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2022-09-10 17:01:51 +08:00
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
use PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
class Package
2022-09-16 12:19:53 +08:00
* @param int $id_customer String user identifier
* @param string $router_name router name for this package
* @param int $plan_id plan id for this package
* @param string $gateway payment gateway name
* @param string $channel channel payment gateway
* @return boolean
2022-09-10 17:01:51 +08:00
public static function rechargeUser($id_customer, $router_name, $plan_id, $gateway, $channel)
global $_c, $_L;
$date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$date_only = date("Y-m-d");
$time = date("H:i:s");
if ($id_customer == '' or $router_name == '' or $plan_id == '') {
return false;
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('id', $id_customer)->find_one();
$p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('id', $plan_id)->where('enabled', '1')->find_one();
$b = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('customer_id', $id_customer)->find_one();
$mikrotik = Router::_info($router_name);
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Months') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' month'));
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Days') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' day'));
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Hrs') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' hour')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Mins') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' minute')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
if ($p['type'] == 'Hotspot') {
if ($b) {
if (!$_c['radius_mode']) {
try {
$iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']);
$client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Unable to connect to the router.<br>" . $e->getMessage());
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request(
'/ip hotspot user print .proplist=name',
RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])
$userName = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('name');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/remove');
->setArgument('numbers', $userName)
/* iBNuX Added:
* Time limit to Mikrotik
* 'Time_Limit', 'Data_Limit', 'Both_Limit'
$addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/add');
if ($p['typebp'] == "Limited") {
if ($p['limit_type'] == "Time_Limit") {
if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs')
$timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00";
$timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00";
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit)
} else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Data_Limit") {
if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB')
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000";
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000";
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit)
} else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Both_Limit") {
if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs')
$timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00";
$timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00";
if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB')
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000";
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000";
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit)
->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit)
} else {
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
$b->customer_id = $id_customer;
$b->username = $c['username'];
$b->plan_id = $plan_id;
$b->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$b->recharged_on = $date_only;
$b->expiration = $date_exp;
$b->time = $time;
$b->status = "on";
$b->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$b->routers = $router_name;
$b->type = "Hotspot";
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5);
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
$t->price = $p['price'];
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->type = "Hotspot";
} else {
if (!$_c['radius_mode']) {
try {
$iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']);
$client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Unable to connect to the router.<br>" . $e->getMessage());
/* iBNuX Added:
* Time limit to Mikrotik
* 'Time_Limit', 'Data_Limit', 'Both_Limit'
$addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/add');
if ($p['typebp'] == "Limited") {
if ($p['limit_type'] == "Time_Limit") {
if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs')
$timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00";
$timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00";
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit)
} else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Data_Limit") {
if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB')
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000";
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000";
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit)
} else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Both_Limit") {
if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs')
$timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00";
$timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00";
if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB')
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000";
$datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000";
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit)
->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit)
} else {
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->create();
$d->customer_id = $id_customer;
$d->username = $c['username'];
$d->plan_id = $plan_id;
$d->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$d->recharged_on = $date_only;
$d->expiration = $date_exp;
$d->time = $time;
$d->status = "on";
$d->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$d->routers = $router_name;
$d->type = "Hotspot";
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5);
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
$t->price = $p['price'];
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->type = "Hotspot";
sendTelegram("#u$c[username] #buy #Hotspot \n" . $p['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nGateway: " . $gateway .
"\nChannel: " . $channel .
"\nPrice: " . $p['price']);
} else {
if ($b) {
if (!$_c['radius_mode']) {
try {
$iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']);
$client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Unable to connect to the router.<br>" . $e->getMessage());
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request(
'/ppp secret print .proplist=name',
RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])
$userName = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('name');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/remove');
->setArgument('numbers', $userName)
$addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/add');
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('service', 'pppoe')
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
$b->customer_id = $id_customer;
$b->username = $c['username'];
$b->plan_id = $plan_id;
$b->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$b->recharged_on = $date_only;
$b->expiration = $date_exp;
$b->time = $time;
$b->status = "on";
$b->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$b->routers = $router_name;
$b->type = "PPPOE";
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5);
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
$t->price = $p['price'];
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->type = "PPPOE";
} else {
if (!$_c['radius_mode']) {
try {
$iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']);
$client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die("Unable to connect to the router.<br>" . $e->getMessage());
$addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/add');
->setArgument('name', $c['username'])
->setArgument('service', 'pppoe')
->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan'])
->setArgument('password', $c['password'])
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->create();
$d->customer_id = $id_customer;
$d->username = $c['username'];
$d->plan_id = $plan_id;
$d->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$d->recharged_on = $date_only;
$d->expiration = $date_exp;
$d->time = $time;
$d->status = "on";
$d->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$d->routers = $router_name;
$d->type = "PPPOE";
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5);
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
$t->price = $p['price'];
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->type = "PPPOE";
sendTelegram("#u$c[username] #buy #PPPOE \n" . $p['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nGateway: " . $gateway .
"\nChannel: " . $channel .
"\nPrice: " . $p['price']);
$in = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->where('username', $c['username'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_one();
sendWhatsapp($c['username'], "*$_c[CompanyName]*\n" .
"$_c[address]\n" .
"$_c[phone]\n" .
"\n\n" .
"INVOICE: *$in[invoice]*\n" .
"$_L[Date] : $date_now\n" .
"$gateway $channel\n" .
"\n\n" .
"$_L[Type] : *$in[type]*\n" .
"$_L[Plan_Name] : *$in[plan_name]*\n" .
"$_L[Plan_Price] : *$_c[currency_code] " . number_format($in['price'], 2, $_c['dec_point'], $_c['thousands_sep']) . "*\n\n" .
"$_L[Username] : *$in[username]*\n" .
"$_L[Password] : **********\n\n" .
"$_L[Created_On] :\n*" . date($_c['date_format'], strtotime($in['recharged_on'])) . " $in[time]*\n" .
"$_L[Expires_On] :\n*" . date($_c['date_format'], strtotime($in['expiration'])) . " $in[time]*\n" .
"\n\n" .
return true;