#!/bin/bash LATEST="v0.18.5" INSTALL_PATH="/root" trap restore_old_netmaker_instructions # check_version - make sure current version is 0.17.1 before continuing check_version() { IMG_TAG=$(yq -r '.services.netmaker.image' docker-compose.yml) if [[ "$IMG_TAG" == *"v0.17.1"* ]]; then echo "version is $IMG_TAG" else echo "error, current version is $IMG_TAG" echo "please upgrade to v0.17.1 in order to use the upgrade script" exit 1 fi } backup_v17_files() { mkdir $INSTALL_PATH/netmaker_0.17.1_backup cp $INSTALL_PATH/docker-compose.yml $INSTALL_PATH/netmaker_0.17.1_backup/docker-compose.yml cp $INSTALL_PATH/Caddyfile $INSTALL_PATH/netmaker_0.17.1_backup/Caddyfile cp $INSTALL_PATH/mosquitto.conf %INSTALL_PATH/netmaker_0.17.1_backup/mosquitto.conf cp $INSTALL_PATH/wait.sh $INSTALL_PATH/netmaker_0.17.1_backup/wait.sh } backup_volumes() { cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_caddy_conf/ /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_caddy_conf-backup/ cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_caddy_data/ /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_caddy_data-backup/ cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_dnsconfig/ /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_dnsconfig-backup/ cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_mosquitto_data/ /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_mosquitto_data-backup/ cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_mosquitto_logs/ /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_mosquitto_logs-backup/ cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_sqldata/ /var/lib/docker/volumes/root_sqldata-backup/ } restore_old_netmaker_instructions() { echo "There was a problem with the installation. Your config files and volumes have been backed up." echo "To restore Netmaker back to v0.17.1, copy all the netmaker volume backups (caddy_conf-backup, caddy_data-backup, dnsconfig-backup, mosquitto_data-backup, mosquitto_logs-backup, and sqldata-backup) back to their regular names with out the -backup." echo "Your config files should be located in ${INSALL_PATH}/netmaker_0.17.1_backup. Simply run cp ${INSALL_PATH}/netmaker_0.17.1_backup/* . (include the .) and run docker-compose up -d." echo "Your netmaker should be back to v0.17.1" } get_install_path() { echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "Is your docker-compose located in $INSTALL_PATH ?" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" select install_option in "yes" "no (enter manually)"; do case $REPLY in 1) echo "using $INSTALL_PATH for an installation path." break ;; 2) read -p "Enter path where your docker-compose is located: " install_path SERVER_HTTP_HOST=$install_path echo "using $INSTALL_PATH" break ;; *) echo "invalid option $REPLY";; esac done } # wait_seconds - wait a number of seconds, print a log wait_seconds() { for ((a=1; a <= $1; a++)) do echo ". . ." sleep 1 done } # confirm - confirm a choice, or exit script confirm() { while true; do read -p 'Does everything look right? [y/n]: ' yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) override="true"; break;; [Nn]* ) echo "exiting..."; exit 1;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done } # install_dependencies - install system dependencies necessary for script to run install_dependencies() { OS=$(uname) if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then dependencies="jq wireguard jq dnsutils docker-compose" update_cmd='apt update' install_cmd='apt install -y' elif [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then dependencies="wireguard jq bind-utils docker-compose" update_cmd='yum update' install_cmd='yum install -y' elif [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then dependencies="wireguard jq bind-utils docker-compose" update_cmd='dnf update' install_cmd='dnf install -y' elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then dependencies="wireguard jq bind-utils docker-compose" update_cmd='yum update' install_cmd='yum install -y' elif [ -f /etc/arch-release ]; then dependencies="wireguard-tools jq dnsutils docker-compose netclient" update_cmd='pacman -Sy' install_cmd='pacman -S --noconfirm' else echo "OS not supported for automatic install" exit 1 fi set -- $dependencies if command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Docker found" echo "version: $(docker version)" else echo "Docker not found. adding to dependencies" $dependencies += " docker.io" fi ${update_cmd} set +e while [ -n "$1" ]; do is_installed=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' $1 | grep "install ok installed") if [ "${is_installed}" != "" ]; then echo " " $1 is installed else echo " " $1 is not installed. Attempting install. ${install_cmd} $1 sleep 5 if [ "${OS}" = "OpenWRT" ] || [ "${OS}" = "TurrisOS" ]; then is_installed=$(opkg list-installed $1 | grep $1) else is_installed=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' $1 | grep "install ok installed") fi if [ "${is_installed}" != "" ]; then echo " " $1 is installed elif [ -x "$(command -v $1)" ]; then echo " " $1 is installed else echo " " FAILED TO INSTALL $1 echo " " This may break functionality. fi fi shift done set -e echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "dependency install complete" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" } # install_yq - install yq if not present install_yq() { if ! command -v yq &> /dev/null; then wget -O /usr/bin/yq https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/v4.31.1/yq_linux_$(dpkg --print-architecture) chmod +x /usr/bin/yq fi set +e if ! command -v yq &> /dev/null; then set -e wget -O /usr/bin/yq https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/v4.31.1/yq_linux_amd64 chmod +x /usr/bin/yq fi set -e if ! command -v yq &> /dev/null; then echo "failed to install yq. Please install yq and try again." echo "https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/#install" exit 1 fi } # collect_server_settings - retrieve server settings from existing compose file collect_server_settings() { MASTER_KEY=$(yq -r .services.netmaker.environment.MASTER_KEY docker-compose.yml) echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "Is $MASTER_KEY the correct master key for your Netmaker installation?" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" select mkey_option in "yes" "no (enter manually)"; do case $REPLY in 1) echo "using $MASTER_KEY for master key" break ;; 2) read -p "Enter Master Key: " mkey MASTER_KEY=$mkey echo "using $MASTER_KEY" break ;; *) echo "invalid option $REPLY, choose 1 or 2";; esac done SERVER_HTTP_HOST=$(yq -r .services.netmaker.environment.SERVER_HTTP_HOST docker-compose.yml) echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "Is $SERVER_HTTP_HOST the correct api endpoint for your Netmaker installation?" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" select endpoint_option in "yes" "no (enter manually)"; do case $REPLY in 1) echo "using $SERVER_HTTP_HOST for api endpoint" break ;; 2) read -p "Enter API Endpoint: " endpoint SERVER_HTTP_HOST=$endpoint echo "using $SERVER_HTTP_HOST" break ;; *) echo "invalid option $REPLY";; esac done BROKER_NAME=$(yq -r .services.netmaker.environment.SERVER_NAME docker-compose.yml) echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "Is $BROKER_NAME the correct domain for your MQ broker?" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" select broker_option in "yes" "no (enter manually)"; do case $REPLY in 1) echo "using $BROKER_NAME for endpoint" break ;; 2) read -p "Enter Broker Domain: " broker BROKER_NAME=$broker echo "using $BROKER_NAME" break ;; *) echo "invalid option $REPLY";; esac done SERVER_NAME=${BROKER_NAME#"broker."} echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "Is $SERVER_NAME the correct base domain for your installation?" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" select domain_option in "yes" "no (enter manually)"; do case $REPLY in 1) echo "using $SERVER_NAME for domain" break ;; 2) read -p "Enter Server Domain: " broker SERVER_NAME=$server echo "using $SERVER_NAME" break ;; *) echo "invalid option $REPLY";; esac done STUN_DOMAIN="stun.$SERVER_NAME" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "Netmaker v0.18 requires a new DNS entry for $STUN_DOMAIN." echo "Please confirm this is added to your DNS provider before continuing" echo "(note: this is not required if using an nip.io address)" echo "-----------------------------------------------------" confirm } # collect_node_settings - get existing server node configuration collect_node_settings() { curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $MASTER_KEY" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://$SERVER_HTTP_HOST/api/nodes | jq -c '[ .[] | select(.isserver=="yes") ]' > nodejson.tmp NODE_LEN=$(jq length nodejson.tmp) HAS_INGRESS="no" HAS_RELAY="no" if [ "$NODE_LEN" -gt 0 ]; then echo "===SERVER NODES===" for i in $(seq 1 $NODE_LEN); do NUM=$(($i-1)) echo " SERVER NODE $NUM:" echo " network: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].network" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " name: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].name" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " private ipv4: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].address" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " private ipv6: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].address6" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " is egress: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isegressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp)" if [[ $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isegressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp) == "yes" ]]; then echo " egress range: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].egressgatewayranges" ./nodejson.tmp)" fi echo " is ingress: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isingressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp)" if [[ $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isingressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp) == "yes" ]]; then HAS_INGRESS="yes" fi echo " is relay: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isrelay" ./nodejson.tmp)" if [[ $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isrelay" ./nodejson.tmp) == "yes" ]]; then HAS_RELAY="yes" echo " relay addrs: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].relayaddrs" ./nodejson.tmp | tr -d '[]\n"[:space:]')" fi echo " is failover: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].failover" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " ------------" done echo "==================" else echo "no nodes to parse" fi echo "Please confirm that the above output matches the server nodes in your Netmaker server." confirm if [[ $HAS_INGRESS == "yes" ]]; then echo "WARNING: Your server contains an Ingress Gateway. After upgrading, existing Ext Clients will be lost and must be recreated. Please confirm that you would like to continue." confirm fi if [[ $HAS_RELAY == "yes" ]]; then echo "WARNING: Your server contains a Relay. After upgrading, relay will be unset. Relay functionality has been moved to the 'host' level, and must be reconfigured once all machines are upgraded." confirm fi } # setup_caddy - updates Caddy with new info setup_caddy() { echo "backing up Caddyfile to ${INSTALL_PATH}/Caddyfile.backup" cp $INSTALL_PATH/Caddyfile $INSTALL_PATH/Caddyfile.backup if grep -wq "acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90" Caddyfile; then echo "zerossl already set, continuing" else echo "editing Caddyfile" sed -i '0,/email/{s~email~acme_ca https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90\n\t&~}' $INSTALL_PATH/Caddyfile fi cat <> $INSTALL_PATH/Caddyfile # STUN https://$STUN_DOMAIN { reverse_proxy netmaker:3478 } EOT } # set_mq_credentials - sets mq credentials set_mq_credentials() { unset GET_MQ_USERNAME unset GET_MQ_PASSWORD unset CONFIRM_MQ_PASSWORD echo "Enter Credentials For MQ..." read -p "MQ Username (click 'enter' to use 'netmaker'): " GET_MQ_USERNAME if [ -z "$GET_MQ_USERNAME" ]; then echo "using default username for mq" MQ_USERNAME="netmaker" else MQ_USERNAME="$GET_MQ_USERNAME" fi select domain_option in "Auto Generated Password" "Input Your Own Password"; do case $REPLY in 1) echo "generating random password for mq" MQ_PASSWORD=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 &1) if [[ "$i" == 8 ]]; then echo " Caddy is having an issue setting up certificates, please investigate (docker logs caddy)" echo " Exiting..." exit 1 elif [[ "$curlresponse" == *"failed to verify the legitimacy of the server"* ]]; then echo " Certificates not yet configured, retrying..." elif [[ "$curlresponse" == *"left intact"* ]]; then echo " Certificates ok" break else secs=$(($i*5+10)) echo " Issue establishing connection...retrying in $secs seconds..." fi sleep $secs done } # setup_netclient - adds netclient to docker-compose setup_netclient() { set +e netclient uninstall HAS_APT=false set -e if command -v apt >/dev/null; then HAS_APT=true fi set +e if [ "$HAS_APT" = "true" ]; then curl -sL 'https://apt.netmaker.org/gpg.key' | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/netclient.asc curl -sL 'https://apt.netmaker.org/debian.deb.txt' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/netclient.list sudo apt update sudo apt install netclient else wget -O /tmp/netclient https://github.com/gravitl/netclient/releases/download/$LATEST/netclient_linux_amd64 chmod +x /tmp/netclient /tmp/netclient install fi netclient register -t $KEY echo "waiting for client to become available" wait_seconds 10 } # setup_nmctl - pulls nmctl and makes it executable setup_nmctl() { wget -O nmctl https://github.com/gravitl/netmaker/releases/download/$LATEST/nmctl_linux_amd64 chmod +x nmctl echo "using server $SERVER_HTTP_HOST" echo "using master key $MASTER_KEY" ./nmctl context set default --endpoint="https://$SERVER_HTTP_HOST" --master_key="$MASTER_KEY" ./nmctl context use default RESP=$(./nmctl network list) if [[ $RESP == *"unauthorized"* ]]; then echo "Unable to properly configure NMCTL, exiting..." exit 1 fi } # join_networks - joins netclient into the networks using old settings join_networks() { NODE_LEN=$(jq length nodejson.tmp) if [ "$NODE_LEN" -gt 0 ]; then for i in $(seq 1 $NODE_LEN); do HAS_INGRESS="no" HAS_EGRESS="no" EGRESS_RANGES="" HAS_RELAY="no" RELAY_ADDRS="" HAS_FAILOVER="no" NUM=$(($i-1)) NETWORK=$(jq -r ".[$NUM].network" ./nodejson.tmp) echo " joining network $NETWORK with following settings. Please confirm:" echo " network: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].network" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " name: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].name" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " private ipv4: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].address" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " private ipv6: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].address6" ./nodejson.tmp)" echo " is egress: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isegressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp)" if [[ $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isegressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp) == "yes" ]]; then HAS_EGRESS="yes" echo " egress ranges: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].egressgatewayranges" ./nodejson.tmp | tr -d '[]\n"[:space:]')" EGRESS_RANGES=$(jq -r ".[$NUM].egressgatewayranges" ./nodejson.tmp | tr -d '[]\n"[:space:]') EGRESS_RANGES=${EGRESS_RANGES//\/0/\/5,\/7,\/8,\/6,\/4,\/3,\/2,\/3,\/5,\/6,\/12,\/11,\/10,\/9,\/8,\/7,\/4,\/9,\/11,\/13,\/16,\/15,\/14,\/12,\/10,\/8,\/7,\/6,\/5,\/4} EGRESS_RANGES=${EGRESS_RANGES//0::\/0/} EGRESS_RANGES=${EGRESS_RANGES//,,/,} EGRESS_RANGES=`echo $EGRESS_RANGES | sed 's/,*$//g'` EGRESS_RANGES=`echo $EGRESS_RANGES | sed 's/^,*//g'` fi echo " is ingress: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isingressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp)" if [[ $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isingressgateway" ./nodejson.tmp) == "yes" ]]; then HAS_INGRESS="yes" fi echo " is relay: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isrelay" ./nodejson.tmp)" if [[ $(jq -r ".[$NUM].isrelay" ./nodejson.tmp) == "yes" ]]; then HAS_RELAY="yes" RELAY_ADDRS=$(jq -r ".[$NUM].relayaddrs" ./nodejson.tmp | tr -d '[]\n"[:space:]') fi echo " is failover: $(jq -r ".[$NUM].failover" ./nodejson.tmp)" if [[ $(jq -r ".[$NUM].failover" ./nodejson.tmp) == "yes" ]]; then HAS_FAILOVER="yes" fi echo " ------------" confirm if [[ $NUM -eq 0 ]]; then echo "running command: ./nmctl enrollment_key create --uses 1 --networks $NETWORK" KEY_JSON=$(./nmctl enrollment_key create --uses 1 --networks $NETWORK) KEY=$(jq -r '.token' <<< ${KEY_JSON}) echo "enrollment key created: $KEY" setup_netclient else HOST_ID=$(sudo cat /etc/netclient/netclient.yml | yq -r .host.id) ./nmctl host add_network $HOST_ID $NETWORK fi NAME=$(jq -r ".[$NUM].name" ./nodejson.tmp) ADDRESS=$(jq -r ".[$NUM].address" ./nodejson.tmp) ADDRESS6=$(jq -r ".[$NUM].address6" ./nodejson.tmp) echo "wait 10 seconds for netclient to be ready" sleep 10 NODE_ID=$(sudo cat /etc/netclient/nodes.yml | yq -r .$NETWORK.commonnode.id) echo "join complete. New node ID: $NODE_ID" if [[ $NUM -eq 0 ]]; then HOST_ID=$(sudo cat /etc/netclient/netclient.yml | yq -r .host.id) echo "For first join, making host a default" echo "Host ID: $HOST_ID" # set as a default host set +e ./nmctl host update $HOST_ID --default sleep 2 set -e fi # create an egress if necessary if [[ $HAS_EGRESS == "yes" ]]; then echo "creating egress" ./nmctl node create_egress $NETWORK $NODE_ID $EGRESS_RANGES sleep 2 fi echo "HAS INGRESS: $HAS_INGRESS" # create an ingress if necessary if [[ $HAS_INGRESS == "yes" ]]; then if [[ $HAS_FAILOVER == "yes" ]]; then echo "creating ingress and failover..." ./nmctl node create_ingress $NETWORK $NODE_ID --failover sleep 2 else echo "creating ingress..." ./nmctl node create_ingress $NETWORK $NODE_ID sleep 2 fi fi # relay if [[ $HAS_RELAY == "yes" ]]; then echo "cannot recreate relay; relay functionality moved to host" # ./nmctl node create_relay $NETWORK $NODE_ID $RELAY_ADDRS # sleep 2 fi done echo "==================" else echo "no networks to join" fi } cat << "EOF" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Netmaker Upgrade Script: Upgrading to v0.18 so you don't have to! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EOF set -e if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" exit 1 fi set +e #backup volumes and v0.17.1 configs in case of failure. backup_volumes backup_v17_files # get the installation path for docker-compose.yml and other config files get_install_path echo "...installing dependencies for script" install_dependencies echo "...installing yq if necessary" install_yq set -e echo "...confirming version is correct" check_version echo "...collecting necessary server settings" collect_server_settings echo "...setup nmctl" setup_nmctl echo "...retrieving current server node settings" collect_node_settings echo "...backing up docker compose to docker-compose.yml.backup" cp $INSTALL_PATH/docker-compose.yml $INSTALL_PATH/docker-compose.yml.backup echo "...setting Caddyfile values" setup_caddy echo "...setting docker-compose values" set_compose echo "...starting containers" start_containers echo "...remove old mosquitto data" # TODO - yq is not removing volume from docker compose # docker volume rm root_mosquitto_data wait_seconds 3 echo "..testing Caddy proxy" test_caddy echo "..testing Netmaker health" # TODO, implement health check # netmaker_health_check # wait_seconds 2 wait_seconds 2 echo "...setup netclient" join_networks echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Netmaker setup is now complete. You are ready to begin using Netmaker." echo "Visit dashboard.$SERVER_NAME to log in" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"