4 && substr($config['sms_url'], 0, 4) != "http") { if (strlen($txt) > 160) { $txts = str_split($txt, 160); try { $mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($config['sms_url']); $client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']); foreach ($txts as $txt) { Mikrotik::sendSMS($client, $phone, $txt); } } catch (Exception $e) { // ignore, add to logs _log("Failed to send SMS using Mikrotik.\n" . $e->getMessage(), 'SMS', 0); } } else { try { $mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($config['sms_url']); $client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']); Mikrotik::sendSMS($client, $phone, $txt); } catch (Exception $e) { // ignore, add to logs _log("Failed to send SMS using Mikrotik.\n" . $e->getMessage(), 'SMS', 0); } } } else { $smsurl = str_replace('[number]', urlencode($phone), $config['sms_url']); $smsurl = str_replace('[text]', urlencode($txt), $smsurl); return Http::getData($smsurl); } } } public static function sendWhatsapp($phone, $txt) { global $config; run_hook('send_whatsapp'); #HOOK if (!empty($config['wa_url'])) { $waurl = str_replace('[number]', urlencode(Lang::phoneFormat($phone)), $config['wa_url']); $waurl = str_replace('[text]', urlencode($txt), $waurl); return Http::getData($waurl); } } public static function sendEmail($to, $subject, $body) { global $config; run_hook('send_email'); #HOOK if (empty($config['smtp_host'])) { $attr = ""; if (!empty($config['mail_from'])) { $attr .= "From: " . $config['mail_from'] . "\r\n"; } if (!empty($config['mail_reply_to'])) { $attr .= "Reply-To: " . $config['mail_reply_to'] . "\r\n"; } mail($to, $subject, $body, $attr); } else { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->SMTPDebug = SMTP::DEBUG_SERVER; $mail->Host = $config['smtp_host']; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $config['smtp_user']; $mail->Password = $config['smtp_pass']; $mail->SMTPSecure = $config['smtp_ssltls']; $mail->Port = $config['smtp_port']; if (!empty($config['mail_from'])) { $mail->setFrom($config['mail_from']); } if (!empty($config['mail_reply_to'])) { $mail->addReplyTo($config['mail_reply_to']); } $mail->isHTML(false); $mail->addAddress($to); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->send(); die(); } } public static function sendPackageNotification($customer, $package, $price, $message, $via) { global $u; $msg = str_replace('[[name]]', $customer['fullname'], $message); $msg = str_replace('[[username]]', $customer['username'], $msg); $msg = str_replace('[[plan]]', $package, $msg); $msg = str_replace('[[package]]', $package, $msg); $msg = str_replace('[[price]]', Lang::moneyFormat($price), $msg); list($bills, $add_cost) = User::getBills($customer['id']); if($add_cost>0){ $note = ""; foreach ($bills as $k => $v) { $note .= $k . " : " . Lang::moneyFormat($v) . "\n"; } $note .= "Total : " . Lang::moneyFormat($add_cost+$price) . "\n"; $msg = str_replace('[[bills]]', $note, $msg); }else{ $msg = str_replace('[[bills]]', '', $msg); } if ($u) { $msg = str_replace('[[expired_date]]', Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($u['expiration'], $u['time']), $msg); } if ( !empty($customer['phonenumber']) && strlen($customer['phonenumber']) > 5 && !empty($message) && in_array($via, ['sms', 'wa']) ) { if ($via == 'sms') { echo Message::sendSMS($customer['phonenumber'], $msg); } else if ($via == 'wa') { echo Message::sendWhatsapp($customer['phonenumber'], $msg); } } return "$via: $msg"; } public static function sendBalanceNotification($phone, $name, $balance, $balance_now, $message, $via) { $msg = str_replace('[[name]]', $name, $message); $msg = str_replace('[[current_balance]]', Lang::moneyFormat($balance_now), $msg); $msg = str_replace('[[balance]]', Lang::moneyFormat($balance), $msg); if ( !empty($phone) && strlen($phone) > 5 && !empty($message) && in_array($via, ['sms', 'wa']) ) { if ($via == 'sms') { Message::sendSMS($phone, $msg); } else if ($via == 'wa') { Message::sendWhatsapp($phone, $msg); } } return "$via: $msg"; } public static function sendInvoice($cust, $trx) { global $config; $textInvoice = Lang::getNotifText('invoice_paid'); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[company_name]]', $config['CompanyName'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[address]]', $config['address'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[phone]]', $config['phone'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[invoice]]', $trx['invoice'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[date]]', Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($trx['recharged_on'], $trx['recharged_time']), $textInvoice); if (!empty($trx['note'])) { $textInvoice = str_replace('[[note]]', $trx['note'], $textInvoice); } $gc = explode("-", $trx['method']); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[payment_gateway]]', trim($gc[0]), $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[payment_channel]]', trim($gc[1]), $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[type]]', $trx['type'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[plan_name]]', $trx['plan_name'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[plan_price]]', Lang::moneyFormat($trx['price']), $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[name]]', $cust['fullname'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[note]]', $cust['note'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[user_name]]', $trx['username'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[user_password]]', $cust['password'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[username]]', $trx['username'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[password]]', $cust['password'], $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[expired_date]]', Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($trx['expiration'], $trx['time']), $textInvoice); $textInvoice = str_replace('[[footer]]', $config['note'], $textInvoice); if ($config['user_notification_payment'] == 'sms') { Message::sendSMS($cust['phonenumber'], $textInvoice); } else if ($config['user_notification_payment'] == 'wa') { Message::sendWhatsapp($cust['phonenumber'], $textInvoice); } } }