package mq import ( "context" "fmt" "time" mqtt "" "" "" "" ) // KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT - time in seconds for timeout const KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT = 60 //timeout in seconds // MQ_DISCONNECT - disconnects MQ const MQ_DISCONNECT = 250 // MQ_TIMEOUT - timeout for MQ const MQ_TIMEOUT = 30 var peer_force_send = 0 var mqclient mqtt.Client // SetUpAdminClient - sets up admin client for the MQ func SetUpAdminClient() { opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions() setMqOptions(mqAdminUserName, servercfg.GetMqAdminPassword(), opts) mqAdminClient = mqtt.NewClient(opts) opts.SetOnConnectHandler(func(client mqtt.Client) { if token := client.Subscribe(dynamicSecSubTopic, 2, mqtt.MessageHandler(watchDynSecTopic)); token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) && token.Error() != nil { client.Disconnect(240) logger.Log(0, fmt.Sprintf("Dynamic security client subscription failed: %v ", token.Error())) } opts.SetOrderMatters(true) opts.SetResumeSubs(true) }) tperiod := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second) for { if token := mqAdminClient.Connect(); !token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) || token.Error() != nil { logger.Log(2, "Admin: unable to connect to broker, retrying ...") if time.Now().After(tperiod) { if token.Error() == nil { logger.FatalLog("Admin: could not connect to broker, token timeout, exiting ...") } else { logger.FatalLog("Admin: could not connect to broker, exiting ...", token.Error().Error()) } } } else { break } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } } func setMqOptions(user, password string, opts *mqtt.ClientOptions) { broker, _ := servercfg.GetMessageQueueEndpoint() opts.AddBroker(broker) id := ncutils.MakeRandomString(23) opts.ClientID = id opts.SetUsername(user) opts.SetPassword(password) opts.SetAutoReconnect(true) opts.SetConnectRetry(true) opts.SetConnectRetryInterval(time.Second << 2) opts.SetKeepAlive(time.Minute) opts.SetWriteTimeout(time.Minute) } // SetupMQTT creates a connection to broker and return client func SetupMQTT() { opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions() setMqOptions(mqNetmakerServerUserName, servercfg.GetMqAdminPassword(), opts) opts.SetOnConnectHandler(func(client mqtt.Client) { if token := client.Subscribe("ping/#", 2, mqtt.MessageHandler(Ping)); token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) && token.Error() != nil { client.Disconnect(240) logger.Log(0, "ping subscription failed") } if token := client.Subscribe("update/#", 0, mqtt.MessageHandler(UpdateNode)); token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) && token.Error() != nil { client.Disconnect(240) logger.Log(0, "node update subscription failed") } if token := client.Subscribe("host/update/#", 0, mqtt.MessageHandler(UpdateHost)); token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) && token.Error() != nil { client.Disconnect(240) logger.Log(0, "host update subscription failed") } if token := client.Subscribe("signal/#", 0, mqtt.MessageHandler(ClientPeerUpdate)); token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) && token.Error() != nil { client.Disconnect(240) logger.Log(0, "node client subscription failed") } if token := client.Subscribe("metrics/#", 0, mqtt.MessageHandler(UpdateMetrics)); token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) && token.Error() != nil { client.Disconnect(240) logger.Log(0, "node metrics subscription failed") } opts.SetOrderMatters(true) opts.SetResumeSubs(true) }) mqclient = mqtt.NewClient(opts) tperiod := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Second) for { if token := mqclient.Connect(); !token.WaitTimeout(MQ_TIMEOUT*time.Second) || token.Error() != nil { logger.Log(2, "unable to connect to broker, retrying ...") if time.Now().After(tperiod) { if token.Error() == nil { logger.FatalLog("could not connect to broker, token timeout, exiting ...") } else { logger.FatalLog("could not connect to broker, exiting ...", token.Error().Error()) } } } else { break } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } } // Keepalive -- periodically pings all nodes to let them know server is still alive and doing well func Keepalive(ctx context.Context) { for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-time.After(time.Second * KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT): sendPeers() } } }