assign('_title', $_L['Voucher'] . '- ' . $config['CompanyName']); $ui->assign('_system_menu', 'voucher'); $action = $routes['1']; $user = User::_info(); $ui->assign('_user', $user); use PEAR2\Net\RouterOS; require_once 'system/autoload/PEAR2/Autoload.php'; switch ($action) { case 'activation': $ui->display('user-activation.tpl'); break; case 'activation-post': $code = _post('code'); $v1 = ORM::for_table('tbl_voucher')->where('code', $code)->where('status', 0)->find_one(); $c = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($user['id']); $p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->find_one($v1['id_plan']); $b = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('customer_id', $user['id'])->find_one(); $date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $date_only = date("Y-m-d"); $time = date("H:i:s"); $mikrotik = Router::_info($v1['routers']); if($p['validity_unit']=='Months'){ $date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+'.$p['validity'].' month')); }else if($p['validity_unit']=='Days'){ $date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+'.$p['validity'].' day')); }else if($p['validity_unit']=='Hrs'){ $datetime = explode(' ',date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+'.$p['validity'].' hour'))); $date_exp = $datetime[0]; $time = $datetime[1]; }else if($p['validity_unit']=='Mins'){ $datetime = explode(' ',date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+'.$p['validity'].' minute'))); $date_exp = $datetime[0]; $time = $datetime[1]; } if ($v1) { if ($v1['type'] == 'Hotspot') { if ($b) { if(!$_c['radius_mode']){ try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
".$e->getMessage()); } $printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/print'); $printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/remove'); $setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($setRequest); /* iBNuX Added: * Time limit to Mikrotik * 'Time_Limit', 'Data_Limit', 'Both_Limit' */ $addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/add'); if ($p['typebp'] == "Limited") { if ($p['limit_type'] == "Time_Limit") { if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs') $timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00"; else $timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00"; $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit) ); } else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Data_Limit") { if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB') $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000"; else $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000"; $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit) ); } else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Both_Limit") { if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs') $timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00"; else $timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00"; if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB') $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000"; else $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000"; $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit) ->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit) ); } } else { $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ); } } $b->customer_id = $user['id']; $b->username = $c['username']; $b->plan_id = $v1['id_plan']; $b->namebp = $p['name_plan']; $b->recharged_on = $date_only; $b->expiration = $date_exp; $b->time = $time; $b->status = "on"; $b->method = "voucher"; $b->routers = $v1['routers']; $b->type = "Hotspot"; $b->save(); // insert table transactions $t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create(); $t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5); $t->username = $c['username']; $t->plan_name = $p['name_plan']; $t->price = $p['price']; $t->recharged_on = $date_only; $t->expiration = $date_exp; $t->time = $time; $t->method = "voucher"; $t->routers = $v1['routers']; $t->type = "Hotspot"; $t->save(); } else { if(!$_c['radius_mode']){ try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
".$e->getMessage()); } /* iBNuX Added: * Time limit to Mikrotik * 'Time_Limit', 'Data_Limit', 'Both_Limit' */ $addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/add'); if ($p['typebp'] == "Limited") { if ($p['limit_type'] == "Time_Limit") { if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs') $timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00"; else $timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00"; $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit) ); } else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Data_Limit") { if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB') $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000"; else $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000"; $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit) ); } else if ($p['limit_type'] == "Both_Limit") { if ($p['time_unit'] == 'Hrs') $timelimit = $p['time_limit'] . ":00:00"; else $timelimit = "00:" . $p['time_limit'] . ":00"; if ($p['data_unit'] == 'GB') $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000000"; else $datalimit = $p['data_limit'] . "000000"; $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ->setArgument('limit-uptime', $timelimit) ->setArgument('limit-bytes-total', $datalimit) ); } } else { $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ); } } $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->create(); $d->customer_id = $user['id']; $d->username = $c['username']; $d->plan_id = $v1['id_plan']; $d->namebp = $p['name_plan']; $d->recharged_on = $date_only; $d->expiration = $date_exp; $d->time = $time; $d->status = "on"; $d->method = "voucher"; $d->routers = $v1['routers']; $d->type = "Hotspot"; $d->save(); // insert table transactions $t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create(); $t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5); $t->username = $c['username']; $t->plan_name = $p['name_plan']; $t->price = $p['price']; $t->recharged_on = $date_only; $t->expiration = $date_exp; $t->time = $time; $t->method = "voucher"; $t->routers = $v1['routers']; $t->type = "Hotspot"; $t->save(); } $v1->status = "1"; $v1->user = $c['username']; $v1->save(); // Telegram to Admin sendTelegram( '#'.$c['username']." Activate #Voucher #Hotspot\n".$p['name_plan']. "\nCode: ".$code. "\nRouter: ".$v1['routers']. "\nPrice: ".$p['price']); } else { if ($b) { if(!$_c['radius_mode']){ try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
".$e->getMessage()); } $printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/print'); $printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/remove'); $setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($setRequest); $addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/add'); $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('service', 'pppoe') ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ); } $b->customer_id = $user['id']; $b->username = $c['username']; $b->plan_id = $v1['id_plan']; $b->namebp = $p['name_plan']; $b->recharged_on = $date_only; $b->expiration = $date_exp; $b->time = $time; $b->status = "on"; $b->method = "voucher"; $b->routers = $v1['routers']; $b->type = "PPPOE"; $b->save(); // insert table transactions $t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create(); $t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5); $t->username = $c['username']; $t->plan_name = $p['name_plan']; $t->price = $p['price']; $t->recharged_on = $date_only; $t->expiration = $date_exp; $t->time = $time; $t->method = "voucher"; $t->routers = $v1['routers']; $t->type = "PPPOE"; $t->save(); } else { if(!$_c['radius_mode']){ try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
".$e->getMessage()); } $addRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/add'); $client->sendSync( $addRequest ->setArgument('name', $c['username']) ->setArgument('service', 'pppoe') ->setArgument('profile', $p['name_plan']) ->setArgument('password', $c['password']) ); } $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->create(); $d->customer_id = $user['id']; $d->username = $c['username']; $d->plan_id = $v1['id_plan']; $d->namebp = $p['name_plan']; $d->recharged_on = $date_only; $d->expiration = $date_exp; $d->time = $time; $d->status = "on"; $d->method = "voucher"; $d->routers = $v1['routers']; $d->type = "PPPOE"; $d->save(); // insert table transactions $t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create(); $t->invoice = "INV-" . _raid(5); $t->username = $c['username']; $t->plan_name = $p['name_plan']; $t->price = $p['price']; $t->recharged_on = $date_only; $t->expiration = $date_exp; $t->time = $time; $t->method = "voucher"; $t->routers = $v1['routers']; $t->type = "PPPOE"; $t->save(); } $v1->status = "1"; $v1->user = $c['username']; $v1->save(); // Telegram to Admin sendTelegram( '#'.$c['username']." Activate #Voucher #PPPOE\n".$p['name_plan']. "\nCode: ".$code. "\nRouter: ".$v1['routers']. "\nPrice: ".$p['price']); } r2(U . "voucher/list-activated", 's', $_L['Activation_Vouchers_Successfully']); } else { r2(U . 'voucher/activation', 'e', $_L['Voucher_Not_Valid']); } break; case 'list-activated': $paginator = Paginator::bootstrap('tbl_transactions', 'username', $user['username']); $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->where('username', $user['username'])->offset($paginator['startpoint'])->limit($paginator['limit'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_many(); $ui->assign('d', $d); $ui->assign('paginator', $paginator); $ui->display('user-activation-list.tpl'); break; default: $ui->display('404.tpl'); }