assign('_title', Lang::T('Bandwidth Plans')); $ui->assign('_system_menu', 'services'); $action = $routes['1']; $ui->assign('_admin', $admin); if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) { r2(U . "dashboard", 'e', Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page')); } switch ($action) { case 'list': $ui->assign('xfooter', ''); run_hook('view_list_bandwidth'); #HOOK $name = _post('name'); if ($name != '') { $query = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->where_like('name_bw', '%' . $name . '%')->order_by_desc('id'); $d = Paginator::findMany($query, ['name' => $name]); } else { $query = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->order_by_desc('id'); $d = Paginator::findMany($query); } $ui->assign('d', $d); $ui->display('bandwidth.tpl'); break; case 'add': if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) { _alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard"); } run_hook('view_add_bandwidth'); #HOOK $ui->display('bandwidth-add.tpl'); break; case 'edit': if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) { _alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard"); } $id = $routes['2']; run_hook('view_edit_bandwith'); #HOOK $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->find_one($id); if ($d) { $ui->assign('burst', explode(" ", $d['burst'])); $ui->assign('d', $d); $ui->display('bandwidth-edit.tpl'); } else { r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 'e', Lang::T('Account Not Found')); } break; case 'delete': if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) { _alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard"); } $id = $routes['2']; run_hook('delete_bandwidth'); #HOOK $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->find_one($id); if ($d) { $d->delete(); r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 's', Lang::T('Data Deleted Successfully')); } break; case 'add-post': if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) { _alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard"); } $name = _post('name'); $rate_down = _post('rate_down'); $rate_down_unit = _post('rate_down_unit'); $rate_up = _post('rate_up'); $rate_up_unit = _post('rate_up_unit'); run_hook('add_bandwidth'); #HOOK $isBurst = true; $burst = ""; if (isset($_POST['burst'])) { foreach ($_POST['burst'] as $b) { if (empty($b)) { $isBurst = false; } } if ($isBurst) { $burst = implode(' ', $_POST['burst']); }; } $msg = ''; if (Validator::Length($name, 16, 4) == false) { $msg .= 'Name should be between 5 to 15 characters' . '
'; } if ($rate_down_unit == 'Kbps') { $unit_rate_down = $rate_down * 1024; } else { $unit_rate_down = $rate_down * 1048576; } if ($rate_up_unit == 'Kbps') { $unit_rate_up = $min_up * 1024; } else { $unit_rate_up = $min_up * 1048576; } $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->where('name_bw', $name)->find_one(); if ($d) { $msg .= Lang::T('Name Bandwidth Already Exist') . '
'; } if ($msg == '') { $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->create(); $d->name_bw = $name; $d->rate_down = $rate_down; $d->rate_down_unit = $rate_down_unit; $d->rate_up = $rate_up; $d->rate_up_unit = $rate_up_unit; $d->burst = $burst; $d->save(); r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 's', Lang::T('Data Created Successfully')); } else { r2(U . 'bandwidth/add', 'e', $msg); } break; case 'edit-post': if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) { _alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard"); } $name = _post('name'); $rate_down = _post('rate_down'); $rate_down_unit = _post('rate_down_unit'); $rate_up = _post('rate_up'); $rate_up_unit = _post('rate_up_unit'); run_hook('edit_bandwidth'); #HOOK $isBurst = true; $burst = ""; if (isset($_POST['burst'])) { foreach ($_POST['burst'] as $b) { if (empty($b)) { $isBurst = false; } } if ($isBurst) { $burst = implode(' ', $_POST['burst']); }; } $msg = ''; if (Validator::Length($name, 16, 4) == false) { $msg .= 'Name should be between 5 to 15 characters' . '
'; } $id = _post('id'); $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->find_one($id); if ($d) { } else { $msg .= Lang::T('Data Not Found') . '
'; } if ($d['name_bw'] != $name) { $c = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->where('name_bw', $name)->find_one(); if ($c) { $msg .= Lang::T('Name Bandwidth Already Exist') . '
'; } } if ($msg == '') { $d->name_bw = $name; $d->rate_down = $rate_down; $d->rate_down_unit = $rate_down_unit; $d->rate_up = $rate_up; $d->rate_up_unit = $rate_up_unit; $d->burst = $burst; $d->save(); r2(U . 'bandwidth/list', 's', Lang::T('Data Updated Successfully')); } else { r2(U . 'bandwidth/edit/' . $id, 'e', $msg); } break; default: $ui->display('a404.tpl'); }