As of 0.10.0, upgrading Netmaker is a manual process. This is expected to be automated in the future, but for now is still a relatively straightforward process.
Critical Notes for 0.10.0¶
At the time of this writing, an upgrade process has not been defined for 0.10.0. DO NOT follow this documentation to upgrade from a prior version to 0.10.0. An upgrade process will be defined shortly. For now, if you seek to upgrade to 0.10.0, you must clear your server entirely (docker-compose down –volumes), uninstall your netclients, and re-install netmaker + netclients.
Upgrade the Server (prior to 0.10.0)¶
To upgrade the server, you only need to change the docker image versions:
ssh root@my-server-ip
docker-compose down
vi docker-compose.yml
Change gravitl/netmaker:<version> and gravitl/netmaker-ui:<version> to the new version.
Save and close the file
docker-compose up -d
Upgrade the Clients (prior to 0.10.0)¶
To upgrade the client, you must get the new client binary and place it in /etc/netclient. Depending on the new vs. old version, there may be minor incompatibilities (discussed below).
Find the appropriate binary for your machine.
Download. E.x.: wget https://github.com/gravitl/netmaker/releases/download/vX.X.X/netclient-myversion
Rename binary to netclient and move to folder. E.x.: mv netclient-myversion /etc/netclient/netclient
netclient –version (confirm it’s the correct version)
netclient pull
This last step helps ensure any newly added fields are now present. You may run into a “panic” based on missing fields and your version mismatch. In such cases, you can either:
Add the missing field to /etc/netclient/config/netconfig-yournetwork and then run “netclient checkin”
Leave and rejoin the network