: - https summary: Checks whether the server has an admin. tags: - user /api/users/adm/transfersuperadmin: post: operationId: transferSuperAdmin responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/userBodyResponse' schemes: - https summary: Transfers superadmin role to an admin user. tags: - user /api/v1/enrollment-keys: get: operationId: getEnrollmentKeys responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EnrollmentKeys' schemes: - https summary: Lists all EnrollmentKeys for admins. tags: - enrollmentKeys post: operationId: createEnrollmentKey responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/EnrollmentKey' schemes: - https summary: Creates an EnrollmentKey for hosts to use on Netmaker server. tags: - enrollmentKeys /api/v1/enrollment-keys/{keyid}: delete: operationId: deleteEnrollmentKey parameters: - in: path name: keyid required: true type: string x-go-name: KeyID responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/okResponse' schemes: - https summary: Deletes an EnrollmentKey from Netmaker server. tags: - enrollmentKeys /api/v1/enrollment-keys/{token}: post: operationId: handleHostRegister parameters: - in: path name: token required: true type: string x-go-name: Token - in: body name: host schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Host' x-go-name: Host responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/RegisterResponse' schemes: - https summary: Handles a Netclient registration with server and add nodes accordingly. tags: - enrollmentKeys /api/v1/host: get: description: Used by clients for "pull" command operationId: pullHost responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/hostPull' schemes: - https tags: - hosts /api/v1/legacy/nodes: delete: operationId: wipeLegacyNodes responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/successResponse' schemes: - https summary: Delete all legacy nodes from DB. tags: - nodes /api/v1/nodes/migrate: put: operationId: migrateData responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/hostPull' schemes: - https summary: Used to migrate a legacy node. tags: - nodes /meshclient/files/{filename}: get: operationId: getFile parameters: - description: Filename in: path name: filename required: true type: string x-go-name: Filename responses: "200": $ref: '#/responses/fileResponse' schemes: - https summary: Retrieve a file from the file server. tags: - meshclient produces: - application/json responses: EnrollmentKey: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EnrollmentKey' EnrollmentKeys: description: "" schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/EnrollmentKey' type: array RegisterResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RegisterResponse' aclContainerResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ACLContainer' apiHostResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiHost' byteArrayResponse: description: "" schema: items: format: uint8 type: integer type: array dnsResponse: description: Success schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/DNSEntry' type: array extClientResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ExtClient' extClientSliceResponse: description: "" schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ExtClient' type: array fileResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/File' getNetworksSliceResponse: description: "" schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Network' type: array hasAdmin: description: "" hostPull: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/HostPull' networkBodyResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Network' nodeResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/LegacyNode' nodeSliceResponse: description: "" schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/LegacyNode' type: array okResponse: description: "" serverConfigResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerConfig' signal: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Signal' stringJSONResponse: description: "" successResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SuccessResponse' userBodyResponse: description: "" schema: $ref: '#/definitions/User' schemes: - https swagger: "2.0"