import os from collections import deque from math import floor from pathlib import PurePath from shutil import get_terminal_size from string import Formatter as StringFormatter from threading import Event, RLock, Thread from time import time from typing import Callable, Deque, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union from streamlink.compat import is_win32 _stringformatter = StringFormatter() _TFormat = Iterable[Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str]]]] class ProgressFormatter: # Store formats as a tuple of lists of parsed format strings, # so when iterating, we don't have to parse over and over again. # Reserve at least 15 characters for the path, so it can be truncated with enough useful information. FORMATS: _TFormat = tuple(list(_stringformatter.parse(fmt)) for fmt in ( "[download] => {path} {written} ({elapsed} @ {speed})", "[download] => {written} ({elapsed} @ {speed})", "[download] => {written} ({elapsed} @ {speed})", "[download] => {written} ({elapsed})", "[download] => {written}", )) FORMATS_NOSPEED: _TFormat = tuple(list(_stringformatter.parse(fmt)) for fmt in ( "[download] => {path} {written} ({elapsed})", "[download] => {written} ({elapsed})", "[download] => {written} ({elapsed})", "[download] => {written}", )) # Use U+2026 (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) to be able to distinguish between "." and ".." when truncating relative paths ELLIPSIS: str = "…" # widths generated from # # See WIDTHS: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]] = ( (13, 1), (15, 0), (126, 1), (159, 0), (687, 1), (710, 0), (711, 1), (727, 0), (733, 1), (879, 0), (1154, 1), (1161, 0), (4347, 1), (4447, 2), (7467, 1), (7521, 0), (8369, 1), (8426, 0), (9000, 1), (9002, 2), (11021, 1), (12350, 2), (12351, 1), (12438, 2), (12442, 0), (19893, 2), (19967, 1), (55203, 2), (63743, 1), (64106, 2), (65039, 1), (65059, 0), (65131, 2), (65279, 1), (65376, 2), (65500, 1), (65510, 2), (120831, 1), (262141, 2), (1114109, 1), ) # On Windows, we need one less space, or we overflow the line for some reason. gap = 1 if is_win32 else 0 @classmethod def term_width(cls): return get_terminal_size().columns - @classmethod def _get_width(cls, ordinal: int) -> int: """Return the width of a specific unicode character when it would be displayed.""" return next((width for unicode, width in cls.WIDTHS if ordinal <= unicode), 1) @classmethod def width(cls, value: str): """Return the overall width of a string when it would be displayed.""" return sum(map(cls._get_width, map(ord, value))) @classmethod def cut(cls, value: str, max_width: int) -> str: """Cut off the beginning of a string until its display width fits into the output size.""" current = value for i in range(len(value)): # pragma: no branch current = value[i:] if cls.width(current) <= max_width: break return current @classmethod def format(cls, formats: _TFormat, params: Dict[str, Union[str, Callable[[int], str]]]) -> str: term_width = cls.term_width() static: List[str] = [] variable: List[Tuple[int, Callable[[int], str], int]] = [] for fmt in formats: static.clear() variable.clear() length = 0 # Get literal texts, static segments and variable segments from the parsed format # and calculate the overall length of the literal texts and static segments after substituting them. for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, _conversion in fmt: static.append(literal_text) length += len(literal_text) if field_name is None: continue if field_name not in params: break value_or_callable = params[field_name] if not callable(value_or_callable): static.append(value_or_callable) length += len(value_or_callable) else: variable.append((len(static), value_or_callable, int(format_spec or 0))) static.append("") else: # No variable segments? Just check if the resulting string fits into the size constraints. if not variable: if length > term_width: continue else: break # Get the available space for each variable segment (share space equally and round down). max_width = int((term_width - length) / len(variable)) # If at least one variable segment doesn't fit, continue with the next format. if max_width < 1 or any(max_width < min_width for _, __, min_width in variable): continue # All variable segments fit, so finally format them, but continue with the next format if there's an error. # noinspection PyBroadException try: for idx, fn, _ in variable: static[idx] = fn(max_width) except Exception: continue break return "".join(static) @staticmethod def _round(num: float, n: int = 2) -> float: return floor(num * 10 ** n) / 10 ** n @classmethod def format_filesize(cls, size: float, suffix: str = "") -> str: if size < 1024: return f"{size:.0f} bytes{suffix}" if size < 2**20: return f"{cls._round(size / 2**10, 2):.2f} KB{suffix}" if size < 2**30: return f"{cls._round(size / 2**20, 2):.2f} MB{suffix}" if size < 2**40: return f"{cls._round(size / 2**30, 2):.2f} GB{suffix}" return f"{cls._round(size / 2**40, 2):.2f} TB{suffix}" @classmethod def format_time(cls, elapsed: float) -> str: elapsed = max(elapsed, 0) if elapsed < 60: return f"{int(elapsed % 60):1d}s" if elapsed < 3600: return f"{int(elapsed % 3600 / 60):1d}m{int(elapsed % 60):02d}s" return f"{int(elapsed / 3600)}h{int(elapsed % 3600 / 60):02d}m{int(elapsed % 60):02d}s" @classmethod def format_path(cls, path: PurePath, max_width: int) -> str: # Quick check if the path fits string = str(path) width = cls.width(string) if width <= max_width: return string # Since the path doesn't fit, we always need to add an ellipsis. # On Windows, we also need to add the "drive" part (which is an empty string on PurePosixPath) max_width -= cls.width( + cls.width(cls.ELLIPSIS) # Ignore the path's first part, aka the "anchor" (drive + root) parts = os.path.sep.join([1:] if else truncated = cls.cut(parts, max_width) return f"{}{cls.ELLIPSIS}{truncated}" class Progress(Thread): def __init__( self, stream: TextIO, path: PurePath, interval: float = 0.25, history: int = 20, threshold: int = 2, ): """ :param stream: The output stream :param path: The path that's being written :param interval: Time in seconds between updates :param history: Number of seconds of how long download speed history is kept :param threshold: Number of seconds until download speed is shown """ super().__init__(daemon=True) self._wait = Event() self._lock = RLock() self.formatter = ProgressFormatter() TextIO = stream self.path: PurePath = path self.interval: float = interval self.history: Deque[Tuple[float, int]] = deque(maxlen=int(history / interval)) self.threshold: int = int(threshold / interval) self.started: float = 0.0 self.overall: int = 0 self.written: int = 0 def close(self): self._wait.set() def write(self, chunk: bytes): size = len(chunk) with self._lock: self.overall += size self.written += size def run(self): self.started = time() try: while not self._wait.wait(self.interval): # pragma: no cover self.update() finally: self.print_end() def update(self): with self._lock: now = time() formatter = self.formatter history = self.history history.append((now, self.written)) self.written = 0 has_history = len(history) >= self.threshold if not has_history: formats = formatter.FORMATS_NOSPEED speed = "" else: formats = formatter.FORMATS speed = formatter.format_filesize(sum(size for _, size in history) / (now - history[0][0]), "/s") params = dict( written=formatter.format_filesize(self.overall), elapsed=formatter.format_time(now - self.started), speed=speed, path=lambda max_width: formatter.format_path(self.path, max_width), ) status = formatter.format(formats, params) self.print_inplace(status) def print_inplace(self, msg: str): """Clears the previous line and prints a new one.""" term_width = self.formatter.term_width() spacing = term_width - self.formatter.width(msg)"\r{msg}{' ' * max(0, spacing)}") def print_end(self):"\n")