package config import ( //"" "" "os" "encoding/base64" "errors" "strings" "fmt" "log" "" nodepb "" "" ) type GlobalConfig struct { Client models.IntClient } type ClientConfig struct { Server ServerConfig `yaml:"server"` Node NodeConfig `yaml:"node"` Network string `yaml:"network"` Daemon string `yaml:"daemon"` OperatingSystem string `yaml:"operatingsystem"` } type ServerConfig struct { GRPCAddress string `yaml:"grpcaddress"` APIAddress string `yaml:"apiaddress"` AccessKey string `yaml:"accesskey"` } type ListConfig struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Interface string `yaml:"interface"` PrivateIPv4 string `yaml:"wgaddress"` PrivateIPv6 string `yaml:"wgaddress6"` PublicEndpoint string `yaml:"endpoint"` } type NodeConfig struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Interface string `yaml:"interface"` Network string `yaml:"network"` Password string `yaml:"password"` MacAddress string `yaml:"macaddress"` LocalAddress string `yaml:"localaddress"` WGAddress string `yaml:"wgaddress"` WGAddress6 string `yaml:"wgaddress6"` Roaming string `yaml:"roaming"` DNS string `yaml:"dns"` IsLocal string `yaml:"islocal"` IsDualStack string `yaml:"isdualstack"` IsIngressGateway string `yaml:"isingressgateway"` AllowedIPs string `yaml:"allowedips"` LocalRange string `yaml:"localrange"` PostUp string `yaml:"postup"` PostDown string `yaml:"postdown"` Port int32 `yaml:"port"` KeepAlive int32 `yaml:"keepalive"` PublicKey string `yaml:"publickey"` PrivateKey string `yaml:"privatekey"` Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint"` PostChanges string `yaml:"postchanges"` IPForwarding string `yaml:"ipforwarding"` } //reading in the env file func Write(config *ClientConfig, network string) error{ if network == "" { err := errors.New("No network provided. Exiting.") return err } _, err := os.Stat("/etc/netclient") if os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir("/etc/netclient", 744) } else if err != nil { return err } home := "/etc/netclient" if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "/netconfig-" + network) f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm) defer f.Close() err = yaml.NewEncoder(f).Encode(config) if err != nil { return err } return err } //reading in the env file func WriteGlobal(config *GlobalConfig) error{ _, err := os.Stat("/etc/netclient") if os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir("/etc/netclient", 744) } else if err != nil { return err } home := "/etc/netclient" if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "/netconfig-global-001") f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm) defer f.Close() err = yaml.NewEncoder(f).Encode(config) if err != nil { return err } return err } func WriteServer(server string, accesskey string, network string) error{ if network == "" { err := errors.New("No network provided. Exiting.") return err } nofile := false //home, err := homedir.Dir() _, err := os.Stat("/etc/netclient") if os.IsNotExist(err) { os.Mkdir("/etc/netclient", 744) } else if err != nil { fmt.Println("couldnt find or create /etc/netclient") return err } home := "/etc/netclient" file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "/netconfig-" + network) //f, err := os.Open(file) f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0666) //f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { fmt.Println("couldnt open netconfig-" + network) fmt.Println(err) nofile = true //err = nil return err } defer f.Close() //cfg := &ClientConfig{} var cfg ClientConfig if !nofile { fmt.Println("Writing to existing config file at " + home + "/netconfig-" + network) decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f) err = decoder.Decode(&cfg) //err = yaml.Unmarshal(f, &cfg) if err != nil { //fmt.Println(err) //return err } f.Close() f, err = os.OpenFile(file, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_TRUNC, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println("couldnt open netconfig") fmt.Println(err) nofile = true //err = nil return err } defer f.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble opening file") fmt.Println(err) } cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = server cfg.Server.AccessKey = accesskey err = yaml.NewEncoder(f).Encode(cfg) //_, err = yaml.Marshal(f, &cfg) if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble encoding file") return err } } else { fmt.Println("Creating new config file at " + home + "/netconfig-" + network) cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = server cfg.Server.AccessKey = accesskey newf, err := os.Create(home + "/netconfig-" + network) err = yaml.NewEncoder(newf).Encode(cfg) defer newf.Close() if err != nil { return err } } return err } func(config *ClientConfig) ReadConfig() { nofile := false //home, err := homedir.Dir() home := "/etc/netclient" file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "/netconfig-" + config.Network) //f, err := os.Open(file) f, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDONLY, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble opening file") fmt.Println(err) nofile = true //fmt.Println("Could not access " + home + "/.netconfig, proceeding...") } defer f.Close() //var cfg ClientConfig if !nofile { decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f) err = decoder.Decode(&config) if err != nil { fmt.Println("no config or invalid") fmt.Println(err) log.Fatal(err) } else { //config = cfg } } } func ModGlobalConfig(cfg models.IntClient) error{ var modconfig GlobalConfig var err error if FileExists("/etc/netclient/netconfig-global-001") { useconfig, err := ReadGlobalConfig() if err != nil { return err } modconfig = *useconfig } if cfg.ServerWGPort != ""{ modconfig.Client.ServerWGPort = cfg.ServerWGPort } if cfg.ServerGRPCPort != ""{ modconfig.Client.ServerGRPCPort = cfg.ServerGRPCPort } if cfg.ServerAPIPort != ""{ modconfig.Client.ServerAPIPort = cfg.ServerAPIPort } if cfg.PublicKey != ""{ modconfig.Client.PublicKey = cfg.PublicKey } if cfg.PrivateKey != ""{ modconfig.Client.PrivateKey = cfg.PrivateKey } if cfg.ServerPublicEndpoint != ""{ modconfig.Client.ServerPublicEndpoint = cfg.ServerPublicEndpoint } if cfg.ServerPrivateAddress != ""{ modconfig.Client.ServerPrivateAddress = cfg.ServerPrivateAddress } if cfg.Address != ""{ modconfig.Client.Address = cfg.Address } if cfg.Address6 != ""{ modconfig.Client.Address6 = cfg.Address6 } if cfg.Network != ""{ modconfig.Client.Network = cfg.Network } if cfg.ServerKey != ""{ modconfig.Client.ServerKey = cfg.ServerKey } if cfg.AccessKey != ""{ modconfig.Client.AccessKey = cfg.AccessKey } if cfg.ClientID != ""{ modconfig.Client.ClientID = cfg.ClientID } err = WriteGlobal(&modconfig) return err } func ModConfig(node *nodepb.Node) error{ network := node.Nodenetwork if network == "" { return errors.New("No Network Provided") } var modconfig ClientConfig var err error if FileExists("/etc/netclient/netconfig-"+network) { useconfig, err := ReadConfig(network) if err != nil { return err } modconfig = *useconfig } nodecfg := modconfig.Node if node.Name != ""{ nodecfg.Name = node.Name } if node.Interface != ""{ nodecfg.Interface = node.Interface } if node.Nodenetwork != ""{ nodecfg.Network = node.Nodenetwork } if node.Macaddress != ""{ nodecfg.MacAddress = node.Macaddress } if node.Localaddress != ""{ nodecfg.LocalAddress = node.Localaddress } if node.Postup != ""{ nodecfg.PostUp = node.Postup } if node.Postdown != ""{ nodecfg.PostDown = node.Postdown } if node.Listenport != 0{ nodecfg.Port = node.Listenport } if node.Keepalive != 0{ nodecfg.KeepAlive = node.Keepalive } if node.Publickey != ""{ nodecfg.PublicKey = node.Publickey } if node.Endpoint != ""{ nodecfg.Endpoint = node.Endpoint } if node.Password != ""{ nodecfg.Password = node.Password } if node.Address != ""{ nodecfg.WGAddress = node.Address } if node.Address6 != ""{ nodecfg.WGAddress6 = node.Address6 } if node.Postchanges != "" { nodecfg.PostChanges = node.Postchanges } if node.Dnsoff == true { nodecfg.DNS = "off" } if node.Isdualstack == true { nodecfg.IsDualStack = "yes" } if node.Isingressgateway { nodecfg.IsIngressGateway = "yes" } else { nodecfg.IsIngressGateway = "no" } if node.Localrange != "" && node.Islocal { nodecfg.IsLocal = "yes" nodecfg.LocalRange = node.Localrange } modconfig.Node = nodecfg err = Write(&modconfig, network) return err } func GetCLIConfig(c *cli.Context) (ClientConfig, error){ var cfg ClientConfig if c.String("token") != "" { tokenbytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(c.String("token")) if err != nil { log.Println("error decoding token") return cfg, err } token := string(tokenbytes) tokenvals := strings.Split(token, "|") cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = tokenvals[1] cfg.Network = tokenvals[3] cfg.Node.Network = tokenvals[3] cfg.Server.AccessKey = tokenvals[4] if len(tokenvals) > 4 { cfg.Node.LocalRange = tokenvals[5] } if c.String("grpcserver") != "" { cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = c.String("grpcserver") } if c.String("apiserver") != "" { cfg.Server.APIAddress = c.String("apiserver") } if c.String("key") != "" { cfg.Server.AccessKey = c.String("key") } if c.String("network") != "all" { cfg.Network = c.String("network") cfg.Node.Network = c.String("network") } if c.String("localrange") != "" { cfg.Node.LocalRange = c.String("localrange") } } else { cfg.Server.GRPCAddress = c.String("grpcserver") cfg.Server.APIAddress = c.String("apiserver") cfg.Server.AccessKey = c.String("key") cfg.Network = c.String("network") cfg.Node.Network = c.String("network") cfg.Node.LocalRange = c.String("localrange") } cfg.Node.Name = c.String("name") cfg.Node.Interface = c.String("interface") cfg.Node.Password = c.String("password") cfg.Node.MacAddress = c.String("macaddress") cfg.Node.LocalAddress = c.String("localaddress") cfg.Node.WGAddress = c.String("address") cfg.Node.WGAddress6 = c.String("addressIPV6") cfg.Node.Roaming = c.String("roaming") cfg.Node.DNS = c.String("dns") cfg.Node.IsLocal = c.String("islocal") cfg.Node.IsDualStack = c.String("isdualstack") cfg.Node.PostUp = c.String("postup") cfg.Node.PostDown = c.String("postdown") cfg.Node.Port = int32(c.Int("port")) cfg.Node.KeepAlive = int32(c.Int("keepalive")) cfg.Node.PublicKey = c.String("publickey") cfg.Node.PrivateKey = c.String("privatekey") cfg.Node.Endpoint = c.String("endpoint") cfg.Node.IPForwarding = c.String("ipforwarding") cfg.OperatingSystem = c.String("operatingsystem") cfg.Daemon = c.String("daemon") return cfg, nil } func GetCLIConfigRegister(c *cli.Context) (GlobalConfig, error){ var cfg GlobalConfig if c.String("token") != "" { tokenbytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(c.String("token")) if err != nil { log.Println("error decoding token") return cfg, err } token := string(tokenbytes) tokenvals := strings.Split(token, "|") grpcvals := strings.Split(tokenvals[1],":") apivals := strings.Split(tokenvals[2], ":") cfg.Client.ServerWGPort = tokenvals[0] cfg.Client.ServerPrivateAddress = grpcvals[0] cfg.Client.ServerGRPCPort = grpcvals[1] cfg.Client.ServerPublicEndpoint = apivals[0] cfg.Client.ServerAPIPort = apivals[1] cfg.Client.ServerKey = tokenvals[4] if c.String("grpcserver") != "" { cfg.Client.ServerPrivateAddress = c.String("grpcserver") } if c.String("apiserver") != "" { cfg.Client.ServerPublicEndpoint = c.String("apiserver") } if c.String("key") != "" { cfg.Client.ServerKey = c.String("key") } if c.String("network") != "all" { cfg.Client.Network = c.String("network") } } else { cfg.Client.ServerPrivateAddress = c.String("grpcserver") cfg.Client.ServerPublicEndpoint = c.String("apiserver") cfg.Client.ServerKey = c.String("key") cfg.Client.Network = c.String("network") } cfg.Client.Address = c.String("address") cfg.Client.Address6 = c.String("addressIPV6") cfg.Client.PublicKey = c.String("pubkey") cfg.Client.PrivateKey = c.String("privkey") return cfg, nil } func ReadConfig(network string) (*ClientConfig, error) { if network == "" { err := errors.New("No network provided. Exiting.") return nil, err } nofile := false home := "/etc/netclient" file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "/netconfig-" + network) f, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { nofile = true } defer f.Close() var cfg ClientConfig if !nofile { decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f) err = decoder.Decode(&cfg) if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble decoding file") return nil, err } } return &cfg, err } func ReadGlobalConfig() (*GlobalConfig, error) { nofile := false home := "/etc/netclient" file := fmt.Sprintf(home + "/netconfig-global-001") f, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { nofile = true } defer f.Close() var cfg GlobalConfig if !nofile { decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(f) err = decoder.Decode(&cfg) if err != nil { fmt.Println("trouble decoding file") return nil, err } } return &cfg, err } func FileExists(f string) bool { info, err := os.Stat(f) if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } return !info.IsDir() }