
144 lines
3.7 KiB

package mongoconn
import (
var Client *mongo.Client
var NodeDB *mongo.Collection
var NetworkDB *mongo.Collection
var user string
var pass string
var host string
var port string
var opts string
func setVars() {
user = "admin"
pass = "password"
host = "localhost"
port = "27017"
opts = "/?authSource=admin"
//override with settings from config file
if config.Config.MongoConn.User != "" {
user = config.Config.MongoConn.User
if config.Config.MongoConn.Pass != "" {
pass = config.Config.MongoConn.Pass
if config.Config.MongoConn.Host != "" {
host = config.Config.MongoConn.Host
if config.Config.MongoConn.Port != "" {
port = config.Config.MongoConn.Port
if config.Config.MongoConn.Opts != "" {
opts = config.Config.MongoConn.Opts
//override with settings from env
if os.Getenv("MONGO_USER") != "" {
user = os.Getenv("MONGO_USER")
if os.Getenv("MONGO_PASS") != "" {
pass = os.Getenv("MONGO_PASS")
if os.Getenv("MONGO_HOST") != "" {
host = os.Getenv("MONGO_HOST")
if os.Getenv("MONGO_PORT") != "" {
port = os.Getenv("MONGO_PORT")
if os.Getenv("MONGO_OPTS") != "" {
opts = os.Getenv("MONGO_OPTS")
//TODO: are we even using this besides at startup? Is it truely necessary?
//TODO: Use config file instead of os.Getenv
func ConnectDatabase() {
log.Println("Database connecting...")
// Set client options
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI( "mongodb://" +
user + ":" +
pass + "@" +
host + ":" +
port +
opts )
// Connect to MongoDB
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions)
Client = client
if err != nil {
// Check the connection
err = Client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil)
if err != nil {
NodeDB = Client.Database("netmaker").Collection("nodes")
NetworkDB = Client.Database("netmaker").Collection("networks")
log.Println("Database Connected.")
//TODO: IDK if we're using ConnectDB any more.... I think we're just using Client.Database
//Review and see if this is necessary
// ConnectDB : This is helper function to connect mongoDB
func ConnectDB(db string, targetCollection string) *mongo.Collection {
// Set client options
//clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://mongoadmin:mongopassword@localhost:27017/?authSource=admin")
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://" + os.Getenv("MONGO_USER") + ":" +
os.Getenv("MONGO_PASS") + "@" + os.Getenv("MONGO_HOST") + ":" + os.Getenv("MONGO_PORT") + os.Getenv("MONGO_OPTS") )
// Connect to MongoDB
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions)
if err != nil {
//collection := client.Database("go_rest_api").Collection("wg")
collection := client.Database(db).Collection(targetCollection)
return collection
// ErrorResponse : This is error model.
type ErrorResponse struct {
StatusCode int `json:"status"`
ErrorMessage string `json:"message"`
// GetError : This is helper function to prepare error model.
func GetError(err error, w http.ResponseWriter) {
var response = ErrorResponse{
ErrorMessage: err.Error(),
StatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
message, _ := json.Marshal(response)