PHPMixBill v5.0 - First Upload

This commit is contained in:
Ibnu Maksum 2017-03-11 02:51:06 +07:00
commit 979475b312
767 changed files with 239450 additions and 0 deletions

.DS_Store vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., <>
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
{signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

59 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# PHP Mikrotik Billing
by Ismail Marzuqi
New Features:
- New Coding (ORM & Smarty)
- New Design (responsive)
- NEW API Mikrotik (PEAR2_Net_RouterOS)
- Multi Router Mikrotik
- Hotspot & PPPOE
- Easy Installation
- Multi Language
and many more...
STEPS: Installation
Auto Installer:
1. Unzip the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer.
2. Upload the Entire phpmixbill_v5.0 folder to your website / server
3. Next you can rename the folder to whatever you like (billing, finance, manage etc..)
4. Now visit the uploaded location using your web browser to run the installer process.
5. Follow the instructions on screen to install PHPMixBill v5.0.
6. For security, Delete the install directory inside system folder.
7. If you see blank page after installation, it might be your compiled folder permissoon is not writable. Please make permission 755 compiled directory inside ui folder to store the generated contents from theme.
Manual Install:
To install manually, follow this steps-
1. Unzip the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer.
2. Upload the Entire phpmixbill_v5.0 folder to your website / server
3. Next you can rename the folder to whatever you like (billing, finance, manage etc..)
4. Sample config file is available here- system/config.sample.php . Rename it to config.php & put it in same location (/system/config.php) Open config file using a text editor & Put the database info and url.
5. Import database. Database file is located here- system/install/phpmixbill.sql
6. For security, Delete the install directory inside sysfrm folder.
System Requirements
Most current web servers with PHP & MySQL installed will be capable of running PHPMixBill v5.0.
Minimum Requirements
- Linux or Windows OS
- PHP Version 5.3+
- Both PDO & MySQLi Support
- GD2 Image Library
- MySQL Version 4.1.x and above
(C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
@donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4

admin/index.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
header('location: ../index.php?_route=admin/');

index.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
require ('system/boot.php');

system/.DS_Store vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

system/autoload/Admin.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
Class Admin{
public static function _info(){
$id = $_SESSION['aid'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->find_one($id);
return $d;

system/autoload/App.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
Class App{
public static function _run(){
return true;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
namespace PEAR2;
if (!class_exists('\PEAR2\Autoload', false)) {
class Autoload
* Whether the autoload class has been spl_autoload_register-ed
* @var bool
protected static $registered = false;
* Array of PEAR2 autoload paths registered
* @var array
protected static $paths = array();
* Array of classname-to-file mapping
* @var array
protected static $map = array();
* Array of class maps loaded
* @var array
protected static $maps = array();
* Last classmap specified
* @var array
protected static $mapfile = null;
* Array of classes loaded automatically not in the map
* @var array
protected static $unmapped = array();
* Initialize the PEAR2 autoloader
* @param string $path Directory path to register
* @return void
static function initialize($path, $mapfile = null)
* Register the PEAR2 autoload class with spl_autoload_register
* @return void
protected static function register()
if (!self::$registered) {
// set up __autoload
$autoload = spl_autoload_functions();
if (function_exists('__autoload') && ($autoload === false)) {
// __autoload() was being used, but now would be ignored, add
// it to the autoload stack
self::$registered = true;
* Add a path
* @param string $path The directory to add to the set of PEAR2 paths
* @return void
protected static function addPath($path)
if (!in_array($path, self::$paths)) {
self::$paths[] = $path;
* Add a classname-to-file map
* @param string $mapfile The filename of the classmap
* @return void
protected static function addMap($mapfile)
if (! in_array($mapfile, self::$maps)) {
// keep track of specific map file loaded in this
// instance so we can update it if necessary
self::$mapfile = $mapfile;
if (file_exists($mapfile)) {
$map = include $mapfile;
if (is_array($map)) {
// mapfile contains a valid map, so we'll keep it
self::$maps[] = $mapfile;
self::$map = array_merge(self::$map, $map);
* Check if the class is already defined in a classmap
* @param string $class The class to look for
* @return bool
protected static function isMapped($class)
if (isset(self::$map[$class])) {
return true;
if (isset(self::$mapfile) && ! isset(self::$map[$class])) {
self::$unmapped[] = $class;
return false;
return false;
* Load a PEAR2 class
* @param string $class The class to load
* @return bool
static function load($class)
// need to check if there's a current map file specified ALSO.
// this could be the first time writing it.
$mapped = self::isMapped($class);
if ($mapped) {
require self::$map[$class];
if (!self::loadSuccessful($class)) {
// record this failure & keep going, we may still find it
self::$unmapped[] = $class;
} else {
return true;
$file = str_replace(array('_', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class) . '.php';
foreach (self::$paths as $path) {
if (file_exists($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
require $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
if (!self::loadSuccessful($class)) {
throw new \Exception('Class ' . $class . ' was not present in ' .
$path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file .
'") [PEAR2_Autoload-0.2.4]');
if (in_array($class, self::$unmapped)) {
self::updateMap($class, $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
return true;
$e = new \Exception('Class ' . $class . ' could not be loaded from ' .
$file . ', file does not exist (registered paths="' .
implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, self::$paths) .
'") [PEAR2_Autoload-0.2.4]');
$trace = $e->getTrace();
if (isset($trace[2]) && isset($trace[2]['function']) &&
in_array($trace[2]['function'], array('class_exists', 'interface_exists'))) {
return false;
if (isset($trace[1]) && isset($trace[1]['function']) &&
in_array($trace[1]['function'], array('class_exists', 'interface_exists'))) {
return false;
throw $e;
* Check if the requested class was loaded from the specified path
* @return bool
protected static function loadSuccessful($class)
if (!class_exists($class, false) && !interface_exists($class, false)) {
return false;
return true;
* If possible, update the classmap file with newly-discovered
* mapping.
* @param string $class Class name discovered
* @param string $origin File where class was found
protected static function updateMap($class, $origin)
if (is_writable(self::$mapfile) || is_writable(dirname(self::$mapfile))) {
self::$map[$class] = $origin;
. "// PEAR2\Autoload auto-generated classmap\n"
. "return " . var_export(self::$map, true) . ';',
* return the array of paths PEAR2 autoload has registered
* @return array
static function getPaths()
return self::$paths;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
* ~~summary~~
* ~~description~~
* PHP version 5
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 0.1.3
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Cache;
* Used as a catch-all for adapter initialization.
use Exception as E;
* Implements this class.
use IteratorAggregate;
* Used on failures by this class.
use PEAR2\Cache\SHM\InvalidArgumentException;
* Main class for this package.
* Automatically chooses an adapter based on the available extensions.
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
abstract class SHM implements IteratorAggregate
* @var array An array of adapter names that meet their requirements.
private static $_adapters = array();
* Creates a new shared memory storage.
* Estabilishes a separate persistent storage. Adapter is automatically
* chosen based on the available extensions.
* @param string $persistentId The ID for the storage.
* @return static|SHM A new instance of an SHM adapter (child of this
* class).
final public static function factory($persistentId)
foreach (self::$_adapters as $adapter) {
try {
return new $adapter($persistentId);
} catch (E $e) {
//In case of a runtime error, try to fallback to other adapters.
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'No appropriate adapter available',
* Checks if the adapter meets its requirements.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public static function isMeetingRequirements()
return true;
* Registers an adapter.
* Registers an SHM adapter, allowing you to call it with {@link factory()}.
* @param string $adapter FQCN of adapter. A valid adapter is one that
* extends this class. The class will be autoloaded if not already
* present.
* @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend this adapter into the list of
* possible adapters, instead of appending to it.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
final public static function registerAdapter($adapter, $prepend = false)
if (class_exists($adapter, true)
&& is_subclass_of($adapter, '\\' . __CLASS__)
&& $adapter::isMeetingRequirements()
) {
if ($prepend) {
self::$_adapters = array_merge(
} else {
self::$_adapters[] = $adapter;
return true;
return false;
* Adds a value to the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, or fails if it does.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Seconds to store the value. If set to 0 indicates no
* time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function __invoke($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
return $this->add($key, $value, $ttl);
* Gets a value from the shared memory storage.
* This is a magic method, thanks to which any property you attempt to get
* the value of will be fetched from the adapter, treating the property name
* as the key of the value to get.
* @param string $key Name of key to get.
* @return mixed The current value of the specified key.
public function __get($key)
return $this->get($key);
* Sets a value in the shared memory storage.
* This is a magic method, thanks to which any property you attempt to set
* the value of will be set by the adapter, treating the property name as
* the key of the value to set. The value is set without a TTL.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function __set($key, $value)
return $this->set($key, $value);
* Checks if a specified key is in the storage.
* This is a magic method, thanks to which any property you call isset() on
* will be checked by the adapter, treating the property name as the key
* of the value to check.
* @param string $key Name of key to check.
* @return bool TRUE if the key is in the storage, FALSE otherwise.
public function __isset($key)
return $this->exists($key);
* Deletes a value from the shared memory storage.
* This is a magic method, thanks to which any property you attempt to unset
* the value of will be unset by the adapter, treating the property name as
* the key of the value to delete.
* @param string $key Name of key to delete.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function __unset($key)
return $this->delete($key);
* Creates a new shared memory storage.
* Estabilishes a separate persistent storage.
* @param string $persistentId The ID for the storage. The storage will be
* reused if it exists, or created if it doesn't exist. Data and locks
* are namespaced by this ID.
abstract public function __construct($persistentId);
* Obtains a named lock.
* @param string $key Name of the key to obtain. Note that $key may
* repeat for each distinct $persistentId.
* @param double $timeout If the lock can't be immediatly obtained, the
* script will block for at most the specified amount of seconds.
* Setting this to 0 makes lock obtaining non blocking, and setting it
* to NULL makes it block without a time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
abstract public function lock($key, $timeout = null);
* Releases a named lock.
* @param string $key Name of the key to release. Note that $key may
* repeat for each distinct $persistentId.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
abstract public function unlock($key);
* Checks if a specified key is in the storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to check.
* @return bool TRUE if the key is in the storage, FALSE otherwise.
abstract public function exists($key);
* Adds a value to the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, or fails if it does.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Seconds to store the value. If set to 0 indicates no
* time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
abstract public function add($key, $value, $ttl = 0);
* Sets a value in the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, overwrites it otherwise.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Seconds to store the value. If set to 0 indicates no
* time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
abstract public function set($key, $value, $ttl = 0);
* Gets a value from the shared memory storage.
* Gets the current value, or throws an exception if it's not stored.
* @param string $key Name of key to get the value of.
* @return mixed The current value of the specified key.
abstract public function get($key);
* Deletes a value from the shared memory storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to delete.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
abstract public function delete($key);
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)+$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to increase.
* @param int $step Value to increase the key by.
* @return int The new value.
abstract public function inc($key, $step = 1);
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)-$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to decrease.
* @param int $step Value to decrease the key by.
* @return int The new value.
abstract public function dec($key, $step = 1);
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value.
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value. This function only works
* when $old and $new are longs.
* @param string $key Key of the value to compare and set.
* @param int $old The value to compare the key against.
* @param int $new The value to set the key to.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
abstract public function cas($key, $old, $new);
* Clears the persistent storage.
* Clears the persistent storage, i.e. removes all keys. Locks are left
* intact.
* @return void
abstract public function clear();
* Retrieve an external iterator
* Returns an external iterator.
* @param string|null $filter A PCRE regular expression.
* Only matching keys will be iterated over.
* Setting this to NULL matches all keys of this instance.
* @param bool $keysOnly Whether to return only the keys,
* or return both the keys and values.
* @return \Traversable An array with all matching keys as array keys,
* and values as array values. If $keysOnly is TRUE, the array keys are
* numeric, and the array values are key names.
abstract public function getIterator($filter = null, $keysOnly = false);
SHM::registerAdapter('\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\SHM\Adapter\Placebo');
SHM::registerAdapter('\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\SHM\Adapter\Wincache');
SHM::registerAdapter('\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\SHM\Adapter\APC');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
* ~~summary~~
* ~~description~~
* PHP version 5
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 0.1.3
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Cache\SHM\Adapter;
* Throws exceptions from this namespace, and extends from this class.
use PEAR2\Cache\SHM;
* {@link APC::getIterator()} returns this object.
use ArrayObject;
* Shared memory adapter for the APC extension.
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class APC extends SHM
* @var string ID of the current storage.
protected $persistentId;
* List of persistent IDs.
* A list of persistent IDs within the current request (as keys) with an int
* (as a value) specifying the number of instances in the current request.
* Used as an attempt to ensure implicit lock releases even on errors in the
* critical sections, since APC doesn't have an actual locking function.
* @var array
protected static $requestInstances = array();
* @var array Array of lock names (as values) for each persistent ID (as
* key) obtained during the current request.
protected static $locksBackup = array();
* Creates a new shared memory storage.
* Estabilishes a separate persistent storage.
* @param string $persistentId The ID for the storage. The storage will be
* reused if it exists, or created if it doesn't exist. Data and locks
* are namespaced by this ID.
public function __construct($persistentId)
$this->persistentId = __CLASS__ . ' ' . $persistentId;
if (isset(static::$requestInstances[$this->persistentId])) {
} else {
static::$requestInstances[$this->persistentId] = 1;
static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId] = array();
get_called_class() . '::releaseLocks',
* Checks if the adapter meets its requirements.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public static function isMeetingRequirements()
return extension_loaded('apc')
&& version_compare(phpversion('apc'), '3.0.13', '>=')
&& ini_get('apc.enabled')
&& ('cli' !== PHP_SAPI || ini_get('apc.enable_cli'));
* Releases all locks in a storage.
* This function is not meant to be used directly. It is implicitly called
* by the the destructor and as a shutdown function when the request ends.
* One of these calls ends up releasing any unreleased locks obtained
* during the request. A lock is also implicitly released as soon as there
* are no objects left in the current request using the same persistent ID.
* @param string $internalPersistentId The internal persistent ID, the locks
* of which are being released.
* @param bool $isAtShutdown Whether the function was executed at
* shutdown.
* @return void
* @internal
public static function releaseLocks($internalPersistentId, $isAtShutdown)
$hasInstances = 0 !== static::$requestInstances[$internalPersistentId];
if ($isAtShutdown === $hasInstances) {
foreach (static::$locksBackup[$internalPersistentId] as $key) {
apc_delete($internalPersistentId . 'l ' . $key);
* Releases any locks obtained by this instance as soon as there are no more
* references to the object's persistent ID.
public function __destruct()
static::releaseLocks($this->persistentId, false);
* Obtains a named lock.
* @param string $key Name of the key to obtain. Note that $key may
* repeat for each distinct $persistentId.
* @param double $timeout If the lock can't be immediatly obtained, the
* script will block for at most the specified amount of seconds.
* Setting this to 0 makes lock obtaining non blocking, and setting it
* to NULL makes it block without a time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function lock($key, $timeout = null)
$lock = $this->persistentId . 'l ' . $key;
$hasTimeout = $timeout !== null;
$start = microtime(true);
while (!apc_add($lock, 1)) {
if ($hasTimeout && (microtime(true) - $start) > $timeout) {
return false;
static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId] = $key;
return true;
* Releases a named lock.
* @param string $key Name of the key to release. Note that $key may
* repeat for each distinct $persistentId.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function unlock($key)
$lock = $this->persistentId . 'l ' . $key;
$success = apc_delete($lock);
if ($success) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if a specified key is in the storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to check.
* @return bool TRUE if the key is in the storage, FALSE otherwise.
public function exists($key)
return apc_exists($this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key);
* Adds a value to the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, or fails if it does.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Seconds to store the value. If set to 0 indicates no
* time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function add($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
return apc_add($this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key, $value, $ttl);
* Sets a value in the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, overwrites it otherwise.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Seconds to store the value. If set to 0 indicates no
* time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function set($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
return apc_store($this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key, $value, $ttl);
* Gets a value from the shared memory storage.
* Gets the current value, or throws an exception if it's not stored.
* @param string $key Name of key to get the value of.
* @return mixed The current value of the specified key.
public function get($key)
$fullKey = $this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key;
if (apc_exists($fullKey)) {
$value = apc_fetch($fullKey, $success);
if (!$success) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to fetch key. ' .
'Key has either just now expired or (if no TTL was set) ' .
'is possibly in a race condition with another request.',
return $value;
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException('No such key in cache', 101);
* Deletes a value from the shared memory storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to delete.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function delete($key)
return apc_delete($this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key);
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)+$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to increase.
* @param int $step Value to increase the key by.
* @return int The new value.
public function inc($key, $step = 1)
$newValue = apc_inc(
$this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key,
(int) $step,
if (!$success) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to increase the value. Are you sure the value is int?',
return $newValue;
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)-$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to decrease.
* @param int $step Value to decrease the key by.
* @return int The new value.
public function dec($key, $step = 1)
$newValue = apc_dec(
$this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key,
(int) $step,
if (!$success) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to decrease the value. Are you sure the value is int?',
return $newValue;
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value.
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value. This function only works
* when $old and $new are longs.
* @param string $key Key of the value to compare and set.
* @param int $old The value to compare the key against.
* @param int $new The value to set the key to.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function cas($key, $old, $new)
return apc_cas($this->persistentId . 'd ' . $key, $old, $new);
* Clears the persistent storage.
* Clears the persistent storage, i.e. removes all keys. Locks are left
* intact.
* @return void
public function clear()
foreach (new APCIterator(
'/^' . preg_quote($this->persistentId, '/') . 'd /',
) as $key) {
* Retrieve an external iterator
* Returns an external iterator.
* @param string|null $filter A PCRE regular expression.
* Only matching keys will be iterated over.
* Setting this to NULL matches all keys of this instance.
* @param bool $keysOnly Whether to return only the keys,
* or return both the keys and values.
* @return ArrayObject An array with all matching keys as array keys,
* and values as array values. If $keysOnly is TRUE, the array keys are
* numeric, and the array values are key names.
public function getIterator($filter = null, $keysOnly = false)
$result = array();
foreach (new APCIterator(
'/^' . preg_quote($this->persistentId, '/') . 'd /',
) as $key) {
$localKey = strstr($key, $this->persistentId . 'd ');
if (null === $filter || preg_match($filter, $localKey)) {
if ($keysOnly) {
$result[] = $localKey;
} else {
$result[$localKey] = apc_fetch($key);
return new ArrayObject($result);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
* ~~summary~~
* ~~description~~
* PHP version 5
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 0.1.3
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Cache\SHM\Adapter;
* Throws exceptions from this namespace, and extends from this class.
use PEAR2\Cache\SHM;
* {@link Placebo::getIterator()} returns this object.
use ArrayObject;
* This adapter is not truly persistent. It is intended to emulate persistency
* in non persistent environments, so that upper level applications can use a
* single code path for persistent and non persistent code.
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Placebo extends SHM
* @var string ID of the current storage.
protected $persistentId;
* List of persistent IDs.
* A list of persistent IDs within the current request (as keys) with an int
* (as a value) specifying the number of instances in the current request.
* Used as an attempt to ensure implicit lock releases on destruction.
* @var array
protected static $requestInstances = array();
* @var array Array of lock names (as values) for each persistent ID (as
* key) obtained during the current request.
protected static $locksBackup = array();
* The data storage.
* Each persistent ID is a key, and the value is an array.
* Each such array has data keys as its keys, and an array as a value.
* Each such array has as its elements the value, the timeout and the time
* the data was set.
* @var array
protected static $data = array();
* Creates a new shared memory storage.
* Estabilishes a separate persistent storage.
* @param string $persistentId The ID for the storage. The storage will be
* reused if it exists, or created if it doesn't exist. Data and locks
* are namespaced by this ID.
public function __construct($persistentId)
if (isset(static::$requestInstances[$persistentId])) {
} else {
static::$requestInstances[$persistentId] = 1;
static::$locksBackup[$persistentId] = array();
static::$data[$persistentId] = array();
$this->persistentId = $persistentId;
* Releases any unreleased locks.
public function __destruct()
if (0 === --static::$requestInstances[$this->persistentId]) {
static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId] = array();
* Checks if the adapter meets its requirements.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public static function isMeetingRequirements()
return 'cli' === PHP_SAPI;
* Pretends to obtain a lock.
* @param string $key Ignored.
* @param double $timeout Ignored.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function lock($key, $timeout = null)
$key = (string) $key;
if (in_array($key, static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId], true)) {
return false;
static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId][] = $key;
return true;
* Pretends to release a lock.
* @param string $key Ignored
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function unlock($key)
$key = (string) $key;
if (!in_array($key, static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId], true)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if a specified key is in the storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to check.
* @return bool TRUE if the key is in the storage, FALSE otherwise.
public function exists($key)
return array_key_exists($key, static::$data[$this->persistentId]);
* Adds a value to the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, or fails if it does.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Because "true" adapters purge the cache at the next
* request, this setting is ignored.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function add($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
if ($this->exists($key)) {
return false;
return $this->set($key, $value, $ttl);
* Sets a value in the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, overwrites it otherwise.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Because "true" adapters purge the cache at the next
* request, this setting is ignored.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function set($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
static::$data[$this->persistentId][$key] = $value;
return true;
* Gets a value from the shared memory storage.
* Gets the current value, or throws an exception if it's not stored.
* @param string $key Name of key to get the value of.
* @return mixed The current value of the specified key.
public function get($key)
if ($this->exists($key)) {
return static::$data[$this->persistentId][$key];
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to fetch key. No such key.',
* Deletes a value from the shared memory storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to delete.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function delete($key)
if ($this->exists($key)) {
return true;
return false;
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)+$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to increase.
* @param int $step Value to increase the key by.
* @return int The new value.
public function inc($key, $step = 1)
if (!$this->exists($key) || !is_int($value = $this->get($key))
|| !$this->set($key, $value + (int) $step)
) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to increase the value. Are you sure the value is int?',
return $this->get($key);
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)-$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to decrease.
* @param int $step Value to decrease the key by.
* @return int The new value.
public function dec($key, $step = 1)
if (!$this->exists($key) || !is_int($value = $this->get($key))
|| !$this->set($key, $value - (int) $step)
) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to increase the value. Are you sure the value is int?',
return $this->get($key);
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value.
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value. This function only works
* when $old and $new are longs.
* @param string $key Key of the value to compare and set.
* @param int $old The value to compare the key against.
* @param int $new The value to set the key to.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function cas($key, $old, $new)
return $this->exists($key) && ($this->get($key) === $old)
&& is_int($new) && $this->set($key, $new);
* Clears the persistent storage.
* Clears the persistent storage, i.e. removes all keys. Locks are left
* intact.
* @return void
public function clear()
static::$data[$this->persistentId] = array();
* Retrieve an external iterator
* Returns an external iterator.
* @param string|null $filter A PCRE regular expression.
* Only matching keys will be iterated over.
* Setting this to NULL matches all keys of this instance.
* @param bool $keysOnly Whether to return only the keys,
* or return both the keys and values.
* @return ArrayObject An array with all matching keys as array keys,
* and values as array values. If $keysOnly is TRUE, the array keys are
* numeric, and the array values are key names.
public function getIterator($filter = null, $keysOnly = false)
if (null === $filter) {
return new ArrayObject(
? array_keys(static::$data[$this->persistentId])
: static::$data[$this->persistentId]
$result = array();
foreach (static::$data[$this->persistentId] as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match($filter, $key)) {
$result[$key] = $value;
return new ArrayObject($keysOnly ? array_keys($result) : $result);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
* ~~summary~~
* ~~description~~
* PHP version 5
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 0.1.3
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Cache\SHM\Adapter;
* Throws exceptions from this namespace, and extends from this class.
use PEAR2\Cache\SHM;
* {@link Wincache::getIterator()} returns this object.
use ArrayObject;
* Shared memory adapter for the WinCache extension.
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Wincache extends SHM
* @var string ID of the current storage.
protected $persistentId;
* List of persistent IDs.
* A list of persistent IDs within the current request (as keys) with an int
* (as a value) specifying the number of instances in the current request.
* Used as an attempt to ensure implicit lock releases on destruction.
* @var array
protected static $requestInstances = array();
* @var array Array of lock names obtained during the current request.
protected static $locksBackup = array();
* Creates a new shared memory storage.
* Estabilishes a separate persistent storage.
* @param string $persistentId The ID for the storage. The storage will be
* reused if it exists, or created if it doesn't exist. Data and locks
* are namespaced by this ID.
public function __construct($persistentId)
= static::encodeLockName(__CLASS__ . ' ' . $persistentId) . ' ';
if (isset(static::$requestInstances[$this->persistentId])) {
} else {
static::$requestInstances[$this->persistentId] = 1;
static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId] = array();
* Encodes a lock name
* Encodes a lock name, so that it can be properly obtained. The scheme used
* is a subset of URL encoding, with only the "%" and "\" characters being
* escaped. The encoding itself is necessary, since lock names can't contain
* the "\" character.
* @param string $name The lock name to encode.
* @return string The encoded name.
* @link
protected static function encodeLockName($name)
return str_replace(array('%', '\\'), array('%25', '%5C'), $name);
* Checks if the adapter meets its requirements.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public static function isMeetingRequirements()
return extension_loaded('wincache')
&& version_compare(phpversion('wincache'), '1.1.0', '>=')
&& ini_get('wincache.ucenabled')
&& ('cli' !== PHP_SAPI || ini_get('wincache.enablecli'));
* Releases any locks obtained by this instance as soon as there are no more
* references to the object's persistent ID.
public function __destruct()
if (0 === --static::$requestInstances[$this->persistentId]) {
foreach (static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId] as $key) {
$this->persistentId . static::encodeLockName($key)
* Obtains a named lock.
* @param string $key Name of the key to obtain. Note that $key may
* repeat for each distinct $persistentId.
* @param double $timeout Ignored with WinCache. Script will always block if
* the lock can't be immediatly obtained.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function lock($key, $timeout = null)
$result = wincache_lock(
$this->persistentId . static::encodeLockName($key)
if ($result) {
static::$locksBackup[$this->persistentId] = $key;
return $result;
* Releases a named lock.
* @param string $key Name of the key to release. Note that $key may
* repeat for each distinct $persistentId.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function unlock($key)
$result = wincache_unlock(
$this->persistentId . static::encodeLockName($key)
if ($result) {
return $result;
* Checks if a specified key is in the storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to check.
* @return bool TRUE if the key is in the storage, FALSE otherwise.
public function exists($key)
return wincache_ucache_exists($this->persistentId . $key);
* Adds a value to the shared memory storage.
* Sets a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, or fails if it does.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Seconds to store the value. If set to 0 indicates no
* time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function add($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
return wincache_ucache_add($this->persistentId . $key, $value, $ttl);
* Sets a value in the shared memory storage.
* Adds a value to the storage if it doesn't exist, overwrites it otherwise.
* @param string $key Name of key to associate the value with.
* @param mixed $value Value for the specified key.
* @param int $ttl Seconds to store the value. If set to 0 indicates no
* time limit.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function set($key, $value, $ttl = 0)
return wincache_ucache_set($this->persistentId . $key, $value, $ttl);
* Gets a value from the shared memory storage.
* Gets the current value, or throws an exception if it's not stored.
* @param string $key Name of key to get the value of.
* @return mixed The current value of the specified key.
public function get($key)
$value = wincache_ucache_get($this->persistentId . $key, $success);
if (!$success) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to fetch key. No such key, or key has expired.',
return $value;
* Deletes a value from the shared memory storage.
* @param string $key Name of key to delete.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function delete($key)
return wincache_ucache_delete($this->persistentId . $key);
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Increases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)+$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to increase.
* @param int $step Value to increase the key by.
* @return int The new value.
public function inc($key, $step = 1)
$newValue = wincache_ucache_inc(
$this->persistentId . $key,
(int) $step,
if (!$success) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to increase the value. Are you sure the value is int?',
return $newValue;
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage.
* Decreases a value from the shared memory storage. Unlike a plain
* set($key, get($key)-$step) combination, this function also implicitly
* performs locking.
* @param string $key Name of key to decrease.
* @param int $step Value to decrease the key by.
* @return int The new value.
public function dec($key, $step = 1)
$newValue = wincache_ucache_dec(
$this->persistentId . $key,
(int) $step,
if (!$success) {
throw new SHM\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to decrease the value. Are you sure the value is int?',
return $newValue;
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value.
* Sets a new value if a key has a certain value. This function only works
* when $old and $new are longs.
* @param string $key Key of the value to compare and set.
* @param int $old The value to compare the key against.
* @param int $new The value to set the key to.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function cas($key, $old, $new)
return wincache_ucache_cas($this->persistentId . $key, $old, $new);
* Clears the persistent storage.
* Clears the persistent storage, i.e. removes all keys. Locks are left
* intact.
* @return void
public function clear()
$info = wincache_ucache_info();
foreach ($info['ucache_entries'] as $entry) {
if (!$entry['is_session']
&& 0 === strpos($entry['key_name'], $this->persistentId)
) {
* Retrieve an external iterator
* Returns an external iterator.
* @param string|null $filter A PCRE regular expression.
* Only matching keys will be iterated over.
* Setting this to NULL matches all keys of this instance.
* @param bool $keysOnly Whether to return only the keys,
* or return both the keys and values.
* @return ArrayObject An array with all matching keys as array keys,
* and values as array values. If $keysOnly is TRUE, the array keys are
* numeric, and the array values are key names.
public function getIterator($filter = null, $keysOnly = false)
$info = wincache_ucache_info();
$result = array();
foreach ($info['ucache_entries'] as $entry) {
if (!$entry['is_session']
&& 0 === strpos($entry['key_name'], $this->persistentId)
) {
$localKey = strstr($entry['key_name'], $this->persistentId);
if (null === $filter || preg_match($filter, $localKey)) {
if ($keysOnly) {
$result[] = $localKey;
} else {
$result[$localKey] = apc_fetch($localKey);
return new ArrayObject($result);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* ~~summary~~
* ~~description~~
* PHP version 5
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 0.1.3
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Cache\SHM;
* Generic exception class of this package.
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
interface Exception

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* ~~summary~~
* ~~description~~
* PHP version 5
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 0.1.3
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Cache\SHM;
* Exception thrown when there's something wrong with an argument.
* @category Caching
* @package PEAR2_Cache_SHM
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class InvalidArgumentException extends \InvalidArgumentException
implements Exception

View file

@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
* Main class for Console_Color
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Console
* @package Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @author Ivo Nascimento <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2\Console;
use PEAR2\Console\Color\Backgrounds;
use PEAR2\Console\Color\Flags;
use PEAR2\Console\Color\Fonts;
use PEAR2\Console\Color\Styles;
use PEAR2\Console\Color\UnexpectedValueException;
use ReflectionClass;
* Main class for Console_Color.
* @category Console
* @package Console_Color
* @author Ivo Nascimento <>
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Color
* @var array List of valid font colors.
* Filled by {@link fillValidators()}.
protected static $validFonts = array();
* @var array List of valid background colors.
* Filled by {@link fillValidators()}.
protected static $validBackgorunds = array();
* @var string Name of a class that is used to resolve flags to codes.
protected static $flagsResolver = '';
* @var string Name of a class that is used to resolve styles to codes.
protected static $stylesResolver = '';
* @var int Flags to set.
protected $flags = 0;
* @var int|null The code for the currently specified font color.
protected $font = null;
* @var int|null The code for the currently specified background color.
protected $backgorund = null;
* @var bool[] Array with the status of each style.
protected $styles = array();
* @var string|null The string to write to console to get the specified
* styling. NULL when the string needs to be regenerated.
protected $sequence = null;
* Fills the list of valid fonts and backgrounds.
* Classes extending this one that wish to add additional valid colors,
* flags or styles should call this method in their own constructor BEFORE
* calling the parent constructor.
* @param string $fonts Name of class, the constants of which are
* valid font colors.
* @param string $backgrounds Name of class, the constants of which are
* valid background colors.
* @param string $flags Name of class that resolves flags to codes.
* Must inheirt from {@link Flags}. Constants of this
* class are considered the valid flags, and the coresponding codes must
* be overriden at the static $flagCodes property.
* @param string $styles Name of class that resolves styles to codes.
* Must inherit from {@link Styles}. Constants of this class are
* considered the valid styles, and the corresponding off/on codes must
* be overriden at the static $styleCodes property.
* @return void
protected static function fillVlidators(
) {
if (empty(static::$validFonts)) {
$fonts = new ReflectionClass($fonts);
static::$validFonts = array_values(
array_unique($fonts->getConstants(), SORT_REGULAR)
if (empty(static::$validBackgorunds)) {
$bgs = new ReflectionClass($backgrounds);
static::$validBackgorunds = array_values(
array_unique($bgs->getConstants(), SORT_REGULAR)
if ('' === static::$flagsResolver) {
$base = __CLASS__ . '\Flags';
if ($base === $flags || is_subclass_of($flags, $base)) {
static::$flagsResolver = $flags;
if ('' === static::$stylesResolver) {
$base = __CLASS__ . '\Styles';
if ($base === $styles || is_subclass_of($styles, $base)) {
static::$stylesResolver = $styles;
* Creates a new color.
* Note that leaving all arguments with their default values (and not
* applying styles) would result in a sequence that resets all settings to
* the console's defaults.
* @param int|null $font Initial font color.
* @param int|null $background Initial backgorund color.
* @param int $flags Initial flags.
* @see setFlags()
* @see setStyles()
* @see __toString()
public function __construct(
$font = Fonts::KEEP,
$background = Backgrounds::KEEP,
$flags = Flags::NONE
) {
__CLASS__ . '\Fonts',
__CLASS__ . '\Backgrounds',
__CLASS__ . '\Flags',
__CLASS__ . '\Styles'
* Gets the font color.
* @return int|null $color The font color.
public function getFont()
return $this->font;
* Sets the font color.
* @param int|null $color The font color.
* @return $this
public function setFont($color)
if (!in_array($color, static::$validFonts, true)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid font supplied.',
$this->font = $color;
$this->sequence = null;
return $this;
* Gets the background color.
* @return int|null $color The background color.
public function getBackground()
return $this->backgorund;
* Sets the background color.
* @param int|null $color The background color.
* @return $this
public function setBackground($color)
if (!in_array($color, static::$validBackgorunds, true)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid background supplied.',
$this->backgorund = $color;
$this->sequence = null;
return $this;
* Gets the flags.
* @return int The currently set flags.
public function getFlags()
return $this->flags;
* Sets the flags.
* Sets the flags to apply in the sequence. Note that flags are applied
* before all other settings, in ascending order of the constant values.
* @param int $flags The new flags to set. Unknown flags will be ignored
* when forming the sequence, but will be visible with
* {@link getFlags()} non the less.
* @return $this
public function setFlags($flags)
$this->flags = (int)$flags;
$this->sequence = null;
return $this;
* Gets styles.
* @param int|null $style A single style to get the status of,
* or {@link Styles::ALL} to get all styles in an array.
* @return bool|null|bool[] A single style status, or
* an array of status if $style is {@link Styles::ALL}.
public function getStyles($style = Styles::ALL)
if (Styles::ALL === $style) {
return $this->styles;
return isset($this->styles[$style]) ? $this->styles[$style] : null;
* Sets styles.
* Sets styles matched to a specified state.
* @param int|null $styles Bitmask of styles to set. You can also use the
* constant {@link Styles::ALL} (only) to set all known styles.
* Unknown styles will be ignored.
* @param bool|null $state The state to set the matched styles in.
* TRUE to enable them,
* FLASE to disable them,
* NULL to remove the setting for them (in effect using whatever the
* console had before the sequence was applied).
* @return $this
public function setStyles($styles, $state)
$matchingStyles = call_user_func(
array(static::$stylesResolver, 'match'),
if (null === $state) {
foreach ($matchingStyles as $style) {
} else {
$state = (bool)$state;
foreach ($matchingStyles as $style) {
$this->styles[$style] = $state;
$this->sequence = null;
return $this;
* Get the console escaping sequence.
* This is a magic PHP method that will be called when you use the object in
* a string context or otherwise explicitly cast it to a string.
* It generates the escape sequence and returns it.
* For the sake of performance, the escape sequence is cached, and is only
* regenerated when a setter has been previously called.
* @return string The string to write to console to get the specified
* styling.
public function __toString()
if (null === $this->sequence) {
$seq = "\033[";
$flags = implode(
array(static::$flagsResolver, 'getCodes'),
if ('' !== $flags) {
$seq .= $flags . ';';
if (Fonts::KEEP !== $this->font) {
$seq .= "{$this->font};";
if (Backgrounds::KEEP !== $this->backgorund) {
$seq .= "{$this->backgorund};";
foreach ($this->styles as $style => $state) {
$seq .= call_user_func(
array(static::$stylesResolver, 'getCode'),
) . ';';
$this->sequence = rtrim($seq, ';') . 'm';
return $this->sequence;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* Backgrounds class for PEAR2_Console_Color.
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Ivo Nascimento <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2\Console\Color;
* This class has the possibles values to a Background Color.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Ivo Nascimento <>
* @copyright 2011 Ivo Nascimento
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
abstract class Backgrounds
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to specify that
* the background color already in effect should be kept.
const KEEP = null;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to black/grey (implmementation defined).
const BLACK = 40;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to black/grey (implementation defined).
const GREY = 40;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to maroon/red (implementation defined).
const MAROON = 41;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to maroon/red (implementation defined).
const RED = 41;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to green/lime (implementation defined).
const GREEN = 42;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to green/lime (implementation defined).
const LIME = 42;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to brown/yellow (implementation defined).
const BROWN = 43;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to brown/yellow (implementation defined).
const YELLOW = 43;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to navy/blue (implementation defined).
const NAVY = 44;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to navy/blue (implementation defined).
const BLUE = 44;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to purple/magenta (implementation defined).
const PURPLE = 45;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to purple/magenta (implementation defined).
const MAGENTA = 45;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to teal/cyan (implementation defined).
const TEAL = 46;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to teal/cyan (implementation defined).
const CYAN = 46;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to silver/white (implementation defined).
const SILVER = 47;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to silver/white (implementation defined).
const WHITE = 47;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setBackground()} to set the
* background color to whatever the default one is.
const RESET = 49;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Exception class for PEAR2_Console_Color.
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2\Console\Color;
* Exception class for PEAR2_Console_Color.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
interface Exception

View file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* Flags class for PEAR2_Console_Color
* Mappping the names of Font Style to your values.
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2\Console\Color;
use ReflectionClass;
* This class has the possibles flags to a color setting.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
abstract class Flags
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFlags()} to specify that no
* flags should be applied.
const NONE = 0;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFlags()} as part of a bitmask.
* If specified, resets all color and style information before applying
* everything else.
const RESET = 1;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFlags()} as part of a bitmask.
* If specified, inverses the font and background colors, before letting
* the remaining settings further modify things.
* If specified together with {@link self::RESET}, takes effect AFTER the
* reset.
const INVERSE = 2;
* @var int[] Array with the flag as a key, and the corresponding code as a
* value.
protected static $flagCodes = array(
self::RESET => 0,
self::INVERSE => 7
* Gets the codes for a flag set.
* @param int $flags The flags to get the codes for.
* @return int[] The codes for the flags specified, in ascending order,
* based on the flag constants' values.
final public static function getCodes($flags)
if (self::NONE === $flags) {
return array();
$result = array();
$flagsClass = new ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
$validFlags = array_values(
array_unique($flagsClass->getConstants(), SORT_NUMERIC)
foreach ($validFlags as $flag) {
if ($flags & $flag) {
$result[] = static::$flagCodes[$flag];
return $result;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* Font class for PEAR2_Console_Color
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Ivo Nascimento <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2\Console\Color;
* This class has the possibles values to a Font Color.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Ivo Nascimento <>
* @copyright 2011 Ivo Nascimento
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
abstract class Fonts
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to specify that
* the font color already in effect should be kept.
const KEEP = null;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to black/grey (implementation defined).
const BLACK = 30;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to black/grey (implementation defined).
const GREY = 30;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to maroon/red (implementation defined).
const MAROON = 31;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to maroon/red (implementation defined).
const RED = 31;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to green/lime (implementation defined).
const LIME = 32;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to green/lime (implementation defined).
const GREEN = 32;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to brown/yellow (implementation defined).
const BROWN = 33;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to brown/yellow (implementation defined).
const YELLOW = 33;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to navy/blue (implementation defined).
const NAVY = 34;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to navy/blue (implementation defined).
const BLUE = 34;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to purple/magenta (implementation defined).
const PURPLE = 35;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to purple/magenta (implementation defined).
const MAGENTA = 35;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to teal/cyan (implementation defined).
const TEAL = 36;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to teal/cyan (implementation defined).
const CYAN = 36;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to silver/white (implementation defined).
const SILVER = 37;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to silver/white (implementation defined).
const WHITE = 37;
* Used at {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setFont()} to set the
* font color to whatever the default one is.
const RESET = 39;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
* Styles class for PEAR2_Console_Color.
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2\Console\Color;
use ReflectionClass;
* This class has the possibles values to a Font Style.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
abstract class Styles
* Used in {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setStyles()} to match all styles.
const ALL = null;
* Used in {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setStyles()} as part of a bitmask.
* If specified, matches the bold style.
* When this style is enabled, the font is bolder.
* With ANSICON, the font color becomes more intense (but not bolder).
const BOLD = 1;
* Used in {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setStyles()} as part of a bitmask.
* If specified, matches the underline style.
* When this style is enabled, the font is underlined.
* With ANSICON, the background color becomes more intense
* (and the font is not underlined), same as {@link self::BLINK}.
const UNDERLINE = 2;
* Used in {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setStyles()} as part of a bitmask.
* If specified, matches the blink style.
* When this style is enabled, the font color switches between its regular
* color and the background color at regular (implementation defined)
* intervals, creating the illusion of a blinking text.
* With ANSICON, the background color becomes more intense
* (and the font is not blinking), same as with {@link self::UNDERLINE}.
const BLINK = 4;
* Used in {@link \PEAR2\Console\Color::setStyles()} as part of a bitmask.
* If specified, matches the concealed style.
* When this style is enabled, the font color becomes the background color,
* rendering the text invisible. This style is particularly useful for
* implementations where simply setting the same color and background color
* would not necesarily provide a fully invisibile text (e.g. ANSICON).
const CONCEALED = 8;
* @var (int[])[] An array describing the codes for the styles.
* Each array key is the style's constant, and each value is an array
* where the first member is the disable code, and the second is the
* enable code.
protected static $styleCodes = array(
self::BOLD => array(22, 1),
self::UNDERLINE => array(24, 4),
self::BLINK => array(25, 5),
self::CONCEALED => array(28, 8)
* Get style constants.
* @param int|null $styles Bitmask of styles to match.
* You can also use {@link self::ALL} (only) to get all styles.
* @return int[] Matching style constants.
final public static function match($styles)
$flagsClass = new ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
$validStyles = array_values(
array_unique($flagsClass->getConstants(), SORT_NUMERIC)
unset($validStyles[array_search(self::ALL, $validStyles, true)]);
if (self::ALL === $styles) {
return $validStyles;
$styles = (int)$styles;
$result = array();
foreach ($validStyles as $flag) {
if ($styles & $flag) {
$result[] = $flag;
return $result;
* Gets the code for a style.
* @param int $style The style to get the code for.
* @param bool $state The state to get code for.
* TRUE for the enabled state codes,
* FALSE for the disabled state codes.
* @return int The code for the flag specified.
final public static function getCode($style, $state)
return static::$styleCodes[$style][(int)(bool)$state];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Exception class for PEAR2_Console_Color.
* PHP version 5.3
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2\Console\Color;
use UnexpectedValueException as U;
* Exception class for PEAR2_Console_Color.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2_Console_Color
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Ivo Nascimento
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class UnexpectedValueException extends U implements Exception
* Used when an unexpected font value is supplied.
const CODE_FONT = 1;
* Used when an unexpected background value is supplied.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent an option action.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
abstract class Action
// Properties {{{
* A reference to the result instance.
* @var PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Result $result The result instance
protected $result;
* A reference to the option instance.
* @var PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Option $option The action option
protected $option;
* A reference to the parser instance.
* @var PEAR2\Console\CommandLine $parser The parser
protected $parser;
// }}}
// __construct() {{{
* Constructor
* @param PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Result $result The result instance
* @param PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Option $option The action option
* @param PEAR2\Console\CommandLine $parser The current parser
* @return void
public function __construct($result, $option, $parser)
$this->result = $result;
$this->option = $option;
$this->parser = $parser;
// }}}
// getResult() {{{
* Convenience method to retrieve the value of result->options[name].
* @return mixed The result value or null
public function getResult()
if (isset($this->result->options[$this->option->name])) {
return $this->result->options[$this->option->name];
return null;
// }}}
// format() {{{
* Allow a value to be pre-formatted prior to being used in a choices test.
* Setting $value to the new format will keep the formatting.
* @param mixed &$value The value to format
* @return mixed The formatted value
public function format(&$value)
return $value;
// }}}
// setResult() {{{
* Convenience method to assign the result->options[name] value.
* @param mixed $result The result value
* @return void
public function setResult($result)
$this->result->options[$this->option->name] = $result;
// }}}
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* All children actions must implement this method.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return string
abstract public function execute($value = false, $params = array());
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the Callback action.
* The result option array entry value is set to the return value of the
* callback defined in the option.
* There are two steps to defining a callback option:
* - define the option itself using the callback action
* - write the callback; this is a function (or method) that takes five
* arguments, as described below.
* All callbacks are called as follows:
* <code>
* callable_func(
* $value, // the value of the option
* $option_instance, // the option instance
* $result_instance, // the result instance
* $parser_instance, // the parser instance
* $params // an array of params as specified in the option
* );
* </code>
* and *must* return the option value.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Callback extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The value of the option
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the Version action.
* The execute methode add 1 to the value of the result option array entry.
* The value is incremented each time the option is found, for example
* with an option defined like that:
* <code>
* $parser->addOption(
* 'verbose',
* array(
* 'short_name' => '-v',
* 'action' => 'Counter'
* )
* );
* </code>
* If the user type:
* <code>
* $ script.php -v -v -v
* </code>
* or:
* <code>
* $ script.php -vvv
* </code>
* the verbose variable will be set to to 3.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Counter extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
$result = $this->getResult();
if ($result === null) {
$result = 0;
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the Help action, a special action that displays the
* help message, telling the user how to use the program.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Help extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
return $this->parser->displayUsage();
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version CVS: $Id: List.php,v 1.2 2009/02/27 08:03:17 izi Exp $
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the List action, a special action that simply output an
* array as a list.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Action_List extends Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* Possible parameters are:
* - message: an alternative message to display instead of the default
* message,
* - delimiter: an alternative delimiter instead of the comma,
* - post: a string to append after the message (default is the new line
* char).
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
$list = isset($params['list']) ? $params['list'] : array();
$msg = isset($params['message'])
? $params['message']
: $this->parser->message_provider->get('LIST_DISPLAYED_MESSAGE');
$del = isset($params['delimiter']) ? $params['delimiter'] : ', ';
$post = isset($params['post']) ? $params['post'] : "\n";
$this->parser->outputter->stdout($msg . implode($del, $list) . $post);
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the Password action, a special action that allow the
* user to specify the password on the commandline or to be prompted for
* entering it.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Password extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An array of optional parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
$this->setResult(empty($value) ? $this->_promptPassword() : $value);
// }}}
// _promptPassword() {{{
* Prompts the password to the user without echoing it.
* @return string
* @todo not echo-ing the password does not work on windows is there a way
* to make this work ?
private function _promptPassword()
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
@flock(STDIN, LOCK_EX);
$passwd = fgets(STDIN);
@flock(STDIN, LOCK_UN);
} else {
fwrite(STDOUT, $this->parser->message_provider->get('PASSWORD_PROMPT'));
// disable echoing
system('stty -echo');
@flock(STDIN, LOCK_EX);
$passwd = fgets(STDIN);
@flock(STDIN, LOCK_UN);
system('stty echo');
return trim($passwd);
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the StoreArray action.
* The execute method appends the value of the option entered by the user to
* the result option array entry.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class StoreArray extends CommandLine\Action
// Protected properties {{{
* Force a clean result when first called, overriding any defaults assigned.
* @var object $firstPass First time this action has been called.
protected $firstPass = true;
// }}}
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
$result = $this->getResult();
if (null === $result || $this->firstPass) {
$result = array();
$this->firstPass = false;
$result[] = $value;
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the StoreFalse action.
* The execute method store the boolean 'false' in the corrsponding result
* option array entry (the value is true if the option is not present in the
* command line entered by the user).
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class StoreFalse extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An array of optional parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the StoreFloat action.
* The execute method store the value of the option entered by the user as a
* float in the result option array entry, if the value passed is not a float
* an Exception is raised.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class StoreFloat extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An array of optional parameters
* @return string
* @throws PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw CommandLine\Exception::factory(
'name' => $this->option->name,
'type' => 'float',
'value' => $value
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the StoreInt action.
* The execute method store the value of the option entered by the user as an
* integer in the result option array entry, if the value passed is not an
* integer an Exception is raised.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class StoreInt extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An array of optional parameters
* @return string
* @throws PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw CommandLine\Exception::factory(
'name' => $this->option->name,
'type' => 'int',
'value' => $value
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the StoreString action.
* The execute method store the value of the option entered by the user as a
* string in the result option array entry.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class StoreString extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An array of optional parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the StoreTrue action.
* The execute method store the boolean 'true' in the corrsponding result
* option array entry (the value is false if the option is not present in the
* command line entered by the user).
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class StoreTrue extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An array of optional parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Action;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent the Version action, a special action that displays the
* version string of the program.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Version extends CommandLine\Action
// execute() {{{
* Executes the action with the value entered by the user.
* @param mixed $value The option value
* @param array $params An array of optional parameters
* @return string
public function execute($value = false, $params = array())
return $this->parser->displayVersion();
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent a command line argument.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Argument extends Element
// Public properties {{{
* Setting this to true will tell the parser that the argument expects more
* than one argument and that argument values should be stored in an array.
* @var boolean $multiple Whether the argument expects multiple values
public $multiple = false;
* Setting this to true will tell the parser that the argument is optional
* and can be ommited.
* Note that it is not a good practice to make arguments optional, it is
* the role of the options to be optional, by essence.
* @var boolean $optional Whether the argument is optional or not.
public $optional = false;
// }}}
// validate() {{{
* Validates the argument instance.
* @return void
* @throws PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception
* @todo use exceptions
public function validate()
// check if the argument name is valid
if (!preg_match(
) {
array('{$name}' => $this->name)
if (!$this->optional && $this->default !== null) {
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent a command with option and arguments.
* This class exist just to clarify the interface but at the moment it is
* strictly identical to PEAR2\Console\CommandLine class, it could change in the
* future though.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Command extends \PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
// Public properties {{{
* An array of aliases for the subcommand.
* @var array $aliases Aliases for the subcommand.
public $aliases = array();
// }}}
// __construct() {{{
* Constructor.
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return void
public function __construct($params = array())
if (isset($params['aliases'])) {
$this->aliases = $params['aliases'];
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @author Michael Gauthier <>
* @copyright 2007 David JEAN LOUIS, 2009 silverorange
* @license MIT License
* @version CVS: $Id: CustomMessageProvider.php 282427 2009-06-19 10:22:48Z izi $
* @link
* @since File available since release 1.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Common interfacefor message providers that allow overriding with custom
* messages
* Message providers may optionally implement this interface.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @author Michael Gauthier <>
* @copyright 2007 David JEAN LOUIS, 2009 silverorange
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Interface available since release 1.1.0
interface CustomMessageProvider
// getWithCustomMesssages() {{{
* Retrieves the given string identifier corresponding message.
* For a list of identifiers please see the provided default message
* provider.
* @param string $code The string identifier of the message
* @param array $vars An array of template variables
* @param array $messages An optional array of messages to use. Array
* indexes are message codes.
* @return string
* @see PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_MessageProvider
* @see PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_MessageProvider_Default
public function getWithCustomMessages(
$code, $vars = array(), $messages = array()
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Class that represent a command line element (an option, or an argument).
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
abstract class Element
// Public properties {{{
* The element name.
* @var string $name Element name
public $name;
* The name of variable displayed in the usage message, if no set it
* defaults to the "name" property.
* @var string $help_name Element "help" variable name
public $help_name;
* The element description.
* @var string $description Element description
public $description;
* The default value of the element if not provided on the command line.
* @var mixed $default Default value of the option.
public $default;
* Custom errors messages for this element
* This array is of the form:
* <code>
* <?php
* array(
* $messageName => $messageText,
* $messageName => $messageText,
* ...
* );
* ?>
* </code>
* If specified, these messages override the messages provided by the
* default message provider. For example:
* <code>
* <?php
* $messages = array(
* 'ARGUMENT_REQUIRED' => 'The argument foo is required.',
* );
* ?>
* </code>
* @var array
* @see PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_MessageProvider_Default
public $messages = array();
// }}}
// __construct() {{{
* Constructor.
* @param string $name The name of the element
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return void
public function __construct($name = null, $params = array())
$this->name = $name;
foreach ($params as $attr => $value) {
if (property_exists($this, $attr)) {
$this->$attr = $value;
// }}}
// toString() {{{
* Returns the string representation of the element.
* @return string The string representation of the element
* @todo use __toString() instead
public function toString()
return $this->help_name;
// }}}
// validate() {{{
* Validates the element instance and set it's default values.
* @return void
* @throws PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception
public function validate()
// if no help_name passed, default to name
if ($this->help_name == null) {
$this->help_name = $this->name;
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
use Exception as E;
* Class for exceptions raised by the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Exception extends E
// Codes constants {{{
* Exception code constants.
// }}}
// factory() {{{
* Convenience method that builds the exception with the array of params by
* calling the message provider class.
* @param string $code The string identifier of the
* exception.
* @param array $params Array of template vars/values
* @param PEAR2\Console\CommandLine $parser An instance of the parser
* @param array $messages An optional array of messages
* passed to the message provider.
* @return PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception The exception instance
public static function factory(
$code, $params, $parser, array $messages = array()
) {
$provider = $parser->message_provider;
if ($provider instanceof CommandLine\CustomMessageProvider) {
$msg = $provider->getWithCustomMessages(
} else {
$msg = $provider->get($code, $params);
$const = '\PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception::' . $code;
$code = defined($const) ? constant($const) : 0;
return new static($msg, $code);
// }}}

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Message providers common interface, all message providers must implement
* this interface.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
interface MessageProvider
// get() {{{
* Retrieves the given string identifier corresponding message.
* For a list of identifiers please see the provided default message
* provider.
* @param string $code The string identifier of the message
* @param array $vars An array of template variables
* @return string
* @see PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_MessageProvider_Default
public function get($code, $vars=array());
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Lightweight class that manages messages used by PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package,
* allowing the developper to customize these messages, for example to
* internationalize a command line frontend.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class MessageProvider_Default
implements MessageProvider,
// Properties {{{
* Associative array of messages
* @var array $messages
protected $messages = array(
'OPTION_VALUE_REQUIRED' => 'Option "{$name}" requires a value.',
'OPTION_VALUE_UNEXPECTED' => 'Option "{$name}" does not expect a value (got "{$value}").',
'OPTION_VALUE_NOT_VALID' => 'Option "{$name}" must be one of the following: "{$choices}" (got "{$value}").',
'OPTION_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR' => 'Option "{$name}" requires a value of type {$type} (got "{$value}").',
'OPTION_AMBIGUOUS' => 'Ambiguous option "{$name}", can be one of the following: {$matches}.',
'OPTION_UNKNOWN' => 'Unknown option "{$name}".',
'ARGUMENT_REQUIRED' => 'You must provide at least {$argnum} argument{$plural}.',
'PROG_HELP_LINE' => 'Type "{$progname} --help" to get help.',
'PROG_VERSION_LINE' => '{$progname} version {$version}.',
'COMMAND_HELP_LINE' => 'Type "{$progname} <command> --help" to get help on specific command.',
'USAGE_WORD' => 'Usage',
'OPTION_WORD' => 'Options',
'ARGUMENT_WORD' => 'Arguments',
'COMMAND_WORD' => 'Commands',
'PASSWORD_PROMPT' => 'Password: ',
'PASSWORD_PROMPT_ECHO' => 'Password (warning: will echo): ',
'INVALID_CUSTOM_INSTANCE' => 'Instance does not implement the required interface',
'LIST_OPTION_MESSAGE' => 'lists valid choices for option {$name}',
'LIST_DISPLAYED_MESSAGE' => 'Valid choices are: ',
'INVALID_SUBCOMMAND' => 'Command "{$command}" is not valid.',
'SUBCOMMAND_REQUIRED' => 'Please enter one of the following command: {$commands}.',
// }}}
// get() {{{
* Retrieve the given string identifier corresponding message.
* @param string $code The string identifier of the message
* @param array $vars An array of template variables
* @return string
public function get($code, $vars = array())
if (!isset($this->messages[$code])) {
return 'UNKNOWN';
return $this->replaceTemplateVars($this->messages[$code], $vars);
// }}}
// getWithCustomMessages() {{{
* Retrieve the given string identifier corresponding message.
* @param string $code The string identifier of the message
* @param array $vars An array of template variables
* @param array $messages An optional array of messages to use. Array
* indexes are message codes.
* @return string
public function getWithCustomMessages(
$code, $vars = array(), $messages = array()
) {
// get message
if (isset($messages[$code])) {
$message = $messages[$code];
} elseif (isset($this->messages[$code])) {
$message = $this->messages[$code];
} else {
$message = 'UNKNOWN';
return $this->replaceTemplateVars($message, $vars);
// }}}
// replaceTemplateVars() {{{
* Replaces template vars in a message
* @param string $message The message
* @param array $vars An array of template variables
* @return string
protected function replaceTemplateVars($message, $vars = array())
$tmpkeys = array_keys($vars);
$keys = array();
foreach ($tmpkeys as $key) {
$keys[] = '{$' . $key . '}';
return str_replace($keys, array_values($vars), $message);
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
use PEAR2\Console;
* Class that represent a commandline option.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Option extends Element
// Public properties {{{
* The option short name (ex: -v).
* @var string $short_name Short name of the option
public $short_name;
* The option long name (ex: --verbose).
* @var string $long_name Long name of the option
public $long_name;
* The option action, defaults to "StoreString".
* @var string $action Option action
public $action = 'StoreString';
* An array of possible values for the option. If this array is not empty
* and the value passed is not in the array an exception is raised.
* This only make sense for actions that accept values of course.
* @var array $choices Valid choices for the option
public $choices = array();
* The callback function (or method) to call for an action of type
* Callback, this can be any callable supported by the php function
* call_user_func.
* Example:
* <code>
* $parser->addOption('myoption', array(
* 'short_name' => '-m',
* 'long_name' => '--myoption',
* 'action' => 'Callback',
* 'callback' => 'myCallbackFunction'
* ));
* </code>
* @var callable $callback The option callback
public $callback;
* An associative array of additional params to pass to the class
* corresponding to the action, this array will also be passed to the
* callback defined for an action of type Callback, Example:
* <code>
* // for a custom action
* $parser->addOption('myoption', array(
* 'short_name' => '-m',
* 'long_name' => '--myoption',
* 'action' => 'MyCustomAction',
* 'action_params' => array('foo'=>true, 'bar'=>false)
* ));
* // if the user type:
* // $ <yourprogram> -m spam
* // in your MyCustomAction class the execute() method will be called
* // with the value 'spam' as first parameter and
* // array('foo'=>true, 'bar'=>false) as second parameter
* </code>
* @var array $action_params Additional parameters to pass to the action
public $action_params = array();
* For options that expect an argument, this property tells the parser if
* the option argument is optional and can be ommited.
* @var bool $argumentOptional Whether the option arg is optional or not
public $argument_optional = false;
* For options that uses the "choice" property only.
* Adds a --list-<choice> option to the parser that displays the list of
* choices for the option.
* @var bool $add_list_option Whether to add a list option or not
public $add_list_option = false;
// }}}
// Private properties {{{
* When an action is called remember it to allow for multiple calls.
* @var object $action_instance Placeholder for action
private $_action_instance = null;
// }}}
// __construct() {{{
* Constructor.
* @param string $name The name of the option
* @param array $params An optional array of parameters
* @return void
public function __construct($name = null, $params = array())
parent::__construct($name, $params);
if ($this->action == 'Password') {
// special case for Password action, password can be passed to the
// commandline or prompted by the parser
$this->argument_optional = true;
// }}}
// toString() {{{
* Returns the string representation of the option.
* @param string $delim Delimiter to use between short and long option
* @return string The string representation of the option
* @todo use __toString() instead
public function toString($delim = ", ")
$ret = '';
$padding = '';
if ($this->short_name != null) {
$ret .= $this->short_name;
if ($this->expectsArgument()) {
$ret .= ' ' . $this->help_name;
$padding = $delim;
if ($this->long_name != null) {
$ret .= $padding . $this->long_name;
if ($this->expectsArgument()) {
$ret .= '=' . $this->help_name;
return $ret;
// }}}
// expectsArgument() {{{
* Returns true if the option requires one or more argument and false
* otherwise.
* @return bool Whether the option expects an argument or not
public function expectsArgument()
if ($this->action == 'StoreTrue'
|| $this->action == 'StoreFalse'
|| $this->action == 'Help'
|| $this->action == 'Version'
|| $this->action == 'Counter'
|| $this->action == 'List'
) {
return false;
return true;
// }}}
// dispatchAction() {{{
* Formats the value $value according to the action of the option and
* updates the passed PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Result object.
* @param mixed $value The value to format
* @param PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Result $result The result instance
* @param PEAR2\Console\CommandLine $parser The parser instance
* @return void
* @throws PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception
public function dispatchAction($value, $result, $parser)
$actionInfo = Console\CommandLine::$actions[$this->action];
$clsname = $actionInfo[0];
if ($this->_action_instance === null) {
$this->_action_instance = new $clsname($result, $this, $parser);
// check value is in option choices
if (!empty($this->choices)
&& !in_array(
) {
throw Console\CommandLine\Exception::factory(
'name' => $this->name,
'choices' => implode('", "', $this->choices),
'value' => $value,
$this->_action_instance->execute($value, $this->action_params);
// }}}
// validate() {{{
* Validates the option instance.
* @return void
* @throws PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception
* @todo use exceptions instead
public function validate()
// check if the option name is valid
if (!preg_match(
) {
array('{$name}' => $this->name)
// call the parent validate method
// a short_name or a long_name must be provided
if ($this->short_name == null && $this->long_name == null) {
array('{$name}' => $this->name)
// check if the option short_name is valid
if ($this->short_name != null
&& !(preg_match('/^\-[a-zA-Z]{1}$/', $this->short_name))
) {
'{$name}' => $this->name,
'{$short_name}' => $this->short_name
// check if the option long_name is valid
if ($this->long_name != null
&& !preg_match('/^\-\-[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*$/', $this->long_name)
) {
'{$name}' => $this->name,
'{$long_name}' => $this->long_name
// check if we have a valid action
if (!is_string($this->action)) {
array('{$name}' => $this->name)
if (!isset(Console\CommandLine::$actions[$this->action])) {
'{$action}' => $this->action,
'{$name}' => $this->name
// if the action is a callback, check that we have a valid callback
if ($this->action == 'Callback' && !is_callable($this->callback)) {
array('{$name}' => $this->name)
// }}}
// setDefaults() {{{
* Set the default value according to the configured action.
* Note that for backward compatibility issues this method is only called
* when the 'force_options_defaults' is set to true, it will become the
* default behaviour in the next major release of PEAR2\Console\CommandLine.
* @return void
public function setDefaults()
if ($this->default !== null) {
// already set
switch ($this->action) {
case 'Counter':
case 'StoreInt':
$this->default = 0;
case 'StoreFloat':
$this->default = 0.0;
case 'StoreArray':
$this->default = array();
case 'StoreTrue':
$this->default = false;
case 'StoreFalse':
$this->default = true;
// }}}

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Outputters common interface, all outputters must implement this interface.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
interface Outputter
// stdout() {{{
* Processes the output for a message that should be displayed on STDOUT.
* @param string $msg The message to output
* @return void
public function stdout($msg);
// }}}
// stderr() {{{
* Processes the output for a message that should be displayed on STDERR.
* @param string $msg The message to output
* @return void
public function stderr($msg);
// }}}

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* PEAR2\Console\CommandLine default Outputter.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Outputter_Default implements Outputter
// stdout() {{{
* Writes the message $msg to STDOUT.
* @param string $msg The message to output
* @return void
public function stdout($msg)
if (defined('STDOUT')) {
fwrite(STDOUT, $msg);
} else {
echo $msg;
// }}}
// stderr() {{{
* Writes the message $msg to STDERR.
* @param string $msg The message to output
* @return void
public function stderr($msg)
if (defined('STDERR')) {
fwrite(STDERR, $msg);
} else {
echo $msg;
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Renderers common interface, all renderers must implement this interface.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
interface Renderer
// usage() {{{
* Returns the full usage message.
* @return string The usage message
public function usage();
// }}}
// error() {{{
* Returns a formatted error message.
* @param string $error The error message to format
* @return string The error string
public function error($error);
// }}}
// version() {{{
* Returns the program version string.
* @return string The version string
public function version();
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* PEAR2\Console\CommandLine default renderer.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Renderer_Default implements Renderer
// Properties {{{
* Integer that define the max width of the help text.
* @var integer $line_width Line width
public $line_width = 75;
* Integer that define the max width of the help text.
* @var integer $line_width Line width
public $options_on_different_lines = false;
* An instance of PEAR2\Console\CommandLine.
* @var PEAR2\Console\CommandLine $parser The parser
public $parser = false;
// }}}
// __construct() {{{
* Constructor.
* @param object $parser A PEAR2\Console\CommandLine instance
* @return void
public function __construct($parser = false)
$this->parser = $parser;
// }}}
// usage() {{{
* Returns the full usage message.
* @return string The usage message
public function usage()
$ret = '';
if (!empty($this->parser->description)) {
$ret .= $this->description() . "\n\n";
$ret .= $this->usageLine() . "\n";
if (count($this->parser->commands) > 0) {
$ret .= $this->commandUsageLine() . "\n";
if (count($this->parser->options) > 0) {
$ret .= "\n" . $this->optionList() . "\n";
if (count($this->parser->args) > 0) {
$ret .= "\n" . $this->argumentList() . "\n";
if (count($this->parser->commands) > 0) {
$ret .= "\n" . $this->commandList() . "\n";
$ret .= "\n";
return $ret;
// }}}
// error() {{{
* Returns a formatted error message.
* @param string $error The error message to format
* @return string The error string
public function error($error)
$ret = 'Error: ' . $error . "\n";
if ($this->parser->add_help_option) {
$name = $this->name();
$ret .= $this->wrap(
array('progname' => $name)
) . "\n";
if (count($this->parser->commands) > 0) {
$ret .= $this->wrap(
array('progname' => $name)
) . "\n";
return $ret;
// }}}
// version() {{{
* Returns the program version string.
* @return string The version string
public function version()
return $this->parser->message_provider->get(
'progname' => $this->name(),
'version' => $this->parser->version
) . "\n";
// }}}
// name() {{{
* Returns the full name of the program or the sub command
* @return string The name of the program
protected function name()
$name = $this->parser->name;
$parent = $this->parser->parent;
while ($parent) {
if (count($parent->options) > 0) {
$name = '['
. strtolower(
array('plural' => 's')
) . '] ' . $name;
$name = $parent->name . ' ' . $name;
$parent = $parent->parent;
return $this->wrap($name);
// }}}
// description() {{{
* Returns the command line description message.
* @return string The description message
protected function description()
return $this->wrap($this->parser->description);
// }}}
// usageLine() {{{
* Returns the command line usage message
* @return string the usage message
protected function usageLine()
$usage = $this->parser->message_provider->get('USAGE_WORD') . ":\n";
$ret = $usage . ' ' . $this->name();
if (count($this->parser->options) > 0) {
$ret .= ' ['
. strtolower($this->parser->message_provider->get('OPTION_WORD'))
. ']';
if (count($this->parser->args) > 0) {
foreach ($this->parser->args as $name=>$arg) {
$arg_str = $arg->help_name;
if ($arg->multiple) {
$arg_str .= '1 ' . $arg->help_name . '2 ...';
if ($arg->optional) {
$arg_str = '[' . $arg_str . ']';
$ret .= ' ' . $arg_str;
return $this->columnWrap($ret, 2);
// }}}
// commandUsageLine() {{{
* Returns the command line usage message for subcommands.
* @return string The usage line
protected function commandUsageLine()
if (count($this->parser->commands) == 0) {
return '';
$ret = ' ' . $this->name();
if (count($this->parser->options) > 0) {
$ret .= ' ['
. strtolower($this->parser->message_provider->get('OPTION_WORD'))
. ']';
$ret .= " <command>";
$hasArgs = false;
$hasOptions = false;
foreach ($this->parser->commands as $command) {
if (!$hasArgs && count($command->args) > 0) {
$hasArgs = true;
if (!$hasOptions && ($command->add_help_option
|| $command->add_version_option
|| count($command->options) > 0)
) {
$hasOptions = true;
if ($hasOptions) {
$ret .= ' [options]';
if ($hasArgs) {
$ret .= ' [args]';
return $this->columnWrap($ret, 2);
// }}}
// argumentList() {{{
* Render the arguments list that will be displayed to the user, you can
* override this method if you want to change the look of the list.
* @return string The formatted argument list
protected function argumentList()
$col = 0;
$args = array();
foreach ($this->parser->args as $arg) {
$argstr = ' ' . $arg->toString();
$args[] = array($argstr, $arg->description);
$ln = strlen($argstr);
if ($col < $ln) {
$col = $ln;
$ret = $this->parser->message_provider->get('ARGUMENT_WORD') . ":";
foreach ($args as $arg) {
$text = str_pad($arg[0], $col) . ' ' . $arg[1];
$ret .= "\n" . $this->columnWrap($text, $col+2);
return $ret;
// }}}
// optionList() {{{
* Render the options list that will be displayed to the user, you can
* override this method if you want to change the look of the list.
* @return string The formatted option list
protected function optionList()
$col = 0;
$options = array();
foreach ($this->parser->options as $option) {
$delim = $this->options_on_different_lines ? "\n" : ', ';
$optstr = $option->toString($delim);
$lines = explode("\n", $optstr);
$lines[0] = ' ' . $lines[0];
if (count($lines) > 1) {
$lines[1] = ' ' . $lines[1];
$ln = strlen($lines[1]);
} else {
$ln = strlen($lines[0]);
$options[] = array($lines, $option->description);
if ($col < $ln) {
$col = $ln;
$ret = $this->parser->message_provider->get('OPTION_WORD') . ":";
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (count($option[0]) > 1) {
$text = str_pad($option[0][1], $col) . ' ' . $option[1];
$pre = $option[0][0] . "\n";
} else {
$text = str_pad($option[0][0], $col) . ' ' . $option[1];
$pre = '';
$ret .= "\n" . $pre . $this->columnWrap($text, $col+2);
return $ret;
// }}}
// commandList() {{{
* Render the command list that will be displayed to the user, you can
* override this method if you want to change the look of the list.
* @return string The formatted subcommand list
protected function commandList()
$commands = array();
$col = 0;
foreach ($this->parser->commands as $cmdname=>$command) {
$cmdname = ' ' . $cmdname;
$commands[] = array($cmdname, $command->description, $command->aliases);
$ln = strlen($cmdname);
if ($col < $ln) {
$col = $ln;
$ret = $this->parser->message_provider->get('COMMAND_WORD') . ":";
foreach ($commands as $command) {
$text = str_pad($command[0], $col) . ' ' . $command[1];
if ($aliasesCount = count($command[2])) {
$pad = '';
$text .= ' (';
$text .= $aliasesCount > 1 ? 'aliases: ' : 'alias: ';
foreach ($command[2] as $alias) {
$text .= $pad . $alias;
$pad = ', ';
$text .= ')';
$ret .= "\n" . $this->columnWrap($text, $col+2);
return $ret;
// }}}
// wrap() {{{
* Wraps the text passed to the method.
* @param string $text The text to wrap
* @param int $lw The column width (defaults to line_width property)
* @return string The wrapped text
protected function wrap($text, $lw=null)
if ($this->line_width > 0) {
if ($lw === null) {
$lw = $this->line_width;
return wordwrap($text, $lw, "\n", false);
return $text;
// }}}
// columnWrap() {{{
* Wraps the text passed to the method at the specified width.
* @param string $text The text to wrap
* @param int $cw The wrap width
* @return string The wrapped text
protected function columnWrap($text, $cw)
$tokens = explode("\n", $this->wrap($text));
$ret = $tokens[0];
$text = trim(substr($text, strlen($ret)));
if (empty($text)) {
return $ret;
$chunks = $this->wrap($text, $this->line_width - $cw);
$tokens = explode("\n", $chunks);
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (!empty($token)) {
$ret .= "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $cw) . $token;
} else {
$ret .= "\n";
return $ret;
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* A lightweight class to store the result of the command line parsing.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class Result
// Public properties {{{
* The result options associative array.
* Key is the name of the option and value its value.
* @var array $options Result options array
public $options = array();
* The result arguments array.
* @var array $args Result arguments array
public $args = array();
* Name of the command invoked by the user, false if no command invoked.
* @var string $command_name Result command name
public $command_name = false;
* A result instance for the subcommand.
* @var static $command Result instance for the subcommand
public $command = false;
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* This file is part of the PEAR2\Console\CommandLine package.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to the MIT license that is available
* through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.2.1
* @link
* @since File available since release 0.1.0
* @filesource
namespace PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
use PEAR2\Console\CommandLine;
* Parser for command line xml definitions.
* @category Console
* @package PEAR2\Console\CommandLine
* @author David JEAN LOUIS <>
* @copyright 2007-2009 David JEAN LOUIS
* @license MIT License
* @link
* @since Class available since release 0.1.0
class XmlParser
// parse() {{{
* Parses the given xml definition file and returns a
* PEAR2\Console\CommandLine instance constructed with the xml data.
* @param string $xmlfile The xml file to parse
* @return PEAR2\Console\CommandLine A parser instance
public static function parse($xmlfile)
if (!is_readable($xmlfile)) {
array('{$file}' => $xmlfile)
$doc = new \DomDocument();
$nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('command');
$root = $nodes->item(0);
return self::_parseCommandNode($root, true);
// }}}
// parseString() {{{
* Parses the given xml definition string and returns a
* PEAR2\Console\CommandLine instance constructed with the xml data.
* @param string $xmlstr The xml string to parse
* @return PEAR2\Console\CommandLine A parser instance
public static function parseString($xmlstr)
$doc = new \DomDocument();
$nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('command');
$root = $nodes->item(0);
return self::_parseCommandNode($root, true);
// }}}
// validate() {{{
* Validates the xml definition using Relax NG.
* @param DomDocument $doc The document to validate
* @return boolean Whether the xml data is valid or not.
* @throws PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Exception
* @todo use exceptions only
public static function validate($doc)
$rngfile = __DIR__
. '/../../../../data/';
if (!is_file($rngfile)) {
$rngfile = __DIR__ . '/../../../../data/xmlschema.rng';
if (!is_readable($rngfile)) {
array('{$file}' => $rngfile)
return $doc->relaxNGValidate($rngfile);
// }}}
// _parseCommandNode() {{{
* Parses the root command node or a command node and returns the
* constructed PEAR2\Console\CommandLine or PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Command
* instance.
* @param DomDocumentNode $node The node to parse
* @param bool $isRootNode Whether it is a root node or not
* @return mixed PEAR2\Console\CommandLine or PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Command
private static function _parseCommandNode($node, $isRootNode = false)
if ($isRootNode) {
$obj = new CommandLine();
} else {
$obj = new CommandLine\Command();
foreach ($node->childNodes as $cNode) {
$cNodeName = $cNode->nodeName;
switch ($cNodeName) {
case 'name':
case 'description':
case 'version':
$obj->$cNodeName = trim($cNode->nodeValue);
case 'add_help_option':
case 'add_version_option':
case 'force_posix':
$obj->$cNodeName = self::_bool(trim($cNode->nodeValue));
case 'option':
case 'argument':
case 'command':
case 'aliases':
if (!$isRootNode) {
foreach ($cNode->childNodes as $subChildNode) {
if ($subChildNode->nodeName == 'alias') {
$obj->aliases[] = trim($subChildNode->nodeValue);
case 'messages':
$obj->messages = self::_messages($cNode);
return $obj;
// }}}
// _parseOptionNode() {{{
* Parses an option node and returns the constructed
* PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Option instance.
* @param DomDocumentNode $node The node to parse
* @return PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Option The built option
private static function _parseOptionNode($node)
$obj = new CommandLine\Option($node->getAttribute('name'));
foreach ($node->childNodes as $cNode) {
$cNodeName = $cNode->nodeName;
switch ($cNodeName) {
case 'choices':
foreach ($cNode->childNodes as $subChildNode) {
if ($subChildNode->nodeName == 'choice') {
$obj->choices[] = trim($subChildNode->nodeValue);
case 'messages':
$obj->messages = self::_messages($cNode);
if (property_exists($obj, $cNodeName)) {
$obj->$cNodeName = trim($cNode->nodeValue);
if ($obj->action == 'Password') {
$obj->argument_optional = true;
return $obj;
// }}}
// _parseArgumentNode() {{{
* Parses an argument node and returns the constructed
* PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Argument instance.
* @param DomDocumentNode $node The node to parse
* @return PEAR2\Console\CommandLine\Argument The built argument
private static function _parseArgumentNode($node)
$obj = new CommandLine\Argument($node->getAttribute('name'));
foreach ($node->childNodes as $cNode) {
$cNodeName = $cNode->nodeName;
switch ($cNodeName) {
case 'description':
case 'help_name':
case 'default':
$obj->$cNodeName = trim($cNode->nodeValue);
case 'multiple':
$obj->multiple = self::_bool(trim($cNode->nodeValue));
case 'optional':
$obj->optional = self::_bool(trim($cNode->nodeValue));
case 'messages':
$obj->messages = self::_messages($cNode);
return $obj;
// }}}
// _bool() {{{
* Returns a boolean according to true/false possible strings.
* @param string $str The string to process
* @return boolean
private static function _bool($str)
return in_array((string)$str, array('true', '1', 'on', 'yes'));
// }}}
// _messages() {{{
* Returns an array of custom messages for the element
* @param DOMNode $node The messages node to process
* @return array an array of messages
* @see PEAR2\Console\CommandLine::$messages
* @see PEAR2\Console\CommandLine_Element::$messages
private static function _messages(DOMNode $node)
$messages = array();
foreach ($node->childNodes as $cNode) {
if ($cNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
$name = $cNode->getAttribute('name');
$value = trim($cNode->nodeValue);
$messages[$name] = $value;
return $messages;
// }}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Refers to transmitter direction constants.
use PEAR2\Net\Transmitter\Stream as S;
* Refers to the cryptography constants.
use PEAR2\Net\Transmitter\NetworkStream as N;
* Catches arbitrary exceptions at some points.
use Exception as E;
* A RouterOS client.
* Provides functionality for easily communicating with a RouterOS host.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Client
* Used in {@link static::isRequestActive()} to limit search only to
* requests that have a callback.
* Used in {@link static::isRequestActive()} to limit search only to
* requests that use the buffer.
const FILTER_BUFFER = 2;
* Used in {@link static::isRequestActive()} to indicate no limit in search.
const FILTER_ALL = 3;
* @var Communicator The communicator for this client.
protected $com;
* @var int The number of currently pending requests.
protected $pendingRequestsCount = 0;
* @var array An array of responses that have not yet been extracted or
* passed to a callback. Key is the tag of the request, and the value
* is an array of associated responses.
protected $responseBuffer = array();
* @var array An array of callbacks to be executed as responses come.
* Key is the tag of the request, and the value is the callback for it.
protected $callbacks = array();
* @var Registry A registry for the operations. Particularly helpful at
* persistent connections.
protected $registry = null;
* @var bool Whether to stream future responses.
private $_streamingResponses = false;
* Creates a new instance of a RouterOS API client.
* Creates a new instance of a RouterOS API client with the specified
* settings.
* @param string $host Hostname (IP or domain) of the RouterOS server.
* @param string $username The RouterOS username.
* @param string $password The RouterOS password.
* @param int|null $port The port on which the RouterOS server provides
* the API service. You can also specify NULL, in which case the port
* will automatically be chosen between 8728 and 8729, depending on the
* value of $crypto.
* @param bool $persist Whether or not the connection should be a
* persistent one.
* @param float $timeout The timeout for the connection.
* @param string $crypto The encryption for this connection. Must be one
* of the PEAR2\Net\Transmitter\NetworkStream::CRYPTO_* constants. Off
* by default. RouterOS currently supports only TLS, but the setting is
* provided in this fashion for forward compatibility's sake. And for
* the sake of simplicity, if you specify an encryption, don't specify a
* context and your default context uses the value "DEFAULT" for
* ciphers, "ADH" will be automatically added to the list of ciphers.
* @param resource $context A context for the socket.
* @see sendSync()
* @see sendAsync()
public function __construct(
$password = '',
$port = 8728,
$persist = false,
$timeout = null,
$crypto = N::CRYPTO_OFF,
$context = null
) {
$this->com = new Communicator(
$username . '/' . $password,
$timeout = null == $timeout
? ini_get('default_socket_timeout')
: (int) $timeout;
//Login the user if necessary
if ((!$persist
|| !($old = $this->com->getTransmitter()->lock(S::DIRECTION_ALL)))
&& $this->com->getTransmitter()->isFresh()
) {
if (!static::login($this->com, $username, $password, $timeout)) {
throw new DataFlowException(
'Invalid username or password supplied.',
if (isset($old)) {
$this->com->getTransmitter()->lock($old, true);
if ($persist) {
$this->registry = new Registry("{$host}:{$port}/{$username}");
* A shorthand gateway.
* This is a magic PHP method that allows you to call the object as a
* function. Depending on the argument given, one of the other functions in
* the class is invoked and its returned value is returned by this function.
* @param mixed $arg Value can be either a {@link Request} to send, which
* would be sent asynchoniously if it has a tag, and synchroniously if
* not, a number to loop with or NULL to complete all pending requests.
* Any other value is converted to string and treated as the tag of a
* request to complete.
* @return mixed Whatever the long form function would have returned.
public function __invoke($arg = null)
if (is_int($arg) || is_double($arg)) {
return $this->loop($arg);
} elseif ($arg instanceof Request) {
return '' == $arg->getTag() ? $this->sendSync($arg)
: $this->sendAsync($arg);
} elseif (null === $arg) {
return $this->completeRequest();
return $this->completeRequest((string) $arg);
* Login to a RouterOS connection.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator to attempt to login to.
* @param string $username The RouterOS username.
* @param string $password The RouterOS password.
* @param int|null $timeout The time to wait for each response. NULL
* waits indefinetly.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public static function login(
Communicator $com,
$password = '',
$timeout = null
) {
if (null !== ($remoteCharset = $com->getCharset($com::CHARSET_REMOTE))
&& null !== ($localCharset = $com->getCharset($com::CHARSET_LOCAL))
) {
$password = iconv(
$remoteCharset . '//IGNORE//TRANSLIT',
$old = null;
try {
if ($com->getTransmitter()->isPersistent()) {
$old = $com->getTransmitter()->lock(S::DIRECTION_ALL);
$result = self::_login($com, $username, $password, $timeout);
$com->getTransmitter()->lock($old, true);
return $result;
return self::_login($com, $username, $password, $timeout);
} catch (E $e) {
if ($com->getTransmitter()->isPersistent() && null !== $old) {
$com->getTransmitter()->lock($old, true);
throw ($e instanceof NotSupportedException
|| $e instanceof UnexpectedValueException
|| !$com->getTransmitter()->isDataAwaiting()) ? new SocketException(
'This is not a compatible RouterOS service',
) : $e;
* Login to a RouterOS connection.
* This is the actual login procedure, applied regardless of persistence and
* charset settings.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator to attempt to login to.
* @param string $username The RouterOS username.
* @param string $password The RouterOS password. Potentially parsed
* already by iconv.
* @param int|null $timeout The time to wait for each response. NULL
* waits indefinetly.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
private static function _login(
Communicator $com,
$password = '',
$timeout = null
) {
$request = new Request('/login');
$response = new Response($com, false, $timeout);
$request->setArgument('name', $username);
'00' . md5(
chr(0) . $password
. pack('H*', $response->getProperty('ret'))
$response = new Response($com, false, $timeout);
return $response->getType() === Response::TYPE_FINAL
&& null === $response->getProperty('ret');
* Sets the charset(s) for this connection.
* Sets the charset(s) for this connection. The specified charset(s) will be
* used for all future requests and responses. When sending,
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_LOCAL} is converted to
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_REMOTE}, and when receiving,
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_REMOTE} is converted to
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_LOCAL}. Setting NULL to either charset will
* disable charset convertion, and data will be both sent and received "as
* is".
* @param mixed $charset The charset to set. If $charsetType is
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_ALL}, you can supply either a string to
* use for all charsets, or an array with the charset types as keys, and
* the charsets as values.
* @param int $charsetType Which charset to set. Valid values are the
* Communicator::CHARSET_* constants. Any other value is treated as
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_ALL}.
* @return string|array The old charset. If $charsetType is
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_ALL}, the old values will be returned as
* an array with the types as keys, and charsets as values.
* @see Communicator::setDefaultCharset()
public function setCharset(
$charsetType = Communicator::CHARSET_ALL
) {
return $this->com->setCharset($charset, $charsetType);
* Gets the charset(s) for this connection.
* @param int $charsetType Which charset to get. Valid values are the
* Communicator::CHARSET_* constants. Any other value is treated as
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_ALL}.
* @return string|array The current charset. If $charsetType is
* {@link Communicator::CHARSET_ALL}, the current values will be
* returned as an array with the types as keys, and charsets as values.
* @see setCharset()
public function getCharset($charsetType)
return $this->com->getCharset($charsetType);
* Sends a request and waits for responses.
* @param Request $request The request to send.
* @param callback $callback Optional. A function that is to be executed
* when new responses for this request are available. The callback takes
* two parameters. The {@link Response} object as the first, and the
* {@link Client} object as the second one. If the function returns
* TRUE, the request is canceled. Note that the callback may be executed
* one last time after that with a response that notifies about the
* canceling.
* @return $this The client object.
* @see completeRequest()
* @see loop()
* @see cancelRequest()
public function sendAsync(Request $request, $callback = null)
//Error checking
$tag = $request->getTag();
if ('' == $tag) {
throw new DataFlowException(
'Asynchonous commands must have a tag.',
if ($this->isRequestActive($tag)) {
throw new DataFlowException(
'There must not be multiple active requests sharing a tag.',
if (null !== $callback && !is_callable($callback, true)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid callback provided.',
if (null === $callback) {
//Register the request at the buffer
$this->responseBuffer[$tag] = array();
} else {
//Prepare the callback
$this->callbacks[$tag] = $callback;
return $this;
* Checks if a request is active.
* Checks if a request is active. A request is considered active if it's a
* pending request and/or has responses that are not yet extracted.
* @param string $tag The tag of the request to look for.
* @param int $filter One of the FILTER_* consntants. Limits the search
* to the specified places.
* @return bool TRUE if the request is active, FALSE otherwise.
* @see getPendingRequestsCount()
* @see completeRequest()
public function isRequestActive($tag, $filter = self::FILTER_ALL)
$result = 0;
if ($filter & self::FILTER_CALLBACK) {
$result |= (int) array_key_exists($tag, $this->callbacks);
if ($filter & self::FILTER_BUFFER) {
$result |= (int) array_key_exists($tag, $this->responseBuffer);
return 0 !== $result;
* Sends a request and gets the full response.
* @param Request $request The request to send.
* @return ResponseCollection The received responses as a collection.
* @see sendAsync()
* @see close()
public function sendSync(Request $request)
$tag = $request->getTag();
if ('' == $tag) {
} else {
return $this->completeRequest($tag);
* Completes a specified request.
* Starts an event loop for the RouterOS callbacks and finishes when a
* specified request is completed.
* @param string $tag The tag of the request to complete. Setting NULL
* completes all requests.
* @return ResponseCollection A collection of {@link Response} objects that
* haven't been passed to a callback function or previously extracted
* with {@link static::extractNewResponses()}. Returns an empty
* collection when $tag is set to NULL (responses can still be
* extracted).
public function completeRequest($tag = null)
$hasNoTag = '' == $tag;
$result = $hasNoTag ? array()
: $this->extractNewResponses($tag)->toArray();
while ((!$hasNoTag && $this->isRequestActive($tag))
|| ($hasNoTag && 0 !== $this->getPendingRequestsCount())
) {
$newReply = $this->dispatchNextResponse(null);
if ($newReply->getTag() === $tag) {
if ($hasNoTag) {
$result[] = $newReply;
if ($newReply->getType() === Response::TYPE_FINAL) {
if (!$hasNoTag) {
$result = array_merge(
? $this->extractNewResponses($tag)->toArray()
: array()
return new ResponseCollection($result);
* Extracts responses for a request.
* Gets all new responses for a request that haven't been passed to a
* callback and clears the buffer from them.
* @param string $tag The tag of the request to extract new responses for.
* Specifying NULL with extract new responses for all requests.
* @return ResponseCollection A collection of {@link Response} objects for
* the specified request.
* @see loop()
public function extractNewResponses($tag = null)
if (null === $tag) {
$result = array();
foreach (array_keys($this->responseBuffer) as $tag) {
$result = array_merge(
return new ResponseCollection($result);
} elseif ($this->isRequestActive($tag, self::FILTER_CALLBACK)) {
return new ResponseCollection(array());
} elseif ($this->isRequestActive($tag, self::FILTER_BUFFER)) {
$result = $this->responseBuffer[$tag];
if (!empty($result)) {
if (end($result)->getType() === Response::TYPE_FINAL) {
} else {
$this->responseBuffer[$tag] = array();
return new ResponseCollection($result);
} else {
throw new DataFlowException(
'No such request, or the request has already finished.',
* Starts an event loop for the RouterOS callbacks.
* Starts an event loop for the RouterOS callbacks and finishes when there
* are no more pending requests or when a specified timeout has passed
* (whichever comes first).
* @param int $sTimeout Timeout for the loop. If NULL, there is no time
* limit.
* @param int $usTimeout Microseconds to add to the time limit.
* @return bool TRUE when there are any more pending requests, FALSE
* otherwise.
* @see extractNewResponses()
* @see getPendingRequestsCount()
public function loop($sTimeout = null, $usTimeout = 0)
try {
if (null === $sTimeout) {
while ($this->getPendingRequestsCount() !== 0) {
} else {
list($usStart, $sStart) = explode(' ', microtime());
while ($this->getPendingRequestsCount() !== 0
&& ($sTimeout >= 0 || $usTimeout >= 0)
) {
$this->dispatchNextResponse($sTimeout, $usTimeout);
list($usEnd, $sEnd) = explode(' ', microtime());
$sTimeout -= $sEnd - $sStart;
$usTimeout -= $usEnd - $usStart;
if ($usTimeout <= 0) {
if ($sTimeout > 0) {
$usTimeout = 1000000 + $usTimeout;
$sStart = $sEnd;
$usStart = $usEnd;
} catch (SocketException $e) {
if ($e->getCode() !== SocketException::CODE_NO_DATA) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// It's impossible to reliably cause any other SocketException.
// This line is only here in case the unthinkable happens:
// The connection terminates just after it was supposedly
// about to send back some data.
throw $e;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return $this->getPendingRequestsCount() !== 0;
* Gets the number of pending requests.
* @return int The number of pending requests.
* @see isRequestActive()
public function getPendingRequestsCount()
return $this->pendingRequestsCount;
* Cancels a request.
* Cancels an active request. Using this function in favor of a plain call
* to the "/cancel" command is highly reccomended, as it also updates the
* counter of pending requests properly. Note that canceling a request also
* removes any responses for it that were not previously extracted with
* {@link static::extractNewResponses()}.
* @param string $tag Tag of the request to cancel. Setting NULL will cancel
* all requests.
* @return $this The client object.
* @see sendAsync()
* @see close()
public function cancelRequest($tag = null)
$cancelRequest = new Request('/cancel');
$hasTag = !('' == $tag);
$hasReg = null !== $this->registry;
if ($hasReg && !$hasTag) {
$tags = array_merge(
foreach ($tags as $t) {
$this->registry->getOwnershipTag() . $t
} else {
if ($hasTag) {
if ($this->isRequestActive($tag)) {
if ($hasReg) {
$this->registry->getOwnershipTag() . $tag
} else {
$cancelRequest->setArgument('tag', $tag);
} else {
throw new DataFlowException(
'No such request. Canceling aborted.',
if ($hasReg) {
if ($hasTag) {
if ($this->isRequestActive($tag, self::FILTER_BUFFER)) {
$this->responseBuffer[$tag] = $this->completeRequest($tag);
} else {
} else {
return $this;
* Sets response streaming setting.
* Sets whether future responses are streamed. If responses are streamed,
* the argument values are returned as streams instead of strings. This is
* particularly useful if you expect a response that may contain one or more
* very large words.
* @param bool $streamingResponses Whether to stream future responses.
* @return bool The previous value of the setting.
* @see isStreamingResponses()
public function setStreamingResponses($streamingResponses)
$oldValue = $this->_streamingResponses;
$this->_streamingResponses = (bool) $streamingResponses;
return $oldValue;
* Gets response streaming setting.
* Gets whether future responses are streamed.
* @return bool The value of the setting.
* @see setStreamingResponses()
public function isStreamingResponses()
return $this->_streamingResponses;
* Closes the opened connection, even if it is a persistent one.
* Closes the opened connection, even if it is a persistent one. Note that
* {@link static::extractNewResponses()} can still be used to extract
* responses collected prior to the closing.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function close()
$result = true;
* The check below is done because for some unknown reason
* (either a PHP or a RouterOS bug) calling "/quit" on an encrypted
* connection makes one end hang.
* Since encrypted connections only appeared in RouterOS 6.1, and
* the "/quit" call is needed for all <6.0 versions, problems due
* to its absence should be limited to some earlier 6.* versions
* on some RouterBOARD devices.
if ($this->com->getTransmitter()->getCrypto() === N::CRYPTO_OFF) {
if (null !== $this->registry) {
try {
$response = $this->sendSync(new Request('/quit'));
$result = $response[0]->getType() === Response::TYPE_FATAL;
} catch (SocketException $e) {
= $e->getCode() === SocketException::CODE_REQUEST_SEND_FAIL;
} catch (E $e) {
//Ignore unknown errors.
if (null !== $this->registry) {
$result = $result && $this->com->close();
$this->callbacks = array();
$this->pendingRequestsCount = 0;
return $result;
* Closes the connection, unless it's a persistent one.
public function __destruct()
if ($this->com->getTransmitter()->isPersistent()) {
if (0 !== $this->pendingRequestsCount) {
} else {
* Sends a request to RouterOS.
* @param Request $request The request to send.
* @return $this The client object.
* @see sendSync()
* @see sendAsync()
protected function send(Request $request)
$request->send($this->com, $this->registry);
return $this;
* Dispatches the next response in queue.
* Dispatches the next response in queue, i.e. it executes the associated
* callback if there is one, or places the response in the response buffer.
* @param int $sTimeout If a response is not immediatly available, wait
* this many seconds. If NULL, wait indefinetly.
* @param int $usTimeout Microseconds to add to the waiting time.
* @throws SocketException When there's no response within the time limit.
* @return Response The dispatched response.
protected function dispatchNextResponse($sTimeout = 0, $usTimeout = 0)
$response = new Response(
if ($response->getType() === Response::TYPE_FATAL) {
$this->pendingRequestsCount = 0;
return $response;
$tag = $response->getTag();
$isLastForRequest = $response->getType() === Response::TYPE_FINAL;
if ($isLastForRequest) {
if ('' != $tag) {
if ($this->isRequestActive($tag, self::FILTER_CALLBACK)) {
if ($this->callbacks[$tag]($response, $this)) {
} elseif ($isLastForRequest) {
} else {
$this->responseBuffer[$tag][] = $response;
return $response;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Using transmitters.
use PEAR2\Net\Transmitter as T;
* A RouterOS communicator.
* Implementation of the RouterOS API protocol. Unlike the other classes in this
* package, this class doesn't provide any conviniences beyond the low level
* implementation details (automatic word length encoding/decoding, charset
* translation and data integrity), and because of that, its direct usage is
* strongly discouraged.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
* @see Client
class Communicator
* Used when getting/setting all (default) charsets.
const CHARSET_ALL = -1;
* Used when getting/setting the (default) remote charset.
* The remote charset is the charset in which RouterOS stores its data.
* If you want to keep compatibility with your Winbox, this charset should
* match the default charset from your Windows' regional settings.
* Used when getting/setting the (default) local charset.
* The local charset is the charset in which the data from RouterOS will be
* returned as. This charset should match the charset of the place the data
* will eventually be written to.
const CHARSET_LOCAL = 1;
* @var array An array with the default charset types as keys, and the
* default charsets as values.
protected static $defaultCharsets = array(
self::CHARSET_REMOTE => null,
self::CHARSET_LOCAL => null
* @var array An array with the current charset types as keys, and the
* current charsets as values.
protected $charsets = array();
* @var T\TcpClient The transmitter for the connection.
protected $trans;
* Creates a new connection with the specified options.
* @param string $host Hostname (IP or domain) of the RouterOS server.
* @param int|null $port The port on which the RouterOS server provides
* the API service. You can also specify NULL, in which case the port
* will automatically be chosen between 8728 and 8729, depending on the
* value of $crypto.
* @param bool $persist Whether or not the connection should be a
* persistent one.
* @param float $timeout The timeout for the connection.
* @param string $key A string that uniquely identifies the
* connection.
* @param string $crypto The encryption for this connection. Must be one
* of the PEAR2\Net\Transmitter\NetworkStream::CRYPTO_* constants. Off
* by default. RouterOS currently supports only TLS, but the setting is
* provided in this fashion for forward compatibility's sake. And for
* the sake of simplicity, if you specify an encryption, don't specify a
* context and your default context uses the value "DEFAULT" for
* ciphers, "ADH" will be automatically added to the list of ciphers.
* @param resource $context A context for the socket.
* @see sendWord()
public function __construct(
$port = 8728,
$persist = false,
$timeout = null,
$key = '',
$crypto = T\NetworkStream::CRYPTO_OFF,
$context = null
) {
$isUnencrypted = T\NetworkStream::CRYPTO_OFF === $crypto;
if (($context === null) && !$isUnencrypted) {
$context = stream_context_get_default();
$opts = stream_context_get_options($context);
if (!isset($opts['ssl']['ciphers'])
|| 'DEFAULT' === $opts['ssl']['ciphers']
) {
stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'ciphers', 'ADH');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// The $port is customizable in testing.
if (null === $port) {
$port = $isUnencrypted ? 8728 : 8729;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
try {
$this->trans = new T\TcpClient(
} catch (T\Exception $e) {
throw new SocketException(
'Error connecting to RouterOS',
* A shorthand gateway.
* This is a magic PHP method that allows you to call the object as a
* function. Depending on the argument given, one of the other functions in
* the class is invoked and its returned value is returned by this function.
* @param string $string A string of the word to send, or NULL to get the
* next word as a string.
* @return int|string If a string is provided, returns the number of bytes
* sent, otherwise retuns the next word as a string.
public function __invoke($string = null)
return null === $string ? $this->getNextWord()
: $this->sendWord($string);
* Checks whether a variable is a seekable stream resource.
* @param mixed $var The value to check.
* @return bool TRUE if $var is a seekable stream, FALSE otherwise.
public static function isSeekableStream($var)
if (T\Stream::isStream($var)) {
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($var);
return $meta['seekable'];
return false;
* Uses iconv to convert a stream from one charset to another.
* @param string $inCharset The charset of the stream.
* @param string $outCharset The desired resulting charset.
* @param resource $stream The stream to convert. The stream is assumed
* to be seekable, and is read from its current position to its end,
* after which, it is seeked back to its starting position.
* @return resource A new stream that uses the $out_charset. The stream is a
* subset from the original stream, from its current position to its
* end, seeked at its start.
public static function iconvStream($inCharset, $outCharset, $stream)
$bytes = 0;
$result = fopen('php://temp', 'r+b');
$iconvFilter = stream_filter_append(
'convert.iconv.' . $inCharset . '.' . $outCharset,
flock($stream, LOCK_SH);
while (!feof($stream)) {
$bytes += stream_copy_to_stream($stream, $result, 0xFFFFF);
fseek($stream, -$bytes, SEEK_CUR);
flock($stream, LOCK_UN);
return $result;
* Sets the default charset(s) for new connections.
* @param mixed $charset The charset to set. If $charsetType is
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}, you can supply either a string to use for
* all charsets, or an array with the charset types as keys, and the
* charsets as values.
* @param int $charsetType Which charset to set. Valid values are the
* CHARSET_* constants. Any other value is treated as
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}.
* @return string|array The old charset. If $charsetType is
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}, the old values will be returned as an
* array with the types as keys, and charsets as values.
* @see setCharset()
public static function setDefaultCharset(
$charsetType = self::CHARSET_ALL
) {
if (array_key_exists($charsetType, self::$defaultCharsets)) {
$oldCharset = self::$defaultCharsets[$charsetType];
self::$defaultCharsets[$charsetType] = $charset;
return $oldCharset;
} else {
$oldCharsets = self::$defaultCharsets;
self::$defaultCharsets = is_array($charset) ? $charset : array_fill(
return $oldCharsets;
* Gets the default charset(s).
* @param int $charsetType Which charset to get. Valid values are the
* CHARSET_* constants. Any other value is treated as
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}.
* @return string|array The current charset. If $charsetType is
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}, the current values will be returned as an
* array with the types as keys, and charsets as values.
* @see setDefaultCharset()
public static function getDefaultCharset($charsetType)
return array_key_exists($charsetType, self::$defaultCharsets)
? self::$defaultCharsets[$charsetType] : self::$defaultCharsets;
* Gets the length of a seekable stream.
* Gets the length of a seekable stream.
* @param resource $stream The stream to check. The stream is assumed to be
* seekable.
* @return double The number of bytes in the stream between its current
* position and its end.
public static function seekableStreamLength($stream)
$streamPosition = (double) sprintf('%u', ftell($stream));
fseek($stream, 0, SEEK_END);
$streamLength = ((double) sprintf('%u', ftell($stream)))
- $streamPosition;
fseek($stream, $streamPosition, SEEK_SET);
return $streamLength;
* Sets the charset(s) for this connection.
* Sets the charset(s) for this connection. The specified charset(s) will be
* used for all future words. When sending, {@link self::CHARSET_LOCAL} is
* converted to {@link self::CHARSET_REMOTE}, and when receiving,
* {@link self::CHARSET_REMOTE} is converted to {@link self::CHARSET_LOCAL}.
* Setting NULL to either charset will disable charset convertion, and data
* will be both sent and received "as is".
* @param mixed $charset The charset to set. If $charsetType is
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}, you can supply either a string to use for
* all charsets, or an array with the charset types as keys, and the
* charsets as values.
* @param int $charsetType Which charset to set. Valid values are the
* CHARSET_* constants. Any other value is treated as
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}.
* @return string|array The old charset. If $charsetType is
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}, the old values will be returned as an
* array with the types as keys, and charsets as values.
* @see setDefaultCharset()
public function setCharset($charset, $charsetType = self::CHARSET_ALL)
if (array_key_exists($charsetType, $this->charsets)) {
$oldCharset = $this->charsets[$charsetType];
$this->charsets[$charsetType] = $charset;
return $oldCharset;
} else {
$oldCharsets = $this->charsets;
$this->charsets = is_array($charset) ? $charset : array_fill(
return $oldCharsets;
* Gets the charset(s) for this connection.
* @param int $charsetType Which charset to get. Valid values are the
* CHARSET_* constants. Any other value is treated as
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}.
* @return string|array The current charset. If $charsetType is
* {@link self::CHARSET_ALL}, the current values will be returned as an
* array with the types as keys, and charsets as values.
* @see getDefaultCharset()
* @see setCharset()
public function getCharset($charsetType)
return array_key_exists($charsetType, $this->charsets)
? $this->charsets[$charsetType] : $this->charsets;
* Gets the transmitter for this connection.
* @return T\TcpClient The transmitter for this connection.
public function getTransmitter()
return $this->trans;
* Sends a word.
* Sends a word and automatically encodes its length when doing so.
* @param string $word The word to send.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
* @see sendWordFromStream()
* @see getNextWord()
public function sendWord($word)
if (null !== ($remoteCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_REMOTE))
&& null !== ($localCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_LOCAL))
) {
$word = iconv(
$remoteCharset . '//IGNORE//TRANSLIT',
$length = strlen($word);
if ($this->trans->isPersistent()) {
$old = $this->trans->lock(T\Stream::DIRECTION_SEND);
$bytes = $this->trans->send(self::encodeLength($length) . $word);
$this->trans->lock($old, true);
return $bytes;
return $this->trans->send(self::encodeLength($length) . $word);
* Sends a word based on a stream.
* Sends a word based on a stream and automatically encodes its length when
* doing so. The stream is read from its current position to its end, and
* then returned to its current position. Because of those operations, the
* supplied stream must be seekable.
* @param string $prefix A string to prepend before the stream contents.
* @param resource $stream The seekable stream to send.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
* @see sendWord()
public function sendWordFromStream($prefix, $stream)
if (!self::isSeekableStream($stream)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The stream must be seekable.',
if (null !== ($remoteCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_REMOTE))
&& null !== ($localCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_LOCAL))
) {
$prefix = iconv(
$remoteCharset . '//IGNORE//TRANSLIT',
$stream = self::iconvStream(
$remoteCharset . '//IGNORE//TRANSLIT',
flock($stream, LOCK_SH);
$totalLength = strlen($prefix) + self::seekableStreamLength($stream);
$bytes = $this->trans->send(self::encodeLength($totalLength) . $prefix);
$bytes += $this->trans->send($stream);
flock($stream, LOCK_UN);
return $bytes;
* Verifies that the length is supported.
* Verifies if the specified length is supported by the API. Throws a
* {@link LengthException} if that's not the case. Currently, RouterOS
* supports words up to 0xFFFFFFFF in length, so that's the only check
* performed.
* @param int $length The length to verify.
* @return void
protected static function verifyLengthSupport($length)
if ($length > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
throw new LengthException(
'Words with length above 0xFFFFFFFF are not supported.',
* Encodes the length as requred by the RouterOS API.
* @param int $length The length to encode.
* @return string The encoded length.
public static function encodeLength($length)
if ($length < 0) {
throw new LengthException(
'Length must not be negative.',
} elseif ($length < 0x80) {
return chr($length);
} elseif ($length < 0x4000) {
return pack('n', $length |= 0x8000);
} elseif ($length < 0x200000) {
$length |= 0xC00000;
return pack('n', $length >> 8) . chr($length & 0xFF);
} elseif ($length < 0x10000000) {
return pack('N', $length |= 0xE0000000);
} elseif ($length <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
return chr(0xF0) . pack('N', $length);
} elseif ($length <= 0x7FFFFFFFF) {
$length = 'f' . base_convert($length, 10, 16);
return chr(hexdec(substr($length, 0, 2))) .
pack('N', hexdec(substr($length, 2)));
throw new LengthException(
'Length must not be above 0x7FFFFFFFF.',
* Get the next word in queue as a string.
* Get the next word in queue as a string, after automatically decoding its
* length.
* @return string The word.
* @see close()
public function getNextWord()
if ($this->trans->isPersistent()) {
$old = $this->trans->lock(T\Stream::DIRECTION_RECEIVE);
$word = $this->trans->receive(
$this->trans->lock($old, true);
} else {
$word = $this->trans->receive(
if (null !== ($remoteCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_REMOTE))
&& null !== ($localCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_LOCAL))
) {
$word = iconv(
$localCharset . '//IGNORE//TRANSLIT',
return $word;
* Get the next word in queue as a stream.
* Get the next word in queue as a stream, after automatically decoding its
* length.
* @return resource The word, as a stream.
* @see close()
public function getNextWordAsStream()
$filters = new T\FilterCollection();
if (null !== ($remoteCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_REMOTE))
&& null !== ($localCharset = $this->getCharset(self::CHARSET_LOCAL))
) {
'convert.iconv.' .
$remoteCharset . '.' . $localCharset . '//IGNORE//TRANSLIT'
if ($this->trans->isPersistent()) {
$old = $this->trans->lock(T\Stream::DIRECTION_RECEIVE);
$stream = $this->trans->receiveStream(
'stream word'
$this->trans->lock($old, true);
} else {
$stream = $this->trans->receiveStream(
'stream word'
return $stream;
* Decodes the lenght of the incoming message.
* Decodes the lenght of the incoming message, as specified by the RouterOS
* API.
* @param T\Stream $trans The transmitter from which to decode the length of
* the incoming message.
* @return int The decoded length.
public static function decodeLength(T\Stream $trans)
if ($trans->isPersistent() && $trans instanceof T\TcpClient) {
$old = $trans->lock($trans::DIRECTION_RECEIVE);
$length = self::_decodeLength($trans);
$trans->lock($old, true);
return $length;
return self::_decodeLength($trans);
* Decodes the lenght of the incoming message.
* Decodes the lenght of the incoming message, as specified by the RouterOS
* API.
* Difference with the non private function is that this one doesn't perform
* locking if the connection is a persistent one.
* @param T\Stream $trans The transmitter from which to decode the length of
* the incoming message.
* @return int The decoded length.
private static function _decodeLength(T\Stream $trans)
$byte = ord($trans->receive(1, 'initial length byte'));
if ($byte & 0x80) {
if (($byte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
return (($byte & 077) << 8 ) + ord($trans->receive(1));
} elseif (($byte & 0xE0) === 0xC0) {
$rem = unpack('n~', $trans->receive(2));
return (($byte & 037) << 16 ) + $rem['~'];
} elseif (($byte & 0xF0) === 0xE0) {
$rem = unpack('n~/C~~', $trans->receive(3));
return (($byte & 017) << 24 ) + ($rem['~'] << 8) + $rem['~~'];
} elseif (($byte & 0xF8) === 0xF0) {
$rem = unpack('N~', $trans->receive(4));
return (($byte & 007) * 0x100000000/* '<< 32' or '2^32' */)
+ (double) sprintf('%u', $rem['~']);
throw new NotSupportedException(
'Unknown control byte encountered.',
} else {
return $byte;
* Closes the opened connection, even if it is a persistent one.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function close()
return $this->trans->close();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Base of this class.
use RuntimeException;
* Exception thrown when the request/response cycle goes an unexpected way.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class DataFlowException extends RuntimeException implements Exception
const CODE_TAG_REQUIRED = 10500;
const CODE_TAG_UNIQUE = 10501;
const CODE_CANCEL_FAIL = 11200;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Generic exception class of this package.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
interface Exception

View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
use InvalidArgumentException as I;
* Exception thrown when there's something wrong with message arguments.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class InvalidArgumentException extends I implements Exception
const CODE_NAME_INVALID = 20100;
const CODE_CMD_INVALID = 40202;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Base of this class.
use LengthException as L;
* Exception thrown when there is a problem with a word's length.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class LengthException extends L implements Exception
const CODE_UNSUPPORTED = 1200;
const CODE_INVALID = 1300;
const CODE_BEYOND_SHEME = 1301;
* @var mixed The problematic length.
private $_length;
* Creates a new LengthException.
* @param string $message The Exception message to throw.
* @param int $code The Exception code.
* @param \Exception $previous The previous exception used for the exception
* chaining.
* @param number $length The length.
public function __construct(
$code = 0,
$previous = null,
$length = null
) {
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
$this->_length = $length;
* Gets the length.
* @return number The length.
public function getLength()
return $this->_length;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// String representation is not reliable in testing
* Returns a string representation of the exception.
* @return string The exception as a string.
public function __toString()
return parent::__toString() . "\nLength:{$this->_length}";
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

View file

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Implements this interface.
use Countable;
* Implements this interface.
use IteratorAggregate;
* Requred for IteratorAggregate::getIterator() to work properly with foreach.
use ArrayObject;
* Represents a RouterOS message.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
abstract class Message implements IteratorAggregate, Countable
* @var array An array with message attributes. Each array key is the the
* name of an attribute, and the correspding array value is the value
* for that attribute.
protected $attributes = array();
* @var string An optional tag to associate the message with.
private $_tag = null;
* A shorthand gateway.
* This is a magic PHP method that allows you to call the object as a
* function. Depending on the argument given, one of the other functions in
* the class is invoked and its returned value is returned by this function.
* @param string $name The name of an attribute to get the value of, or NULL
* to get the tag.
* @return string|resource The value of the specified attribute,
* or the tag if NULL is provided.
public function __invoke($name = null)
if (null === $name) {
return $this->getTag();
return $this->getAttribute($name);
* Sanitizes a name of an attribute (message or query one).
* @param mixed $name The name to sanitize.
* @return string The sanitized name.
public static function sanitizeAttributeName($name)
$name = (string) $name;
if ((empty($name) && $name !== '0')
|| preg_match('/[=\s]/s', $name)
) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid name of argument supplied.',
return $name;
* Sanitizes a value of an attribute (message or query one).
* @param mixed $value The value to sanitize.
* @return string The sanitized value.
public static function sanitizeAttributeValue($value)
if (Communicator::isSeekableStream($value)) {
return $value;
} else {
return (string) $value;
* Gets the tag that the message is associated with.
* @return string The current tag or NULL if there isn't a tag.
* @see setTag()
public function getTag()
return $this->_tag;
* Sets the tag to associate the request with.
* Sets the tag to associate the message with. Setting NULL erases the
* currently set tag.
* @param string $tag The tag to set.
* @return $this The message object.
* @see getTag()
protected function setTag($tag)
$this->_tag = (null === $tag) ? null : (string) $tag;
return $this;
* Gets the value of an attribute.
* @param string $name The name of the attribute.
* @return string|resource|null The value of the specified attribute.
* Returns NULL if such an attribute is not set.
* @see setAttribute()
protected function getAttribute($name)
$name = self::sanitizeAttributeName($name);
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes)) {
return $this->attributes[$name];
return null;
* Gets all arguments in an array.
* @return ArrayObject An ArrayObject with the keys being argument names,
* and the array values being argument values.
* @see getArgument()
* @see setArgument()
public function getIterator()
return new ArrayObject($this->attributes);
* Counts the number of arguments.
* @param int $mode The counter mode.
* When in normal mode, counts the number of arguments.
* When in recursive mode, counts the number of API words
* (including the empty word at the end).
* @return int The number of arguments/words.
public function count($mode = COUNT_NORMAL)
$result = count($this->attributes);
if ($mode !== COUNT_NORMAL) {
$result += 2/*first+last word*/
+ (int)(null !== $this->getTag());
return $result;
* Sets an attribute for the message.
* @param string $name Name of the attribute.
* @param string|resource|null $value Value of the attribute as a string or
* seekable stream.
* Setting the value to NULL removes an argument of this name.
* If a seekable stream is provided, it is sent from its current
* posistion to its end, and the pointer is seeked back to its current
* position after sending.
* Non seekable streams, as well as all other types, are casted to a
* string.
* @return $this The message object.
* @see getArgument()
protected function setAttribute($name, $value = '')
if (null === $value) {
} else {
= self::sanitizeAttributeValue($value);
return $this;
* Removes all attributes from the message.
* @return $this The message object.
protected function removeAllAttributes()
$this->attributes = array();
return $this;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Base of this class.
use Exception as E;
* Exception thrown when encountering something not supported by RouterOS or
* this package.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class NotSupportedException extends E implements Exception
const CODE_CONTROL_BYTE = 1601;
* @var mixed The unsuppported value.
private $_value;
* Creates a new NotSupportedException.
* @param string $message The Exception message to throw.
* @param int $code The Exception code.
* @param \Exception $previous The previous exception used for the exception
* chaining.
* @param mixed $value The unsupported value.
public function __construct(
$code = 0,
$previous = null,
$value = null
) {
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
$this->_value = $value;
* Gets the unsupported value.
* @return mixed The unsupported value.
public function getValue()
return $this->_value;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// String representation is not reliable in testing
* Returns a string representation of the exception.
* @return string The exception as a string.
public function __toString()
return parent::__toString() . "\nValue:{$this->_value}";
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

View file

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Refers to transmitter direction constants.
use PEAR2\Net\Transmitter as T;
* Represents a query for RouterOS requests.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Query
* Checks if the property exists.
const OP_EX = '';
* Checks if the property does not exist.
const OP_NEX = '-';
* Checks if the property equals a certain value.
const OP_EQ = '=';
* Checks if the property is less than a certain value.
const OP_LT = '<';
* Checks if the property is greather than a certain value.
const OP_GT = '>';
* @var array An array of the words forming the query. Each value is an
* array with the first member being the predicate (operator and name),
* and the second member being the value for the predicate.
protected $words = array();
* This class is not to be instantiated normally, but by static methods
* instead. Use {@link static::where()} to create an instance of it.
private function __construct()
* Sanitizes the operator of a condition.
* @param string $operator The operator to sanitize.
* @return string The sanitized operator.
protected static function sanitizeOperator($operator)
$operator = (string) $operator;
switch ($operator) {
case Query::OP_EX:
case Query::OP_NEX:
case Query::OP_EQ:
case Query::OP_LT:
case Query::OP_GT:
return $operator;
throw new UnexpectedValueException(
'Unknown operator specified',
* Creates a new query with an initial condition.
* @param string $name The name of the property to test.
* @param string|resource|null $value Value of the property as a string
* or seekable stream. Not required for existence tests.
* If a seekable stream is provided, it is sent from its current
* posistion to its end, and the pointer is seeked back to its current
* position after sending.
* Non seekable streams, as well as all other types, are casted to a
* string.
* @param string $operator One of the OP_* constants.
* Describes the operation to perform.
* @return static A new query object.
public static function where(
$value = null,
$operator = self::OP_EX
) {
$query = new static;
return $query->addWhere($name, $value, $operator);
* Negates the query.
* @return $this The query object.
public function not()
$this->words[] = array('#!', null);
return $this;
* Adds a condition as an alternative to the query.
* @param string $name The name of the property to test.
* @param string|resource|null $value Value of the property as a string
* or seekable stream. Not required for existence tests.
* If a seekable stream is provided, it is sent from its current
* posistion to its end, and the pointer is seeked back to its current
* position after sending.
* Non seekable streams, as well as all other types, are casted to a
* string.
* @param string $operator One of the OP_* constants.
* Describes the operation to perform.
* @return $this The query object.
public function orWhere($name, $value = null, $operator = self::OP_EX)
$this->addWhere($name, $value, $operator)->words[] = array('#|', null);
return $this;
* Adds a condition in addition to the query.
* @param string $name The name of the property to test.
* @param string|resource|null $value Value of the property as a string
* or seekable stream. Not required for existence tests.
* If a seekable stream is provided, it is sent from its current
* posistion to its end, and the pointer is seeked back to its current
* position after sending.
* Non seekable streams, as well as all other types, are casted to a
* string.
* @param string $operator One of the OP_* constants.
* Describes the operation to perform.
* @return $this The query object.
public function andWhere($name, $value = null, $operator = self::OP_EX)
$this->addWhere($name, $value, $operator)->words[] = array('#&', null);
return $this;
* Sends the query over a communicator.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator to send the query over.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
public function send(Communicator $com)
if ($com->getTransmitter()->isPersistent()) {
$old = $com->getTransmitter()->lock(T\Stream::DIRECTION_SEND);
$bytes = $this->_send($com);
$com->getTransmitter()->lock($old, true);
return $bytes;
return $this->_send($com);
* Sends the query over a communicator.
* The only difference with the non private equivalent is that this one does
* not do locking.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator to send the query over.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
private function _send(Communicator $com)
if (!$com->getTransmitter()->isAcceptingData()) {
throw new SocketException(
'Transmitter is invalid. Sending aborted.',
$bytes = 0;
foreach ($this->words as $queryWord) {
list($predicate, $value) = $queryWord;
$prefix = '?' . $predicate;
if (null === $value) {
$bytes += $com->sendWord($prefix);
} else {
$prefix .= '=';
if (is_string($value)) {
$bytes += $com->sendWord($prefix . $value);
} else {
$bytes += $com->sendWordFromStream($prefix, $value);
return $bytes;
* Adds a condition.
* @param string $name The name of the property to test.
* @param string|resource|null $value Value of the property as a string
* or seekable stream. Not required for existence tests.
* If a seekable stream is provided, it is sent from its current
* posistion to its end, and the pointer is seeked back to its current
* position after sending.
* Non seekable streams, as well as all other types, are casted to a
* string.
* @param string $operator One of the ACTION_* constants.
* Describes the operation to perform.
* @return $this The query object.
protected function addWhere($name, $value, $operator)
$this->words[] = array(
. Message::sanitizeAttributeName($name),
(null === $value ? null : Message::sanitizeAttributeValue($value))
return $this;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Uses shared memory to keep responses in.
use PEAR2\Cache\SHM;
* A RouterOS registry.
* Provides functionality for managing the request/response flow. Particularly
* useful in persistent connections.
* Note that this class is not meant to be called directly.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Registry
* @var SHM The storage.
protected $shm;
* @var int ID of request. Populated at first instance in request.
protected static $requestId = -1;
* @var int ID to be given to next instance, after incrementing it.
protected static $instanceIdSeed = -1;
* @var int ID of instance within the request.
protected $instanceId;
* Creates a registry.
* @param string $uri An URI to bind the registry to.
public function __construct($uri)
$this->shm = SHM::factory(__CLASS__ . ' ' . $uri);
if (-1 === self::$requestId) {
self::$requestId = $this->shm->add('requestId', 0)
? 0 : $this->shm->inc('requestId');
$this->instanceId = ++self::$instanceIdSeed;
$this->shm->add('responseBuffer_' . $this->getOwnershipTag(), array());
* Parses a tag.
* Parses a tag to reveal the ownership part of it, and the original tag.
* @param string $tag The tag (as received) to parse.
* @return array An array with the first member being the ownership tag, and
* the second one being the original tag.
public static function parseTag($tag)
if (null === $tag) {
return array(null, null);
$result = explode('__', $tag, 2);
$result[0] .= '__';
if ('' === $result[1]) {
$result[1] = null;
return $result;
* Checks if this instance is the tagless mode owner.
* @return bool TRUE if this instance is the tagless mode owner, FALSE
* otherwise.
public function isTaglessModeOwner()
$result = $this->shm->exists('taglessModeOwner')
&& $this->getOwnershipTag() === $this->shm->get('taglessModeOwner');
return $result;
* Sets the "tagless mode" setting.
* While in tagless mode, this instance will claim owhership of any
* responses without a tag. While not in this mode, any requests without a
* tag will be given to all instances.
* Regardless of mode, if the type of the response is
* {@link Response::TYPE_FATAL}, it will be given to all instances.
* @param bool $taglessMode TRUE to claim tagless ownership, FALSE to
* release such ownership, if taken.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function setTaglessMode($taglessMode)
return $taglessMode
? ($this->shm->lock('taglessMode')
&& $this->shm->lock('taglessModeOwner')
&& $this->shm->add('taglessModeOwner', $this->getOwnershipTag())
&& $this->shm->unlock('taglessModeOwner'))
: ($this->isTaglessModeOwner()
&& $this->shm->lock('taglessModeOwner')
&& $this->shm->delete('taglessModeOwner')
&& $this->shm->unlock('taglessModeOwner')
&& $this->shm->unlock('taglessMode'));
* Get the ownership tag for this instance.
* @return string The ownership tag for this registry instance.
public function getOwnershipTag()
return self::$requestId . '_' . $this->instanceId . '__';
* Add a response to the registry.
* @param Response $response The response to add. The caller of this
* function is responsible for ensuring that the ownership tag and the
* original tag are separated, so that only the original one remains in
* the response.
* @param string $ownershipTag The ownership tag that the response had.
* @return bool TRUE if the request was added to its buffer, FALSE if
* this instance owns the response, and therefore doesn't need to add
* the response to its buffer.
public function add(Response $response, $ownershipTag)
if ($this->getOwnershipTag() === $ownershipTag
|| ($this->isTaglessModeOwner()
&& $response->getType() !== Response::TYPE_FATAL)
) {
return false;
if (null === $ownershipTag) {
if ($this->shm->exists('taglessModeOwner')
&& $response->getType() !== Response::TYPE_FATAL
) {
$ownershipTag = $this->shm->get('taglessModeOwner');
} else {
foreach ($this->shm->getIterator(
) as $targetBufferName) {
$this->_add($response, $targetBufferName);
return true;
$this->_add($response, 'responseBuffer_' . $ownershipTag);
return true;
* Adds a response to a buffer.
* @param Response $response The response to add.
* @param string $targetBufferName The name of the buffer to add the
* response to.
* @return void
private function _add(Response $response, $targetBufferName)
if ($this->shm->lock($targetBufferName)) {
$targetBuffer = $this->shm->get($targetBufferName);
$targetBuffer[] = $response;
$this->shm->set($targetBufferName, $targetBuffer);
* Gets the next response from this instance's buffer.
* @return Response|null The next response, or NULL if there isn't one.
public function getNextResponse()
$response = null;
$targetBufferName = 'responseBuffer_' . $this->getOwnershipTag();
if ($this->shm->exists($targetBufferName)
&& $this->shm->lock($targetBufferName)
) {
$targetBuffer = $this->shm->get($targetBufferName);
if (!empty($targetBuffer)) {
$response = array_shift($targetBuffer);
$this->shm->set($targetBufferName, $targetBuffer);
return $response;
* Closes the registry.
* Closes the registry, meaning that all buffers are cleared.
* @return void
public function close()
self::$requestId = -1;
self::$instanceIdSeed = -1;
* Removes a buffer.
* @param string $targetBufferName The buffer to remove.
* @return void
private function _close($targetBufferName)
if ($this->shm->lock($targetBufferName)) {
* Removes this instance's buffer.
public function __destruct()
$this->_close('responseBuffer_' . $this->getOwnershipTag());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Refers to transmitter direction constants.
use PEAR2\Net\Transmitter as T;
* Represents a RouterOS request.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Request extends Message
* @var string The command to be executed.
private $_command;
* @var Query A query for the command.
private $_query;
* Creates a request to send to RouterOS.
* @param string $command The command to send. Can also contain arguments
* expressed in a shell-like syntax.
* @param Query $query A query to associate with the request.
* @param string $tag The tag for the request.
* @see setCommand()
* @see setArgument()
* @see setTag()
* @see setQuery()
public function __construct($command, Query $query = null, $tag = null)
if (false !== strpos($command, '=')
&& false !== ($spaceBeforeEquals = strrpos(
strstr($command, '=', true),
' '
) {
$this->parseArgumentString(substr($command, $spaceBeforeEquals));
$command = rtrim(substr($command, 0, $spaceBeforeEquals));
* A shorthand gateway.
* This is a magic PHP method that allows you to call the object as a
* function. Depending on the argument given, one of the other functions in
* the class is invoked and its returned value is returned by this function.
* @param Query|Communicator|string|null $arg A {@link Query} to associate
* the request with, a {@link Communicator} to send the request over,
* an argument to get the value of, or NULL to get the tag. If a
* second argument is provided, this becomes the name of the argument to
* set the value of, and the second argument is the value to set.
* @return string|resource|int|$this Whatever the long form
* function returns.
public function __invoke($arg = null)
if (func_num_args() > 1) {
return $this->setArgument(func_get_arg(0), func_get_arg(1));
if ($arg instanceof Query) {
return $this->setQuery($arg);
if ($arg instanceof Communicator) {
return $this->send($arg);
return parent::__invoke($arg);
* Sets the command to send to RouterOS.
* Sets the command to send to RouterOS. The command can use the API or CLI
* syntax of RouterOS, but either way, it must be absolute (begin with a
* "/") and without arguments.
* @param string $command The command to send.
* @return $this The request object.
* @see getCommand()
* @see setArgument()
public function setCommand($command)
$command = (string) $command;
if (strpos($command, '/') !== 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Commands must be absolute.',
if (substr_count($command, '/') === 1) {
//Command line syntax convertion
$cmdParts = preg_split('#[\s/]+#sm', $command);
$cmdRes = array($cmdParts[0]);
for ($i = 1, $n = count($cmdParts); $i < $n; $i++) {
if ('..' === $cmdParts[$i]) {
$delIndex = count($cmdRes) - 1;
if ($delIndex < 1) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to resolve command',
$cmdRes = array_values($cmdRes);
} else {
$cmdRes[] = $cmdParts[$i];
$command = implode('/', $cmdRes);
if (!preg_match('#^/\S+$#sm', $command)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid command supplied.',
$this->_command = $command;
return $this;
* Gets the command that will be send to RouterOS.
* Gets the command that will be send to RouterOS in its API syntax.
* @return string The command to send.
* @see setCommand()
public function getCommand()
return $this->_command;
* Sets the query to send with the command.
* @param Query $query The query to be set. Setting NULL will remove the
* currently associated query.
* @return $this The request object.
* @see getQuery()
public function setQuery(Query $query = null)
$this->_query = $query;
return $this;
* Gets the currently associated query
* @return Query The currently associated query.
* @see setQuery()
public function getQuery()
return $this->_query;
* Sets the tag to associate the request with.
* Sets the tag to associate the request with. Setting NULL erases the
* currently set tag.
* @param string $tag The tag to set.
* @return $this The request object.
* @see getTag()
public function setTag($tag)
return parent::setTag($tag);
* Sets an argument for the request.
* @param string $name Name of the argument.
* @param string|resource|null $value Value of the argument as a string or
* seekable stream.
* Setting the value to NULL removes an argument of this name.
* If a seekable stream is provided, it is sent from its current
* posistion to its end, and the pointer is seeked back to its current
* position after sending.
* Non seekable streams, as well as all other types, are casted to a
* string.
* @return $this The request object.
* @see getArgument()
public function setArgument($name, $value = '')
return parent::setAttribute($name, $value);
* Gets the value of an argument.
* @param string $name The name of the argument.
* @return string|resource|null The value of the specified argument.
* Returns NULL if such an argument is not set.
* @see setAttribute()
public function getArgument($name)
return parent::getAttribute($name);
* Removes all arguments from the request.
* @return $this The request object.
public function removeAllArguments()
return parent::removeAllAttributes();
* Sends a request over a communicator.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator to send the request over.
* @param Registry $reg An optional registry to sync the request with.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
* @see Client::sendSync()
* @see Client::sendAsync()
public function send(Communicator $com, Registry $reg = null)
if (null !== $reg
&& (null != $this->getTag() || !$reg->isTaglessModeOwner())
) {
$originalTag = $this->getTag();
$this->setTag($reg->getOwnershipTag() . $originalTag);
$bytes = $this->send($com);
return $bytes;
if ($com->getTransmitter()->isPersistent()) {
$old = $com->getTransmitter()->lock(T\Stream::DIRECTION_SEND);
$bytes = $this->_send($com);
$com->getTransmitter()->lock($old, true);
return $bytes;
return $this->_send($com);
* Sends a request over a communicator.
* The only difference with the non private equivalent is that this one does
* not do locking.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator to send the request over.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
* @see Client::sendSync()
* @see Client::sendAsync()
private function _send(Communicator $com)
if (!$com->getTransmitter()->isAcceptingData()) {
throw new SocketException(
'Transmitter is invalid. Sending aborted.',
$bytes = 0;
$bytes += $com->sendWord($this->getCommand());
if (null !== ($tag = $this->getTag())) {
$bytes += $com->sendWord('.tag=' . $tag);
foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) {
$prefix = '=' . $name . '=';
if (is_string($value)) {
$bytes += $com->sendWord($prefix . $value);
} else {
$bytes += $com->sendWordFromStream($prefix, $value);
$query = $this->getQuery();
if ($query instanceof Query) {
$bytes += $query->send($com);
$bytes += $com->sendWord('');
return $bytes;
* Parses the arguments of a command.
* @param string $string The argument string to parse.
* @return void
protected function parseArgumentString($string)
* Grammar:
* <arguments> := (<<\s+>>, <argument>)*,
* <argument> := <name>, <value>?
* <name> := <<[^\=\s]+>>
* <value> := "=", (<quoted string> | <unquoted string>)
* <quotedString> := <<">>, <<([^"]|\\"|\\\\)*>>, <<">>
* <unquotedString> := <<\S+>>
$token = '';
$name = null;
while ($string = substr($string, strlen($token))) {
if (null === $name) {
if (preg_match('/^\s+([^\s=]+)/sS', $string, $matches)) {
$token = $matches[0];
$name = $matches[1];
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Parsing of argument name failed near '{$string}'",
} elseif (preg_match('/^\s/s', $string, $matches)) {
//Empty argument
$token = '';
$name = null;
} elseif (preg_match(
)) {
$token = $matches[0];
array('\\"', '\\\\'),
array('"', '\\'),
$name = null;
} elseif (preg_match('/^=(\S+)/sS', $string, $matches)) {
$token = $matches[0];
$this->setArgument($name, $matches[1]);
$name = null;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Parsing of argument value failed near '{$string}'",
if (null !== $name && ('' !== ($name = trim($name)))) {
$this->setArgument($name, '');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Refers to transmitter direction constants.
use PEAR2\Net\Transmitter as T;
* Locks are released upon any exception from anywhere.
use Exception as E;
* Represents a RouterOS response.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Response extends Message
* The last response for a request.
const TYPE_FINAL = '!done';
* A response with data.
const TYPE_DATA = '!re';
* A response signifying error.
const TYPE_ERROR = '!trap';
* A response signifying a fatal error, due to which the connection would be
* terminated.
const TYPE_FATAL = '!fatal';
* @var array An array of unrecognized words in network order.
protected $unrecognizedWords = array();
* @var string The response type.
private $_type;
* Extracts a new response from a communicator.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator from which to extract
* the new response.
* @param bool $asStream Whether to populate the argument values
* with streams instead of strings.
* @param int $sTimeout If a response is not immediatly
* available, wait this many seconds. If NULL, wait indefinetly.
* @param int $usTimeout Microseconds to add to the waiting time.
* @param Registry $reg An optional registry to sync the
* response with.
* @see getType()
* @see getArgument()
public function __construct(
Communicator $com,
$asStream = false,
$sTimeout = 0,
$usTimeout = null,
Registry $reg = null
) {
if (null === $reg) {
if ($com->getTransmitter()->isPersistent()) {
$old = $com->getTransmitter()
try {
$this->_receive($com, $asStream, $sTimeout, $usTimeout);
} catch (E $e) {
$com->getTransmitter()->lock($old, true);
throw $e;
$com->getTransmitter()->lock($old, true);
} else {
$this->_receive($com, $asStream, $sTimeout, $usTimeout);
} else {
while (null === ($response = $reg->getNextResponse())) {
$newResponse = new self($com, true, $sTimeout, $usTimeout);
$tagInfo = $reg::parseTag($newResponse->getTag());
if (!$reg->add($newResponse, $tagInfo[0])) {
$response = $newResponse;
$this->_type = $response->_type;
$this->attributes = $response->attributes;
$this->unrecognizedWords = $response->unrecognizedWords;
if (!$asStream) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) {
foreach ($response->unrecognizedWords as $i => $value) {
$this->unrecognizedWords[$i] = stream_get_contents($value);
* Extracts a new response from a communicator.
* This is the function that performs the actual receiving, while the
* constructor is also involved in locks and registry sync.
* @param Communicator $com The communicator from which to extract
* the new response.
* @param bool $asStream Whether to populate the argument values
* with streams instead of strings.
* @param int $sTimeout If a response is not immediatly
* available, wait this many seconds. If NULL, wait indefinetly.
* Note that if an empty sentence is received, the timeout will be
* reset for another sentence receiving.
* @param int $usTimeout Microseconds to add to the waiting time.
* @return void
private function _receive(
Communicator $com,
$asStream = false,
$sTimeout = 0,
$usTimeout = null
) {
do {
if (!$com->getTransmitter()->isDataAwaiting(
)) {
throw new SocketException(
'No data within the time limit',
$type = $com->getNextWord();
} while ('' === $type);
if ($asStream) {
for ($word = $com->getNextWordAsStream(), fseek($word, 0, SEEK_END);
ftell($word) !== 0;
$word = $com->getNextWordAsStream(), fseek(
)) {
$ind = fread($word, 1);
if ('=' === $ind || '.' === $ind) {
$prefix = stream_get_line($word, null, '=');
if ('=' === $ind) {
$value = fopen('php://temp', 'r+b');
$bytesCopied = ftell($word);
while (!feof($word)) {
$bytesCopied += stream_copy_to_stream(
$this->setAttribute($prefix, $value);
if ('.' === $ind && 'tag' === $prefix) {
$this->setTag(stream_get_contents($word, -1, -1));
$this->unrecognizedWords[] = $word;
} else {
for ($word = $com->getNextWord(); '' !== $word;
$word = $com->getNextWord()) {
if (preg_match('/^=([^=]+)=(.*)$/sS', $word, $matches)) {
$this->setAttribute($matches[1], $matches[2]);
} elseif (preg_match('/^\.tag=(.*)$/sS', $word, $matches)) {
} else {
$this->unrecognizedWords[] = $word;
* Sets the response type.
* Sets the response type. Valid values are the TYPE_* constants.
* @param string $type The new response type.
* @return $this The response object.
* @see getType()
protected function setType($type)
switch ($type) {
case self::TYPE_FINAL:
case self::TYPE_DATA:
case self::TYPE_ERROR:
case self::TYPE_FATAL:
$this->_type = $type;
return $this;
throw new UnexpectedValueException(
'Unrecognized response type.',
* Gets the response type.
* @return string The response type.
* @see setType()
public function getType()
return $this->_type;
* Gets the value of an argument.
* @param string $name The name of the argument.
* @return string|resource|null The value of the specified argument.
* Returns NULL if such an argument is not set.
* @deprecated 1.0.0b5 Use {@link static::getProperty()} instead.
* This method will be removed upon final release, and is currently
* left standing merely because it can't be easily search&replaced in
* existing code, due to the fact the name "getArgument()" is shared
* with {@link Request::getArgument()}, which is still valid.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function getArgument($name)
'Response::getArgument() is deprecated in favor of ' .
'Response::getProperty() (but note that Request::getArgument() ' .
'is still valid)',
return $this->getAttribute($name);
* Gets the value of a property.
* @param string $name The name of the property.
* @return string|resource|null The value of the specified property.
* Returns NULL if such a property is not set.
public function getProperty($name)
return parent::getAttribute($name);
* Gets a list of unrecognized words.
* @return array The list of unrecognized words.
public function getUnrecognizedWords()
return $this->unrecognizedWords;
* Counts the number of arguments or words.
* @param int $mode The counter mode.
* When in normal mode, counts the number of arguments.
* When in recursive mode, counts the number of API words.
* @return int The number of arguments/words.
public function count($mode = COUNT_NORMAL)
$result = parent::count($mode);
if ($mode !== COUNT_NORMAL) {
$result += count($this->unrecognizedWords);
return $result;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Implemented by this class.
use ArrayAccess;
* Implemented by this class.
use Countable;
* Implemented by this class.
use SeekableIterator;
* Represents a collection of RouterOS responses.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
* @method string getType()
* Calls {@link Response::getType()}
* on the response pointed by the pointer.
* @method string[] getUnrecognizedWords()
* Calls {@link Response::getUnrecognizedWords()}
* on the response pointed by the pointer.
* @method string|resource|null getProperty(string $name)
* Calls {@link Response::getProperty()}
* on the response pointed by the pointer.
* @method string getTag()
* Calls {@link Response::getTag()}
* on the response pointed by the pointer.
class ResponseCollection implements ArrayAccess, SeekableIterator, Countable
* @var array An array with all {@link Response} objects.
protected $responses = array();
* @var array An array with each {@link Response} object's type.
protected $responseTypes = array();
* @var array An array with each {@link Response} object's tag.
protected $responseTags = array();
* @var array An array with positions of responses, based on an property
* name. The name of each property is the array key, and the array value
* is another array where the key is the value for that property, and
* the value is the posistion of the response. For performance reasons,
* each key is built only when {@link static::setIndex()} is called with
* that property, and remains available for the lifetime of this
* collection.
protected $responsesIndex = array();
* @var array An array with all distinct properties across all
* {@link Response} objects. Created at the first call of
* {@link static::getPropertyMap()}.
protected $propertyMap = null;
* @var int A pointer, as required by SeekableIterator.
protected $position = 0;
* @var string|null Name of property to use as index. NULL when disabled.
protected $index = null;
* @var array Criterias used by {@link compare()} to determine the order
* between two respones. See {@link orderBy()} for a detailed
* description of this array's format.
protected $compareBy = array();
* Creates a new collection.
* @param array $responses An array of responses, in network order.
public function __construct(array $responses)
$pos = 0;
foreach ($responses as $response) {
if ($response instanceof Response) {
$this->responseTypes[$pos] = $response->getType();
$this->responseTags[$pos] = $response->getTag();
$this->responses[$pos++] = $response;
* A shorthand gateway.
* This is a magic PHP method that allows you to call the object as a
* function. Depending on the argument given, one of the other functions in
* the class is invoked and its returned value is returned by this function.
* @param int|string|null $offset The offset of the response to seek to.
* If the offset is negative, seek to that relative to the end.
* If the collection is indexed, you can also supply a value to seek to.
* Setting NULL will get the current response's interator.
* @return Response|ArrayObject The {@link Response} at the specified
* offset, the current response's iterator (which is an ArrayObject)
* when NULL is given, or FALSE if the offset is invalid
* or the collection is empty.
public function __invoke($offset = null)
return null === $offset
? $this->current()->getIterator()
: $this->seek($offset);
* Sets a property to be usable as a key in the collection.
* @param string|null $name The name of the property to use. Future calls
* that accept a position will then also be able to search values of
* that property for a matching value.
* Specifying NULL will disable such lookups (as is by default).
* Note that in case this value occures multiple times within the
* collection, only the last matching response will be accessible by
* that value.
* @return $this The object itself.
public function setIndex($name)
if (null !== $name) {
$name = (string)$name;
if (!isset($this->responsesIndex[$name])) {
$this->responsesIndex[$name] = array();
foreach ($this->responses as $pos => $response) {
$val = $response->getProperty($name);
if (null !== $val) {
$this->responsesIndex[$name][$val] = $pos;
$this->index = $name;
return $this;
* Gets the name of the property used as an index.
* @return string|null Name of property used as index. NULL when disabled.
public function getIndex()
return $this->index;
* Gets the whole collection as an array.
* @param bool $useIndex Whether to use the index values as keys for the
* resulting array.
* @return array An array with all responses, in network order.
public function toArray($useIndex = false)
if ($useIndex) {
$positions = $this->responsesIndex[$this->index];
asort($positions, SORT_NUMERIC);
$positions = array_flip($positions);
return array_combine(
array_intersect_key($this->responses, $positions)
return $this->responses;
* Counts the responses/words in the collection.
* @param int $mode The counter mode.
* When in normal mode, counts the number of responses.
* When in recursive mode, counts the total number of API words.
* @return int The number of responses in the collection.
public function count($mode = COUNT_NORMAL)
if ($mode !== COUNT_NORMAL) {
$result = 0;
foreach ($this->responses as $response) {
$result += $response->count($mode);
return $result;
} else {
return count($this->responses);
* Checks if an offset exists.
* @param int|string $offset The offset to check. If the
* collection is indexed, you can also supply a value to check.
* Note that negative numeric offsets are NOT accepted.
* @return bool TRUE if the offset exists, FALSE otherwise.
public function offsetExists($offset)
return is_int($offset)
? array_key_exists($offset, $this->responses)
: array_key_exists($offset, $this->responsesIndex[$this->index]);
* Gets a {@link Response} from a specified offset.
* @param int|string $offset The offset of the desired response. If the
* collection is indexed, you can also supply the value to search for.
* @return Response The response at the specified offset.
public function offsetGet($offset)
return is_int($offset)
? $this->responses[$offset >= 0
? $offset
: count($this->responses) + $offset]
: $this->responses[$this->responsesIndex[$this->index][$offset]];
* N/A
* This method exists only because it is required for ArrayAccess. The
* collection is read only.
* @param int|string $offset N/A
* @param Response $value N/A
* @return void
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
* N/A
* This method exists only because it is required for ArrayAccess. The
* collection is read only.
* @param int|string $offset N/A
* @return void
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
public function offsetUnset($offset)
* Resets the pointer to 0, and returns the first response.
* @return Response The first response in the collection, or FALSE if the
* collection is empty.
public function rewind()
return $this->seek(0);
* Moves the position pointer to a specified position.
* @param int|string $position The position to move to. If the collection is
* indexed, you can also supply a value to move the pointer to.
* A non-existent index will move the pointer to "-1".
* @return Response The {@link Response} at the specified position, or FALSE
* if the specified position is not valid.
public function seek($position)
$this->position = is_int($position)
? ($position >= 0
? $position
: count($this->responses) + $position)
: ($this->offsetExists($position)
? $this->responsesIndex[$this->index][$position]
: -1);
return $this->current();
* Moves the pointer forward by 1, and gets the next response.
* @return Response The next {@link Response} object, or FALSE if the
* position is not valid.
public function next()
return $this->current();
* Gets the response at the current pointer position.
* @return Response The response at the current pointer position, or FALSE
* if the position is not valid.
public function current()
return $this->valid() ? $this->responses[$this->position] : false;
* Moves the pointer backwards by 1, and gets the previous response.
* @return Response The next {@link Response} object, or FALSE if the
* position is not valid.
public function prev()
return $this->current();
* Moves the pointer to the last valid position, and returns the last
* response.
* @return Response The last response in the collection, or FALSE if the
* collection is empty.
public function end()
$this->position = count($this->responses) - 1;
return $this->current();
* Gets the key at the current pointer position.
* @return int The key at the current pointer position, i.e. the pointer
* position itself, or FALSE if the position is not valid.
public function key()
return $this->valid() ? $this->position : false;
* Checks if the pointer is still pointing to an existing offset.
* @return bool TRUE if the pointer is valid, FALSE otherwise.
public function valid()
return $this->offsetExists($this->position);
* Gets all distinct property names.
* Gets all distinct property names across all responses.
* @return array An array with all distinct property names as keys, and the
* indexes at which they occur as values.
public function getPropertyMap()
if (null === $this->propertyMap) {
$properties = array();
foreach ($this->responses as $index => $response) {
$names = array_keys($response->getIterator()->getArrayCopy());
foreach ($names as $name) {
if (!isset($properties[$name])) {
$properties[$name] = array();
$properties[$name][] = $index;
$this->propertyMap = $properties;
return $this->propertyMap;
* Gets all responses of a specified type.
* @param string $type The response type to filter by. Valid values are the
* Response::TYPE_* constants.
* @return static A new collection with responses of the
* specified type.
public function getAllOfType($type)
$result = array();
foreach (array_keys($this->responseTypes, $type, true) as $index) {
$result[] = $this->responses[$index];
return new static($result);
* Gets all responses with a specified tag.
* @param string $tag The tag to filter by.
* @return static A new collection with responses having the
* specified tag.
public function getAllTagged($tag)
$result = array();
foreach (array_keys($this->responseTags, $tag, true) as $index) {
$result[] = $this->responses[$index];
return new static($result);
* Order resones by criteria.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The criteria to order respones by. It takes the
* form of an array where each key is the name of the property to use
* as (N+1)th sorting key. The value of each member can be either NULL
* (for that property, sort normally in ascending order), a single sort
* order constant (SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC) to sort normally in the
* specified order, an array where the first member is an order
* constant, and the second one is sorting flags (same as built in PHP
* array functions) or a callback.
* If a callback is provided, it must accept two arguments
* (the two values to be compared), and return -1, 0 or 1 if the first
* value is respectively less than, equal to or greather than the second
* one.
* Each key of $criteria can also be numeric, in which case the
* value is the name of the property, and sorting is done normally in
* ascending order.
* @return static A new collection with the responses sorted in the
* specified order.
public function orderBy(array $criteria)
$this->compareBy = $criteria;
$sortedResponses = $this->responses;
usort($sortedResponses, array($this, 'compare'));
return new static($sortedResponses);
* Calls a method of the response pointed by the pointer.
* Calls a method of the response pointed by the pointer. This is a magic
* PHP method, thanks to which any function you call on the collection that
* is not defined will be redirected to the response.
* @param string $method The name of the method to call.
* @param array $args The arguments to pass to the method.
* @return mixed Whatever the called function returns.
public function __call($method, array $args)
return call_user_func_array(
array($this->current(), $method),
* Compares two respones.
* Compares two respones, based on criteria defined in
* {@link static::$compareBy}.
* @param Response $itemA The response to compare.
* @param Response $itemB The response to compare $a against.
* @return int Returns 0 if the two respones are equal according to every
* criteria specified, -1 if $a should be placed before $b, and 1 if $b
* should be placed before $a.
protected function compare(Response $itemA, Response $itemB)
foreach ($this->compareBy as $name => $spec) {
if (!is_string($name)) {
$name = $spec;
$spec = null;
$members = array(
0 => $itemA->getProperty($name),
1 => $itemB->getProperty($name)
if (is_callable($spec)) {
uasort($members, $spec);
} elseif ($members[0] === $members[1]) {
} else {
$flags = SORT_REGULAR;
$order = SORT_ASC;
if (is_array($spec)) {
list($order, $flags) = $spec;
} elseif (null !== $spec) {
$order = $spec;
if (SORT_ASC === $order) {
asort($members, $flags);
} else {
arsort($members, $flags);
return (key($members) === 0) ? -1 : 1;
return 0;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
* Base of this class.
use RuntimeException;
* Exception thrown when something goes wrong with the connection.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class SocketException extends RuntimeException implements Exception
const CODE_QUERY_SEND_FAIL = 30600;
const CODE_NO_DATA = 50000;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* RouterOS API client implementation.
* RouterOS is the flag product of the company MikroTik and is a powerful router software. One of its many abilities is to allow control over it via an API. This package provides a client for that API, in turn allowing you to use PHP to control RouterOS hosts.
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0b5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
use UnexpectedValueException as U;
* Exception thrown when encountering an invalid value in a function argument.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_RouterOS
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class UnexpectedValueException extends U implements Exception
const CODE_ACTION_UNKNOWN = 30100;
* @var mixed The unexpected value.
private $_value;
* Creates a new UnexpectedValueException.
* @param string $message The Exception message to throw.
* @param int $code The Exception code.
* @param \Exception $previous The previous exception used for the exception
* chaining.
* @param mixed $value The unexpected value.
public function __construct(
$code = 0,
$previous = null,
$value = null
) {
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
$this->_value = $value;
* Gets the unexpected value.
* @return mixed The unexpected value.
public function getValue()
return $this->_value;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// String representation is not reliable in testing
* Returns a string representation of the exception.
* @return string The exception as a string.
public function __toString()
return parent::__toString() . "\nValue:{$this->_value}";
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
* Generic exception class of this package.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
interface Exception

View file

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
* A filter collection.
* Represents a collection of stream filters.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
* @see Client
class FilterCollection implements \SeekableIterator, \Countable
* @var array The filter collection itself.
protected $filters = array();
* @var int A pointer, as required by SeekableIterator.
protected $position = 0;
* Appends a filter to the collection
* @param string $name The name of the filter.
* @param array $params An array of parameters for the filter.
* @return $this The collection itself.
public function append($name, array $params = array())
$this->filters[] = array((string) $name, $params);
return $this;
* Inserts the filter before a position.
* Inserts the specified filter before a filter at a specified position. The
* new filter takes the specified position, while previous filters are moved
* forward by one.
* @param int $position The position before which the filter will be
* inserted.
* @param string $name The name of the filter.
* @param array $params An array of parameters for the filter.
* @return $this The collection itself.
public function insertBefore($position, $name, array $params = array())
$position = (int) $position;
if ($position <= 0) {
$this->filters = array_merge(
array(0 => array((string) $name, $params)),
return $this;
if ($position > count($this->filters)) {
return $this->append($name, $params);
$this->filters = array_merge(
array_slice($this->filters, 0, $position),
array(0 => array((string) $name, $params)),
array_slice($this->filters, $position)
return $this;
* Removes a filter at a specified position.
* @param int $position The position from which to remove a filter.
* @return $this The collection itself.
public function removeAt($position)
$this->filters = array_values($this->filters);
return $this;
* Clears the collection
* @return $this The collection itself.
public function clear()
$this->filters = array();
return $this;
* Gets the number of filters in the collection.
* @return int The number of filters in the collection.
public function count()
return count($this->filters);
* Resets the pointer to 0.
* @return bool TRUE if the collection is not empty, FALSE otherwise.
public function rewind()
return $this->seek(0);
* Moves the pointer to a specified position.
* @param int $position The position to move to.
* @return bool TRUE if the specified position is valid, FALSE otherwise.
public function seek($position)
$this->position = $position;
return $this->valid();
* Gets the current position.
* @return int The current position.
public function getCurrentPosition()
return $this->position;
* Moves the pointer forward by 1.
* @return bool TRUE if the new position is valid, FALSE otherwise.
public function next()
return $this->valid();
* Gets the filter name at the current pointer position.
* @return string The name of the filter at the current position.
public function key()
return $this->valid() ? $this->filters[$this->position][0] : false;
* Gets the filter parameters at the current pointer position.
* @return array An array of parameters for the filter at the current
* position.
public function current()
return $this->valid() ? $this->filters[$this->position][1] : false;
* Moves the pointer backwards by 1.
* @return bool TRUE if the new position is valid, FALSE otherwise.
public function prev()
return $this->valid();
* Moves the pointer to the last valid position.
* @return bool TRUE if the collection is not empty, FALSE otherwise.
public function end()
$this->position = count($this->filters) - 1;
return $this->valid();
* Checks if the pointer is still pointing to an existing offset.
* @return bool TRUE if the pointer is valid, FALSE otherwise.
public function valid()
return array_key_exists($this->position, $this->filters);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
* Exception thrown when something goes wrong when dealing with locks.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class LockException extends \RuntimeException implements Exception

View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
* A network transmitter.
* This is a convinience wrapper for network streams. Used to ensure data
* integrity.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
abstract class NetworkStream extends Stream
* Used in {@link setCrypto()} to disable encryption.
const CRYPTO_OFF = '';
* Used in {@link setCrypto()} to set encryption to either SSLv2 or SSLv3,
* depending on what the other end supports.
const CRYPTO_SSL = 'SSLv23';
* Used in {@link setCrypto()} to set encryption to SSLv2.
const CRYPTO_SSL2 = 'SSLv2';
* Used in {@link setCrypto()} to set encryption to SSLv3.
const CRYPTO_SSL3 = 'SSLv3';
* Used in {@link setCrypto()} to set encryption to TLS (exact version
* negotiated between 1.0 and 1.2).
const CRYPTO_TLS = 'TLS';
* @var string The type of stream. Can be either "_CLIENT" or "_SERVER".
* Used to complement the encryption type. Must be set by child classes
* for {@link setCrypto()} to work properly.
protected $streamType = '';
* @var string The current cryptography setting.
protected $crypto = '';
* Wraps around the specified stream.
* @param resource $stream The stream to wrap around.
public function __construct($stream)
parent::__construct($stream, true);
* Gets the current cryptography setting.
* @return string One of this class' CRYPTO_* constants.
public function getCrypto()
return $this->crypto;
* Sets the current connection's cryptography setting.
* @param string $type The encryption type to set. Must be one of this
* class' CRYPTO_* constants.
* @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function setCrypto($type)
if (self::CRYPTO_OFF === $type) {
$result = stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->stream, false);
} else {
$result = stream_socket_enable_crypto(
if ($result) {
$this->crypto = $type;
return $result;
* Checks whether the stream is available for operations.
* @return bool TRUE if the stream is available, FALSE otherwise.
public function isAvailable()
if (parent::isStream($this->stream)) {
if ($this->isBlocking && feof($this->stream)) {
return false;
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->stream);
return !$meta['eof'];
return false;
* Sets the size of a stream's buffer.
* @param int $size The desired size of the buffer, in bytes.
* @param string $direction The buffer of which direction to set. Valid
* values are the DIRECTION_* constants.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function setBuffer($size, $direction = self::DIRECTION_ALL)
$result = parent::setBuffer($size, $direction);
if (self::DIRECTION_SEND === $direction
&& function_exists('stream_set_chunk_size') && !$result
) {
return false !== @stream_set_chunk_size($this->stream, $size);
return $result;
* Shutdown a full-duplex connection
* Shutdowns (partially or not) a full-duplex connection.
* @param string $direction The direction for which to disable further
* communications.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function shutdown($direction = self::DIRECTION_ALL)
$directionMap = array(
return array_key_exists($direction, $directionMap)
&& stream_socket_shutdown($this->stream, $directionMap[$direction]);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
* Used to enable any exception in chaining.
use Exception as E;
* Exception thrown when something goes wrong with the connection.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class SocketException extends StreamException
* @var int The system level error code.
protected $errorNo;
* @var string The system level error message.
protected $errorStr;
* Creates a new socket exception.
* @param string $message The Exception message to throw.
* @param int $code The Exception code.
* @param E|null $previous Previous exception thrown,
* or NULL if there is none.
* @param int|string|resource|null $fragment The fragment up until the
* point of failure.
* On failure with sending, this is the number of bytes sent
* successfully before the failure.
* On failure when receiving, this is a string/stream holding
* the contents received successfully before the failure.
* NULL if the failure occured before the operation started.
* @param int $errorNo The system level error number.
* @param string $errorStr The system level
* error message.
public function __construct(
$message = '',
$code = 0,
E $previous = null,
$fragment = null,
$errorNo = null,
$errorStr = null
) {
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous, $fragment);
$this->errorNo = $errorNo;
$this->errorStr = $errorStr;
* Gets the system level error code on the socket.
* @return int The system level error number.
public function getSocketErrorNumber()
return $this->errorNo;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// Unreliable in testing.
* Gets the system level error message on the socket.
* @return string The system level error message.
public function getSocketErrorMessage()
return $this->errorStr;
* Returns a string representation of the exception.
* @return string The exception as a string.
public function __toString()
$result = parent::__toString();
if (null !== $this->getSocketErrorNumber()) {
$result .= "\nSocket error number:" . $this->getSocketErrorNumber();
if (null !== $this->getSocketErrorMessage()) {
$result .= "\nSocket error message:"
. $this->getSocketErrorMessage();
return $result;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

View file

@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
use Exception as E;
* A stream transmitter.
* This is a convinience wrapper for stream functionality. Used to ensure data
* integrity. Designed for TCP sockets, but it has intentionally been made to
* accept any stream.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class Stream
* Used to stop settings in either direction being applied.
* Used to apply settings only to receiving.
* Used to apply settings only to sending.
* Used to apply settings to both sending and receiving.
const DIRECTION_ALL = 3;
* @var resource The stream to wrap around.
protected $stream;
* @var bool Whether to automaticaly close the stream on
* object destruction if it's not a persistent one. Setting this to
* FALSE may be useful if you're only using this class "part time",
* while setting it to TRUE might be useful if you're doing some
* "on offs".
protected $autoClose = false;
* @var bool A flag that tells whether or not the stream is persistent.
protected $persist;
* @var bool Whether the wrapped stream is in blocking mode or not.
protected $isBlocking = true;
* @var array An associative array with the chunk size of each direction.
* Key is the direction, value is the size in bytes as integer.
protected $chunkSize = array(
* Wraps around the specified stream.
* @param resource $stream The stream to wrap around.
* @param bool $autoClose Whether to automaticaly close the stream on
* object destruction if it's not a persistent one. Setting this to
* FALSE may be useful if you're only using this class "part time",
* while setting it to TRUE might be useful if you're doing some
* "on offs".
* @see static::isFresh()
public function __construct($stream, $autoClose = false)
if (!self::isStream($stream)) {
throw $this->createException('Invalid stream supplied.', 1);
$this->stream = $stream;
$this->autoClose = (bool) $autoClose;
$this->persist = (bool) preg_match(
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($stream);
$this->isBlocking = isset($meta['blocked']) ? $meta['blocked'] : true;
* PHP error handler for connection errors.
* @param string $level Level of PHP error raised. Ignored.
* @param string $message Message raised by PHP.
* @return void
* @throws SocketException That's how the error is handled.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
protected function handleError($level, $message)
throw $this->createException($message, 0);
* Checks if a given variable is a stream resource.
* @param mixed $var The variable to check.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public static function isStream($var)
return is_resource($var)
&& (bool) preg_match('#\s?stream$#sm', get_resource_type($var));
* Checks whether the wrapped stream is fresh.
* Checks whether the wrapped stream is fresh. A stream is considered fresh
* if there hasn't been any activity on it. Particularly useful for
* detecting reused persistent connections.
* @return bool TRUE if the socket is fresh, FALSE otherwise.
public function isFresh()
return ftell($this->stream) === 0;
* Checks whether the wrapped stream is a persistent one.
* @return bool TRUE if the stream is a persistent one, FALSE otherwise.
public function isPersistent()
return $this->persist;
* Checks whether the wrapped stream is a blocking one.
* @return bool TRUE if the stream is a blocking one, FALSE otherwise.
public function isBlocking()
return $this->isBlocking;
* Sets blocking mode.
* @param bool $block Sets whether the stream is in blocking mode.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function setIsBlocking($block)
$block = (bool)$block;
if (stream_set_blocking($this->stream, (int)$block)) {
$this->isBlocking = $block;
return true;
return false;
* Sets the timeout for the stream.
* @param int $seconds Timeout in seconds.
* @param int $microseconds Timeout in microseconds to be added to the
* seconds.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function setTimeout($seconds, $microseconds = 0)
return stream_set_timeout($this->stream, $seconds, $microseconds);
* Sets the size of a stream's buffer.
* @param int $size The desired size of the buffer, in bytes.
* @param string $direction The buffer of which direction to set. Valid
* values are the DIRECTION_* constants.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function setBuffer($size, $direction = self::DIRECTION_ALL)
switch($direction) {
case self::DIRECTION_SEND:
return stream_set_write_buffer($this->stream, $size) === 0;
return stream_set_read_buffer($this->stream, $size) === 0;
case self::DIRECTION_ALL:
return $this->setBuffer($size, self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE)
&& $this->setBuffer($size, self::DIRECTION_SEND);
return false;
* Sets the size of the chunk.
* To ensure data integrity, as well as to allow for lower memory
* consumption, data is sent/received in chunks. This function
* allows you to set the size of each chunk. The default is 0xFFFFF.
* @param int $size The desired size of the chunk, in bytes.
* @param string $direction The chunk of which direction to set. Valid
* values are the DIRECTION_* constants.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function setChunk($size, $direction = self::DIRECTION_ALL)
$size = (int) $size;
if ($size <= 0) {
return false;
switch($direction) {
case self::DIRECTION_SEND:
$this->chunkSize[$direction] = $size;
return true;
case self::DIRECTION_ALL:
= $this->chunkSize[self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE] = $size;
return true;
return false;
* Gets the size of the chunk.
* @param string $direction The chunk of which direction to get. Valid
* values are the DIRECTION_* constants.
* @return int|array|false The chunk size in bytes,
* or an array of chunk sizes with the directions as keys.
* FALSE on invalid direction.
public function getChunk($direction = self::DIRECTION_ALL)
switch($direction) {
case self::DIRECTION_SEND:
return $this->chunkSize[$direction];
case self::DIRECTION_ALL:
return $this->chunkSize;
return false;
* Sends a string or stream over the wrapped stream.
* Sends a string or stream over the wrapped stream. If a seekable stream is
* provided, it will be seeked back to the same position it was passed as,
* regardless of the $offset parameter.
* @param string|resource $contents The string or stream to send.
* @param int $offset The offset from which to start sending.
* If a stream is provided, and this is set to NULL, sending will start
* from the current stream position.
* @param int $length The maximum length to send. If omitted,
* the string/stream will be sent to its end.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
public function send($contents, $offset = null, $length = null)
$bytes = 0;
$chunkSize = $this->chunkSize[self::DIRECTION_SEND];
$lengthIsNotNull = null !== $length;
$offsetIsNotNull = null !== $offset;
if (self::isStream($contents)) {
if ($offsetIsNotNull) {
$oldPos = ftell($contents);
fseek($contents, $offset, SEEK_SET);
while (!feof($contents)) {
if ($lengthIsNotNull
&& 0 === $chunkSize = min($chunkSize, $length - $bytes)
) {
$bytesNow = @fwrite(
fread($contents, $chunkSize)
if (0 != $bytesNow) {
$bytes += $bytesNow;
} elseif ($this->isBlocking || false === $bytesNow) {
throw $this->createException(
'Failed while sending stream.',
} else {
if ($offsetIsNotNull) {
fseek($contents, $oldPos, SEEK_SET);
} else {
fseek($contents, -$bytes, SEEK_CUR);
} else {
$contents = (string) $contents;
if ($offsetIsNotNull) {
$contents = substr($contents, $offset);
if ($lengthIsNotNull) {
$contents = substr($contents, 0, $length);
$bytesToSend = (double) sprintf('%u', strlen($contents));
while ($bytes < $bytesToSend) {
$bytesNow = @fwrite(
substr($contents, $bytes, $chunkSize)
if (0 != $bytesNow) {
$bytes += $bytesNow;
} elseif ($this->isBlocking || false === $bytesNow) {
throw $this->createException(
'Failed while sending string.',
} else {
return $bytes;
* Reads from the wrapped stream to receive.
* Reads from the wrapped stream to receive content as a string.
* @param int $length The number of bytes to receive.
* @param string $what Descriptive string about what is being received
* (used in exception messages).
* @return string The received content.
public function receive($length, $what = 'data')
$result = '';
$chunkSize = $this->chunkSize[self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE];
while ($length > 0) {
while ($this->isAvailable()) {
$fragment = fread($this->stream, min($length, $chunkSize));
if ('' != $fragment) {
$length -= strlen($fragment);
$result .= $fragment;
continue 2;
} elseif (!$this->isBlocking && !(false === $fragment)) {
continue 2;
throw $this->createException(
"Failed while receiving {$what}",
return $result;
* Reads from the wrapped stream to receive.
* Reads from the wrapped stream to receive content as a stream.
* @param int $length The number of bytes to receive.
* @param FilterCollection $filters A collection of filters to apply to the
* stream while receiving. Note that the filters will not be present on
* the stream after receiving is done.
* @param string $what Descriptive string about what is being
* received (used in exception messages).
* @return resource The received content.
public function receiveStream(
FilterCollection $filters = null,
$what = 'stream data'
) {
$result = fopen('php://temp', 'r+b');
$appliedFilters = array();
if (null !== $filters) {
foreach ($filters as $filtername => $params) {
$appliedFilters[] = stream_filter_append(
$chunkSize = $this->chunkSize[self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE];
while ($length > 0) {
while ($this->isAvailable()) {
$fragment = fread($this->stream, min($length, $chunkSize));
if ('' != $fragment) {
$length -= strlen($fragment);
fwrite($result, $fragment);
continue 2;
} elseif (!$this->isBlocking && !(false === $fragment)) {
continue 2;
foreach ($appliedFilters as $filter) {
throw $this->createException(
"Failed while receiving {$what}",
foreach ($appliedFilters as $filter) {
return $result;
* Checks whether the stream is available for operations.
* For network streams, this means whether the other end has closed the
* connection.
* @return bool TRUE if the stream is available, FALSE otherwise.
public function isAvailable()
return self::isStream($this->stream) && !feof($this->stream);
* Checks whether there is data to be read from the wrapped stream.
* @param int|null $sTimeout If theere isn't data awaiting currently,
* wait for it this many seconds for data to arrive. If NULL is
* specified, wait indefinetly for that.
* @param int $usTimeout Microseconds to add to the waiting time.
* @return bool TRUE if there is data to be read, FALSE otherwise.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ShortVariable)
public function isDataAwaiting($sTimeout = 0, $usTimeout = 0)
if (self::isStream($this->stream)) {
if (null === $sTimeout && !$this->isBlocking) {
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->stream);
return !$meta['eof'];
$w = $e = null;
$r = array($this->stream);
return 1 === @/* due to PHP bug #54563 */stream_select(
return false;
* Checks whether the wrapped stream can be written to without a block.
* @param int|null $sTimeout If the stream isn't currently accepting data,
* wait for it this many seconds to start accepting data. If NULL is
* specified, wait indefinetly for that.
* @param int $usTimeout Microseconds to add to the waiting time.
* @return bool TRUE if the wrapped stream would not block on a write, FALSE
* otherwise.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ShortVariable)
public function isAcceptingData($sTimeout = 0, $usTimeout = 0)
if (self::isStream($this->stream)) {
if (!$this->isBlocking) {
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->stream);
return !$meta['eof'];
} elseif (feof($this->stream)) {
return false;
$r = $e = null;
$w = array($this->stream);
return 1 === @/* due to PHP bug #54563 */stream_select(
return false;
* Closes the opened stream, unless it's a persistent one.
public function __destruct()
if ((!$this->persist) && $this->autoClose) {
* Closes the opened stream, even if it is a persistent one.
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
public function close()
return self::isStream($this->stream) && fclose($this->stream);
* Creates a new exception.
* Creates a new exception. Used by the rest of the functions in this class.
* Override in derived classes for custom exception handling.
* @param string $message The exception message.
* @param int $code The exception code.
* @param E|null $previous Previous exception thrown,
* or NULL if there is none.
* @param int|string|resource|null $fragment The fragment up until the
* point of failure.
* On failure with sending, this is the number of bytes sent
* successfully before the failure.
* On failure when receiving, this is a string/stream holding
* the contents received successfully before the failure.
* @return StreamException The exception to then be thrown.
protected function createException(
$code = 0,
E $previous = null,
$fragment = null
) {
return new StreamException($message, $code, $previous, $fragment);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
* Base for this exception.
use RuntimeException;
* Used to enable any exception in chaining.
use Exception as E;
* Exception thrown when something goes wrong with the connection.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class StreamException extends RuntimeException implements Exception
* @var int|string|resource|null The fragment up until the point of failure.
* On failure with sending, this is the number of bytes sent
* successfully before the failure.
* On failure when receiving, this is a string/stream holding
* the contents received successfully before the failure.
* NULL if the failure occured before the operation started.
protected $fragment = null;
* Creates a new stream exception.
* @param string $message The Exception message to throw.
* @param int $code The Exception code.
* @param E|null $previous Previous exception thrown,
* or NULL if there is none.
* @param int|string|resource|null $fragment The fragment up until the
* point of failure.
* On failure with sending, this is the number of bytes sent
* successfully before the failure.
* On failure when receiving, this is a string/stream holding
* the contents received successfully before the failure.
* NULL if the failure occured before the operation started.
public function __construct(
E $previous = null,
$fragment = null
) {
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
$this->fragment = $fragment;
* Gets the stream fragment.
* @return int|string|resource|null The fragment up until the
* point of failure.
* On failure with sending, this is the number of bytes sent
* successfully before the failure.
* On failure when receiving, this is a string/stream holding
* the contents received successfully before the failure.
* NULL if the failure occured before the operation started.
public function getFragment()
return $this->fragment;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// Unreliable in testing.
* Returns a string representation of the exception.
* @return string The exception as a string.
public function __toString()
$result = parent::__toString();
if (null !== $this->fragment) {
$result .= "\nFragment: ";
if (is_scalar($this->fragment)) {
$result .= (string)$this->fragment;
} else {
$result .= stream_get_contents($this->fragment);
return $result;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

View file

@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
* Used for managing persistent connections.
use PEAR2\Cache\SHM;
* Used for matching arbitrary exceptions in
* {@link TcpClient::createException()} and releasing locks properly.
use Exception as E;
* A socket transmitter.
* This is a convinience wrapper for socket functionality. Used to ensure data
* integrity.
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class TcpClient extends NetworkStream
* @var int The error code of the last error on the socket.
protected $errorNo = 0;
* @var string The error message of the last error on the socket.
protected $errorStr = null;
* @var SHM Persistent connection handler. Remains NULL for non-persistent
* connections.
protected $shmHandler = null;
* @var array An array with all connections from this PHP request (as keys)
* and their lock state (as a value).
protected static $lockState = array();
protected static $cryptoScheme = array(
parent::CRYPTO_OFF => 'tcp',
parent::CRYPTO_SSL2 => 'sslv2',
parent::CRYPTO_SSL3 => 'sslv3',
parent::CRYPTO_SSL => 'ssl',
parent::CRYPTO_TLS => 'tls'
* @var string The URI of this connection.
protected $uri;
* Creates a new connection with the specified options.
* @param string $host Hostname (IP or domain) of the server.
* @param int $port The port on the server.
* @param bool $persist Whether or not the connection should be a
* persistent one.
* @param float $timeout The timeout for the connection.
* @param string $key A string that uniquely identifies the
* connection.
* @param string $crypto Encryption setting. Must be one of the
* NetworkStream::CRYPTO_* constants. By default, encryption is
* disabled. If the setting has an associated scheme for it, it will be
* used, and if not, the setting will be adjusted right after the
* connection is estabilished.
* @param resource $context A context for the socket.
public function __construct(
$persist = false,
$timeout = null,
$key = '',
$crypto = parent::CRYPTO_OFF,
$context = null
) {
$this->streamType = '_CLIENT';
if (strpos($host, ':') !== false) {
$host = "[{$host}]";
if ($persist) {
= null == $timeout ? ini_get('default_socket_timeout') : $timeout;
$key = rawurlencode($key);
if (null === $context) {
$context = stream_context_get_default();
} elseif ((!is_resource($context))
|| ('stream-context' !== get_resource_type($context))
) {
throw $this->createException('Invalid context supplied.', 6);
$hasCryptoScheme = array_key_exists($crypto, static::$cryptoScheme);
$scheme = $hasCryptoScheme ? static::$cryptoScheme[$crypto] : 'tcp';
$this->uri = "{$scheme}://{$host}:{$port}/{$key}";
set_error_handler(array($this, 'handleError'));
try {
} catch (E $e) {
if (0 === $this->errorNo) {
throw $this->createException(
'Failed to initialize socket.',
throw $this->createException(
'Failed to connect with socket.',
if ($hasCryptoScheme) {
$this->crypto = $crypto;
} elseif (parent::CRYPTO_OFF !== $crypto) {
$this->setIsBlocking(parent::CRYPTO_OFF === $crypto);
if ($persist) {
$this->shmHandler = SHM::factory(
__CLASS__ . ' ' . $this->uri . ' '
self::$lockState[$this->uri] = self::DIRECTION_NONE;
* Creates a new exception.
* Creates a new exception. Used by the rest of the functions in this class.
* @param string $message The exception message.
* @param int $code The exception code.
* @param E|null $previous Previous exception thrown,
* or NULL if there is none.
* @param int|string|resource|null $fragment The fragment up until the
* point of failure.
* On failure with sending, this is the number of bytes sent
* successfully before the failure.
* On failure when receiving, this is a string/stream holding
* the contents received successfully before the failure.
* @return SocketException The exception to then be thrown.
protected function createException(
$code = 0,
E $previous = null,
$fragment = null
) {
return new SocketException(
* Locks transmission.
* Locks transmission in one or more directions. Useful when dealing with
* persistent connections. Note that every send/receive call implicitly
* calls this function and then restores it to the previous state. You only
* need to call this function if you need to do an uninterrputed sequence of
* such calls.
* @param int $direction The direction(s) to have locked. Acceptable values
* are the DIRECTION_* constants. If a lock for a direction can't be
* obtained immediatly, the function will block until one is aquired.
* Note that if you specify {@link DIRECTION_ALL}, the sending lock will
* be obtained before the receiving one, and if obtaining the receiving
* lock afterwards fails, the sending lock will be released too.
* @param bool $replace Whether to replace all locks with the specified
* ones. Setting this to FALSE will make the function only obtain the
* locks which are not already obtained.
* @return int|false The previous state or FALSE if the connection is not
* persistent or arguments are invalid.
public function lock($direction = self::DIRECTION_ALL, $replace = false)
if ($this->persist && is_int($direction)) {
$old = self::$lockState[$this->uri];
if ($direction & self::DIRECTION_SEND) {
if (($old & self::DIRECTION_SEND)
|| $this->shmHandler->lock(self::DIRECTION_SEND)
) {
self::$lockState[$this->uri] |= self::DIRECTION_SEND;
} else {
throw new LockException('Unable to obtain sending lock.');
} elseif ($replace) {
if (!($old & self::DIRECTION_SEND)
|| $this->shmHandler->unlock(self::DIRECTION_SEND)
) {
self::$lockState[$this->uri] &= ~self::DIRECTION_SEND;
} else {
throw new LockException('Unable to release sending lock.');
try {
if ($direction & self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE) {
if (($old & self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE)
|| $this->shmHandler->lock(self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE)
) {
self::$lockState[$this->uri] |= self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE;
} else {
throw new LockException(
'Unable to obtain receiving lock.'
} elseif ($replace) {
if (!($old & self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE)
|| $this->shmHandler->unlock(self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE)
) {
} else {
throw new LockException(
'Unable to release receiving lock.'
} catch (LockException $e) {
if ($direction & self::DIRECTION_SEND
&& !($old & self::DIRECTION_SEND)
) {
throw $e;
return $old;
return false;
* Sends a string or stream to the server.
* Sends a string or stream to the server. If a seekable stream is
* provided, it will be seeked back to the same position it was passed as,
* regardless of the $offset parameter.
* @param string|resource $contents The string or stream to send.
* @param int $offset The offset from which to start sending.
* If a stream is provided, and this is set to NULL, sending will start
* from the current stream position.
* @param int $length The maximum length to send. If omitted,
* the string/stream will be sent to its end.
* @return int The number of bytes sent.
public function send($contents, $offset = null, $length = null)
if (false === ($previousState = $this->lock(self::DIRECTION_SEND))
&& $this->persist
) {
throw $this->createException(
'Unable to obtain sending lock',
try {
$result = parent::send($contents, $offset, $length);
} catch (E $e) {
$this->lock($previousState, true);
throw $e;
$this->lock($previousState, true);
return $result;
* Receives data from the server.
* Receives data from the server as a string.
* @param int $length The number of bytes to receive.
* @param string $what Descriptive string about what is being received
* (used in exception messages).
* @return string The received content.
public function receive($length, $what = 'data')
if (false === ($previousState = $this->lock(self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE))
&& $this->persist
) {
throw $this->createException(
'Unable to obtain receiving lock',
try {
$result = parent::receive($length, $what);
} catch (E $e) {
$this->lock($previousState, true);
throw $e;
$this->lock($previousState, true);
return $result;
* Receives data from the server.
* Receives data from the server as a stream.
* @param int $length The number of bytes to receive.
* @param FilterCollection $filters A collection of filters to apply to the
* stream while receiving. Note that the filters will not be present on
* the stream after receiving is done.
* @param string $what Descriptive string about what is being
* received (used in exception messages).
* @return resource The received content.
public function receiveStream(
FilterCollection $filters = null,
$what = 'stream data'
) {
if (false === ($previousState = $this->lock(self::DIRECTION_RECEIVE))
&& $this->persist
) {
throw $this->createException(
'Unable to obtain receiving lock',
try {
$result = parent::receiveStream($length, $filters, $what);
} catch (E $e) {
$this->lock($previousState, true);
throw $e;
$this->lock($previousState, true);
return $result;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
* Wrapper for network stream functionality.
* PHP has built in support for various types of network streams, such as HTTP and TCP sockets. One problem that arises with them is the fact that a single fread/fwrite call might not read/write all the data you intended, regardless of whether you're in blocking mode or not. While the PHP manual offers a workaround in the form of a loop with a few variables, using it every single time you want to read/write can be tedious.
This package abstracts this away, so that when you want to get exactly N amount of bytes, you can be sure the upper levels of your app will be dealing with N bytes. Oh, and the functionality is nicely wrapped in an object (but that's just the icing on the cake).
* PHP version 5
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @copyright 2011 Vasil Rangelov
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version 1.0.0a5
* @link
* The namespace declaration.
namespace PEAR2\Net\Transmitter;
use Exception as E;
* A transmitter for connections to a socket server.
* This is a convinience wrapper for functionality of socket server connections.
* Used to ensure data integrity. Server handling is not part of the class in
* order to allow its usage as part of various server implementations (e.g. fork
* and/or sequential).
* @category Net
* @package PEAR2_Net_Transmitter
* @author Vasil Rangelov <>
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
class TcpServerConnection extends NetworkStream
* @var string The IP address of the connected client.
protected $peerIP;
* @var int The port of the connected client.
protected $peerPort;
* Creates a new connection with the specified options.
* @param resource $server A socket server, created with
* {@link stream_socket_server()}.
* @param float $timeout The timeout for the connection.
public function __construct($server, $timeout = null)
$this->streamType = '_SERVER';
if (!self::isStream($server)) {
throw $this->createException('Invalid server supplied.', 9);
= null == $timeout ? ini_get('default_socket_timeout') : $timeout;
set_error_handler(array($this, 'handleError'));
try {
stream_socket_accept($server, $timeout, $peername)
$portString = strrchr($peername, ':');
$this->peerPort = (int) substr($portString, 1);
$ipString = substr(
strlen($peername) - strlen($portString)
if (strpos($ipString, '[') === 0
&& strpos(strrev($ipString), ']') === 0
) {
$ipString = substr($ipString, 1, strlen($ipString) - 2);
$this->peerIP = $ipString;
} catch (E $e) {
throw $this->createException(
'Failed to initialize connection.',
* Gets the IP address of the connected client.
* @return string The IP address of the connected client.
public function getPeerIP()
return $this->peerIP;
* Gets the port of the connected client.
* @return int The port of the connected client.
public function getPeerPort()
return $this->peerPort;
* Creates a new exception.
* Creates a new exception. Used by the rest of the functions in this class.
* @param string $message The exception message.
* @param int $code The exception code.
* @param E|null $previous Previous exception thrown, or NULL if there
* is none.
* @param string|null $fragment The fragment up until the point of failure.
* NULL if the failure occured before the operation started.
* @return SocketException The exception to then be thrown.
protected function createException(
$code = 0,
E $previous = null,
$fragment = null
) {
return new SocketException(

View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
Class Paginator
public static function bootstrap($table, $w1='',$c1='', $w2='', $c2= '', $w3='',$c3='', $w4='', $c4= '', $per_page = '10')
global $routes;
global $_L;
$url = U.$routes['0'].'/'.$routes['1'].'/';
$adjacents = "2";
$page = (int)(!isset($routes['2']) ? 1 : $routes['2']);
$pagination = "";
if($w1 != ''){
$totalReq = ORM::for_table($table)->where($w1,$c1)->count();
}elseif($w2 != ''){
$totalReq = ORM::for_table($table)->where($w1,$c1)->where($w2,$c2)->count();
}elseif($w3 != ''){
$totalReq = ORM::for_table($table)->where($w1,$c1)->where($w2,$c2)->where($w3,$c3)->count();
}elseif($w4 != ''){
$totalReq = ORM::for_table($table)->where($w1,$c1)->where($w2,$c2)->where($w3,$c3)->where($w4,$c4)->count();
$totalReq = ORM::for_table($table)->count();
$i = 0;
$page = ($page == 0 ? 1 : $page);
$start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
$prev = $page - 1;
$next = $page + 1;
$lastpage = ceil($totalReq / $per_page);
$lpm1 = $lastpage - 1;
$limit = $per_page;
$startpoint = ($page * $limit) - $limit;
if ($lastpage >= 1) {
$pagination .= '<ul class="pagination pagination-sm">';
if ($lastpage < 7 + ($adjacents * 2)) {
for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++) {
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li class='active'><a href='javascript:void(0);'>$counter</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$counter'>$counter</a></li>";
} elseif ($lastpage > 5 + ($adjacents * 2)) {
if ($page < 1 + ($adjacents * 2)) {
for ($counter = 1; $counter < 4 + ($adjacents * 2); $counter++) {
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li class='active'><a href='javascript:void(0);'>$counter</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$counter'>$counter</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>...</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$lpm1'>$lpm1</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$lastpage'>$lastpage</a></li>";
} elseif ($lastpage - ($adjacents * 2) > $page && $page > ($adjacents * 2)) {
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}1'>1</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}2'>2</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>...</a></li>";
for ($counter = $page - $adjacents; $counter <= $page + $adjacents; $counter++) {
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li class='active'><a href='javascript:void(0);'>$counter</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$counter'>$counter</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a href='#'>...</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$lpm1'>$lpm1</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$lastpage'>$lastpage</a></li>";
} else {
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}1'>1</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}2'>2</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='#'>...</a></li>";
for ($counter = $lastpage - (2 + ($adjacents * 2)); $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++) {
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li class='active'><a class='disabled'>$counter</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$counter'>$counter</a></li>";
if ($page < $counter - 1) {
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$next'>".$_L['Next']."</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li><a href='{$url}$lastpage'>".$_L['Last']."</a></li>";
} else {
$pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a class='disabled'>".$_L['Next']."</a></li>";
$pagination .= "<li class='disabled'><a class='disabled'>".$_L['Last']."</a></li>";
$pagination .= "</ul>";
$gen = array("startpoint" => $startpoint, "limit" => $limit, "found" => $totalReq, "page" => $page, "lastpage" => $lastpage, "contents" => $pagination);
return $gen;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
Class Password{
public static function _crypt($password) {
return crypt($password);
public static function _verify($user_input, $hashed_password){
if (crypt($user_input, $hashed_password) == $hashed_password) {
return true;
return false;
public static function _uverify($user_input, $hashed_password){
if ($user_input == $hashed_password) {
return true;
return false;
public static function _gen(){
$pass = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@#!123456789', 8)), 0, 8);
return $pass;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
Class Router{
public static function _info($name){
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->where('name',$name)->find_one();
return $d;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
class Timezone {
public static function timezoneList()
$timezoneIdentifiers = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
$utcTime = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$tempTimezones = array();
foreach ($timezoneIdentifiers as $timezoneIdentifier) {
$currentTimezone = new DateTimeZone($timezoneIdentifier);
$tempTimezones[] = array(
'offset' => (int)$currentTimezone->getOffset($utcTime),
'identifier' => $timezoneIdentifier
// Sort the array by offset,identifier ascending
usort($tempTimezones, function($a, $b) {
return ($a['offset'] == $b['offset'])
? strcmp($a['identifier'], $b['identifier'])
: $a['offset'] - $b['offset'];
$timezoneList = array();
foreach ($tempTimezones as $tz) {
$sign = ($tz['offset'] > 0) ? '+' : '-';
$offset = gmdate('H:i', abs($tz['offset']));
$timezoneList[$tz['identifier']] = '(UTC ' . $sign . $offset . ') ' .
return $timezoneList;

system/autoload/User.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
Class User{
public static function _info(){
$id = $_SESSION['uid'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id);
return $d;
public static function _billing(){
$id = $_SESSION['uid'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('customer_id',$id)->find_one();
return $d;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
* Validator class
class Validator{
* String text finder
* @access private
* @param string $string
* @param array $hits
* @return void
private static function textHit($string, $exclude=""){
if(empty($exclude)) return false;
foreach($exclude as $text){
if(strstr($string, $text)) return true;
if(strstr($string, $exclude)) return true;
return false;
* Number compare
* @access private
* @param int $integer
* @param int $max
* @param int $min
* @return bool
private static function numberBetween($integer, $max=null, $min=0){
if(is_numeric($min) && $integer <= $min) return false;
if(is_numeric($max) && $integer >= $max) return false;
return true;
* Email addres check
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @param array $exclude
* @return bool
public static function Email($string, $exclude=""){
if(self::textHit($string, $exclude)) return false;
return (bool)preg_match("/^([a-z0-9])(([-a-z0-9._])*([a-z0-9]))*\@([a-z0-9])(([a-z0-9-])*([a-z0-9]))+(\.([a-z0-9])([-a-z0-9_-])?([a-z0-9])+)+$/i", $string);
* URL check
* @access public
* @param strin $string
* @return bool
public static function Url($string, $exclude=""){
if(self::textHit($string, $exclude)) return false;
return (bool)preg_match("/^(http|https|ftp):\/\/([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*(?:\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)+):?(\d+)?\/?/i", $string);
* IP
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return void
public static function Ip($string){
return (bool)preg_match("/^(1?\d{1,2}|2([0-4]\d|5[0-5]))(\.(1?\d{1,2}|2([0-4]\d|5[0-5]))){3}$/", $string);
* Check if it is an number
* @access public
* @param int $integer
* @param int $max
* @param int $min
* @return bool
public static function Number($integer, $max=null, $min=0){
if(!self::numberBetween($integer, $max, $min)) return false;
return true;
return false;
* Check if it is an unsigned number
* @access public
* @param int $integer
* @return bool
public static function UnsignedNumber($integer){
return (bool)preg_match("/^\+?[0-9]+$/",$integer);
* Float
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return bool
public static function Float($string){
return (bool)($string==strval(floatval($string)))? true : false;
* Alpha check
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return void
public static function Alpha($string){
return (bool)preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]+$/", $string);
* Alpha numeric check
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return void
public static function AlphaNumeric($string){
return (bool)preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/", $string);
* Specific chars check
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @param array $allowed
* @return void
public static function Chars($string, $allowed=array("a-z")){
return (bool)preg_match("/^[" . implode("", $allowed) . "]+$/", $string);
* Check length of an string
* @access public
* @param string $stirng
* @param int $max
* @param int $min
* @return bool
public static function Length($string, $max=null, $min=0){
$length = strlen($string);
if(!self::numberBetween($length, $max, $min)) return false;
return true;
* Hex color check
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return void
public static function HexColor($string){
return (bool)preg_match("/^(#)?([0-9a-f]{1,2}){3}$/i", $string);
* Data validation
* Does'nt matter how you provide the date
* dd/mm/yyyy
* dd-mm-yyyy
* yyyy/mm/dd
* yyyy-mm-dd
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return bool
public static function Date($string){
$date = date('Y', strtotime($string));
return ($date == "1970" || $date == '') ? false : true;
* Older than check
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @param int $age
* @return bool
public static function OlderThan($string, $age){
$date = date('Y', strtotime($string));
if($date == "1970" || $date == '') return false;
return (date('Y') - $date) > $age ? true : false;
* XML valid
* @access public
* @param string $string
* @return bool
public static function Xml($string){
$Xml = @simplexml_load_string($string);
return ($Xml === false) ? false : true;
* Is filesize between
* @access public
* @param string $file
* @param int $max
* @param int $min
* @return bool
public static function FilesizeBetween($file, $max=null, $min=0){
$filesize = filesize($file);
return self::numberBetween($filesize, $max, $min);
* Is image width between
* @access public
* @param string $image
* @param int $max_width
* @param int $min_width
* @param int $max_height
* @param int $min_height
* @return void
public static function ImageSizeBetween($image, $max_width="", $min_width=0, $max_height="", $min_height=0){
$size = getimagesize($image);
if(!self::numberBetween($size[0], $max_width, $min_width)) return false;
if(!self::numberBetween($size[1], $max_height, $min_height)) return false;
return true;
* Phone numbers
* @access public
* @param string $phone
* @return bool
public static function Phone($phone){
$formats = array( '###-###-####',
'(###) ###-###',
$format = trim(preg_replace("/[0-9]/", "#", $phone));
return (bool)in_array($format, $formats);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<title>403 Forbidden</title>
<p>Directory access is forbidden.</p>

system/boot.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
function r2($to,$ntype='e',$msg=''){
header("location: $to");
header("location: $to");
if (file_exists('system/config.php')) {
} else {
function safedata($value){
$value = trim($value);
return $value;
function _post($param,$defvalue = '') {
if(!isset($_POST[$param])) {
return $defvalue;
} else {
return safedata($_POST[$param]);
function _get($param,$defvalue = ''){
if(!isset($_GET[$param])) {
return $defvalue;
} else {
return safedata($_GET[$param]);
ORM::configure('username', $db_user);
ORM::configure('password', $db_password);
ORM::configure('driver_options', array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8'));
ORM::configure('return_result_sets', true);
ORM::configure('logging', true);
$result = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->find_many();
foreach($result as $value){
$_c = $config;
function _notify($msg,$type='e'){
$_SESSION['ntype']=$type ; $_SESSION['notify']=$msg ;
$_theme = APP_URL.'/ui/theme/'.$config['theme'];
$lan_file = 'system/lan/' . $config['language'] . '/common.lan.php';
$ui = new Smarty();
$ui->setTemplateDir('ui/theme/' . $config['theme'] . '/');
$ui->assign('app_url', APP_URL);
define('U', APP_URL.'/index.php?_route=');
$ui->assign('_url', APP_URL.'/index.php?_route=');
$ui->assign('_theme', $_theme);
$ui->assign('_c', $config);
$ui->assign('_L', $_L);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'dashboard');
$ui->assign('_title', $config['CompanyName']);
function _msglog($type,$msg){
$_SESSION['ntype'] = $type;
$_SESSION['notify'] = $msg;
if (isset($_SESSION['notify'])) {
$notify = $_SESSION['notify'];
$ntype = $_SESSION['ntype'];
if ($ntype == 's') {
$ui->assign('notify','<div class="alert alert-info">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
} else {
$ui->assign('notify','<div class="alert alert-danger">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
function _autoloader($class) {
if (strpos($class, '_') !== false) {
$class = str_replace('_','/',$class);
include 'autoload/' . $class . '.php';
} else{
include 'autoload/' . $class . '.php';
function _auth(){
return true;
} else{
function _admin(){
return true;
} else{
function _raid($l){
$r= substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat('0123456789',$l)),0,$l);
return $r;
function _log($description,$type='',$userid='0'){
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_logs')->create();
$d->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->type = $type;
$d->description = $description;
$d->userid = $userid;
$d->ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
function time_elapsed_string($datetime, $full = false) {
$now = new DateTime;
$ago = new DateTime($datetime);
$diff = $now->diff($ago);
$diff->w = floor($diff->d / 7);
$diff->d -= $diff->w * 7;
$string = array(
'y' => 'year',
'm' => 'month',
'w' => 'week',
'd' => 'day',
'h' => 'hour',
'i' => 'minute',
's' => 'second',
foreach ($string as $k => &$v) {
if ($diff->$k) {
$v = $diff->$k . ' ' . $v . ($diff->$k > 1 ? 's' : '');
} else {
if (!$full) $string = array_slice($string, 0, 1);
return $string ? implode(', ', $string) . ' ago' : 'just now';
// Routing Engine
$req = _get('_route');
$routes = explode('/', $req);
$handler = $routes['0'];
if ($handler == '') {
$handler = 'default';
$sys_render = 'system/controllers/' . $handler . '.php';
if (file_exists($sys_render)) {
} else {
exit ("$sys_render");

system/config.sample.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$db_host = "localhost"; # Database Host
$db_port = ""; # Database Port. Keep it blank if you are un sure.
$db_user = "root"; # Database Username
$db_password = ""; # Database Password
$db_name = "phpmixbill"; # Database Name
define('APP_URL', 'http://localhost/phpmixbill'); # Application URL.
#Please include http and do not use trailing slash after the url. For example use in this format- Or
$_app_stage = 'Live'; # Do not change this

View file

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['My_Account'].'- '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'accounts');
$action = $routes['1'];
$user = User::_info();
$ui->assign('_user', $user);
use PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
require_once 'system/autoload/PEAR2/Autoload.php';
switch ($action) {
case 'change-password':
case 'change-password-post':
$password = _post('password');
if($password != ''){
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username',$user['username'])->find_one();
$d_pass = $d['password'];
$npass = _post('npass');
$cnpass = _post('cnpass');
if(Password::_uverify($password,$d_pass) == true){
r2(U.'accounts/change-password','e','New Password must be 3 to 14 character');
if($npass != $cnpass){
r2(U.'accounts/change-password','e','Both Password should be same');
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('username',$user['username'])->find_one();
if ($c){
$mikrotik = Router::_info($c['routers']);
if($c['type'] == 'Hotspot'){
try {
$client = new RouterOS\Client($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Unable to connect to the router.');
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/print');
$printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $user['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/set');
$setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$setRequest->setArgument('password', $npass);
//remove hotspot active
$onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/print');
$onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('user', $user['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/remove');
$removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$d->password = $npass;
_log('['.$user['username'].']: Password changed successfully','User',$user['id']);
try {
$client = new RouterOS\Client($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Unable to connect to the router.');
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/print');
$printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $user['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/set');
$setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$setRequest->setArgument('password', $npass);
//remove pppoe active
$onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/print');
$onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $user['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/remove');
$removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$d->password = $npass;
_log('['.$user['username'].']: Password changed successfully','User',$user['id']);
$d->password = $npass;
_log('['.$user['username'].']: Password changed successfully','User',$user['id']);
case 'profile':
$id = $_SESSION['uid'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id);
r2(U . 'accounts/users', 'e', $_L['Account_Not_Found']);
case 'edit-profile-post':
$fullname = _post('fullname');
$address = _post('address');
$phonenumber = _post('phonenumber');
$msg = '';
if(Validator::Length($fullname,31,2) == false){
$msg .= 'Full Name should be between 3 to 30 characters'. '<br>';
if(Validator::UnsignedNumber($phonenumber) == false){
$msg .= 'Phone Number must be a number'. '<br>';
$id = _post('id');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id);
$msg .= $_L['Data_Not_Found']. '<br>';
if($msg == ''){
$d->fullname = $fullname;
$d->address = $address;
$d->phonenumber = $phonenumber;
_log('['.$user['username'].']: '.$_L['User_Updated_Successfully'],'User',$user['id']);
r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 's', $_L['User_Updated_Successfully']);
r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 'e', $msg);
echo 'action not defined';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
if (isset($routes['1'])) {
$do = $routes['1'];
} else {
$do = 'login-display';
case 'post':
$username = _post('username');
$password = _post('password');
if($username != '' AND $password != ''){
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('username',$username)->find_one();
$d_pass = $d['password'];
if(Password::_verify($password,$d_pass) == true){
$_SESSION['aid'] = $d['id'];
$d->last_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
_log($username .' '. $_L['Login_Successful'],'Admin',$d['id']);
_log($username .' '. $_L['Failed_Login'],'Admin');
case 'login-display':

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Network'].' - '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'network');
$action = $routes['1'];
$admin = Admin::_info();
$ui->assign('_admin', $admin);
switch ($action) {
case 'pool':
$routers = _get('routers');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_pool')->where('routers', $routers)->find_many();
case 'server':
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->find_many();
case 'plan':
$server = _post('server');
$jenis = _post('jenis');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('routers', $server)->where('type', $jenis)->find_many();
echo 'action not defined';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Bandwidth_Plans'].' - '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'services');
$action = $routes['1'];
$admin = Admin::_info();
$ui->assign('_admin', $admin);
if($admin['user_type'] != 'Admin' AND $admin['user_type'] != 'Sales'){
switch ($action) {
case 'list':
$ui->assign('xfooter', '<script type="text/javascript" src="ui/lib/c/bandwidth.js"></script>');
$name = _post('name');
if ($name != ''){
$paginator = Paginator::bootstrap('tbl_bandwidth','name_bw','%'.$name.'%');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->where_like('name_bw','%'.$name.'%')->offset($paginator['startpoint'])->limit($paginator['limit'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_many();
$paginator = Paginator::bootstrap('tbl_bandwidth');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->offset($paginator['startpoint'])->limit($paginator['limit'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_many();
case 'add':
case 'edit':
$id = $routes['2'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->find_one($id);
r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 'e', $_L['Account_Not_Found']);
case 'delete':
$id = $routes['2'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->find_one($id);
r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 's', $_L['Delete_Successfully']);
case 'add-post':
$name = _post('name');
$rate_down = _post('rate_down');
$rate_down_unit = _post('rate_down_unit');
$rate_up = _post('rate_up');
$rate_up_unit = _post('rate_up_unit');
$msg = '';
if(Validator::Length($name,16,4) == false){
$msg .= 'Name should be between 5 to 15 characters'. '<br>';
if($rate_down_unit == 'Kbps'){ $unit_rate_down = $rate_down * 1024; }else{ $unit_rate_down = $rate_down * 1048576; }
if($rate_up_unit == 'Kbps'){ $unit_rate_up = $min_up * 1024; }else{ $unit_rate_up = $min_up * 1048576; }
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->where('name_bw',$name)->find_one();
$msg .= $_L['BW_already_exist']. '<br>';
if($msg == ''){
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->create();
$d->name_bw = $name;
$d->rate_down = $rate_down;
$d->rate_down_unit = $rate_down_unit;
$d->rate_up = $rate_up;
$d->rate_up_unit = $rate_up_unit;
r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 's', $_L['Created_Successfully']);
r2(U . 'bandwidth/add', 'e', $msg);
case 'edit-post':
$name = _post('name');
$rate_down = _post('rate_down');
$rate_down_unit = _post('rate_down_unit');
$rate_up = _post('rate_up');
$rate_up_unit = _post('rate_up_unit');
$msg = '';
if(Validator::Length($name,16,4) == false){
$msg .= 'Name should be between 5 to 15 characters'. '<br>';
$id = _post('id');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->find_one($id);
$msg .= $_L['Data_Not_Found']. '<br>';
if($d['name_bw'] != $name){
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->where('name_bw',$name)->find_one();
$msg .= $_L['BW_already_exist']. '<br>';
if($msg == ''){
$d->name_bw = $name;
$d->rate_down = $rate_down;
$d->rate_down_unit = $rate_down_unit;
$d->rate_up = $rate_up;
$d->rate_up_unit = $rate_up_unit;
r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 's', $_L['Updated_Successfully']);
r2(U . 'bandwidth/edit/'.$id, 'e', $msg);
echo 'action not defined';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Customers'].' - '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'customers');
$action = $routes['1'];
$admin = Admin::_info();
$ui->assign('_admin', $admin);
use PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
require_once 'system/autoload/PEAR2/Autoload.php';
if($admin['user_type'] != 'Admin' AND $admin['user_type'] != 'Sales'){
switch ($action) {
case 'list':
$ui->assign('xfooter', '<script type="text/javascript" src="ui/lib/c/customers.js"></script>');
$username = _post('username');
if ($username != ''){
$paginator = Paginator::bootstrap('tbl_customers','username','%'.$username.'%');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where_like('username','%'.$username.'%')->offset($paginator['startpoint'])->limit($paginator['limit'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_many();
$paginator = Paginator::bootstrap('tbl_customers');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->offset($paginator['startpoint'])->limit($paginator['limit'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_many();
case 'add':
case 'edit':
$id = $routes['2'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id);
r2(U . 'customers/list', 'e', $_L['Account_Not_Found']);
case 'delete':
$id = $routes['2'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id);
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('username',$d['username'])->find_one();
if ($c){
$mikrotik = Router::_info($c['routers']);
if($c['type'] == 'Hotspot'){
try {
$client = new RouterOS\Client($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Unable to connect to the router.');
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/print');
$printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/remove');
$setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
//remove hotspot active
$onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/print');
$onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('user', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/remove');
$removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
try {
$client = new RouterOS\Client($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Unable to connect to the router.');
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/print');
$printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/remove');
$setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
//remove pppoe active
$onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/print');
$onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/remove');
$removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
r2(U . 'customers/list', 's', $_L['User_Delete_Ok']);
case 'add-post':
$username = _post('username');
$fullname = _post('fullname');
$password = _post('password');
$cpassword = _post('cpassword');
$address = _post('address');
$phonenumber = _post('phonenumber');
$msg = '';
if(Validator::Length($username,35,2) == false){
$msg .= 'Username should be between 3 to 55 characters'. '<br>';
if(Validator::Length($fullname,36,2) == false){
$msg .= 'Full Name should be between 3 to 25 characters'. '<br>';
$msg .= 'Password should be between 3 to 35 characters'. '<br>';
if($password != $cpassword){
$msg .= 'Passwords does not match'. '<br>';
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username',$username)->find_one();
$msg .= $_L['account_already_exist']. '<br>';
if($msg == ''){
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->create();
$d->username = $username;
$d->password = $password;
$d->fullname = $fullname;
$d->address = $address;
$d->phonenumber = $phonenumber;
r2(U . 'customers/list', 's', $_L['account_created_successfully']);
r2(U . 'customers/add', 'e', $msg);
case 'edit-post':
$username = _post('username');
$fullname = _post('fullname');
$password = _post('password');
$cpassword = _post('cpassword');
$address = _post('address');
$phonenumber = _post('phonenumber');
$msg = '';
if(Validator::Length($username,16,2) == false){
$msg .= 'Username should be between 3 to 15 characters'. '<br>';
if(Validator::Length($fullname,26,2) == false){
$msg .= 'Full Name should be between 3 to 25 characters'. '<br>';
if($password != ''){
$msg .= 'Password should be between 3 to 15 characters'. '<br>';
if($password != $cpassword){
$msg .= 'Passwords does not match'. '<br>';
$id = _post('id');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id);
$msg .= $_L['Data_Not_Found']. '<br>';
if($d['username'] != $username){
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username',$username)->find_one();
$msg .= $_L['account_already_exist']. '<br>';
if($msg == ''){
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('username',$username)->find_one();
if ($c){
$mikrotik = Router::_info($c['routers']);
if($c['type'] == 'Hotspot'){
try {
$client = new RouterOS\Client($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Unable to connect to the router.');
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/print');
$printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/set');
$setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$setRequest->setArgument('password', $password);
//remove hotspot active
$onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/print');
$onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('user', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/remove');
$removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$d->password = $password;
try {
$client = new RouterOS\Client($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('Unable to connect to the router.');
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/print');
$printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/set');
$setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$setRequest->setArgument('password', $password);
//remove pppoe active
$onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/print');
$onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id');
$onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username']));
$id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id');
$removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/remove');
$removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id);
$d->password = $password;
$d->username = $username;
if($password != ''){
$d->password = $password;
$d->fullname = $fullname;
$d->address = $address;
$d->phonenumber = $phonenumber;
$d->username = $username;
if($password != ''){
$d->password = $password;
$d->fullname = $fullname;
$d->address = $address;
$d->phonenumber = $phonenumber;
r2(U . 'customers/list', 's', 'User Updated Successfully');
r2(U . 'customers/edit/'.$id, 'e', $msg);
echo 'action not defined';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Dashboard'].' - '. $config['CompanyName']);
$admin = Admin::_info();
$ui->assign('_admin', $admin);
if($admin['user_type'] != 'Admin' AND $admin['user_type'] != 'Sales'){
$fdate = date('Y-m-01');
$tdate = date('Y-m-t');
//first day of month
$first_day_month = date('Y-m-01');
$mdate = date('Y-m-d');
$month_n = date('n');
$iday = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->where('recharged_on',$mdate)->sum('price');
if($iday == ''){
$iday = '0.00';
$imonth = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->where_gte('recharged_on',$first_day_month)->where_lte('recharged_on',$mdate)->sum('price');
if($imonth == ''){
$imonth = '0.00';
$u_act = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('status','on')->count();
if($u_act == ''){
$u_act = '0';
$u_all = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->count();
if($u_all == ''){
$u_all = '0';
//user expire
$expire = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('expiration',$mdate)->order_by_desc('id')->find_many();
//activity log
$dlog = ORM::for_table('tbl_logs')->limit(5)->order_by_desc('id')->find_many();
$log = ORM::for_table('tbl_logs')->count();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Reports'].'- '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_sysfrm_menu', 'reports');
$action = $routes['1'];
$admin = Admin::_info();
$ui->assign('_admin', $admin);
$mdate = date('Y-m-d');
$tdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today - 30 days'));
//first day of month
$first_day_month = date('Y-m-01');
$this_week_start = date('Y-m-d',strtotime( 'previous sunday'));
// 30 days before
$before_30_days = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today - 30 days'));
//this month
$month_n = date('n');
switch ($action) {
case 'print-by-date':
$mdate = date('Y-m-d');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
$d->where('recharged_on', $mdate);
$x = $d->find_many();
$dr = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
$dr->where('recharged_on', $mdate);
$xy = $dr->sum('price');
case 'pdf-by-date':
$mdate = date('Y-m-d');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
$d->where('recharged_on', $mdate);
$x = $d->find_many();
$dr = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
$dr->where('recharged_on', $mdate);
$xy = $dr->sum('price');
$title = ' Reports ['.$mdate.']';
$title = str_replace('-',' ',$title);
if ($x) {
$html = '
<div id="page-wrap">
<div id="address">
'.$_L['Phone_Number'].': '.$config['phone'].'<br>
<div id="logo"><img id="image" src="system/uploads/logo.png" alt="logo" /></div>
<div id="header">'.$_L['All_Transactions_at_Date'].': '. date($_c['date_format'], strtotime($mdate)).'</div>
<table id="customers">
$c = true;
foreach ($x as $value) {
$username = $value['username'];
$plan_name = $value['plan_name'];
$type = $value['type'];
$price = $_c['currency_code'].' '. number_format($value['price'],0,$_c['dec_point'],$_c['thousands_sep']);
$recharged_on = date( $config['date_format'], strtotime($value['recharged_on']));
$expiration = date( $config['date_format'], strtotime($value['expiration']));
$time = $value['time'];
$method = $value['method'];
$routers = $value['routers'];
$html .= "<tr".(($c = !$c)?' class="alt"':' class=""').">"."
<td align='right'>$price</td>
<td>$recharged_on $time </td>
<td>$expiration $time </td>
$html .= '</table>
<h4 class="text-uppercase text-bold">'.$_L['Total_Income'].':</h4>
<h3 class="sum">'.$_c['currency_code'].' '.number_format($xy,2,$_c['dec_point'],$_c['thousands_sep']).'</h3>';
$mpdf=new mPDF('c','A4','','',20,15,25,25,10,10);
$mpdf->SetTitle($config['CompanyName'].' Reports');
$mpdf->showWatermarkText = true;
$mpdf->watermark_font = 'Helvetica';
$mpdf->watermarkTextAlpha = 0.1;
$style = '<style>
#page-wrap { width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; }
#header { text-align: center; position: relative; color: black; font: bold 15px Helvetica, Sans-Serif; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}
#address { width: 300px; float: left; }
#logo { text-align: right; float: right; position: relative; margin-top: 15px; border: 5px solid #fff; overflow: hidden; }
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
#customers td, #customers th
border:1px solid #98bf21;
padding:3px 5px 2px 5px;
#customers th
#customers tr.alt td
$nhtml = <<<EOF
$mpdf->Output(date('Y-m-d')._raid(4).'.pdf', 'D');
echo 'No Data';
case 'print-by-period':
$fdate = _post('fdate');
$tdate = _post('tdate');
$stype = _post('stype');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
if ($stype != ''){
$d->where('type', $stype);
$d->where_gte('recharged_on', $fdate);
$d->where_lte('recharged_on', $tdate);
$x = $d->find_many();
$dr = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
if ($stype != ''){
$dr->where('type', $stype);
$dr->where_gte('recharged_on', $fdate);
$dr->where_lte('recharged_on', $tdate);
$xy = $dr->sum('price');
case 'pdf-by-period':
$fdate = _post('fdate');
$tdate = _post('tdate');
$stype = _post('stype');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
if ($stype != ''){
$d->where('type', $stype);
$d->where_gte('recharged_on', $fdate);
$d->where_lte('recharged_on', $tdate);
$x = $d->find_many();
$dr = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions');
if ($stype != ''){
$dr->where('type', $stype);
$dr->where_gte('recharged_on', $fdate);
$dr->where_lte('recharged_on', $tdate);
$xy = $dr->sum('price');
$title = ' Reports ['.$mdate.']';
$title = str_replace('-',' ',$title);
if ($x) {
$html = '
<div id="page-wrap">
<div id="address">
'.$_L['Phone_Number'].': '.$config['phone'].'<br>
<div id="logo"><img id="image" src="system/uploads/logo.png" alt="logo" /></div>
<div id="header">'.$_L['All_Transactions_at_Date'].': '.date( $_c['date_format'], strtotime($fdate)).' - ' .date( $_c['date_format'], strtotime($tdate)).'</div>
<table id="customers">
$c = true;
foreach ($x as $value) {
$username = $value['username'];
$plan_name = $value['plan_name'];
$type = $value['type'];
$price = $_c['currency_code'].' '. number_format($value['price'],0,$_c['dec_point'],$_c['thousands_sep']);
$recharged_on = date( $config['date_format'], strtotime($value['recharged_on']));
$expiration = date( $config['date_format'], strtotime($value['expiration']));
$time = $value['time'];
$method = $value['method'];
$routers = $value['routers'];
$html .= "<tr".(($c = !$c)?' class="alt"':' class=""').">"."
<td align='right'>$price</td>
<td>$recharged_on $time </td>
<td>$expiration $time </td>
$html .= '</table>
<h4 class="text-uppercase text-bold">'.$_L['Total_Income'].':</h4>
<h3 class="sum">'.$_c['currency_code'].' '.number_format($xy,2,$_c['dec_point'],$_c['thousands_sep']).'</h3>';
$mpdf=new mPDF('c','A4','','',20,15,25,25,10,10);
$mpdf->SetTitle($config['CompanyName'].' Reports');
$mpdf->showWatermarkText = true;
$mpdf->watermark_font = 'Helvetica';
$mpdf->watermarkTextAlpha = 0.1;
$style = '<style>
#page-wrap { width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; }
#header { text-align: center; position: relative; color: black; font: bold 15px Helvetica, Sans-Serif; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}
#address { width: 300px; float: left; }
#logo { text-align: right; float: right; position: relative; margin-top: 15px; border: 5px solid #fff; overflow: hidden; }
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
#customers td, #customers th
border:1px solid #98bf21;
padding:3px 5px 2px 5px;
#customers th
#customers tr.alt td
$nhtml = <<<EOF
$mpdf->Output(date('Y-m-d')._raid(4).'.pdf', 'D');
echo 'No Data';
echo 'action not defined';

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Dashboard'].' - '. $config['CompanyName']);
$user = User::_info();
$ui->assign('_user', $user);
//Client Page
$bill = User::_billing();
$ui->assign('_bill', $bill);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<title>403 Forbidden</title>
<p>Directory access is forbidden.</p>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
if (isset($routes['1'])) {
$do = $routes['1'];
} else {
$do = 'login-display';
case 'post':
$username = _post('username');
$password = _post('password');
if($username != '' AND $password != ''){
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username',$username)->find_one();
$d_pass = $d['password'];
if(Password::_uverify($password,$d_pass) == true){
$_SESSION['uid'] = $d['id'];
$d->last_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
_log($username .' '. $_L['Login_Successful'],'User',$d['id']);
_log($username .' '. $_L['Failed_Login'],'User');
case 'login-display':

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
header('location: index.php');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Private_Message'].'- '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'message');
$action = $routes['1'];
$admin = Admin::_info();
$ui->assign('_admin', $admin);
switch ($action) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Order_Voucher'].'- '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'order');
$user = User::_info();
$ui->assign('_user', $user);
switch ($action) {

system/controllers/pm.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* Ismail Marzuqi <>
* @version 5.0
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014-2015 PHP Mikrotik Billing
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
* @donate PayPal: / Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4
$ui->assign('_title', $_L['Private_Message'].'- '. $config['CompanyName']);
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'pm');
$action = $routes['1'];
$user = User::_info();
$ui->assign('_user', $user);
switch ($action) {

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more