netmaker/logic/pro/netcache e878e4820a
Fixes+Chores: avoid de-referencing nil ptrs + lint
- Avoid referencing conditions we know are false/true

 - Avoid using name of imported package as variable

 - Avoid broken (see list item 1) if else statement in `ipservice.go` by refactoring to switch statement

 - When assigning a pointer value to a variable along with an error, check that error before referencing that pointer. Thus avoiding de-referencing a nil and causing a panic.
  *** This item is the most important ***

 - Standard gofmt package sorting + linting; This includes fixing comment starts for go doc

 - Explicit non-handling of unhandled errors where appropriate (assigning errs to _ to reduce linter screaming)

 - Export ErrExpired in `netcache` package so that we can properly reference it using `errors.Is` instead of using `strings.Contains` against an `error.Error()` value
2022-12-06 20:11:20 -08:00
netcache.go Fixes+Chores: avoid de-referencing nil ptrs + lint 2022-12-06 20:11:20 -08:00