package config import ( //"" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "" "" "" "" ) // GlobalConfig - struct for handling IntClients currently type GlobalConfig struct { GRPCWireGuard string `yaml:"grpcwg"` Client models.IntClient } // ClientConfig - struct for dealing with client configuration type ClientConfig struct { Server ServerConfig `yaml:"server"` Node models.Node `yaml:"node"` Network string `yaml:"network"` Daemon string `yaml:"daemon"` OperatingSystem string `yaml:"operatingsystem"` DebugJoin bool `yaml:"debugjoin"` } // ServerConfig - struct for dealing with the server information for a netclient type ServerConfig struct { CoreDNSAddr string `yaml:"corednsaddr"` GRPCAddress string `yaml:"grpcaddress"` APIAddress string `yaml:"apiaddress"` AccessKey string `yaml:"accesskey"` GRPCSSL string `yaml:"grpcssl"` GRPCWireGuard string `yaml:"grpcwg"` CheckinInterval string `yaml:"checkininterval"` } // Write - writes the config of a client to disk func Write(config *ClientConfig, network string) error { if network == "" { err := errors.New("no network provided - exiting") return err } _, err := os.Stat(ncutils.GetNetclientPath() + "/config") if os.IsNotExist(err) { os.MkdirAll(ncutils.GetNetclientPath()+"/config", 0744) } else if err != nil { return err } home := ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "netconfig-" + network) f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() err = yaml.NewEncoder(f).Encode(config) if err != nil { return err } return err } // WriteServer - writes the config of a server to disk for client func WriteServer(server string, accesskey string, network string) error { if network == "" { err := errors.New("no network provided - exiting") return err } nofile := false //home, err := homedir.Dir() _, err := os.Stat(ncutils.GetNetclientPath() + "/config") if os.IsNotExist(err) { os.MkdirAll(ncutils.GetNetclientPath()+"/config", 0744) } else if err != nil { fmt.Println("couldnt find or create", ncutils.GetNetclientPath()) return err } home := ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "netconfig-" + network) //f, err := os.Open(file) f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0666) //f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { fmt.Println("couldnt open netconfig-" + network) fmt.Println(err) nofile = true //err = nil return err } defer f.Close() //cfg := &ClientConfig{} var cfg ClientConfig if !nofile { fmt.Println("Writing to existing config file at " + home + "netconfig-" + network) decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f) err = decoder.Decode(&cfg) //err = yaml.Unmarshal(f, &cfg) if err != nil { //fmt.Println(err) //return err } f.Close() f, err = os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println("couldnt open netconfig") fmt.Println(err) nofile = true //err = nil return err } defer f.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble opening file") fmt.Println(err) } cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = server cfg.Server.AccessKey = accesskey err = yaml.NewEncoder(f).Encode(cfg) //_, err = yaml.Marshal(f, &cfg) if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble encoding file") return err } } else { fmt.Println("Creating new config file at " + home + "netconfig-" + network) cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = server cfg.Server.AccessKey = accesskey newf, err := os.Create(home + "netconfig-" + network) err = yaml.NewEncoder(newf).Encode(cfg) defer newf.Close() if err != nil { return err } } return err } // ClientConfig.ReadConfig - used to read config from client disk into memory func (config *ClientConfig) ReadConfig() { nofile := false //home, err := homedir.Dir() home := ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "netconfig-" + config.Network) //f, err := os.Open(file) f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDONLY, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble opening file") fmt.Println(err) nofile = true //fmt.Println("Could not access " + home + "/.netconfig, proceeding...") } defer f.Close() //var cfg ClientConfig if !nofile { decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f) err = decoder.Decode(&config) if err != nil { fmt.Println("no config or invalid") fmt.Println(err) log.Fatal(err) } else { config.Node.SetID() //config = cfg } } } // ModConfig - overwrites the node inside client config on disk func ModConfig(node *models.Node) error { network := node.Network if network == "" { return errors.New("no network provided") } var modconfig ClientConfig var err error if FileExists(ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() + "netconfig-" + network) { useconfig, err := ReadConfig(network) if err != nil { return err } modconfig = *useconfig } modconfig.Node = (*node) err = Write(&modconfig, network) return err } // ModConfig - overwrites the node inside client config on disk func SaveBackup(network string) error { var configPath = ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() + "netconfig-" + network var backupPath = ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() + "backup.netconfig-" + network if FileExists(configPath) { input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configPath) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("failed to read " + configPath + " to make a backup") return err } if err = ioutil.WriteFile(backupPath, input, 0644); err != nil { ncutils.Log("failed to copy backup to " + backupPath) return err } } return nil } // ReplaceWithBackup - replaces netconfig file with backup func ReplaceWithBackup(network string) error { var backupPath = ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() + "backup.netconfig-" + network var configPath = ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() + "netconfig-" + network if FileExists(backupPath) { input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(backupPath) if err != nil { ncutils.Log("failed to read file " + backupPath + " to backup network: " + network) return err } if err = ioutil.WriteFile(configPath, input, 0644); err != nil { ncutils.Log("failed backup " + backupPath + " to " + configPath) return err } } ncutils.Log("used backup file for network: " + network) return nil } // GetCLIConfig - gets the cli flags as a config func GetCLIConfig(c *cli.Context) (ClientConfig, string, error) { var cfg ClientConfig if c.String("token") != "" { tokenbytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(c.String("token")) if err != nil { log.Println("error decoding token") return cfg, "", err } var accesstoken models.AccessToken if err := json.Unmarshal(tokenbytes, &accesstoken); err != nil { log.Println("error converting token json to object", tokenbytes) return cfg, "", err } if accesstoken.ServerConfig.APIConnString != "" { cfg.Server.APIAddress = accesstoken.ServerConfig.APIConnString } else { cfg.Server.APIAddress = accesstoken.ServerConfig.APIHost if accesstoken.ServerConfig.APIPort != "" { cfg.Server.APIAddress = cfg.Server.APIAddress + ":" + accesstoken.ServerConfig.APIPort } } if accesstoken.ServerConfig.GRPCConnString != "" { cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = accesstoken.ServerConfig.GRPCConnString } else { cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = accesstoken.ServerConfig.GRPCHost if accesstoken.ServerConfig.GRPCPort != "" { cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = cfg.Server.GRPCAddress + ":" + accesstoken.ServerConfig.GRPCPort } } cfg.Network = accesstoken.ClientConfig.Network cfg.Node.Network = accesstoken.ClientConfig.Network cfg.Server.AccessKey = accesstoken.ClientConfig.Key cfg.Node.LocalRange = accesstoken.ClientConfig.LocalRange cfg.Server.GRPCSSL = accesstoken.ServerConfig.GRPCSSL cfg.Server.CheckinInterval = accesstoken.ServerConfig.CheckinInterval cfg.Server.GRPCWireGuard = accesstoken.WG.GRPCWireGuard cfg.Server.CoreDNSAddr = accesstoken.ServerConfig.CoreDNSAddr if c.String("grpcserver") != "" { cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = c.String("grpcserver") } if c.String("apiserver") != "" { cfg.Server.APIAddress = c.String("apiserver") } if c.String("key") != "" { cfg.Server.AccessKey = c.String("key") } if c.String("network") != "all" { cfg.Network = c.String("network") cfg.Node.Network = c.String("network") } if c.String("localrange") != "" { cfg.Node.LocalRange = c.String("localrange") } if c.String("grpcssl") != "" { cfg.Server.GRPCSSL = c.String("grpcssl") } if c.String("corednsaddr") != "" { cfg.Server.CoreDNSAddr = c.String("corednsaddr") } if c.String("grpcwg") != "" { cfg.Server.GRPCWireGuard = c.String("grpcwg") } if c.String("checkininterval") != "" { cfg.Server.CheckinInterval = c.String("checkininterval") } } else { cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = c.String("grpcserver") cfg.Server.APIAddress = c.String("apiserver") cfg.Server.AccessKey = c.String("key") cfg.Network = c.String("network") cfg.Node.Network = c.String("network") cfg.Node.LocalRange = c.String("localrange") cfg.Server.GRPCWireGuard = c.String("grpcwg") cfg.Server.GRPCSSL = c.String("grpcssl") cfg.Server.CoreDNSAddr = c.String("corednsaddr") cfg.Server.CheckinInterval = c.String("checkininterval") } cfg.Node.Name = c.String("name") cfg.Node.Interface = c.String("interface") cfg.Node.Password = c.String("password") cfg.Node.MacAddress = c.String("macaddress") cfg.Node.LocalAddress = c.String("localaddress") cfg.Node.Address = c.String("address") cfg.Node.Address6 = c.String("addressIPV6") cfg.Node.Roaming = c.String("roaming") cfg.Node.DNSOn = c.String("dnson") cfg.Node.IsLocal = c.String("islocal") cfg.Node.IsDualStack = c.String("isdualstack") cfg.Node.PostUp = c.String("postup") cfg.Node.PostDown = c.String("postdown") cfg.Node.ListenPort = int32(c.Int("port")) cfg.Node.PersistentKeepalive = int32(c.Int("keepalive")) cfg.Node.PublicKey = c.String("publickey") privateKey := c.String("privatekey") cfg.Node.Endpoint = c.String("endpoint") cfg.Node.IPForwarding = c.String("ipforwarding") cfg.OperatingSystem = c.String("operatingsystem") cfg.Daemon = c.String("daemon") cfg.Node.UDPHolePunch = c.String("udpholepunch") cfg.Node.MTU = int32(c.Int("mtu")) if cfg.Server.CheckinInterval == "" { cfg.Server.CheckinInterval = "15" } return cfg, privateKey, nil } // ReadConfig - reads a config of a client from disk for specified network func ReadConfig(network string) (*ClientConfig, error) { if network == "" { err := errors.New("no network provided - exiting") return nil, err } nofile := false home := ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "netconfig-" + network) f, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { if err = ReplaceWithBackup(network); err != nil { nofile = true } f, err = os.Open(file) if err != nil { nofile = true } } defer f.Close() var cfg ClientConfig if !nofile { decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f) err = decoder.Decode(&cfg) if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble decoding file") return nil, err } } return &cfg, err } // FileExists - checks if a file exists on disk func FileExists(f string) bool { info, err := os.Stat(f) if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } return !info.IsDir() } // GetNode - parses a network specified client config for node data func GetNode(network string) models.Node { modcfg, err := ReadConfig(network) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error: %v", err) } var node models.Node node.Fill(&modcfg.Node) return node }