package mq import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "time" mqtt "" "" ) const ( // constant for admin role adminRole = "admin" // constant for server role serverRole = "server" // constant for exporter role exporterRole = "exporter" // constant for node role NodeRole = "node" // HostGenericRole constant for host role HostGenericRole = "host" // const for dynamic security file dynamicSecurityFile = "dynamic-security.json" ) var ( // default configuration of dynamic security dynConfigInI = dynJSON{ Clients: []client{ { Username: mqAdminUserName, TextName: "netmaker admin user", Password: "", Salt: "", Iterations: 0, Roles: []clientRole{ { Rolename: adminRole, }, }, }, { Username: mqNetmakerServerUserName, TextName: "netmaker server user", Password: "", Salt: "", Iterations: 0, Roles: []clientRole{ { Rolename: serverRole, }, }, }, exporterMQClient, }, Roles: []role{ { Rolename: adminRole, Acls: fetchAdminAcls(), }, { Rolename: serverRole, Acls: fetchServerAcls(), }, { Rolename: HostGenericRole, Acls: fetchNodeAcls(), }, exporterMQRole, }, DefaultAcl: defaultAccessAcl{ PublishClientSend: false, PublishClientReceive: true, Subscribe: false, Unsubscribe: true, }, } exporterMQClient = client{ Username: mqExporterUserName, TextName: "netmaker metrics exporter", Password: "", Salt: "", Iterations: 101, Roles: []clientRole{ { Rolename: exporterRole, }, }, } exporterMQRole = role{ Rolename: exporterRole, Acls: fetchExporterAcls(), } ) // DynListCLientsCmdResp - struct for list clients response from MQ type DynListCLientsCmdResp struct { Responses []struct { Command string `json:"command"` Error string `json:"error"` Data ListClientsData `json:"data"` } `json:"responses"` } // ListClientsData - struct for list clients data type ListClientsData struct { Clients []string `json:"clients"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` } // GetAdminClient - fetches admin client of the MQ func GetAdminClient() (mqtt.Client, error) { opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions() setMqOptions(mqAdminUserName, servercfg.GetMqAdminPassword(), opts) mqclient := mqtt.NewClient(opts) var connecterr error if token := mqclient.Connect(); !token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) || token.Error() != nil { if token.Error() == nil { connecterr = errors.New("connect timeout") } else { connecterr = token.Error() } } return mqclient, connecterr } // ListClients - to list all clients in the MQ func ListClients(client mqtt.Client) (ListClientsData, error) { respChan := make(chan mqtt.Message, 10) defer close(respChan) command := "listClients" resp := ListClientsData{} msg := MqDynsecPayload{ Commands: []MqDynSecCmd{ { Command: command, }, }, } client.Subscribe("$CONTROL/dynamic-security/v1/response", 2, mqtt.MessageHandler(func(c mqtt.Client, m mqtt.Message) { respChan <- m })) defer client.Unsubscribe() d, _ := json.Marshal(msg) token := client.Publish("$CONTROL/dynamic-security/v1", 2, true, d) if !token.WaitTimeout(30) || token.Error() != nil { var err error if token.Error() == nil { err = errors.New("connection timeout") } else { err = token.Error() } return resp, err } for m := range respChan { msg := DynListCLientsCmdResp{} json.Unmarshal(m.Payload(), &msg) for _, mI := range msg.Responses { if mI.Command == command { return mI.Data, nil } } } return resp, errors.New("resp not found") } // fetches host related acls func fetchHostAcls(hostID string) []Acl { return []Acl{ { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: fmt.Sprintf("peers/host/%s/#", hostID), Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, } } // FetchNetworkAcls - fetches network acls func FetchNetworkAcls(network string) []Acl { return []Acl{ { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: fmt.Sprintf("update/%s/#", network), Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: fmt.Sprintf("peers/%s/#", network), Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: fmt.Sprintf("proxy/%s/#", network), Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "subscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "unsubscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, } } // DeleteNetworkRole - deletes a network role from DynSec system func DeleteNetworkRole(network string) error { // Deletes the network role from MQ event := MqDynsecPayload{ Commands: []MqDynSecCmd{ { Command: DeleteRoleCmd, RoleName: network, }, }, } return publishEventToDynSecTopic(event) } func deleteHostRole(hostID string) error { // Deletes the hostID role from MQ event := MqDynsecPayload{ Commands: []MqDynSecCmd{ { Command: DeleteRoleCmd, RoleName: getHostRoleName(hostID), }, }, } return publishEventToDynSecTopic(event) } // CreateNetworkRole - createss a network role from DynSec system func CreateNetworkRole(network string) error { // Create Role with acls for the network event := MqDynsecPayload{ Commands: []MqDynSecCmd{ { Command: CreateRoleCmd, RoleName: network, Textname: "Network wide role with Acls for nodes", Acls: FetchNetworkAcls(network), }, }, } return publishEventToDynSecTopic(event) } // creates role for the host with ID. func createHostRole(hostID string) error { // Create Role with acls for the host event := MqDynsecPayload{ Commands: []MqDynSecCmd{ { Command: CreateRoleCmd, RoleName: getHostRoleName(hostID), Textname: "host role with Acls for hosts", Acls: fetchHostAcls(hostID), }, }, } return publishEventToDynSecTopic(event) } func getHostRoleName(hostID string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("host-%s", hostID) } // serverAcls - fetches server role related acls func fetchServerAcls() []Acl { return []Acl{ { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "peers/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "proxy/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "peers/host/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "update/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "metrics_exporter", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "ping/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "update/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "signal/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "metrics/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "subscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "unsubscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, } } // fetchNodeAcls - fetches node related acls func fetchNodeAcls() []Acl { // keeping node acls generic as of now. return []Acl{ { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "signal/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "update/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "ping/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "metrics/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "subscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "unsubscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, } } // fetchExporterAcls - fetch exporter role related acls func fetchExporterAcls() []Acl { return []Acl{ { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "metrics_exporter", Allow: true, Priority: -1, }, { AclType: "subscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "unsubscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, } } // fetchAdminAcls - fetches admin role related acls func fetchAdminAcls() []Acl { return []Acl{ { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "$CONTROL/dynamic-security/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "$CONTROL/dynamic-security/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "subscribePattern", Topic: "$CONTROL/dynamic-security/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "$SYS/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "subscribePattern", Topic: "$SYS/#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientReceive", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "subscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "unsubscribePattern", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, { AclType: "publishClientSend", Topic: "#", Priority: -1, Allow: true, }, } }