2023-01-24 12:37:12 +04:00

629 lines
24 KiB

package models
import (
const (
// NODE_SERVER_NAME - the default server name
NODE_SERVER_NAME = "netmaker"
// TEN_YEARS_IN_SECONDS - ten years in seconds
// MAX_NAME_LENGTH - max name length of node
// == ACTIONS == (can only be set by server)
// NODE_UPDATE_KEY - action to update key
NODE_UPDATE_KEY = "updatekey"
// NODE_DELETE - delete node action
NODE_DELETE = "delete"
// NODE_IS_PENDING - node pending status
NODE_IS_PENDING = "pending"
// NODE_NOOP - node no op action
NODE_NOOP = "noop"
// NODE_FORCE_UPDATE - indicates a node should pull all changes
// FIREWALL_IPTABLES - indicates that iptables is the firewall in use
// FIREWALL_NFTABLES - indicates nftables is in use (Linux only)
// FIREWALL_NONE - indicates that no supported firewall in use
var seededRand *rand.Rand = rand.New(
// NodeCheckin - struct for node checkins with server
type NodeCheckin struct {
Version string
Connected bool
Ifaces []Iface
// Iface struct for local interfaces of a node
type Iface struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Address net.IPNet `json:"address"`
AddressString string `json:"addressString"`
// CommonNode - represents a commonn node data elements shared by netmaker and netclient
type CommonNode struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" yaml:"id"`
HostID uuid.UUID `json:"hostid" yaml:"hostid"`
Network string `json:"network" yaml:"network"`
NetworkRange net.IPNet `json:"networkrange" yaml:"networkrange"`
NetworkRange6 net.IPNet `json:"networkrange6" yaml:"networkrange6"`
InternetGateway *net.UDPAddr `json:"internetgateway" yaml:"internetgateway"`
Server string `json:"server" yaml:"server"`
Connected bool `json:"connected" yaml:"connected"`
Address net.IPNet `json:"address" yaml:"address"`
Address6 net.IPNet `json:"address6" yaml:"address6"`
PostUp string `json:"postup" yaml:"postup"`
PostDown string `json:"postdown" yaml:"postdown"`
Action string `json:"action" yaml:"action"`
LocalAddress net.IPNet `json:"localaddress" yaml:"localaddress"`
IsLocal bool `json:"islocal" yaml:"islocal"`
IsEgressGateway bool `json:"isegressgateway" yaml:"isegressgateway"`
IsIngressGateway bool `json:"isingressgateway" yaml:"isingressgateway"`
DNSOn bool `json:"dnson" yaml:"dnson"`
PersistentKeepalive time.Duration `json:"persistentkeepalive" yaml:"persistentkeepalive"`
// Node - a model of a network node
type Node struct {
PendingDelete bool `json:"pendingdelete" bson:"pendingdelete" yaml:"pendingdelete"`
LastModified time.Time `json:"lastmodified" bson:"lastmodified" yaml:"lastmodified"`
LastCheckIn time.Time `json:"lastcheckin" bson:"lastcheckin" yaml:"lastcheckin"`
LastPeerUpdate time.Time `json:"lastpeerupdate" bson:"lastpeerupdate" yaml:"lastpeerupdate"`
ExpirationDateTime time.Time `json:"expdatetime" bson:"expdatetime" yaml:"expdatetime"`
EgressGatewayRanges []string `json:"egressgatewayranges" bson:"egressgatewayranges" yaml:"egressgatewayranges"`
EgressGatewayNatEnabled bool `json:"egressgatewaynatenabled" bson:"egressgatewaynatenabled" yaml:"egressgatewaynatenabled"`
EgressGatewayRequest EgressGatewayRequest `json:"egressgatewayrequest" bson:"egressgatewayrequest" yaml:"egressgatewayrequest"`
IngressGatewayRange string `json:"ingressgatewayrange" bson:"ingressgatewayrange" yaml:"ingressgatewayrange"`
IngressGatewayRange6 string `json:"ingressgatewayrange6" bson:"ingressgatewayrange6" yaml:"ingressgatewayrange6"`
IsRelayed bool `json:"isrelayed" bson:"isrelayed" yaml:"isrelayed"`
IsRelay bool `json:"isrelay" bson:"isrelay" yaml:"isrelay"`
RelayAddrs []string `json:"relayaddrs" bson:"relayaddrs" yaml:"relayaddrs"`
// == PRO ==
DefaultACL string `json:"defaultacl,omitempty" bson:"defaultacl,omitempty" yaml:"defaultacl,omitempty" validate:"checkyesornoorunset"`
OwnerID string `json:"ownerid,omitempty" bson:"ownerid,omitempty" yaml:"ownerid,omitempty"`
FailoverNode uuid.UUID `json:"failovernode" bson:"failovernode" yaml:"failovernode"`
Failover bool `json:"failover" bson:"failover" yaml:"failover"`
// LegacyNode - legacy struct for node model
type LegacyNode struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty" yaml:"id,omitempty" validate:"required,min=5,id_unique"`
HostID string `json:"hostid,omitempty" bson:"id,omitempty" yaml:"hostid,omitempty" validate:"required,min=5,id_unique"`
Address string `json:"address" bson:"address" yaml:"address" validate:"omitempty,ipv4"`
Address6 string `json:"address6" bson:"address6" yaml:"address6" validate:"omitempty,ipv6"`
LocalAddress string `json:"localaddress" bson:"localaddress" yaml:"localaddress" validate:"omitempty"`
Interfaces []Iface `json:"interfaces" yaml:"interfaces"`
Name string `json:"name" bson:"name" yaml:"name" validate:"omitempty,max=62,in_charset"`
NetworkSettings Network `json:"networksettings" bson:"networksettings" yaml:"networksettings" validate:"-"`
ListenPort int32 `json:"listenport" bson:"listenport" yaml:"listenport" validate:"omitempty,numeric,min=1024,max=65535"`
LocalListenPort int32 `json:"locallistenport" bson:"locallistenport" yaml:"locallistenport" validate:"numeric,min=0,max=65535"`
ProxyListenPort int32 `json:"proxy_listen_port" bson:"proxy_listen_port" yaml:"proxy_listen_port" validate:"numeric,min=0,max=65535"`
PublicKey string `json:"publickey" bson:"publickey" yaml:"publickey" validate:"required,base64"`
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint" bson:"endpoint" yaml:"endpoint" validate:"required,ip"`
PostUp string `json:"postup" bson:"postup" yaml:"postup"`
PostDown string `json:"postdown" bson:"postdown" yaml:"postdown"`
AllowedIPs []string `json:"allowedips" bson:"allowedips" yaml:"allowedips"`
PersistentKeepalive int32 `json:"persistentkeepalive" bson:"persistentkeepalive" yaml:"persistentkeepalive" validate:"omitempty,numeric,max=1000"`
IsHub string `json:"ishub" bson:"ishub" yaml:"ishub" validate:"checkyesorno"`
AccessKey string `json:"accesskey" bson:"accesskey" yaml:"accesskey"`
Interface string `json:"interface" bson:"interface" yaml:"interface"`
LastModified int64 `json:"lastmodified" bson:"lastmodified" yaml:"lastmodified"`
ExpirationDateTime int64 `json:"expdatetime" bson:"expdatetime" yaml:"expdatetime"`
LastPeerUpdate int64 `json:"lastpeerupdate" bson:"lastpeerupdate" yaml:"lastpeerupdate"`
LastCheckIn int64 `json:"lastcheckin" bson:"lastcheckin" yaml:"lastcheckin"`
MacAddress string `json:"macaddress" bson:"macaddress" yaml:"macaddress"`
Password string `json:"password" bson:"password" yaml:"password" validate:"required,min=6"`
Network string `json:"network" bson:"network" yaml:"network" validate:"network_exists"`
IsRelayed string `json:"isrelayed" bson:"isrelayed" yaml:"isrelayed"`
IsPending string `json:"ispending" bson:"ispending" yaml:"ispending"`
IsRelay string `json:"isrelay" bson:"isrelay" yaml:"isrelay" validate:"checkyesorno"`
IsDocker string `json:"isdocker" bson:"isdocker" yaml:"isdocker" validate:"checkyesorno"`
IsK8S string `json:"isk8s" bson:"isk8s" yaml:"isk8s" validate:"checkyesorno"`
IsEgressGateway string `json:"isegressgateway" bson:"isegressgateway" yaml:"isegressgateway" validate:"checkyesorno"`
IsIngressGateway string `json:"isingressgateway" bson:"isingressgateway" yaml:"isingressgateway" validate:"checkyesorno"`
EgressGatewayRanges []string `json:"egressgatewayranges" bson:"egressgatewayranges" yaml:"egressgatewayranges"`
EgressGatewayNatEnabled string `json:"egressgatewaynatenabled" bson:"egressgatewaynatenabled" yaml:"egressgatewaynatenabled"`
EgressGatewayRequest EgressGatewayRequest `json:"egressgatewayrequest" bson:"egressgatewayrequest" yaml:"egressgatewayrequest"`
RelayAddrs []string `json:"relayaddrs" bson:"relayaddrs" yaml:"relayaddrs"`
FailoverNode string `json:"failovernode" bson:"failovernode" yaml:"failovernode"`
IngressGatewayRange string `json:"ingressgatewayrange" bson:"ingressgatewayrange" yaml:"ingressgatewayrange"`
IngressGatewayRange6 string `json:"ingressgatewayrange6" bson:"ingressgatewayrange6" yaml:"ingressgatewayrange6"`
// IsStatic - refers to if the Endpoint is set manually or dynamically
IsStatic string `json:"isstatic" bson:"isstatic" yaml:"isstatic" validate:"checkyesorno"`
UDPHolePunch string `json:"udpholepunch" bson:"udpholepunch" yaml:"udpholepunch" validate:"checkyesorno"`
DNSOn string `json:"dnson" bson:"dnson" yaml:"dnson" validate:"checkyesorno"`
IsServer string `json:"isserver" bson:"isserver" yaml:"isserver" validate:"checkyesorno"`
Action string `json:"action" bson:"action" yaml:"action"`
IsLocal string `json:"islocal" bson:"islocal" yaml:"islocal" validate:"checkyesorno"`
IPForwarding string `json:"ipforwarding" bson:"ipforwarding" yaml:"ipforwarding" validate:"checkyesorno"`
OS string `json:"os" bson:"os" yaml:"os"`
MTU int32 `json:"mtu" bson:"mtu" yaml:"mtu"`
Version string `json:"version" bson:"version" yaml:"version"`
Server string `json:"server" bson:"server" yaml:"server"`
TrafficKeys TrafficKeys `json:"traffickeys" bson:"traffickeys" yaml:"traffickeys"`
FirewallInUse string `json:"firewallinuse" bson:"firewallinuse" yaml:"firewallinuse"`
InternetGateway string `json:"internetgateway" bson:"internetgateway" yaml:"internetgateway"`
Connected string `json:"connected" bson:"connected" yaml:"connected" validate:"checkyesorno"`
PendingDelete bool `json:"pendingdelete" bson:"pendingdelete" yaml:"pendingdelete"`
Proxy bool `json:"proxy" bson:"proxy" yaml:"proxy"`
// == PRO ==
DefaultACL string `json:"defaultacl,omitempty" bson:"defaultacl,omitempty" yaml:"defaultacl,omitempty" validate:"checkyesornoorunset"`
OwnerID string `json:"ownerid,omitempty" bson:"ownerid,omitempty" yaml:"ownerid,omitempty"`
Failover string `json:"failover" bson:"failover" yaml:"failover" validate:"checkyesorno"`
// NodesArray - used for node sorting
type NodesArray []Node
// NodesArray.Len - gets length of node array
func (a NodesArray) Len() int { return len(a) }
// NodesArray.Less - gets returns lower rank of two node addressesFill
func (a NodesArray) Less(i, j int) bool {
return isLess(a[i].Address.IP.String(), a[j].Address.IP.String())
// NodesArray.Swap - swaps two nodes in array
func (a NodesArray) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func isLess(ipA string, ipB string) bool {
ipNetA := net.ParseIP(ipA)
ipNetB := net.ParseIP(ipB)
return bytes.Compare(ipNetA, ipNetB) < 0
// Node.PrimaryAddress - return ipv4 address if present, else return ipv6
func (node *Node) PrimaryAddress() string {
if node.Address.IP != nil {
return node.Address.IP.String()
return node.Address6.IP.String()
// Node.SetDefaultConnected
func (node *Node) SetDefaultConnected() {
node.Connected = true
// Node.SetDefaultACL
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultACL() {
if node.DefaultACL == "" {
node.DefaultACL = "yes"
// Node.SetDefaultMTU - sets default MTU of a node
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultMTU() {
if node.MTU == 0 {
node.MTU = 1280
// Node.SetDefaultNFTablesPresent - sets default for nftables check
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultNFTablesPresent() {
if node.FirewallInUse == "" {
node.FirewallInUse = FIREWALL_IPTABLES // default to iptables
// Node.SetDefaultIsRelayed - set default is relayed
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultIsRelayed() {
if node.IsRelayed == "" {
node.IsRelayed = "no"
// Node.SetDefaultIsRelayed - set default is relayed
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultIsHub() {
if node.IsHub == "" {
node.IsHub = "no"
// Node.SetDefaultIsRelay - set default isrelay
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultIsRelay() {
if node.IsRelay == "" {
node.IsRelay = "no"
// Node.SetDefaultIsDocker - set default isdocker
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultIsDocker() {
if node.IsDocker == "" {
node.IsDocker = "no"
// Node.SetDefaultIsK8S - set default isk8s
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultIsK8S() {
if node.IsK8S == "" {
node.IsK8S = "no"
// Node.SetDefaultEgressGateway - sets default egress gateway status
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultEgressGateway() {
if node.IsEgressGateway == "" {
node.IsEgressGateway = "no"
// Node.SetDefaultIngressGateway - sets default ingress gateway status
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultIngressGateway() {
if node.IsIngressGateway == "" {
node.IsIngressGateway = "no"
// Node.SetDefaultAction - sets default action status
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultAction() {
if node.Action == "" {
node.Action = NODE_NOOP
// Node.SetRoamingDefault - sets default roaming status
//func (node *Node) SetRoamingDefault() {
// if node.Roaming == "" {
// node.Roaming = "yes"
// }
// Node.SetIPForwardingDefault - set ip forwarding default
func (node *LegacyNode) SetIPForwardingDefault() {
if node.IPForwarding == "" {
node.IPForwarding = "yes"
// Node.SetIsLocalDefault - set is local default
func (node *LegacyNode) SetIsLocalDefault() {
if node.IsLocal == "" {
node.IsLocal = "no"
// Node.SetDNSOnDefault - sets dns on default
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDNSOnDefault() {
if node.DNSOn == "" {
node.DNSOn = "yes"
// Node.SetIsServerDefault - sets node isserver default
func (node *LegacyNode) SetIsServerDefault() {
if node.IsServer != "yes" {
node.IsServer = "no"
// Node.SetIsStaticDefault - set is static default
func (node *LegacyNode) SetIsStaticDefault() {
if node.IsServer == "yes" {
node.IsStatic = "yes"
} else if node.IsStatic != "yes" {
node.IsStatic = "no"
// Node.SetLastModified - set last modified initial time
func (node *Node) SetLastModified() {
node.LastModified = time.Now()
// Node.SetLastCheckIn - set checkin time of node
func (node *Node) SetLastCheckIn() {
node.LastCheckIn = time.Now()
// Node.SetLastPeerUpdate - sets last peer update time
func (node *Node) SetLastPeerUpdate() {
node.LastPeerUpdate = time.Now()
// Node.SetExpirationDateTime - sets node expiry time
func (node *Node) SetExpirationDateTime() {
node.ExpirationDateTime = time.Now().Add(TEN_YEARS_IN_SECONDS)
// Node.SetDefaultName - sets a random name to node
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultName() {
if node.Name == "" {
node.Name = GenerateNodeName()
// Node.SetDefaultFailover - sets default value of failover status to no if not set
func (node *LegacyNode) SetDefaultFailover() {
if node.Failover == "" {
node.Failover = "no"
// Node.Fill - fills other node data into calling node data if not set on calling node
func (newNode *Node) Fill(currentNode *Node) { // TODO add new field for nftables present
newNode.ID = currentNode.ID
newNode.HostID = currentNode.HostID
// Revisit the logic for boolean values
// TODO ---- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// TODO ---- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if newNode.Address.String() == "" {
newNode.Address = currentNode.Address
if newNode.Address6.String() == "" {
newNode.Address6 = currentNode.Address6
if newNode.PostUp == "" {
newNode.PostUp = currentNode.PostUp
if newNode.PostDown == "" {
newNode.PostDown = currentNode.PostDown
if newNode.PersistentKeepalive < 0 {
newNode.PersistentKeepalive = currentNode.PersistentKeepalive
if newNode.LastModified != currentNode.LastModified {
newNode.LastModified = currentNode.LastModified
if newNode.ExpirationDateTime.IsZero() {
newNode.ExpirationDateTime = currentNode.ExpirationDateTime
if newNode.LastPeerUpdate.IsZero() {
newNode.LastPeerUpdate = currentNode.LastPeerUpdate
if newNode.LastCheckIn.IsZero() {
newNode.LastCheckIn = currentNode.LastCheckIn
if newNode.Network == "" {
newNode.Network = currentNode.Network
if newNode.IsEgressGateway != currentNode.IsEgressGateway {
newNode.IsEgressGateway = currentNode.IsEgressGateway
if newNode.IsIngressGateway != currentNode.IsIngressGateway {
newNode.IsIngressGateway = currentNode.IsIngressGateway
if newNode.EgressGatewayRanges == nil {
newNode.EgressGatewayRanges = currentNode.EgressGatewayRanges
if newNode.IngressGatewayRange == "" {
newNode.IngressGatewayRange = currentNode.IngressGatewayRange
if newNode.IngressGatewayRange6 == "" {
newNode.IngressGatewayRange6 = currentNode.IngressGatewayRange6
if newNode.DNSOn != currentNode.DNSOn {
newNode.DNSOn = currentNode.DNSOn
if newNode.IsLocal != currentNode.IsLocal {
newNode.IsLocal = currentNode.IsLocal
if newNode.Action == "" {
newNode.Action = currentNode.Action
if newNode.RelayAddrs == nil {
newNode.RelayAddrs = currentNode.RelayAddrs
if newNode.IsRelay != currentNode.IsRelay {
newNode.IsRelay = currentNode.IsRelay
if newNode.IsRelayed == currentNode.IsRelayed {
newNode.IsRelayed = currentNode.IsRelayed
if newNode.Server == "" {
newNode.Server = currentNode.Server
if newNode.DefaultACL == "" {
newNode.DefaultACL = currentNode.DefaultACL
if newNode.Failover != currentNode.Failover {
newNode.Failover = currentNode.Failover
// StringWithCharset - returns random string inside defined charset
func StringWithCharset(length int, charset string) string {
b := make([]byte, length)
for i := range b {
b[i] = charset[seededRand.Intn(len(charset))]
return string(b)
// IsIpv4Net - check for valid IPv4 address
// Note: We dont handle IPv6 AT ALL!!!!! This definitely is needed at some point
// But for iteration 1, lets just stick to IPv4. Keep it simple stupid.
func IsIpv4Net(host string) bool {
return net.ParseIP(host) != nil
// Node.NameInNodeCharset - returns if name is in charset below or not
func (node *LegacyNode) NameInNodeCharSet() bool {
charset := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-"
for _, char := range node.Name {
if !strings.Contains(charset, strings.ToLower(string(char))) {
return false
return true
// == PRO ==
// Node.DoesACLAllow - checks if default ACL on node is "yes"
func (node *Node) DoesACLAllow() bool {
return node.DefaultACL == "yes"
// Node.DoesACLDeny - checks if default ACL on node is "no"
func (node *Node) DoesACLDeny() bool {
return node.DefaultACL == "no"
func (ln *LegacyNode) ConvertToNewNode() (*Host, *Node) {
var node Node
//host:= logic.GetHost(node.HostID)
var host Host
if host.ID.String() == "" {
host.ID = uuid.New()
host.FirewallInUse = ln.FirewallInUse
host.Version = ln.Version
host.IPForwarding = parseBool(ln.IPForwarding)
host.HostPass = ln.Password
host.Name = ln.Name
host.ListenPort = int(ln.ListenPort)
host.ProxyListenPort = int(ln.ProxyListenPort)
host.MTU = int(ln.MTU)
host.PublicKey, _ = wgtypes.ParseKey(ln.PublicKey)
host.MacAddress, _ = net.ParseMAC(ln.MacAddress)
host.TrafficKeyPublic = ln.TrafficKeys.Mine
gateway, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", ln.InternetGateway)
if err == nil {
host.InternetGateway = *gateway
id, _ := uuid.Parse(ln.ID)
host.Nodes = append(host.Nodes, id.String())
host.Interfaces = ln.Interfaces
host.EndpointIP = net.ParseIP(ln.Endpoint)
// host.ProxyEnabled = ln.Proxy // this will always be false..
id, _ := uuid.Parse(ln.ID)
node.ID = id
node.Network = ln.Network
if _, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(ln.NetworkSettings.AddressRange); err == nil {
node.NetworkRange = *cidr
if _, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(ln.NetworkSettings.AddressRange6); err == nil {
node.NetworkRange6 = *cidr
node.Server = ln.Server
node.Connected = parseBool(ln.Connected)
if ln.Address != "" {
node.Address = net.IPNet{
IP: net.ParseIP(ln.Address),
Mask: net.CIDRMask(32, 32),
if ln.Address6 != "" {
node.Address = net.IPNet{
IP: net.ParseIP(ln.Address6),
Mask: net.CIDRMask(128, 128),
node.PostUp = ln.PostUp
node.PostDown = ln.PostDown
node.Action = ln.Action
node.IsLocal = parseBool(ln.IsLocal)
node.IsEgressGateway = parseBool(ln.IsEgressGateway)
node.IsIngressGateway = parseBool(ln.IsIngressGateway)
node.DNSOn = parseBool(ln.DNSOn)
return &host, &node
// Node.Legacy converts node to legacy format
func (n *Node) Legacy(h *Host, s *ServerConfig, net *Network) *LegacyNode {
l := LegacyNode{}
l.ID = n.ID.String()
l.HostID = h.ID.String()
l.Address = n.Address.String()
l.Address6 = n.Address6.String()
l.Interfaces = h.Interfaces
l.Name = h.Name
l.NetworkSettings = *net
l.ListenPort = int32(h.ListenPort)
l.ProxyListenPort = int32(h.ProxyListenPort)
l.PublicKey = h.PublicKey.String()
l.Endpoint = h.EndpointIP.String()
l.PostUp = n.PostUp
l.PostDown = n.PostDown
//l.AllowedIPs =
l.AccessKey = ""
//l.LastModified =
l.MacAddress = h.MacAddress.String()
l.Password = h.HostPass
l.Network = n.Network
//l.IsRelayed = formatBool(n.Is)
//l.IsRelay = formatBool(n.IsRelay)
//l.IsDocker = formatBool(n.IsDocker)
//l.IsK8S = formatBool(n.IsK8S)
l.IsEgressGateway = formatBool(n.IsEgressGateway)
l.IsIngressGateway = formatBool(n.IsIngressGateway)
//l.EgressGatewayRanges = n.EgressGatewayRanges
//l.EgressGatewayNatEnabled = n.EgressGatewayNatEnabled
//l.RelayAddrs = n.RelayAddrs
//l.FailoverNode = n.FailoverNode
//l.IngressGatewayRange = n.IngressGatewayRange
//l.IngressGatewayRange6 = n.IngressGatewayRange6
l.IsStatic = formatBool(h.IsStatic)
l.UDPHolePunch = formatBool(true)
l.DNSOn = formatBool(n.DNSOn)
l.Action = n.Action
l.IsLocal = formatBool(n.IsLocal)
l.IPForwarding = formatBool(h.IPForwarding)
l.OS = h.OS
l.MTU = int32(h.MTU)
l.Version = h.Version
l.Server = n.Server
l.TrafficKeys.Mine = h.TrafficKeyPublic
l.TrafficKeys.Server = s.TrafficKey
l.FirewallInUse = h.FirewallInUse
l.InternetGateway = h.InternetGateway.String()
l.Connected = formatBool(n.Connected)
//l.PendingDelete = formatBool(n.PendingDelete)
l.Proxy = h.ProxyEnabled
l.DefaultACL = n.DefaultACL
l.OwnerID = n.OwnerID
//l.Failover = n.Failover
return &l
// Node.NetworkSettings updates a node with network settings
func (node *Node) NetworkSettings(n Network) {
_, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(n.AddressRange)
if err == nil {
node.NetworkRange = *cidr
_, cidr, err = net.ParseCIDR(n.AddressRange6)
if err == nil {
node.NetworkRange6 = *cidr
func parseBool(s string) bool {
b := false
if s == "yes" {
b = true
return b
func formatBool(b bool) string {
s := "no"
if b {
s = "yes"
return s