2023-10-05 16:55:44 +07:00

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* Standard Autoloader for PEAR2
* PEAR2_Autoload is the standard method of class loading for development and
* low-volume web sites using PEAR2 packages.
* PHP version 5
* @category PEAR2
* @package PEAR2_Autoload
* @author Gregory Beaver <>
* @author Brett Bieber <>
* @license New BSD License
* @version 0.3.0
* @link
namespace PEAR2;
if (!class_exists('\PEAR2\Autoload', false)) {
* Standard Autoloader for PEAR2
* PEAR2_Autoload is the standard method of class loading for development
* and low-volume web sites using PEAR2 packages.
* PHP version 5
* @category PEAR2
* @package PEAR2_Autoload
* @author Gregory Beaver <>
* @author Brett Bieber <>
* @license BSD
* New BSDLicense
* @link
class Autoload
* Used at {@link initialize()} to specify that the load function, path
* and map should be appended to the respective lists.
const APPEND = 0;
* Used at {@link initialize()} to specify that the load function should
* be prepended on the autoload stack, instead of being appended.
const PREPEND_LOAD = 1;
* Used at {@link initialize()} to specify that the path should be
* prepended on the list of paths, instead of being appended.
const PREPEND_PATH = 2;
* Used at {@link initialize()} to specify that the map should be
* prepended on the list of maps, instead of being appended.
const PREPEND_MAP = 4;
* Used at {@link initialize()} to specify that the load function, path
* and map should be prepended on their respective lists, instead of
* being appended.
const PREPEND = 7;
* Whether the autoload class has been spl_autoload_register-ed
* @var bool
protected static $registered = false;
* Array of PEAR2 autoload paths registered
* @var array
protected static $paths = array();
* Array of classname-to-file mapping
* @var array
protected static $map = array();
* Array of class maps loaded
* @var array
protected static $maps = array();
* Last classmap specified
* @var array
protected static $mapfile = null;
* Array of classes loaded automatically not in the map
* @var array
protected static $unmapped = array();
* Array of functions to be checked in exception traces.
* @var array
protected static $checkFunctions = array(
'class_exists', 'interface_exists'
* Initialize the PEAR2 autoloader
* @param string $path Directory path(s) to register.
* @param string $mapfile Path to a mapping file to register.
* @param int $flags A bitmaks with options for the autoloader.
* See the PREPEND(_*) constants for details.
* @return void
public static function initialize(
$mapfile = null,
$flags = self::APPEND
) {
self::register(0 !== $flags & self::PREPEND_LOAD);
self::addPath($path, 0 !== ($flags & self::PREPEND_PATH));
self::addMap($mapfile, 0 !== ($flags & self::PREPEND_MAP));
* Register the PEAR2 autoload class with spl_autoload_register
* @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the load function to the
* autoload stack instead of appending it.
* @return void
protected static function register($prepend = false)
if (!self::$registered) {
// set up __autoload
$autoload = spl_autoload_functions();
spl_autoload_register('PEAR2\Autoload::load', true, $prepend);
if (function_exists('__autoload') && ($autoload === false)) {
// __autoload() was being used, but now would be ignored,
// add it to the autoload stack
if (function_exists('trait_exists')) {
self::$checkFunctions[] = 'trait_exists';
self::$registered = true;
* Add a path
* @param string $paths The folder(s) to add to the set of paths.
* @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the path to the list of
* paths instead of appending it.
* @return void
protected static function addPath($paths, $prepend = false)
foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths) as $path) {
if (!in_array($path, self::$paths)) {
if ($prepend) {
self::$paths = array_merge(array($path), self::$paths);
} else {
self::$paths[] = $path;
* Add a classname-to-file map
* @param string $mapfile The filename of the classmap.
* @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the map to the list of maps
* instead of appending it.
* @return void
protected static function addMap($mapfile, $prepend = false)
if (!in_array($mapfile, self::$maps)) {
// keep track of specific map file loaded in this
// instance so we can update it if necessary
self::$mapfile = $mapfile;
if (is_file($mapfile)) {
$map = include $mapfile;
if (is_array($map)) {
// mapfile contains a valid map, so we'll keep it
if ($prepend) {
self::$maps = array_merge(
self::$map = array_merge($map, self::$map);
} else {
self::$maps[] = $mapfile;
self::$map = array_merge(self::$map, $map);
* Check if the class is already defined in a classmap
* @param string $class The class to look for
* @return bool
protected static function isMapped($class)
if (isset(self::$map[$class])) {
return true;
if (isset(self::$mapfile) && ! isset(self::$map[$class])) {
self::$unmapped[] = $class;
return false;
return false;
* Load a PEAR2 class
* @param string $class The class to load
* @return bool
public static function load($class)
// need to check if there's a current map file specified ALSO.
// this could be the first time writing it.
$mapped = self::isMapped($class);
if ($mapped && is_file(self::$map[$class])) {
include self::$map[$class];
if (!self::loadSuccessful($class)) {
// record this failure & keep going, we may still find it
self::$unmapped[] = $class;
} else {
return true;
$file = '';
$className = $class;
if (false !== $lastNsPos = strrpos($class, '\\')) {
$namespace = substr($class, 0, $lastNsPos);
$className = substr($class, $lastNsPos + 1);
$file = str_replace(
$file .= str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className) . '.php';
foreach (self::$paths as $path) {
if (is_file($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
include $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
if (!self::loadSuccessful($class)) {
if (count(spl_autoload_functions()) > 1) {
return false;
throw new \Exception(
'Class ' . $class . ' was not present in ' .
$path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file .
'") [PEAR2_Autoload-@PACKAGE_VERSION@]'
if (in_array($class, self::$unmapped)) {
return true;
if (count(spl_autoload_functions()) > 1) {
return false;
$e = new \Exception(
'Class ' . $class . ' could not be loaded from ' .
$file . ', file does not exist (registered paths="' .
implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, self::$paths) .
'") [PEAR2_Autoload-@PACKAGE_VERSION@]'
$trace = $e->getTrace();
if (isset($trace[2]) && isset($trace[2]['function'])
&& in_array($trace[2]['function'], self::$checkFunctions)
) {
return false;
if (isset($trace[1]) && isset($trace[1]['function'])
&& in_array($trace[1]['function'], self::$checkFunctions)
) {
return false;
throw $e;
* Check if the requested class was loaded from the specified path
* @param string $class The name of the class to check.
* @return bool
protected static function loadSuccessful($class)
return class_exists($class, false)
|| interface_exists($class, false)
|| (in_array('trait_exists', self::$checkFunctions, true)
&& trait_exists($class, false));
* If possible, update the classmap file with newly-discovered
* mapping.
* @param string $class Class name discovered
* @param string $origin File where class was found
* @return void
protected static function updateMap($class, $origin)
if (is_writable(self::$mapfile)
|| is_writable(dirname(self::$mapfile))
) {
self::$map[$class] = $origin;
. "// PEAR2\Autoload auto-generated classmap\n"
. "return " . var_export(self::$map, true) . ';',
* Return the array of paths PEAR2 autoload has registered
* @return array
public static function getPaths()
return self::$paths;