assign('_title', $_L['Dashboard']); $user = User::_info(); $ui->assign('_user', $user); if (isset($_GET['renewal'])) { $user->auto_renewal = $_GET['renewal']; $user->save(); } if (_post('send') == 'balance') { if ($config['enable_balance'] == 'yes' && $config['allow_balance_transfer'] == 'yes') { $target = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', _post('username'))->find_one(); if (!$target) { r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Username not found')); } $username = _post('username'); $balance = _post('balance'); if ($user['balance'] < $balance) { r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('insufficient balance')); } if (!empty($config['minimum_transfer']) && intval($balance) < intval($config['minimum_transfer'])) { r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Minimum Transfer') . ' ' . Lang::moneyFormat($config['minimum_transfer'])); } if ($user['username'] == $target['username']) { r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Cannot send to yourself')); } if (Balance::transfer($user['id'], $username, $balance)) { //sender $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->create(); $d->username = $user['username']; $d->gateway = $target['username']; $d->plan_id = 0; $d->plan_name = 'Send Balance'; $d->routers_id = 0; $d->routers = 'balance'; $d->price = $balance; $d->payment_method = "Customer"; $d->payment_channel = "Balance"; $d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $d->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $d->expired_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $d->pg_url_payment = 'balance'; $d->status = 2; $d->save(); //receiver $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->create(); $d->username = $target['username']; $d->gateway = $user['username']; $d->plan_id = 0; $d->plan_name = 'Receive Balance'; $d->routers_id = 0; $d->routers = 'balance'; $d->payment_method = "Customer"; $d->payment_channel = "Balance"; $d->price = $balance; $d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $d->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $d->expired_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $d->pg_url_payment = 'balance'; $d->status = 2; $d->save(); Message::sendBalanceNotification($user['phonenumber'], $target['fullname'] . ' (' . $target['username'] . ')', $balance, ($user['balance'] - $balance), Lang::getNotifText('balance_send'), $config['user_notification_payment']); Message::sendBalanceNotification($target['phonenumber'], $user['fullname'] . ' (' . $user['username'] . ')', $balance, ($target['balance'] + $balance), Lang::getNotifText('balance_received'), $config['user_notification_payment']); Message::sendTelegram("#u$user[username] send balance to #u$target[username] \n" . Lang::moneyFormat($balance)); r2(U . 'home', 's', Lang::T('Sending balance success')); } } else { r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Failed, balance is not available')); } } else if (_post('send') == 'plan') { $active = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges') ->where('username', _post('username')) ->find_one(); $router = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->where('name', $active['routers'])->find_one(); if ($router) { r2(U . "order/send/$router[id]/$active[plan_id]&u=" . trim(_post('username')), 's', Lang::T('Review package before recharge')); } else { r2(U . 'package/order', 'w', Lang::T('Your friend do not have active package')); } } //Client Page $bill = User::_billing(); $ui->assign('_bill', $bill); if (!empty($_SESSION['nux-mac']) && !empty($_SESSION['nux-ip'])) { $ui->assign('nux_mac', $_SESSION['nux-mac']); $ui->assign('nux_ip', $_SESSION['nux-ip']); if ($_GET['mikrotik'] == 'login') { $m = Mikrotik::info($bill['routers']); $c = Mikrotik::getClient($m['ip_address'], $m['username'], $m['password']); Mikrotik::logMeIn($c, $user['username'], $user['password'], $_SESSION['nux-ip'], $_SESSION['nux-mac']); r2(U . 'home', 's', Lang::T('Login Request successfully')); } else if ($_GET['mikrotik'] == 'logout') { $m = Mikrotik::info($bill['routers']); $c = Mikrotik::getClient($m['ip_address'], $m['username'], $m['password']); Mikrotik::logMeOut($c, $user['username']); r2(U . 'home', 's', Lang::T('Logout Request successfully')); } } $ui->assign('unpaid', ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway') ->where('username', $user['username']) ->where('status', 1) ->find_one()); run_hook('view_customer_dashboard'); #HOOK $ui->display('user-dashboard.tpl');