# PHP Mikrotik Billing ---- ![N|phpmixbill](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3OWL5OI7pqU/VjocUDdzMDI/AAAAAAAAAiA/s_XJN0_mDlk/s640/Screenshot_8.png) ---- This project maintained by [@ibnux](https://twitter.com/ibnux) Aplikasi ini dikelola oleh [@ibnux](https://twitter.com/ibnux) ---- Download [Mikrotik Login Template](https://github.com/ibnux/phpmixbill-mikrotik-login-template) Features: ---- - Voucher Generator and Print - Self registration, user must have voucher before registration - Multi Router Mikrotik - Hotspot & PPPOE - Easy Installation - Multi Language TODOS: ---- - SMS Notification to user - send receipt via SMS or EMAIL - Social Media Login Installation ---- See [WIKI](https://github.com/ibnux/phpmixbill/wiki/Instalation) baca [WIKI](https://github.com/ibnux/phpmixbill/wiki/Instalation) System Requirements ---- Most current web servers with PHP & MySQL installed will be capable of running PHPMixBill Minimum Requirements - Linux or Windows OS - PHP Version 5.3+ - Both PDO & MySQLi Support - GD2 Image Library - MySQL Version 4.1.x and above can be Installed in Raspberry Pi Device. JASA ---- Terima jasa instalasi PHPMIXBILL beserta mikrotiknya. Via Team Viewer maupun Barang dibeli dari saya dan tinggal pakai. 1. Unit Mikrotik Router 2. Raspberry Pi Server (RasPi + Casing + Meory 16GB + Adaptor) Jasa kurang lebih Rp. 500.000, belum termasuk ongkir dan harga perangkat, Gratis Tanya Jawab via Messenger (Jika lagi senggang). hubungi ibnux di [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ibnux) atau di [facebook](https://facebook.com/ibnumaksum) License ---- GNU General Public License version 2 or later see LICENSE file Donate to ibnux ---- [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-green.svg)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6RBNGRJMZVV7C) BCA: 5410454825 Mandiri: 163-000-1855-793 a.n Ibnu Maksum Donate to first Developer ---- PayPal: iesien22@yahoo.com Bank Mandiri: 130.00.1024957.4