
252 lines
12 KiB

* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* by
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Dashboard'));
$user = User::_info();
$ui->assign('_user', $user);
if (isset($_GET['renewal'])) {
$user->auto_renewal = $_GET['renewal'];
if (_post('send') == 'balance') {
if ($config['enable_balance'] == 'yes' && $config['allow_balance_transfer'] == 'yes') {
if ($user['status'] != 'Active') {
_alert(Lang::T('This account status') . ' : ' . Lang::T($user['status']), 'danger', "");
$target = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', _post('username'))->find_one();
if (!$target) {
r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Username not found'));
$username = _post('username');
$balance = _post('balance');
if ($user['balance'] < $balance) {
r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('insufficient balance'));
if (!empty($config['minimum_transfer']) && intval($balance) < intval($config['minimum_transfer'])) {
r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Minimum Transfer') . ' ' . Lang::moneyFormat($config['minimum_transfer']));
if ($user['username'] == $target['username']) {
r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Cannot send to yourself'));
if (Balance::transfer($user['id'], $username, $balance)) {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->create();
$d->username = $user['username'];
$d->gateway = $target['username'];
$d->plan_id = 0;
$d->plan_name = 'Send Balance';
$d->routers_id = 0;
$d->routers = 'balance';
$d->price = $balance;
$d->payment_method = "Customer";
$d->payment_channel = "Balance";
$d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->expired_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->pg_url_payment = 'balance';
$d->status = 2;
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->create();
$d->username = $target['username'];
$d->gateway = $user['username'];
$d->plan_id = 0;
$d->plan_name = 'Receive Balance';
$d->routers_id = 0;
$d->routers = 'balance';
$d->payment_method = "Customer";
$d->payment_channel = "Balance";
$d->price = $balance;
$d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->expired_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->pg_url_payment = 'balance';
$d->status = 2;
Message::sendBalanceNotification($user['phonenumber'], $target['fullname'] . ' (' . $target['username'] . ')', $balance, ($user['balance'] - $balance), Lang::getNotifText('balance_send'), $config['user_notification_payment']);
Message::sendBalanceNotification($target['phonenumber'], $user['fullname'] . ' (' . $user['username'] . ')', $balance, ($target['balance'] + $balance), Lang::getNotifText('balance_received'), $config['user_notification_payment']);
Message::sendTelegram("#u$user[username] send balance to #u$target[username] \n" . Lang::moneyFormat($balance));
r2(U . 'home', 's', Lang::T('Sending balance success'));
} else {
r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Failed, balance is not available'));
} else if (_post('send') == 'plan') {
if ($user['status'] != 'Active') {
_alert(Lang::T('This account status') . ' : ' . Lang::T($user['status']), 'danger', "");
$actives = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')
->where('username', _post('username'))
foreach ($actives as $active) {
$router = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->where('name', $active['routers'])->find_one();
if ($router) {
r2(U . "order/send/$router[id]/$active[plan_id]&u=" . trim(_post('username')), 's', Lang::T('Review package before recharge'));
r2(U . 'home', 'w', Lang::T('Your friend do not have active package'));
$ui->assign('_bills', User::_billing());
if (isset($_GET['recharge']) && !empty($_GET['recharge'])) {
if ($user['status'] != 'Active') {
_alert(Lang::T('This account status') . ' : ' . Lang::T($user['status']), 'danger', "");
if (!empty(App::getTokenValue(_get('stoken')))) {
r2(U . "voucher/invoice/");
$bill = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('id', $_GET['recharge'])->where('username', $user['username'])->findOne();
if ($bill) {
if ($bill['routers'] == 'radius') {
$router = 'radius';
} else {
$routers = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->where('name', $bill['routers'])->find_one();
$router = $routers['id'];
if ($config['enable_balance'] == 'yes') {
$plan = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->find_one($bill['plan_id']);
if (!$plan['enabled']) {
r2(U . "home", 'e', 'Plan is not exists');
if ($user['balance'] > $plan['price']) {
r2(U . "order/pay/$router/$bill[plan_id]&stoken=" . _get('stoken'), 'e', 'Order Plan');
} else {
r2(U . "order/buy/$router/$bill[plan_id]", 'e', 'Order Plan');
} else {
r2(U . "order/buy/$router/$bill[plan_id]", 'e', 'Order Plan');
} else if (!empty(_get('extend'))) {
if ($user['status'] != 'Active') {
_alert(Lang::T('This account status') . ' : ' . Lang::T($user['status']), 'danger', "");
if (!$config['extend_expired']) {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', "cannot extend");
if (!empty(App::getTokenValue(_get('stoken')))) {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', "You already extend");
$id = _get('extend');
$tur = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('customer_id', $user['id'])->where('id', $id)->find_one();
if ($tur) {
$m = date("m");
if (!file_exists($path)) {
$path .= $user['id'] . ".txt";
if (file_exists($path)) {
// is already extend
$last = file_get_contents($path);
if ($last == $m) {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', "You already extend for this month");
if ($tur['status'] != 'on') {
if ($tur['routers'] != 'radius') {
$mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($tur['routers']);
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
$router = $tur['routers'];
$p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->findOne($tur['plan_id']);
if (!$p) {
r2(U . 'home', '3', "Plan Not Found");
if ($tur['routers'] == 'radius') {
Radius::customerAddPlan($user, $p, $tur['expiration'] . ' ' . $tur['time']);
} else {
if ($tur['type'] == 'Hotspot') {
Mikrotik::removeHotspotUser($client, $user['username']);
Mikrotik::addHotspotUser($client, $p, $user);
} else if ($tur['type'] == 'PPPOE') {
Mikrotik::removePpoeUser($client, $user['username']);
Mikrotik::addPpoeUser($client, $p, $user);
// make customer cannot extend again
$days = $config['extend_days'];
$expiration = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(" +$days day"));
$tur->expiration = $expiration;
$tur->status = "on";
App::setToken(_get('stoken'), $id);
file_put_contents($path, $m);
_log("Customer $tur[customer_id] $tur[username] extend for $days days", "Customer", $user['id']);
Message::sendTelegram("#u$user[username] #extend #" . $p['type'] . " \n" . $p['name_plan'] .
"\nLocation: " . $p['routers'] .
"\nCustomer: " . $user['fullname'] .
"\nNew Expired: " . Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($expiration, $tur['time']));
r2(U . 'home', 's', "Extend until $expiration");
} else {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', "Plan is not expired");
} else {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', "Plan Not Found or Not Active");
} else if (isset($_GET['deactivate']) && !empty($_GET['deactivate'])) {
$bill = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('id', $_GET['deactivate'])->where('username', $user['username'])->findOne();
if ($bill) {
$p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('id', $bill['plan_id'])->find_one();
if ($p['is_radius']) {
} else {
try {
$mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($bill['routers']);
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
if ($bill['type'] == 'Hotspot') {
Mikrotik::removeHotspotUser($client, $bill['username']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotActiveUser($client, $bill['username']);
} else if ($bill['type'] == 'PPPOE') {
Mikrotik::removePpoeUser($client, $bill['username']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeActive($client, $bill['username']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
//ignore it maybe mikrotik has been deleted
$bill->status = 'off';
$bill->expiration = date('Y-m-d');
$bill->time = date('H:i:s');
_log('User ' . $bill['username'] . ' Deactivate ' . $bill['namebp'], 'Customer', $bill['customer_id']);
Message::sendTelegram('User u' . $bill['username'] . ' Deactivate ' . $bill['namebp']);
r2(U . 'home', 's', 'Success deactivate ' . $bill['namebp']);
} else {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', 'No Active Plan');
if (!empty($_SESSION['nux-mac']) && !empty($_SESSION['nux-ip'])) {
$ui->assign('nux_mac', $_SESSION['nux-mac']);
$ui->assign('nux_ip', $_SESSION['nux-ip']);
$bill = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->where('id', $_GET['id'])->where('username', $user['username'])->findOne();
if ($_GET['mikrotik'] == 'login') {
$m = Mikrotik::info($bill['routers']);
$c = Mikrotik::getClient($m['ip_address'], $m['username'], $m['password']);
Mikrotik::logMeIn($c, $user['username'], $user['password'], $_SESSION['nux-ip'], $_SESSION['nux-mac']);
r2(U . 'home', 's', Lang::T('Login Request successfully'));
} else if ($_GET['mikrotik'] == 'logout') {
$m = Mikrotik::info($bill['routers']);
$c = Mikrotik::getClient($m['ip_address'], $m['username'], $m['password']);
Mikrotik::logMeOut($c, $user['username']);
r2(U . 'home', 's', Lang::T('Logout Request successfully'));
$ui->assign('unpaid', ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')
->where('username', $user['username'])
->where('status', 1)
run_hook('view_customer_dashboard'); #HOOK