assign('_title', Lang::T('My Account')); $ui->assign('_system_menu', 'accounts'); $action = $routes['1']; $user = User::_info(); $ui->assign('_user', $user); switch ($action) { case 'change-password': run_hook('customer_view_change_password'); #HOOK $ui->display('user-change-password.tpl'); break; case 'change-password-post': $password = _post('password'); run_hook('customer_change_password'); #HOOK if ($password != '') { $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', $user['username'])->find_one(); if ($d) { $d_pass = $d['password']; $npass = _post('npass'); $cnpass = _post('cnpass'); if (Password::_uverify($password, $d_pass) == true) { if (!Validator::Length($npass, 15, 2)) { r2(U . 'accounts/change-password', 'e', 'New Password must be 3 to 14 character'); } if ($npass != $cnpass) { r2(U . 'accounts/change-password', 'e', 'Both Password should be same'); } $c = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('username', $user['username'])->find_one(); if ($c) { $p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('id', $c['plan_id'])->find_one(); if ($p['is_radius']) { if ($c['type'] == 'Hotspot' || ($c['type'] == 'PPPOE' && empty($d['pppoe_password']))) { Radius::customerUpsert($d, $p); } } else { $mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($c['routers']); $client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']); if ($c['type'] == 'Hotspot') { Mikrotik::setHotspotUser($client, $c['username'], $npass); Mikrotik::removeHotspotActiveUser($client, $user['username']); } else if (empty($d['pppoe_password'])) { // only change when pppoe_password empty Mikrotik::setPpoeUser($client, $c['username'], $npass); Mikrotik::removePpoeActive($client, $user['username']); } } } $d->password = $npass; $d->save(); _msglog('s', Lang::T('Password changed successfully, Please login again')); _log('[' . $user['username'] . ']: Password changed successfully', 'User', $user['id']); r2(U . 'login'); } else { r2(U . 'accounts/change-password', 'e', Lang::T('Incorrect Current Password')); } } else { r2(U . 'accounts/change-password', 'e', Lang::T('Incorrect Current Password')); } } else { r2(U . 'accounts/change-password', 'e', Lang::T('Incorrect Current Password')); } break; case 'profile': $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($user['id']); if ($d) { run_hook('customer_view_edit_profile'); #HOOK $ui->assign('d', $d); $ui->display('user-profile.tpl'); } else { r2(U . 'home', 'e', Lang::T('Account Not Found')); } break; case 'edit-profile-post': $fullname = _post('fullname'); $address = _post('address'); $email = _post('email'); $phonenumber = _post('phonenumber'); run_hook('customer_edit_profile'); #HOOK $msg = ''; if (Validator::Length($fullname, 31, 2) == false) { $msg .= 'Full Name should be between 3 to 30 characters' . '
'; } if (Validator::UnsignedNumber($phonenumber) == false) { $msg .= 'Phone Number must be a number' . '
'; } $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($user['id']); if ($d) { } else { $msg .= Lang::T('Data Not Found') . '
'; } if ($msg == '') { $d->fullname = $fullname; $d->address = $address; $d->email = $email; $d->phonenumber = $phonenumber; $d->save(); _log('[' . $user['username'] . ']: ' . Lang::T('User Updated Successfully'), 'User', $user['id']); r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 's', Lang::T('User Updated Successfully')); } else { r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 'e', $msg); } break; case 'phone-update': $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($user['id']); if ($d) { //run_hook('customer_view_edit_profile'); #HOOK $ui->assign('d', $d); $ui->display('user-phone-update.tpl'); } else { r2(U . 'home', 'e', Lang::T('Account Not Found')); } break; case 'phone-update-otp': $phone = _post('phone'); $username = $user['username']; $otpPath = $CACHE_PATH . '/sms/'; // Validate the phone number format if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{10,}$/', $phone)) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('Invalid phone number format')); } if (empty($config['sms_url'])) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('SMS server not Available, Please try again later')); } if (!empty($config['sms_url'])) { if (!empty($phone)) { $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', $username)->where('phonenumber', $phone)->find_one(); if ($d) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('You cannot use your current phone number')); } if (!file_exists($otpPath)) { mkdir($otpPath); touch($otpPath . 'index.html'); } $otpFile = $otpPath . sha1($username . $db_password) . ".txt"; $phoneFile = $otpPath . sha1($username . $db_password) . "_phone.txt"; // expired 10 minutes if (file_exists($otpFile) && time() - filemtime($otpFile) < 1200) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('Please wait ' . (1200 - (time() - filemtime($otpFile))) . ' seconds before sending another SMS')); } else { $otp = rand(100000, 999999); file_put_contents($otpFile, $otp); file_put_contents($phoneFile, $phone); // send send OTP to user if ($config['phone_otp_type'] === 'sms') { Message::sendSMS($phone, $config['CompanyName'] . "\n Your Verification code is: $otp"); } elseif ($config['phone_otp_type'] === 'whatsapp') { Message::sendWhatsapp($phone, $config['CompanyName'] . "\n Your Verification code is: $otp"); } elseif ($config['phone_otp_type'] === 'both') { Message::sendSMS($phone, $config['CompanyName'] . "\n Your Verification code is: $otp"); Message::sendWhatsapp($phone, $config['CompanyName'] . "\n Your Verification code is: $otp"); } //redirect after sending OTP r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('Verification code has been sent to your phone')); } } } break; case 'phone-update-post': $phone = _post('phone'); $otp_code = _post('otp'); $username = $user['username']; $otpPath = $CACHE_PATH . '/sms/'; // Validate the phone number format if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{10,}$/', $phone)) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('Invalid phone number format')); exit(); } if (!empty($config['sms_url'])) { $otpFile = $otpPath . sha1($username . $db_password) . ".txt"; $phoneFile = $otpPath . sha1($username . $db_password) . "_phone.txt"; // Check if OTP file exists if (!file_exists($otpFile)) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('Please request OTP first')); exit(); } // expired 10 minutes if (time() - filemtime($otpFile) > 1200) { unlink($otpFile); unlink($phoneFile); r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('Verification code expired')); exit(); } else { $code = file_get_contents($otpFile); // Check if OTP code matches if ($code != $otp_code) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('Wrong Verification code')); exit(); } // Check if the phone number matches the one that requested the OTP $savedPhone = file_get_contents($phoneFile); if ($savedPhone !== $phone) { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('The phone number does not match the one that requested the OTP')); exit(); } // OTP verification successful, delete OTP and phone number files unlink($otpFile); unlink($phoneFile); } } else { r2(U . 'accounts/phone-update', 'e', Lang::T('SMS server not available')); exit(); } // Update the phone number in the database $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', $username)->find_one(); if ($d) { $d->phonenumber = Lang::phoneFormat($phone); $d->save(); } r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 's', Lang::T('Phone number updated successfully')); break; default: $ui->display('a404.tpl'); }