Gabriel de Souza Seibel 1a1ba1ccf4
[NET-546] Move ee code to ee package, unify ee status and terminology (#2538)
* Move ee code to ee package and unify ee status to IsPro

* Consolidate naming for paid/professional/enterprise version as "pro". Notes:

- Changes image tags
- Changes build tags
- Changes package names
- Doesn't change links to docs that mention "ee"
- Doesn't change parameters sent to PostHog that mention "ee"

* Revert docker image tag being -pro, back to -ee

* Revert go build tag being pro, back to ee

* Add build tags for some ee content

* [2] Revert go build tag being pro, back to ee

* Fix test workflow

* Add a json tag to be backwards compatible with frontend "IsEE" check

* Add a json tag for the serverconfig struct for IsEE

* Ammend json tag to Is_EE

* fix ee tags


Co-authored-by: Abhishek Kondur <>
2023-09-01 07:42:05 +05:30

587 lines
15 KiB

package logic
import (
var (
hostCacheMutex = &sync.RWMutex{}
hostsCacheMap = make(map[string]models.Host)
var (
// ErrHostExists error indicating that host exists when trying to create new host
ErrHostExists error = errors.New("host already exists")
// ErrInvalidHostID
ErrInvalidHostID error = errors.New("invalid host id")
func getHostsFromCache() (hosts []models.Host) {
for _, host := range hostsCacheMap {
hosts = append(hosts, host)
func getHostsMapFromCache() (hostsMap map[string]models.Host) {
hostsMap = hostsCacheMap
func getHostFromCache(hostID string) (host models.Host, ok bool) {
host, ok = hostsCacheMap[hostID]
func storeHostInCache(h models.Host) {
hostsCacheMap[h.ID.String()] = h
func deleteHostFromCache(hostID string) {
delete(hostsCacheMap, hostID)
func loadHostsIntoCache(hMap map[string]models.Host) {
hostsCacheMap = hMap
const (
maxPort = 1<<16 - 1
minPort = 1025
// GetAllHosts - returns all hosts in flat list or error
func GetAllHosts() ([]models.Host, error) {
currHosts := getHostsFromCache()
if len(currHosts) != 0 {
return currHosts, nil
records, err := database.FetchRecords(database.HOSTS_TABLE_NAME)
if err != nil && !database.IsEmptyRecord(err) {
return nil, err
currHostsMap := make(map[string]models.Host)
defer loadHostsIntoCache(currHostsMap)
for k := range records {
var h models.Host
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(records[k]), &h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
currHosts = append(currHosts, h)
currHostsMap[h.ID.String()] = h
return currHosts, nil
// GetAllHostsAPI - get's all the hosts in an API usable format
func GetAllHostsAPI(hosts []models.Host) []models.ApiHost {
apiHosts := []models.ApiHost{}
for i := range hosts {
newApiHost := hosts[i].ConvertNMHostToAPI()
apiHosts = append(apiHosts, *newApiHost)
return apiHosts[:]
// GetHostsMap - gets all the current hosts on machine in a map
func GetHostsMap() (map[string]models.Host, error) {
hostsMap := getHostsMapFromCache()
if len(hostsMap) != 0 {
return hostsMap, nil
records, err := database.FetchRecords(database.HOSTS_TABLE_NAME)
if err != nil && !database.IsEmptyRecord(err) {
return nil, err
currHostMap := make(map[string]models.Host)
defer loadHostsIntoCache(currHostMap)
for k := range records {
var h models.Host
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(records[k]), &h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
currHostMap[h.ID.String()] = h
return currHostMap, nil
// GetHost - gets a host from db given id
func GetHost(hostid string) (*models.Host, error) {
if host, ok := getHostFromCache(hostid); ok {
return &host, nil
record, err := database.FetchRecord(database.HOSTS_TABLE_NAME, hostid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var h models.Host
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(record), &h); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &h, nil
// CreateHost - creates a host if not exist
func CreateHost(h *models.Host) error {
hosts, hErr := GetAllHosts()
clients, cErr := GetAllExtClients()
if (hErr != nil && !database.IsEmptyRecord(hErr)) ||
(cErr != nil && !database.IsEmptyRecord(cErr)) ||
len(hosts)+len(clients) >= MachinesLimit {
return errors.New("free tier limits exceeded on machines")
_, err := GetHost(h.ID.String())
if (err != nil && !database.IsEmptyRecord(err)) || (err == nil) {
return ErrHostExists
if servercfg.IsUsingTurn() {
err = RegisterHostWithTurn(h.ID.String(), h.HostPass)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "failed to register host with turn server: ", err.Error())
// encrypt that password so we never see it
hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(h.HostPass), 5)
if err != nil {
return err
h.HostPass = string(hash)
h.AutoUpdate = servercfg.AutoUpdateEnabled()
return UpsertHost(h)
// UpdateHost - updates host data by field
func UpdateHost(newHost, currentHost *models.Host) {
// unchangeable fields via API here
newHost.DaemonInstalled = currentHost.DaemonInstalled
newHost.OS = currentHost.OS
newHost.IPForwarding = currentHost.IPForwarding
newHost.HostPass = currentHost.HostPass
newHost.MacAddress = currentHost.MacAddress
newHost.Debug = currentHost.Debug
newHost.Nodes = currentHost.Nodes
newHost.PublicKey = currentHost.PublicKey
newHost.TrafficKeyPublic = currentHost.TrafficKeyPublic
// changeable fields
if len(newHost.Version) == 0 {
newHost.Version = currentHost.Version
if len(newHost.Name) == 0 {
newHost.Name = currentHost.Name
if newHost.MTU == 0 {
newHost.MTU = currentHost.MTU
if newHost.ListenPort == 0 {
newHost.ListenPort = currentHost.ListenPort
// UpdateHostFromClient - used for updating host on server with update recieved from client
func UpdateHostFromClient(newHost, currHost *models.Host) (sendPeerUpdate bool) {
if newHost.PublicKey != currHost.PublicKey {
currHost.PublicKey = newHost.PublicKey
sendPeerUpdate = true
if newHost.ListenPort != 0 && currHost.ListenPort != newHost.ListenPort {
currHost.ListenPort = newHost.ListenPort
sendPeerUpdate = true
if newHost.WgPublicListenPort != 0 && currHost.WgPublicListenPort != newHost.WgPublicListenPort {
currHost.WgPublicListenPort = newHost.WgPublicListenPort
sendPeerUpdate = true
if currHost.EndpointIP.String() != newHost.EndpointIP.String() {
currHost.EndpointIP = newHost.EndpointIP
sendPeerUpdate = true
currHost.DaemonInstalled = newHost.DaemonInstalled
currHost.Debug = newHost.Debug
currHost.Verbosity = newHost.Verbosity
currHost.Version = newHost.Version
if newHost.Name != "" {
currHost.Name = newHost.Name
if len(newHost.NatType) > 0 && newHost.NatType != currHost.NatType {
currHost.NatType = newHost.NatType
sendPeerUpdate = true
// UpsertHost - upserts into DB a given host model, does not check for existence*
func UpsertHost(h *models.Host) error {
data, err := json.Marshal(h)
if err != nil {
return err
err = database.Insert(h.ID.String(), string(data), database.HOSTS_TABLE_NAME)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RemoveHost - removes a given host from server
func RemoveHost(h *models.Host, forceDelete bool) error {
if !forceDelete && len(h.Nodes) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("host still has associated nodes")
if servercfg.IsUsingTurn() {
if len(h.Nodes) > 0 {
if err := DisassociateAllNodesFromHost(h.ID.String()); err != nil {
return err
err := database.DeleteRecord(database.HOSTS_TABLE_NAME, h.ID.String())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RemoveHostByID - removes a given host by id from server
func RemoveHostByID(hostID string) error {
if servercfg.IsUsingTurn() {
err := database.DeleteRecord(database.HOSTS_TABLE_NAME, hostID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpdateHostNetwork - adds/deletes host from a network
func UpdateHostNetwork(h *models.Host, network string, add bool) (*models.Node, error) {
for _, nodeID := range h.Nodes {
node, err := GetNodeByID(nodeID)
if err != nil || node.PendingDelete {
if node.Network == network {
if !add {
return &node, nil
} else {
return nil, errors.New("host already part of network " + network)
if !add {
return nil, errors.New("host not part of the network " + network)
} else {
newNode := models.Node{}
newNode.Server = servercfg.GetServer()
newNode.Network = network
newNode.HostID = h.ID
if err := AssociateNodeToHost(&newNode, h); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &newNode, nil
// AssociateNodeToHost - associates and creates a node with a given host
// should be the only way nodes get created as of 0.18
func AssociateNodeToHost(n *models.Node, h *models.Host) error {
if len(h.ID.String()) == 0 || h.ID == uuid.Nil {
return ErrInvalidHostID
n.HostID = h.ID
err := createNode(n)
if err != nil {
return err
currentHost, err := GetHost(h.ID.String())
if err != nil {
return err
h.HostPass = currentHost.HostPass
h.Nodes = append(currentHost.Nodes, n.ID.String())
return UpsertHost(h)
// DissasociateNodeFromHost - deletes a node and removes from host nodes
// should be the only way nodes are deleted as of 0.18
func DissasociateNodeFromHost(n *models.Node, h *models.Host) error {
if len(h.ID.String()) == 0 || h.ID == uuid.Nil {
return ErrInvalidHostID
if n.HostID != h.ID { // check if node actually belongs to host
return fmt.Errorf("node is not associated with host")
if len(h.Nodes) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no nodes present in given host")
index := -1
for i := range h.Nodes {
if h.Nodes[i] == n.ID.String() {
index = i
if index < 0 {
if len(h.Nodes) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("node %s, not found in host, %s", n.ID.String(), h.ID.String())
} else {
h.Nodes = RemoveStringSlice(h.Nodes, index)
go func() {
if servercfg.IsPro {
if clients, err := GetNetworkExtClients(n.Network); err != nil {
for i := range clients {
AllowClientNodeAccess(&clients[i], n.ID.String())
if err := deleteNodeByID(n); err != nil {
return err
return UpsertHost(h)
// DisassociateAllNodesFromHost - deletes all nodes of the host
func DisassociateAllNodesFromHost(hostID string) error {
host, err := GetHost(hostID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, nodeID := range host.Nodes {
node, err := GetNodeByID(nodeID)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "failed to get host node", err.Error())
if err := DeleteNode(&node, true); err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "failed to delete node", node.ID.String(), err.Error())
logger.Log(3, "deleted node", node.ID.String(), "of host", host.ID.String())
host.Nodes = []string{}
return UpsertHost(host)
// GetDefaultHosts - retrieve all hosts marked as default from DB
func GetDefaultHosts() []models.Host {
defaultHostList := []models.Host{}
hosts, err := GetAllHosts()
if err != nil {
return defaultHostList
for i := range hosts {
if hosts[i].IsDefault {
defaultHostList = append(defaultHostList, hosts[i])
return defaultHostList[:]
// GetHostNetworks - fetches all the networks
func GetHostNetworks(hostID string) []string {
currHost, err := GetHost(hostID)
if err != nil {
return nil
nets := []string{}
for i := range currHost.Nodes {
n, err := GetNodeByID(currHost.Nodes[i])
if err != nil {
return nil
nets = append(nets, n.Network)
return nets
// GetRelatedHosts - fetches related hosts of a given host
func GetRelatedHosts(hostID string) []models.Host {
relatedHosts := []models.Host{}
networks := GetHostNetworks(hostID)
networkMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, network := range networks {
networkMap[network] = struct{}{}
hosts, err := GetAllHosts()
if err == nil {
for _, host := range hosts {
if host.ID.String() == hostID {
networks := GetHostNetworks(host.ID.String())
for _, network := range networks {
if _, ok := networkMap[network]; ok {
relatedHosts = append(relatedHosts, host)
return relatedHosts
// CheckHostPort checks host endpoints to ensures that hosts on the same server
// with the same endpoint have different listen ports
// in the case of 64535 hosts or more with same endpoint, ports will not be changed
func CheckHostPorts(h *models.Host) {
portsInUse := make(map[int]bool, 0)
hosts, err := GetAllHosts()
if err != nil {
for _, host := range hosts {
if host.ID.String() == h.ID.String() {
//skip self
if !host.EndpointIP.Equal(h.EndpointIP) {
portsInUse[host.ListenPort] = true
// iterate until port is not found or max iteration is reached
for i := 0; portsInUse[h.ListenPort] && i < maxPort-minPort+1; i++ {
if h.ListenPort > maxPort {
h.ListenPort = minPort
// HostExists - checks if given host already exists
func HostExists(h *models.Host) bool {
_, err := GetHost(h.ID.String())
return (err != nil && !database.IsEmptyRecord(err)) || (err == nil)
// GetHostByNodeID - returns a host if found to have a node's ID, else nil
func GetHostByNodeID(id string) *models.Host {
hosts, err := GetAllHosts()
if err != nil {
return nil
for i := range hosts {
h := hosts[i]
if StringSliceContains(h.Nodes, id) {
return &h
return nil
// ConvHostPassToHash - converts password to md5 hash
func ConvHostPassToHash(hostPass string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(hostPass)))
// RegisterHostWithTurn - registers the host with the given turn server
func RegisterHostWithTurn(hostID, hostPass string) error {
auth := servercfg.GetTurnUserName() + ":" + servercfg.GetTurnPassword()
api := httpclient.JSONEndpoint[models.SuccessResponse, models.ErrorResponse]{
URL: servercfg.GetTurnApiHost(),
Route: "/api/v1/host/register",
Method: http.MethodPost,
Authorization: fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(auth))),
Data: models.HostTurnRegister{
HostID: hostID,
HostPassHash: ConvHostPassToHash(hostPass),
Response: models.SuccessResponse{},
ErrorResponse: models.ErrorResponse{},
_, errData, err := api.GetJSON(models.SuccessResponse{}, models.ErrorResponse{})
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, httpclient.ErrStatus) {
logger.Log(1, "error server status", strconv.Itoa(errData.Code), errData.Message)
return err
return nil
// DeRegisterHostWithTurn - to be called when host need to be deregistered from a turn server
func DeRegisterHostWithTurn(hostID string) error {
auth := servercfg.GetTurnUserName() + ":" + servercfg.GetTurnPassword()
api := httpclient.JSONEndpoint[models.SuccessResponse, models.ErrorResponse]{
URL: servercfg.GetTurnApiHost(),
Route: fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/host/deregister?host_id=%s", hostID),
Method: http.MethodPost,
Authorization: fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(auth))),
Response: models.SuccessResponse{},
ErrorResponse: models.ErrorResponse{},
_, errData, err := api.GetJSON(models.SuccessResponse{}, models.ErrorResponse{})
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, httpclient.ErrStatus) {
logger.Log(1, "error server status", strconv.Itoa(errData.Code), errData.Message)
return err
return nil
// SortApiHosts - Sorts slice of ApiHosts by their ID alphabetically with numbers first
func SortApiHosts(unsortedHosts []models.ApiHost) {
sort.Slice(unsortedHosts, func(i, j int) bool {
return unsortedHosts[i].ID < unsortedHosts[j].ID