package database import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) // NETWORKS_TABLE_NAME - networks table const NETWORKS_TABLE_NAME = "networks" // NODES_TABLE_NAME - nodes table const NODES_TABLE_NAME = "nodes" // DELETED_NODES_TABLE_NAME - deleted nodes table const DELETED_NODES_TABLE_NAME = "deletednodes" // USERS_TABLE_NAME - users table const USERS_TABLE_NAME = "users" // DNS_TABLE_NAME - dns table const DNS_TABLE_NAME = "dns" // EXT_CLIENT_TABLE_NAME - ext client table const EXT_CLIENT_TABLE_NAME = "extclients" // INT_CLIENTS_TABLE_NAME - int client table const INT_CLIENTS_TABLE_NAME = "intclients" // PEERS_TABLE_NAME - peers table const PEERS_TABLE_NAME = "peers" // SERVERCONF_TABLE_NAME const SERVERCONF_TABLE_NAME = "serverconf" // SERVER_UUID_TABLE_NAME const SERVER_UUID_TABLE_NAME = "serveruuid" // SERVER_UUID_RECORD_KEY const SERVER_UUID_RECORD_KEY = "serveruuid" // DATABASE_FILENAME - database file name const DATABASE_FILENAME = "netmaker.db" // GENERATED_TABLE_NAME - stores server generated k/v const GENERATED_TABLE_NAME = "generated" // == ERROR CONSTS == // NO_RECORD - no singular result found const NO_RECORD = "no result found" // NO_RECORDS - no results found const NO_RECORDS = "could not find any records" // == Constants == // INIT_DB - initialize db const INIT_DB = "init" // CREATE_TABLE - create table const const CREATE_TABLE = "createtable" // INSERT - insert into db const const INSERT = "insert" // INSERT_PEER - insert peer into db const const INSERT_PEER = "insertpeer" // DELETE - delete db record const const DELETE = "delete" // DELETE_ALL - delete a table const const DELETE_ALL = "deleteall" // FETCH_ALL - fetch table contents const const FETCH_ALL = "fetchall" // CLOSE_DB - graceful close of db const const CLOSE_DB = "closedb" func getCurrentDB() map[string]interface{} { switch servercfg.GetDB() { case "rqlite": return RQLITE_FUNCTIONS case "sqlite": return SQLITE_FUNCTIONS case "postgres": return PG_FUNCTIONS default: return SQLITE_FUNCTIONS } } // InitializeDatabase - initializes database func InitializeDatabase() error { logger.Log(0, "connecting to", servercfg.GetDB()) tperiod := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second) for { if err := getCurrentDB()[INIT_DB].(func() error)(); err != nil { logger.Log(0, "unable to connect to db, retrying . . .") if time.Now().After(tperiod) { return err } } else { break } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } createTables() err := initializeUUID() return err } func createTables() { createTable(NETWORKS_TABLE_NAME) createTable(NODES_TABLE_NAME) createTable(DELETED_NODES_TABLE_NAME) createTable(USERS_TABLE_NAME) createTable(DNS_TABLE_NAME) createTable(EXT_CLIENT_TABLE_NAME) createTable(INT_CLIENTS_TABLE_NAME) createTable(PEERS_TABLE_NAME) createTable(SERVERCONF_TABLE_NAME) createTable(SERVER_UUID_TABLE_NAME) createTable(GENERATED_TABLE_NAME) } func createTable(tableName string) error { return getCurrentDB()[CREATE_TABLE].(func(string) error)(tableName) } // IsJSONString - checks if valid json func IsJSONString(value string) bool { var jsonInt interface{} return json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &jsonInt) == nil } // Insert - inserts object into db func Insert(key string, value string, tableName string) error { if key != "" && value != "" && IsJSONString(value) { return getCurrentDB()[INSERT].(func(string, string, string) error)(key, value, tableName) } else { return errors.New("invalid insert " + key + " : " + value) } } // InsertPeer - inserts peer into db func InsertPeer(key string, value string) error { if key != "" && value != "" && IsJSONString(value) { return getCurrentDB()[INSERT_PEER].(func(string, string) error)(key, value) } else { return errors.New("invalid peer insert " + key + " : " + value) } } // DeleteRecord - deletes a record from db func DeleteRecord(tableName string, key string) error { return getCurrentDB()[DELETE].(func(string, string) error)(tableName, key) } // DeleteAllRecords - removes a table and remakes func DeleteAllRecords(tableName string) error { err := getCurrentDB()[DELETE_ALL].(func(string) error)(tableName) if err != nil { return err } err = createTable(tableName) if err != nil { return err } return nil } // FetchRecord - fetches a record func FetchRecord(tableName string, key string) (string, error) { results, err := FetchRecords(tableName) if err != nil { return "", err } if results[key] == "" { return "", errors.New(NO_RECORD) } return results[key], nil } // FetchRecords - fetches all records in given table func FetchRecords(tableName string) (map[string]string, error) { return getCurrentDB()[FETCH_ALL].(func(string) (map[string]string, error))(tableName) } // initializeUUID - create a UUID record for server if none exists func initializeUUID() error { records, err := FetchRecords(SERVER_UUID_TABLE_NAME) if err != nil { if !strings.Contains("could not find any records", err.Error()) { return err } } else if len(records) > 0 { return nil } telemetry := models.Telemetry{UUID: uuid.NewString()} telJSON, err := json.Marshal(&telemetry) if err != nil { return err } return Insert(SERVER_UUID_RECORD_KEY, string(telJSON), SERVER_UUID_TABLE_NAME) } // CloseDB - closes a database gracefully func CloseDB() { getCurrentDB()[CLOSE_DB].(func())() }