1. Download here [Python 2.7.13](https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/python-2.7.13.msi) instalation. Those who need to install python should watch this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYUBz4mrnFU)
It's best to use 'Command Promt' first to install `Requirements.txt`. You can also install the modules individually with the command 'pip install SomePackage==1.0.4 # specific version'
For use these scripts it would be good to make a shortcut for `c4.bat` and put it in the task bar for easier startup.
All scripts using the same text file where is stored models for recordings, default is `C:\-c4-py\C4_Model.txt`.
However, if you want to record a certain model permanently (24/7), then you need to use `c4.bat`, options numbers 2 to 5 for start rtmpdump, youtube-dl, ffmpeg or streamlink.
Default script is 'c4a.py' letter 'a' in the name means 'ALL' for 'all mode' record and play with hidden script traffic.
Script 'c4aw.py' letter 'w' in the name means 'window' allow you to see what is actually happening in a separate window and make it easier to stop recording.
If you want to record more models at the same time then you need to start another copy of `c4.bat`.