package controller import ( "context" "fmt" nodepb "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type NodeServiceServer struct { NodeDB *mongo.Collection nodepb.UnimplementedNodeServiceServer } func (s *NodeServiceServer) ReadNode(ctx context.Context, req *nodepb.ReadNodeReq) (*nodepb.ReadNodeRes, error) { // convert string id (from proto) to mongoDB ObjectId macaddress := req.GetMacaddress() groupName := req.GetGroup() node, err := GetNode(macaddress, groupName) if err != nil { return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, fmt.Sprintf("Something went wrong: %v", err)) } /* if node == nil { return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Could not find node with Mac Address %s: %v", req.GetMacaddress(), err)) } */ // Cast to ReadNodeRes type response := &nodepb.ReadNodeRes{ Node: &nodepb.Node{ Macaddress: node.MacAddress, Name: node.Name, Address: node.Address, Endpoint: node.Endpoint, Password: node.Password, Nodegroup: node.Group, Interface: node.Interface, Localaddress: node.LocalAddress, Preup: node.PreUp, Postup: node.PostUp, Checkininterval: node.CheckInInterval, Ispending: node.IsPending, Publickey: node.PublicKey, Listenport: node.ListenPort, Keepalive: node.PersistentKeepalive, }, } return response, nil } func (s *NodeServiceServer) CreateNode(ctx context.Context, req *nodepb.CreateNodeReq) (*nodepb.CreateNodeRes, error) { // Get the protobuf node type from the protobuf request type // Essentially doing req.Node to access the struct with a nil check data := req.GetNode() // Now we have to convert this into a NodeItem type to convert into BSON node := models.Node{ // ID: primitive.NilObjectID, MacAddress: data.GetMacaddress(), LocalAddress: data.GetLocaladdress(), Name: data.GetName(), Address: data.GetAddress(), AccessKey: data.GetAccesskey(), Endpoint: data.GetEndpoint(), PersistentKeepalive: data.GetKeepalive(), Password: data.GetPassword(), Interface: data.GetInterface(), Group: data.GetNodegroup(), IsPending: data.GetIspending(), PublicKey: data.GetPublickey(), ListenPort: data.GetListenport(), } err := ValidateNode("create", node.Group, node) if err != nil { // return internal gRPC error to be handled later return nil, err } //Check to see if key is valid //TODO: Triple inefficient!!! This is the third call to the DB we make for groups validKey := functions.IsKeyValid(node.Group, node.AccessKey) if !validKey { group, _ := functions.GetParentGroup(node.Group) //Check to see if group will allow manual sign up //may want to switch this up with the valid key check and avoid a DB call that way. if *group.AllowManualSignUp { node.IsPending = true } else { return nil, status.Errorf( codes.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid key, and group does not allow no-key signups"), ) } } node, err = CreateNode(node, node.Group) if err != nil { // return internal gRPC error to be handled later return nil, status.Errorf( codes.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("Internal error: %v", err), ) } // return the node in a CreateNodeRes type response := &nodepb.CreateNodeRes{ Node: &nodepb.Node{ Macaddress: node.MacAddress, Localaddress: node.LocalAddress, Name: node.Name, Address: node.Address, Endpoint: node.Endpoint, Password: node.Password, Interface: node.Interface, Nodegroup: node.Group, Ispending: node.IsPending, Publickey: node.PublicKey, Listenport: node.ListenPort, Keepalive: node.PersistentKeepalive, }, } err = SetGroupNodesLastModified(node.Group) if err != nil { return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Could not update group last modified date: %v", err)) } return response, nil } func (s *NodeServiceServer) CheckIn(ctx context.Context, req *nodepb.CheckInReq) (*nodepb.CheckInRes, error) { // Get the protobuf node type from the protobuf request type // Essentially doing req.Node to access the struct with a nil check data := req.GetNode() //postchanges := req.GetPostchanges() // Now we have to convert this into a NodeItem type to convert into BSON node := models.Node{ // ID: primitive.NilObjectID, MacAddress: data.GetMacaddress(), Address: data.GetAddress(), Endpoint: data.GetEndpoint(), Group: data.GetNodegroup(), Password: data.GetPassword(), LocalAddress: data.GetLocaladdress(), ListenPort: data.GetListenport(), PersistentKeepalive: data.GetKeepalive(), PublicKey: data.GetPublickey(), } checkinresponse, err := NodeCheckIn(node, node.Group) if err != nil { // return internal gRPC error to be handled later if checkinresponse == (models.CheckInResponse{}) || !checkinresponse.IsPending { return nil, status.Errorf( codes.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("Internal error: %v", err), ) } } // return the node in a CreateNodeRes type response := &nodepb.CheckInRes{ Checkinresponse: &nodepb.CheckInResponse{ Success: checkinresponse.Success, Needpeerupdate: checkinresponse.NeedPeerUpdate, Needdelete: checkinresponse.NeedDelete, Needconfigupdate: checkinresponse.NeedConfigUpdate, Needkeyupdate: checkinresponse.NeedKeyUpdate, Nodemessage: checkinresponse.NodeMessage, Ispending: checkinresponse.IsPending, }, } return response, nil } func (s *NodeServiceServer) UpdateNode(ctx context.Context, req *nodepb.UpdateNodeReq) (*nodepb.UpdateNodeRes, error) { // Get the node data from the request data := req.GetNode() // Now we have to convert this into a NodeItem type to convert into BSON nodechange := models.Node{ // ID: primitive.NilObjectID, MacAddress: data.GetMacaddress(), Name: data.GetName(), Address: data.GetAddress(), LocalAddress: data.GetLocaladdress(), Endpoint: data.GetEndpoint(), Password: data.GetPassword(), PersistentKeepalive: data.GetKeepalive(), Group: data.GetNodegroup(), Interface: data.GetInterface(), PreUp: data.GetPreup(), PostUp: data.GetPostup(), IsPending: data.GetIspending(), PublicKey: data.GetPublickey(), ListenPort: data.GetListenport(), } // Convert the Id string to a MongoDB ObjectId macaddress := nodechange.MacAddress groupName := nodechange.Group err := ValidateNode("update", groupName, nodechange) if err != nil { return nil, err } node, err := functions.GetNodeByMacAddress(groupName, macaddress) if err != nil { return nil, status.Errorf( codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Could not find node with supplied Mac Address: %v", err), ) } newnode, err := UpdateNode(nodechange, node) if err != nil { return nil, status.Errorf( codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Could not find node with supplied Mac Address: %v", err), ) } return &nodepb.UpdateNodeRes{ Node: &nodepb.Node{ Macaddress: newnode.MacAddress, Localaddress: newnode.LocalAddress, Name: newnode.Name, Address: newnode.Address, Endpoint: newnode.Endpoint, Password: newnode.Password, Interface: newnode.Interface, Preup: newnode.PreUp, Postup: newnode.PostUp, Nodegroup: newnode.Group, Ispending: newnode.IsPending, Publickey: newnode.PublicKey, Listenport: newnode.ListenPort, Keepalive: newnode.PersistentKeepalive, }, }, nil } func (s *NodeServiceServer) DeleteNode(ctx context.Context, req *nodepb.DeleteNodeReq) (*nodepb.DeleteNodeRes, error) { fmt.Println("beginning node delete") macaddress := req.GetMacaddress() group := req.GetGroupName() success, err := DeleteNode(macaddress, group) if err != nil || !success { fmt.Println("Error deleting node.") fmt.Println(err) return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Could not find/delete node with mac address %s", macaddress)) } fmt.Println("updating group last modified of " + req.GetGroupName()) err = SetGroupNodesLastModified(req.GetGroupName()) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error updating Group") fmt.Println(err) return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Could not update group last modified date: %v", err)) } return &nodepb.DeleteNodeRes{ Success: true, }, nil } func (s *NodeServiceServer) GetPeers(req *nodepb.GetPeersReq, stream nodepb.NodeService_GetPeersServer) error { // Initiate a NodeItem type to write decoded data to //data := &models.PeersResponse{} // collection.Find returns a cursor for our (empty) query //cursor, err := s.NodeDB.Find(context.Background(), bson.M{}) peers, err := GetPeersList(req.GetGroup()) if err != nil { return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown internal error: %v", err)) } // cursor.Next() returns a boolean, if false there are no more items and loop will break for i := 0; i < len(peers); i++ { // If no error is found send node over stream stream.Send(&nodepb.GetPeersRes{ Peers: &nodepb.PeersResponse{ Address: peers[i].Address, Endpoint: peers[i].Endpoint, Publickey: peers[i].PublicKey, Keepalive: peers[i].KeepAlive, Listenport: peers[i].ListenPort, Localaddress: peers[i].LocalAddress, }, }) } node, err := functions.GetNodeByMacAddress(req.GetGroup(), req.GetMacaddress()) if err != nil { return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("Could not get node: %v", err)) } err = TimestampNode(node, false, true, false) if err != nil { return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, fmt.Sprintf("Internal error occurred: %v", err)) } return nil }