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367 lines
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package functions
import (
mqtt "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"
var messageCache = new(sync.Map)
var networkcontext = new(sync.Map)
const lastNodeUpdate = "lnu"
const lastPeerUpdate = "lpu"
type cachedMessage struct {
Message string
LastSeen time.Time
// Daemon runs netclient daemon from command line
func Daemon() error {
// == initial pull of all networks ==
networks, _ := ncutils.GetSystemNetworks()
for _, network := range networks {
var cfg config.ClientConfig
cfg.Network = network
// == get all the comms networks on machine ==
commsNetworks, err := getCommsNetworks(networks[:])
if err != nil {
return errors.New("no comm networks exist")
// == subscribe to all nodes on each comms network on machine ==
for currCommsNet := range commsNetworks {
ncutils.PrintLog("started comms network daemon, "+currCommsNet, 1)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
networkcontext.Store(currCommsNet, cancel)
go messageQueue(ctx, currCommsNet)
// == add waitgroup and cancel for checkin routine ==
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go Checkin(ctx, &wg, commsNetworks)
quit := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(quit, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
for currCommsNet := range commsNetworks {
if cancel, ok := networkcontext.Load(currCommsNet); ok {
ncutils.Log("shutting down netclient daemon")
ncutils.Log("shutdown complete")
return nil
// UpdateKeys -- updates private key and returns new publickey
func UpdateKeys(nodeCfg *config.ClientConfig, client mqtt.Client) error {
ncutils.Log("received message to update wireguard keys for network " + nodeCfg.Network)
key, err := wgtypes.GeneratePrivateKey()
if err != nil {
ncutils.Log("error generating privatekey " + err.Error())
return err
file := ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific() + nodeCfg.Node.Interface + ".conf"
if err := wireguard.UpdatePrivateKey(file, key.String()); err != nil {
ncutils.Log("error updating wireguard key " + err.Error())
return err
if storeErr := wireguard.StorePrivKey(key.String(), nodeCfg.Network); storeErr != nil {
ncutils.Log("failed to save private key" + storeErr.Error())
return storeErr
nodeCfg.Node.PublicKey = key.PublicKey().String()
var commsCfg = getCommsCfgByNode(&nodeCfg.Node)
PublishNodeUpdate(&commsCfg, nodeCfg)
return nil
// PingServer -- checks if server is reachable
// use commsCfg only*
func PingServer(commsCfg *config.ClientConfig) error {
node := getServerAddress(commsCfg)
pinger, err := ping.NewPinger(node)
if err != nil {
return err
pinger.Timeout = 2 * time.Second
stats := pinger.Statistics()
if stats.PacketLoss == 100 {
return errors.New("ping error")
return nil
// == Private ==
// sets MQ client subscriptions for a specific node config
// should be called for each node belonging to a given comms network
func setSubscriptions(client mqtt.Client, nodeCfg *config.ClientConfig) {
if nodeCfg.DebugOn {
if token := client.Subscribe("#", 0, nil); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
ncutils.Log("subscribed to all topics for debugging purposes")
if token := client.Subscribe(fmt.Sprintf("update/%s/%s", nodeCfg.Node.Network, nodeCfg.Node.ID), 0, mqtt.MessageHandler(NodeUpdate)); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
if nodeCfg.DebugOn {
ncutils.Log(fmt.Sprintf("subscribed to node updates for node %s update/%s/%s", nodeCfg.Node.Name, nodeCfg.Node.Network, nodeCfg.Node.ID))
if token := client.Subscribe(fmt.Sprintf("peers/%s/%s", nodeCfg.Node.Network, nodeCfg.Node.ID), 0, mqtt.MessageHandler(UpdatePeers)); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
if nodeCfg.DebugOn {
ncutils.Log(fmt.Sprintf("subscribed to peer updates for node %s peers/%s/%s", nodeCfg.Node.Name, nodeCfg.Node.Network, nodeCfg.Node.ID))
// on a delete usually, pass in the nodecfg to unsubscribe client broker communications
// for the node in nodeCfg
func unsubscribeNode(client mqtt.Client, nodeCfg *config.ClientConfig) {
client.Unsubscribe(fmt.Sprintf("update/%s/%s", nodeCfg.Node.Network, nodeCfg.Node.ID))
var ok = true
if token := client.Unsubscribe(fmt.Sprintf("update/%s/%s", nodeCfg.Node.Network, nodeCfg.Node.ID)); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
ncutils.PrintLog("unable to unsubscribe from updates for node "+nodeCfg.Node.Name+"\n"+token.Error().Error(), 1)
ok = false
if token := client.Unsubscribe(fmt.Sprintf("peers/%s/%s", nodeCfg.Node.Network, nodeCfg.Node.ID)); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
ncutils.PrintLog("unable to unsubscribe from peer updates for node "+nodeCfg.Node.Name+"\n"+token.Error().Error(), 1)
ok = false
if ok {
ncutils.PrintLog("successfully unsubscribed node "+nodeCfg.Node.ID+" : "+nodeCfg.Node.Name, 0)
// sets up Message Queue and subsribes/publishes updates to/from server
// the client should subscribe to ALL nodes that exist on unique comms network locally
func messageQueue(ctx context.Context, commsNet string) {
var commsCfg config.ClientConfig
commsCfg.Network = commsNet
ncutils.Log("netclient daemon started for network: " + commsNet)
client := setupMQTT(&commsCfg, false)
defer client.Disconnect(250)
ncutils.Log("shutting down daemon for comms network " + commsNet)
// setupMQTT creates a connection to broker and return client
// utilizes comms client configs to setup connections
func setupMQTT(commsCfg *config.ClientConfig, publish bool) mqtt.Client {
opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions()
server := getServerAddress(commsCfg)
opts.AddBroker(server + ":1883") // TODO get the appropriate port of the comms mq server
opts.ClientID = ncutils.MakeRandomString(23) // helps avoid id duplication on broker
opts.SetConnectRetryInterval(time.Second << 2)
opts.SetKeepAlive(time.Minute >> 1)
opts.SetOnConnectHandler(func(client mqtt.Client) {
if !publish {
networks, err := ncutils.GetSystemNetworks()
if err != nil {
ncutils.Log("error retriving networks " + err.Error())
for _, network := range networks {
var currNodeCfg config.ClientConfig
currNodeCfg.Network = network
setSubscriptions(client, &currNodeCfg)
opts.SetConnectionLostHandler(func(c mqtt.Client, e error) {
ncutils.Log("detected broker connection lost, running pull for " + commsCfg.Node.Network)
_, err := Pull(commsCfg.Node.Network, true)
if err != nil {
ncutils.Log("could not run pull, server unreachable: " + err.Error())
ncutils.Log("waiting to retry...")
ncutils.Log("connection re-established with mqtt server")
client := mqtt.NewClient(opts)
tperiod := time.Now().Add(12 * time.Second)
for {
//if after 12 seconds, try a gRPC pull on the last try
if time.Now().After(tperiod) {
ncutils.Log("running pull for " + commsCfg.Node.Network)
_, err := Pull(commsCfg.Node.Network, true)
if err != nil {
ncutils.Log("could not run pull, exiting " + commsCfg.Node.Network + " setup: " + err.Error())
return client
if token := client.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
ncutils.Log("unable to connect to broker, retrying ...")
if time.Now().After(tperiod) {
ncutils.Log("could not connect to broker, exiting " + commsCfg.Node.Network + " setup: " + token.Error().Error())
if strings.Contains(token.Error().Error(), "connectex") || strings.Contains(token.Error().Error(), "i/o timeout") {
ncutils.PrintLog("connection issue detected.. pulling and restarting daemon", 0)
Pull(commsCfg.Node.Network, true)
return client
} else {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
return client
// publishes a message to server to update peers on this peer's behalf
func publishSignal(commsCfg, nodeCfg *config.ClientConfig, signal byte) error {
if err := publish(commsCfg, nodeCfg, fmt.Sprintf("signal/%s", nodeCfg.Node.ID), []byte{signal}, 1); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func initialPull(network string) {
ncutils.Log("pulling latest config for " + network)
var configPath = fmt.Sprintf("%snetconfig-%s", ncutils.GetNetclientPathSpecific(), network)
fileInfo, err := os.Stat(configPath)
if err != nil {
ncutils.Log("could not stat config file: " + configPath)
// speed up UDP rest
if !fileInfo.ModTime().IsZero() && time.Now().After(fileInfo.ModTime().Add(time.Minute)) {
sleepTime := 2
for {
_, err := Pull(network, true)
if err == nil {
if sleepTime > 3600 {
sleepTime = 3600
ncutils.Log("failed to pull for network " + network)
ncutils.Log(fmt.Sprintf("waiting %d seconds to retry...", sleepTime))
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(sleepTime))
sleepTime = sleepTime * 2
time.Sleep(time.Second << 1)
func parseNetworkFromTopic(topic string) string {
return strings.Split(topic, "/")[1]
// should only ever use node client configs
func decryptMsg(nodeCfg *config.ClientConfig, msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(msg) <= 24 { // make sure message is of appropriate length
return nil, fmt.Errorf("recieved invalid message from broker %v", msg)
// setup the keys
diskKey, keyErr := auth.RetrieveTrafficKey(nodeCfg.Node.Network)
if keyErr != nil {
return nil, keyErr
serverPubKey, err := ncutils.ConvertBytesToKey(nodeCfg.Node.TrafficKeys.Server)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ncutils.DeChunk(msg, serverPubKey, diskKey)
func getServerAddress(cfg *config.ClientConfig) string {
var server models.ServerAddr
for _, server = range cfg.Node.NetworkSettings.DefaultServerAddrs {
if server.Address != "" && server.IsLeader {
return server.Address
func getCommsNetworks(networks []string) (map[string]bool, error) {
var cfg config.ClientConfig
var response = make(map[string]bool, 1)
for _, network := range networks {
cfg.Network = network
response[cfg.Node.CommID] = true
return response, nil
func getCommsCfgByNode(node *models.Node) config.ClientConfig {
var commsCfg config.ClientConfig
commsCfg.Network = node.CommID
return commsCfg
// == Message Caches ==
func insert(network, which, cache string) {
var newMessage = cachedMessage{
Message: cache,
LastSeen: time.Now(),
messageCache.Store(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", network, which), newMessage)
func read(network, which string) string {
val, isok := messageCache.Load(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", network, which))
if isok {
var readMessage = val.(cachedMessage) // fetch current cached message
if readMessage.LastSeen.IsZero() {
return ""
if time.Now().After(readMessage.LastSeen.Add(time.Minute * 10)) { // check if message has been there over a minute
messageCache.Delete(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", network, which)) // remove old message if expired
return ""
return readMessage.Message // return current message if not expired
return ""
// == End Message Caches ==