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This guide covers advanced usage of Netmaker. If you are just looking to get started quickly, check out the Quick Start in the README.
Server Config
Netmaker settings can be set via Environment Variables or Config file. There are also a couple of runtime arguments that can optionally be set.
Environment Variables
APP_ENV: default=dev. Determines which environment file to use. Will look under config/environments/APP_ENV.yaml. For instance, you can have different environments for dev, test, and prod, and store different settinggs accordingly.
GRPC_PORT: default=50051. The port for GRPC (node/client) communications
API_PORT: default=8081. The port for API and UI communications
MASTER_KEY: default=secretkey. The skeleton key used for authenticating with server as administrator.
MongoDB Connection Env Vars:
BACKEND_URL: default=nil. The address of the server. Used for setting token values for client/nodes. If not set, will run a command to retrieve the server URL.
Config File
Stored as config/environments/*.yaml. Default used is dev.yaml
- host: "localhost" (reachable address of this server, overriden by BACKEND_URL)
- apiport: "8081" (api port, overriden by API_PORT)
- grpcport: "50051" (grpc port, overridden by GRPC_PORT)
- masterkey: "secretkey" (administrator server API key, overridden by MASTER_KEY)
- allowedorigin: "*" (CORS policy for requests)
- restbackend: true (Runs the REST server)
- agentbackend: true (Runs the GRPC server)
- defaultnetname: "default" (name for the default network)
- defaultnetrange: "" (range for the default network)
- createdefault: true (Flag for creating the default network)
mongoconn: (see ENV values above for explanation. ENV values override.)
- user: "mongoadmin"
- pass: "mongopass"
- host: "localhost"
- port: "27017"
- opts: '/?authSource=admin'
Runtime Args
clientmode: (default=on) E.x.: sudo netmaker --clientmode=off
Run the Server as a client (node) as well.
defaultnet: (default=on) E.x.: sudo netmaker --defaultnet=off
Create a default network on startup.
Client Config
Client config files are stored under /etc/netclient per network as /etc/netclient/netconfig-< network name >
address: The address:port of the server
accesskey: The acceess key used to sign up with the server
name: a displayname for the node, e.g. "mycomputer"
interface: the network interface name, by default something like "nm-"
network: the netmaker network being attached to
password: the node's hashed password. Can be changed by putting a value in here and setting "postchanges" to "true"
macaddress: the mac address of the node
localaddress: the local network address
wgaddress: the wireguard private address
roamingoff: flag to update the IP address automatically based on network changes
islocal: whether or not this is a local or public network
allowedips: the allowedips addresses that other nodes will recieve
localrange: the local address range if it's a local network
postup: post up rules for gateway nodes
postdown: post down rules for gateway nodes
port: the wiregard port
keepalive: the default keepalive value between this and all other nodes
publickey: the public key other nodes will use to access this node
privatekey: the private key of the nodes (this field does nothing)
endpoint: the reachable endpoint of the node for routing, either local or public.
postchanges: either "true" or "false" (with quotes). If true, will post any changes you make to the remote server.
Non-Docker Installation
MongoDB Setup
Install MongoDB on your server. For Ubuntu:
sudo apt install -y mongodb
. For more advanced installation or other operating systems, see the MongoDB documentation. -
Create a user:
mongo admin
db.createUser({ user: "mongoadmin" , pwd: "mongopass", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase"]})
Server Setup
- Run the install script: sudo curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gravitl/netmaker/v0.2/netmaker-server.sh | sh -
- Check status:
sudo journalctl -u netmaker
- If any settings are incorrect such as host or mongo credentials, change them under /etc/netmaker/config/environments/ENV.yaml and then run
sudo systemctl restart netmaker
UI Setup
Download UI asset files:
sudo wget -O /usr/share/nginx/html/netmaker-ui.zip https://github.com/gravitl/netmaker-ui/releases/download/latest/netmaker-ui.zip
sudo unzip /usr/share/nginx/html/netmaker-ui.zip -d /usr/share/nginx/html
Copy Config to Nginx:
sudo cp /usr/share/nginx/html/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
Modify Default Config Path:
sudo sed -i 's/root \/var\/www\/html/root \/usr\/share\/nginx\/html/g' /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
Change Backend URL:
sudo sh -c 'BACKEND_URL=http://<YOUR BACKEND API URL>:PORT /usr/share/nginx/html/generate_config_js.sh >/usr/share/nginx/html/config.js'
Start Nginx:
sudo systemctl start nginx
Agent Setup
On each machine you would like to add to the network, do the following:
- Confirm wireguard is installed:
sudo apt install wireguard-tools
- Confirm ipv4 forwarding is enabled:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- Create a key or enable manual node signup at the network level
- Run the install command generated by key create:
sudo curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gravitl/netmaker/v0.2/netclient-install.sh | KEY=YOUR_TOKEN sh -
4.a. For subsequent installs, you can just runsudo netclient -c install -t YOUR_TOKEN
4.b. For offline installs, you can self-host a netclient file server on netmaker
This will install netclient@.service and netclient-YOUR_NET.timer in systemd, which will run periodically to call the netclient binary, which will check to see if there are any updates that it needs and update WireGuard appropriately.
Back End Compilation The backend can be compiled by running "go build" from the root of the repository, which will create an executable named "netmaker."
Client Compilation Similarly, "go build" can be run from the netclient directory to produce a netclient executable.
Protoc command for GRPC Compilation: Whenever making changes to grpc/node.proto, you will need to recompile the grpc. This can be achieved by running the following command from the root of the repository.
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative grpc/node.proto
Build binary: go build ./
Unit Testing When making changes to Netmaker, you may wish to create nodes, networks, or keys for testing. Bash scripts have been created under the "test" directory (*.sh) which run curl commands that generate sample nodes, networks, and keys that can be used for testing purposes.
Integration Testing Similarly, several go scripts have been created under the test directory (*.go) to test out changes to the code base. These will be run automatically when PR's are submitted but can also be run manually using "go test."