2022-12-23 18:28:45 +05:30

261 lines
8.8 KiB

package auth
import (
var (
redirectUrl string
// HandleNodeSSOCallback handles the callback from the sso endpoint
// It is the analogue of auth.handleNodeSSOCallback but takes care of the end point flow
// Retrieves the mkey from the state cache and adds the machine to the users email namespace
// TODO: A confirmation page for new machines should be added to avoid phishing vulnerabilities
// TODO: Add groups information from OIDC tokens into machine HostInfo
// Listens in /oidc/callback.
func HandleNodeSSOCallback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var functions = getCurrentAuthFunctions()
if functions == nil {
w.Write([]byte("bad conf"))
logger.Log(0, "Missing Oauth config in HandleNodeSSOCallback")
state, code := getStateAndCode(r)
var userClaims, err = functions[get_user_info].(func(string, string) (*OAuthUser, error))(state, code)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "error when getting user info from callback:", err.Error())
if code == "" || state == "" {
w.Write([]byte("Wrong params"))
logger.Log(0, "Missing params in HandleSSOCallback")
// all responses should be in html format from here on out
w.Header().Add("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
// retrieve machinekey from state cache
reqKeyIf, machineKeyFoundErr := netcache.Get(state)
if machineKeyFoundErr != nil {
logger.Log(0, "requested machine state key expired before authorisation completed -", machineKeyFoundErr.Error())
reqKeyIf = &netcache.CValue{
Network: "invalid",
Value: state,
Pass: "",
User: "netmaker",
Expiration: time.Now(),
response := returnErrTemplate("", "requested machine state key expired before authorisation completed", state, reqKeyIf)
user, err := isUserIsAllowed(userClaims.getUserName(), reqKeyIf.Network, true)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "error occurred during SSO node join for user", userClaims.getUserName(), "on network", reqKeyIf.Network, "-", err.Error())
response := returnErrTemplate(user.UserName, err.Error(), state, reqKeyIf)
logger.Log(1, "registering new node for user:", user.UserName, "on network", reqKeyIf.Network)
// Send OK to user in the browser
var response bytes.Buffer
if err := ssoCallbackTemplate.Execute(&response, ssoCallbackTemplateConfig{
User: userClaims.getUserName(),
Verb: "Authenticated",
}); err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "Could not render SSO callback template ", err.Error())
response := returnErrTemplate(user.UserName, "Could not render SSO callback template", state, reqKeyIf)
} else {
// Need to send access key to the client
logger.Log(1, "Handling new machine addition to network",
reqKeyIf.Network, "with key",
reqKeyIf.Value, " identity:", userClaims.getUserName(), "claims:", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", userClaims))
var answer string
// The registation logic is starting here:
// we request access key with 1 use for the required network
accessToken, err := requestAccessKey(reqKeyIf.Network, 1, userClaims.getUserName())
if err != nil {
answer = fmt.Sprintf("Error from the netmaker controller %s", err.Error())
} else {
answer = fmt.Sprintf("AccessToken: %s", accessToken)
logger.Log(0, "Updating the token for the client request ... ")
// Give the user the access token via Pass in the DB
reqKeyIf.Pass = answer
if err = netcache.Set(state, reqKeyIf); err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "machine failed to complete join on network,", reqKeyIf.Network, "-", err.Error())
func setNetcache(ncache *netcache.CValue, state string) error {
if ncache == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cache miss")
var err error
if err = netcache.Set(state, ncache); err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "machine failed to complete join on network,", ncache.Network, "-", err.Error())
return err
func returnErrTemplate(uname, message, state string, ncache *netcache.CValue) []byte {
var response bytes.Buffer
ncache.Pass = message
err := ssoErrCallbackTemplate.Execute(&response, ssoCallbackTemplateConfig{
User: uname,
Verb: message,
if err != nil {
return []byte(err.Error())
err = setNetcache(ncache, state)
if err != nil {
return []byte(err.Error())
return response.Bytes()
// RegisterNodeSSO redirects to the IDP for authentication
// Puts machine key in cache so the callback can retrieve it using the oidc state param
// Listens in /oidc/register/:regKey.
func RegisterNodeSSO(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if auth_provider == nil {
w.Write([]byte("invalid login attempt"))
vars := mux.Vars(r)
// machineKeyStr this is not key but state
machineKeyStr := vars["regKey"]
logger.Log(1, "requested key:", machineKeyStr)
if machineKeyStr == "" {
w.Write([]byte("invalid login attempt"))
// machineKeyStr this not key but state
authURL := auth_provider.AuthCodeURL(machineKeyStr)
//authURL = authURL + "&connector_id=" + "google"
logger.Log(0, "Redirecting to ", authURL, " for authentication")
http.Redirect(w, r, authURL, http.StatusSeeOther)
// == private ==
// API to create an access key for a given network with a given name
func requestAccessKey(network string, uses int, name string) (accessKey string, err error) {
var sAccessKey models.AccessKey
var sNetwork models.Network
sNetwork, err = logic.GetParentNetwork(network)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "err calling GetParentNetwork API=%s", err.Error())
return "", fmt.Errorf("internal controller error %s", err.Error())
// If a key already exists, we recreate it.
// @TODO Is that a preferred handling ? We could also trying to re-use.
// can happen if user started log in but did not finish
for _, currentkey := range sNetwork.AccessKeys {
if currentkey.Name == name {
logger.Log(0, "erasing existing AccessKey for: ", name)
err = logic.DeleteKey(currentkey.Name, network)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "err calling CreateAccessKey API ", err.Error())
return "", fmt.Errorf("key already exists. Contact admin to resolve")
// Only one usage is needed - for the next time new access key will be required
// it will be created next time after another IdP approval
sAccessKey.Uses = 1
sAccessKey.Name = name
accessToken, err := logic.CreateAccessKey(sAccessKey, sNetwork)
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "err calling CreateAccessKey API ", err.Error())
return "", fmt.Errorf("error from the netmaker controller %s", err.Error())
} else {
logger.Log(1, "created access key", sAccessKey.Name, "on", network)
return accessToken.AccessString, nil
func isUserIsAllowed(username, network string, shouldAddUser bool) (*models.User, error) {
user, err := logic.GetUser(username)
if err != nil && shouldAddUser { // user must not exist, so try to make one
if err = addUser(username); err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "failed to add user", username, "during a node SSO network join on network", network)
// response := returnErrTemplate(user.UserName, "failed to add user", state, reqKeyIf)
// w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError)
// w.Write(response)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to add user to system")
logger.Log(0, "user", username, "was added during a node SSO network join on network", network)
user, _ = logic.GetUser(username)
if !user.IsAdmin { // perform check to see if user is allowed to join a node to network
netUser, err := pro.GetNetworkUser(network, promodels.NetworkUserID(user.UserName))
if err != nil {
logger.Log(0, "failed to get net user details for user", user.UserName, "during node SSO")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to verify network user")
if netUser.AccessLevel != pro.NET_ADMIN { // if user is a net admin on network, good to go
// otherwise, check if they have node access + haven't reached node limit on network
if netUser.AccessLevel == pro.NODE_ACCESS {
if len(netUser.Nodes) >= netUser.NodeLimit {
logger.Log(0, "user", user.UserName, "has reached their node limit on network", network)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("user node limit exceeded")
} else {
logger.Log(0, "user", user.UserName, "attempted to access network", network, "via node SSO")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("network user not allowed")
return user, nil