assign('_title', $_L['Customers'] . ' - ' . $config['CompanyName']); $ui->assign('_system_menu', 'customers'); $action = $routes['1']; $admin = Admin::_info(); $ui->assign('_admin', $admin); use PEAR2\Net\RouterOS; require_once 'system/autoload/PEAR2/Autoload.php'; if ($admin['user_type'] != 'Admin' and $admin['user_type'] != 'Sales') { r2(U . "dashboard", 'e', $_L['Do_Not_Access']); } switch ($action) { case 'list': $ui->assign('xfooter', ''); $username = _post('username'); if ($username != '') { $paginator = Paginator::bootstrap('tbl_customers', 'username', '%' . $username . '%'); $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where_like('username', '%' . $username . '%')->offset($paginator['startpoint'])->limit($paginator['limit'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_many(); } else { $paginator = Paginator::bootstrap('tbl_customers'); $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->offset($paginator['startpoint'])->limit($paginator['limit'])->order_by_desc('id')->find_many(); } $ui->assign('d', $d); $ui->assign('paginator', $paginator); $ui->display('customers.tpl'); break; case 'add': $ui->display('customers-add.tpl'); break; case 'edit': $id = $routes['2']; $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id); if ($d) { $ui->assign('d', $d); $ui->display('customers-edit.tpl'); } else { r2(U . 'customers/list', 'e', $_L['Account_Not_Found']); } break; case 'delete': $id = $routes['2']; $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id); if ($d) { $c = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('username', $d['username'])->find_one(); if ($c) { $mikrotik = Router::_info($c['routers']); if ($c['type'] == 'Hotspot') { try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
" . $e->getMessage()); } $printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/print'); $printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/remove'); $setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($setRequest); //remove hotspot active $onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/print'); $onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('user', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/remove'); $removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($removeRequest); } else { try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
" . $e->getMessage()); } $printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/print'); $printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/remove'); $setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($setRequest); //remove pppoe active $onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/print'); $onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/remove'); $removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($removeRequest); } try { $d->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { } try { $c->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } else { try { $d->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { } try { $c->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } r2(U . 'customers/list', 's', $_L['User_Delete_Ok']); } break; case 'add-post': $username = _post('username'); $fullname = _post('fullname'); $password = _post('password'); $cpassword = _post('cpassword'); $address = _post('address'); $phonenumber = _post('phonenumber'); $msg = ''; if (Validator::Length($username, 35, 2) == false) { $msg .= 'Username should be between 3 to 55 characters' . '
'; } if (Validator::Length($fullname, 36, 2) == false) { $msg .= 'Full Name should be between 3 to 25 characters' . '
'; } if (!Validator::Length($password, 35, 2)) { $msg .= 'Password should be between 3 to 35 characters' . '
'; } if ($password != $cpassword) { $msg .= 'Passwords does not match' . '
'; } $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', $username)->find_one(); if ($d) { $msg .= $_L['account_already_exist'] . '
'; } if ($msg == '') { $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->create(); $d->username = $username; $d->password = $password; $d->fullname = $fullname; $d->address = $address; $d->phonenumber = $username; $d->save(); r2(U . 'customers/list', 's', $_L['account_created_successfully']); } else { r2(U . 'customers/add', 'e', $msg); } break; case 'edit-post': $username = _post('username'); $fullname = _post('fullname'); $password = _post('password'); $cpassword = _post('cpassword'); $address = _post('address'); $phonenumber = _post('phonenumber'); $msg = ''; if (Validator::Length($username, 16, 2) == false) { $msg .= 'Username should be between 3 to 15 characters' . '
'; } if (Validator::Length($fullname, 26, 2) == false) { $msg .= 'Full Name should be between 3 to 25 characters' . '
'; } if ($password != '') { if (!Validator::Length($password, 15, 2)) { $msg .= 'Password should be between 3 to 15 characters' . '
'; } if ($password != $cpassword) { $msg .= 'Passwords does not match' . '
'; } } $id = _post('id'); $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->find_one($id); if (!$d) { $msg .= $_L['Data_Not_Found'] . '
'; } if ($d['username'] != $username) { $c = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', $username)->find_one(); if ($c) { $msg .= $_L['account_already_exist'] . '
'; } } if ($msg == '') { $c = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('username', $username)->find_one(); if ($c) { $mikrotik = Router::_info($c['routers']); if ($c['type'] == 'Hotspot') { try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
" . $e->getMessage()); } $printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/print'); $printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/user/set'); $setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $setRequest->setArgument('password', $password); $client->sendSync($setRequest); //remove hotspot active $onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/print'); $onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('user', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip/hotspot/active/remove'); $removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($removeRequest); $d->password = $password; $d->save(); } else { try { $iport = explode(":", $mikrotik['ip_address']); $client = new RouterOS\Client($iport[0], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password'], ($iport[1]) ? $iport[1] : null); } catch (Exception $e) { die("Unable to connect to the router.
" . $e->getMessage()); } $printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/print'); $printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($printRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $setRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/secret/set'); $setRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $setRequest->setArgument('password', $password); $client->sendSync($setRequest); //remove pppoe active $onlineRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/print'); $onlineRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id'); $onlineRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $c['username'])); $id = $client->sendSync($onlineRequest)->getProperty('.id'); $removeRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ppp/active/remove'); $removeRequest->setArgument('numbers', $id); $client->sendSync($removeRequest); $d->password = $password; $d->save(); } $d->username = $username; if ($password != '') { $d->password = $password; } $d->fullname = $fullname; $d->address = $address; $d->phonenumber = $phonenumber; $d->save(); } else { $d->username = $username; if ($password != '') { $d->password = $password; } $d->fullname = $fullname; $d->address = $address; $d->phonenumber = $phonenumber; $d->save(); } r2(U . 'customers/list', 's', 'User Updated Successfully'); } else { r2(U . 'customers/edit/' . $id, 'e', $msg); } break; default: echo 'action not defined'; }