2024-03-31 21:23:19 +07:00

750 lines
32 KiB

* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* by
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Settings'));
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'settings');
$action = $routes['1'];
$ui->assign('_admin', $admin);
switch ($action) {
case 'app':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
if (!empty(_get('testWa'))) {
$result = Message::sendWhatsapp(_get('testWa'), 'PHPNuxBill Test Whatsapp');
r2(U . "settings/app", 's', 'Test Whatsapp has been send<br>Result: ' . $result);
if (!empty(_get('testSms'))) {
$result = Message::sendSMS(_get('testSms'), 'PHPNuxBill Test SMS');
r2(U . "settings/app", 's', 'Test SMS has been send<br>Result: ' . $result);
if (!empty(_get('testEmail'))) {
Message::sendEmail(_get('testEmail'), 'PHPNuxBill Test Email', 'PHPNuxBill Test Email Body');
r2(U . "settings/app", 's', 'Test Email has been send');
if (!empty(_get('testTg'))) {
$result = Message::sendTelegram('PHPNuxBill Test Telegram');
r2(U . "settings/app", 's', 'Test Telegram has been send<br>Result: ' . $result);
$UPLOAD_URL_PATH = str_replace($root_path, '', $UPLOAD_PATH);
if (file_exists($UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png')) {
$logo = $UPLOAD_URL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png?' . time();
} else {
$logo = $UPLOAD_URL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.default.png';
$ui->assign('logo', $logo);
if ($config['radius_enable'] && empty($config['radius_client'])) {
try {
$config['radius_client'] = Radius::getClient();
$ui->assign('_c', $_c);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$themes = [];
$files = scandir('ui/themes/');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_dir('ui/themes/' . $file) && !in_array($file, ['.', '..'])) {
$themes[] = $file;
$r = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->find_many();
$ui->assign('r', $r);
if (function_exists("shell_exec")) {
$php = trim(shell_exec('which php'));
if (empty($php)) {
$php = 'php';
} else {
$php = 'php';
if (empty($config['api_key'])) {
$config['api_key'] = sha1(uniqid(rand(), true));
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'api_key')->find_one();
if ($d) {
$d->value = $config['api_key'];
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
$d->setting = 'api_key';
$d->value = $config['api_key'];
$ui->assign('_c', $config);
$ui->assign('php', $php);
$ui->assign('dir', str_replace('controllers', '', __DIR__));
$ui->assign('themes', $themes);
run_hook('view_app_settings'); #HOOK
case 'app-post':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$company = _post('CompanyName');
run_hook('save_settings'); #HOOK
if (!empty($_FILES['logo']['name'])) {
if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
if (file_exists($UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png')) unlink($UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png');
File::resizeCropImage($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'], $UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logo.png', 1078, 200, 100);
if (file_exists($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'])) unlink($_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']);
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/app', 'e', 'PHP GD is not installed');
if ($company == '') {
r2(U . 'settings/app', 'e', Lang::T('All field is required'));
} else {
if ($radius_enable) {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$ui->assign("error_title", "RADIUS Error");
$ui->assign("error_message", "Radius table not found.<br><br>" .
$e->getMessage() .
"<br><br>Download <a href=\"\">here</a> or <a href=\"\">here</a> and import it to database.<br><br>Check config.php for radius connection details");
// save all settings
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', $key)->find_one();
if ($d) {
$d->value = $value;
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
$d->setting = $key;
$d->value = $value;
$checks = ['hide_mrc', 'hide_tms', 'hide_aui', 'hide_al', 'hide_uet', 'hide_vs', 'hide_pg'];
foreach ($checks as $check) {
if (!isset($_POST[$check])) {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', $check)->find_one();
if ($d) {
$d->value = 'no';
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
$d->setting = $check;
$d->value = 'no';
_log('[' . $admin['username'] . ']: ' . Lang::T('Settings Saved Successfully'), $admin['user_type'], $admin['id']);
r2(U . 'settings/app', 's', Lang::T('Settings Saved Successfully'));
case 'localisation':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$folders = [];
$files = scandir('system/lan/');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_file('system/lan/' . $file) && !in_array($file, ['index.html', 'country.json', '.DS_Store'])) {
$file = str_replace(".json", "", $file);
$folders[$file] = '';
$ui->assign('lani', $folders);
$lans = Lang::getIsoLang();
foreach ($lans as $lan => $val) {
if (isset($folders[$lan])) {
$ui->assign('lan', $lans);
$timezonelist = Timezone::timezoneList();
$ui->assign('tlist', $timezonelist);
$ui->assign('xjq', ' $("#tzone").select2(); ');
run_hook('view_localisation'); #HOOK
case 'localisation-post':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$tzone = _post('tzone');
$date_format = _post('date_format');
$country_code_phone = _post('country_code_phone');
$lan = _post('lan');
run_hook('save_localisation'); #HOOK
if ($tzone == '' or $date_format == '' or $lan == '') {
r2(U . 'settings/app', 'e', Lang::T('All field is required'));
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'timezone')->find_one();
$d->value = $tzone;
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'date_format')->find_one();
$d->value = $date_format;
$dec_point = $_POST['dec_point'];
if (strlen($dec_point) == '1') {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'dec_point')->find_one();
$d->value = $dec_point;
$thousands_sep = $_POST['thousands_sep'];
if (strlen($thousands_sep) == '1') {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'thousands_sep')->find_one();
$d->value = $thousands_sep;
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'country_code_phone')->find_one();
if ($d) {
$d->value = $country_code_phone;
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
$d->setting = 'country_code_phone';
$d->value = $country_code_phone;
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'radius_plan')->find_one();
if ($d) {
$d->value = _post('radius_plan');
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
$d->setting = 'radius_plan';
$d->value = _post('radius_plan');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'hotspot_plan')->find_one();
if ($d) {
$d->value = _post('hotspot_plan');
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
$d->setting = 'hotspot_plan';
$d->value = _post('hotspot_plan');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'pppoe_plan')->find_one();
if ($d) {
$d->value = _post('pppoe_plan');
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
$d->setting = 'pppoe_plan';
$d->value = _post('pppoe_plan');
$currency_code = $_POST['currency_code'];
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'currency_code')->find_one();
$d->value = $currency_code;
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'language')->find_one();
$d->value = $lan;
_log('[' . $admin['username'] . ']: ' . Lang::T('Settings Saved Successfully'), $admin['user_type'], $admin['id']);
r2(U . 'settings/localisation', 's', Lang::T('Settings Saved Successfully'));
case 'users':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin', 'Agent'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$search = _req('search');
if ($search != '') {
if ($admin['user_type'] == 'SuperAdmin') {
$query = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')
->where_like('username', '%' . $search . '%')
$d = Paginator::findMany($query, ['search' => $search]);
} else if ($admin['user_type'] == 'Admin') {
$query = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')
->where_like('username', '%' . $search . '%')->where_any_is([
['user_type' => 'Report'],
['user_type' => 'Agent'],
['user_type' => 'Sales'],
['id' => $admin['id']]
$d = Paginator::findMany($query, ['search' => $search]);
} else {
$query = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')
->where_like('username', '%' . $search . '%')
['id' => $admin['id']],
['root' => $admin['id']]
$d = Paginator::findMany($query, ['search' => $search]);
} else {
if ($admin['user_type'] == 'SuperAdmin') {
$query = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->order_by_asc('id');
$d = Paginator::findMany($query);
} else if ($admin['user_type'] == 'Admin') {
$query = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where_any_is([
['user_type' => 'Report'],
['user_type' => 'Agent'],
['user_type' => 'Sales'],
['id' => $admin['id']]
$d = Paginator::findMany($query);
} else {
$query = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')
['id' => $admin['id']],
['root' => $admin['id']]
$d = Paginator::findMany($query);
$admins = [];
foreach ($d as $k) {
if (!empty($k['root'])) {
$admins[] = $k['root'];
if (count($admins) > 0) {
$adms = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where_in('id', $admins)->findArray();
foreach ($adms as $adm) {
$admins[$adm['id']] = $adm['fullname'];
$ui->assign('admins', $admins);
$ui->assign('d', $d);
$ui->assign('search', $search);
run_hook('view_list_admin'); #HOOK
case 'users-add':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin', 'Agent'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Add User'));
$ui->assign('agents', ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('user_type', 'Agent')->find_many());
case 'users-view':
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Edit User'));
$id = $routes['2'];
if (empty($id)) {
$id = $admin['id'];
//allow see himself
if ($admin['id'] == $id) {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('id', $id)->find_array($id)[0];
} else {
if (in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
// Super Admin can see anyone
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('id', $id)->find_array()[0];
} else if ($admin['user_type'] == 'Agent') {
// Agent can see Sales
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where_any_is([['root' => $admin['id']], ['id' => $id]])->find_array()[0];
if ($d) {
run_hook('view_edit_admin'); #HOOK
if ($d['user_type'] == 'Sales') {
$ui->assign('agent', ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('id', $d['root'])->find_array()[0]);
$ui->assign('d', $d);
$ui->assign('_title', $d['username']);
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/users', 'e', Lang::T('Account Not Found'));
case 'users-edit':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin', 'Agent'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Edit User'));
$id = $routes['2'];
if (empty($id)) {
$id = $admin['id'];
if ($admin['id'] == $id) {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->find_one($id);
} else {
if ($admin['user_type'] == 'SuperAdmin') {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->find_one($id);
$ui->assign('agents', ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('user_type', 'Agent')->find_many());
} else if ($admin['user_type'] == 'Admin') {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where_any_is([
['user_type' => 'Report'],
['user_type' => 'Agent'],
['user_type' => 'Sales']
$ui->assign('agents', ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('user_type', 'Agent')->find_many());
} else {
// Agent cannot move Sales to other Agent
$ui->assign('agents', ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('id', $admin['id'])->find_many());
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('root', $admin['id'])->find_one($id);
if ($d) {
$ui->assign('id', $id);
$ui->assign('d', $d);
run_hook('view_edit_admin'); #HOOK
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/users', 'e', Lang::T('Account Not Found'));
case 'users-delete':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$id = $routes['2'];
if (($admin['id']) == $id) {
r2(U . 'settings/users', 'e', 'Sorry You can\'t delete yourself');
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->find_one($id);
if ($d) {
run_hook('delete_admin'); #HOOK
r2(U . 'settings/users', 's', Lang::T('User deleted Successfully'));
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/users', 'e', Lang::T('Account Not Found'));
case 'users-post':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin', 'Agent'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$username = _post('username');
$fullname = _post('fullname');
$password = _post('password');
$user_type = _post('user_type');
$phone = _post('phone');
$email = _post('email');
$city = _post('city');
$subdistrict = _post('subdistrict');
$ward = _post('ward');
$send_notif = _post('send_notif');
$root = _post('root');
$msg = '';
if (Validator::Length($username, 45, 2) == false) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Username should be between 3 to 45 characters') . '<br>';
if (Validator::Length($fullname, 45, 2) == false) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Full Name should be between 3 to 45 characters') . '<br>';
if (!Validator::Length($password, 1000, 5)) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Password should be minimum 6 characters') . '<br>';
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('username', $username)->find_one();
if ($d) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Account already axist') . '<br>';
$date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
run_hook('add_admin'); #HOOK
if ($msg == '') {
$passwordC = Password::_crypt($password);
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->create();
$d->username = $username;
$d->fullname = $fullname;
$d->password = $passwordC;
$d->user_type = $user_type;
$d->phone = $phone;
$d->email = $email;
$d->city = $city;
$d->subdistrict = $subdistrict;
$d->ward = $ward;
$d->status = 'Active';
$d->creationdate = $date_now;
if ($admin['user_type'] == 'Agent') {
// Prevent hacking from form
$d->root = $admin['id'];
} else if ($user_type == 'Sales') {
$d->root = $root;
if ($send_notif == 'wa') {
Message::sendWhatsapp(Lang::phoneFormat($phone), Lang::T('Hello, Your account has been created successfully.') . "\nUsername: $username\nPassword: $password\n\n" . $config['CompanyName']);
} else if ($send_notif == 'sms') {
Message::sendSMS($phone, Lang::T('Hello, Your account has been created successfully.') . "\nUsername: $username\nPassword: $password\n\n" . $config['CompanyName']);
_log('[' . $admin['username'] . ']: ' . "Created $user_type <b>$username</b>", $admin['user_type'], $admin['id']);
r2(U . 'settings/users', 's', Lang::T('Account Created Successfully'));
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/users-add', 'e', $msg);
case 'users-edit-post':
$username = _post('username');
$fullname = _post('fullname');
$password = _post('password');
$cpassword = _post('cpassword');
$user_type = _post('user_type');
$phone = _post('phone');
$email = _post('email');
$city = _post('city');
$subdistrict = _post('subdistrict');
$ward = _post('ward');
$status = _post('status');
$root = _post('root');
$msg = '';
if (Validator::Length($username, 45, 2) == false) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Username should be between 3 to 45 characters') . '<br>';
if (Validator::Length($fullname, 45, 2) == false) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Full Name should be between 3 to 45 characters') . '<br>';
if ($password != '') {
if (!Validator::Length($password, 1000, 5)) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Password should be minimum 6 characters') . '<br>';
if ($password != $cpassword) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Passwords does not match') . '<br>';
$id = _post('id');
if ($admin['id'] == $id) {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->find_one($id);
} else {
if ($admin['user_type'] == 'SuperAdmin') {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->find_one($id);
} else if ($admin['user_type'] == 'Admin') {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where_any_is([
['user_type' => 'Report'],
['user_type' => 'Agent'],
['user_type' => 'Sales']
} else {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('root', $admin['id'])->find_one($id);
if (!$d) {
$msg .= Lang::T('Data Not Found') . '<br>';
if ($d['username'] != $username) {
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('username', $username)->find_one();
if ($c) {
$msg .= "<b>$username</b> " . Lang::T('Account already axist') . '<br>';
run_hook('edit_admin'); #HOOK
if ($msg == '') {
$d->username = $username;
if ($password != '') {
$password = Password::_crypt($password);
$d->password = $password;
$d->fullname = $fullname;
if (($admin['id']) != $id) {
$user_type = _post('user_type');
$d->user_type = $user_type;
$d->phone = $phone;
$d->email = $email;
$d->city = $city;
$d->subdistrict = $subdistrict;
$d->ward = $ward;
if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
$d->status = $status;
if ($admin['user_type'] == 'Agent') {
// Prevent hacking from form
$d->root = $admin['id'];
} else if ($user_type == 'Sales') {
$d->root = $root;
_log('[' . $admin['username'] . ']: $username ' . Lang::T('User Updated Successfully'), $admin['user_type'], $admin['id']);
r2(U . 'settings/users', 's', 'User Updated Successfully');
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/users-edit/' . $id, 'e', $msg);
case 'change-password':
run_hook('view_change_password'); #HOOK
case 'change-password-post':
$password = _post('password');
if ($password != '') {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_users')->where('username', $admin['username'])->find_one();
run_hook('change_password'); #HOOK
if ($d) {
$d_pass = $d['password'];
if (Password::_verify($password, $d_pass) == true) {
$npass = _post('npass');
$cnpass = _post('cnpass');
if (!Validator::Length($npass, 15, 5)) {
r2(U . 'settings/change-password', 'e', 'New Password must be 6 to 14 character');
if ($npass != $cnpass) {
r2(U . 'settings/change-password', 'e', 'Both Password should be same');
$npass = Password::_crypt($npass);
$d->password = $npass;
_msglog('s', Lang::T('Password changed successfully, Please login again'));
_log('[' . $admin['username'] . ']: Password changed successfully', $admin['user_type'], $admin['id']);
r2(U . 'admin');
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/change-password', 'e', Lang::T('Incorrect Current Password'));
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/change-password', 'e', Lang::T('Incorrect Current Password'));
} else {
r2(U . 'settings/change-password', 'e', Lang::T('Incorrect Current Password'));
case 'notifications':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
run_hook('view_notifications'); #HOOK
if (file_exists($UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "notifications.json")) {
$ui->assign('_json', json_decode(file_get_contents($UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'notifications.json'), true));
} else {
$ui->assign('_json', json_decode(file_get_contents($UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'notifications.default.json'), true));
$ui->assign('_default', json_decode(file_get_contents($UPLOAD_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'notifications.default.json'), true));
case 'notifications-post':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
file_put_contents($UPLOAD_PATH . "/notifications.json", json_encode($_POST));
r2(U . 'settings/notifications', 's', Lang::T('Settings Saved Successfully'));
case 'dbstatus':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$dbc = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_password, $db_name);
if ($result = $dbc->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS')) {
$tables = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch_array()) {
$tables[$row['Name']]['rows'] = ORM::for_table($row["Name"])->count();
$tables[$row['Name']]['name'] = $row["Name"];
$ui->assign('tables', $tables);
run_hook('view_database'); #HOOK
case 'dbbackup':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
$tables = $_POST['tables'];
header('Pragma: public');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Type: application/download');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="phpnuxbill_' . count($tables) . '_tables_' . date('Y-m-d_H_i') . '.json"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
$array = [];
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$array[$table] = ORM::for_table($table)->find_array();
echo json_encode($array);
case 'dbrestore':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
if (file_exists($_FILES['json']['tmp_name'])) {
$suc = 0;
$fal = 0;
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($_FILES['json']['tmp_name']), true);
foreach ($json as $table => $records) {
ORM::raw_execute("TRUNCATE $table;");
foreach ($records as $rec) {
$t = ORM::for_table($table)->create();
foreach ($rec as $k => $v) {
if ($k != 'id') {
$t->set($k, $v);
if ($t->save()) {
} else {
if (file_exists($_FILES['json']['tmp_name'])) unlink($_FILES['json']['tmp_name']);
r2(U . "settings/dbstatus", 's', "Restored $suc success $fal failed");
} else {
r2(U . "settings/dbstatus", 'e', 'Upload failed');
case 'language':
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
_alert(Lang::T('You do not have permission to access this page'), 'danger', "dashboard");
run_hook('view_add_language'); #HOOK
if (file_exists($lan_file)) {
$ui->assign('langs', json_decode(file_get_contents($lan_file), true));
} else {
$ui->assign('langs', []);
case 'lang-post':
file_put_contents($lan_file, json_encode($_POST, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
r2(U . 'settings/language', 's', Lang::T('Translation saved Successfully'));