AGSTR 342fbe25a8
Update Radius.php
lokal ip dan profil expired pppoe
2024-08-21 21:31:27 +07:00

504 lines
21 KiB

* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* by
* This is Core, don't modification except you want to contribute
* better create new plugin
class Radius
// show Description
function description()
return [
'title' => 'Radius',
'description' => 'Radius system with Mysql/Mariadb as database',
'author' => 'ibnux',
'url' => [
'Github' => '',
'Telegram' => '',
'Donate' => ''
function add_customer($customer, $plan)
$p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')
->where('id', $plan['id'])
$date_only = date("Y-m-d");
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period') {
// if customer has attribute Expired Date use it
$day_exp = User::getAttribute("Expired Date", $customer['id']);
if (!$day_exp) {
// if customer no attribute Expired Date use plan expired date
$day_exp = 20;
if ($p['prepaid'] == 'no') {
$day_exp = $p['expired_date'];
if (empty($day_exp)) {
$day_exp = 20;
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Months') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' month'));
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period') {
$date_tmp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' month'));
$dt1 = new DateTime("$date_only");
$dt2 = new DateTime("$date_tmp");
$diff = $dt2->diff($dt1);
$sum = $diff->format("%a"); // => 453
if ($sum >= 35 * $p['validity']) {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime('+0 month'));
} else {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' month'));
$time = date("23:59:00");
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Days') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' day')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Hrs') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' hour')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Mins') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' minute')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
if ($p) {
$this->customerAddPlan($customer, $plan, $date_exp . ' ' . $time);
function remove_customer($customer, $plan)
if (!empty($plan['plan_expired'])) {
$p = ORM::for_table("tbl_plans")->find_one($plan['plan_expired']);
if ($p) {
$this->customerAddPlan($customer, $p);
} else {
$this->customerDeactivate($customer['username'], true);
public function change_username($plan, $from, $to)
$c = $this->getTableCustomer()->where_equal('username', $from)->findMany();
if ($c) {
foreach ($c as $u) {
$u->username = $to;
$c = $this->getTableUserPackage()->where_equal('username', $from)->findMany();
if ($c) {
foreach ($c as $u) {
$u->username = $to;
function add_plan($plan)
$bw = ORM::for_table("tbl_bandwidth")->find_one($plan['id_bw']);
if ($bw['rate_down_unit'] == 'Kbps') {
$unitdown = 'K';
} else {
$unitdown = 'M';
if ($bw['rate_up_unit'] == 'Kbps') {
$unitup = 'K';
} else {
$unitup = 'M';
$rate = $bw['rate_up'] . $unitup . "/" . $bw['rate_down'] . $unitdown;
$rates = explode('/', $rate);
// cek jika punya burst
if (!empty(trim($bw['burst']))) {
$ratos = $rate . ' ' . $bw['burst'];
} else {
$ratos = $rates[0] . '/' . $rates[1];
$this->upsertPackage($plan['id'], 'Ascend-Data-Rate', $this->stringToInteger($rates[1]), ':=');
$this->upsertPackage($plan['id'], 'Ascend-Xmit-Rate', $this->stringToInteger($rates[1]), ':=');
$this->upsertPackage($plan['id'], 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', $ratos, ':=');
function stringToInteger($str)
return str_replace('G', '000000000', str_replace('M', '000000', str_replace('K', '000', $str)));
function update_plan($old_name, $plan)
function remove_plan($plan)
// Delete Plan
$this->getTablePackage()->where_equal('plan_id', $plan['id'])->delete_many();
// Reset User Plan
$c = $this->getTableUserPackage()->where_equal('groupname', "plan_" . $plan['id'])->findMany();
if ($c) {
foreach ($c as $u) {
$u->groupname = '';
function online_customer($customer, $router_name)
function connect_customer($customer, $ip, $mac_address, $router_name)
function disconnect_customer($customer, $router_name)
public function getTableNas()
return ORM::for_table('nas', 'radius');
public function getTableAcct()
return ORM::for_table('radacct', 'radius');
public function getTableCustomer()
return ORM::for_table('radcheck', 'radius');
public function getTableCustomerAttr()
return ORM::for_table('radreply', 'radius');
public function getTablePackage()
return ORM::for_table('radgroupreply', 'radius');
public function getTableUserPackage()
return ORM::for_table('radusergroup', 'radius');
public function nasAdd($name, $ip, $ports, $secret, $routers = "", $description = "", $type = 'other', $server = null, $community = null)
$n = $this->getTableNas()->create();
$n->nasname = $ip;
$n->shortname = $name;
$n->type = $type;
$n->ports = $ports;
$n->secret = $secret;
$n->description = $description;
$n->server = $server;
$n->community = $community;
$n->routers = $routers;
return $n->id();
public function nasUpdate($id, $name, $ip, $ports, $secret, $routers = "", $description = "", $type = 'other', $server = null, $community = null)
$n = $this->getTableNas()->find_one($id);
if (empty($n)) {
return false;
$n->nasname = $ip;
$n->shortname = $name;
$n->type = $type;
$n->ports = $ports;
$n->secret = $secret;
$n->description = $description;
$n->server = $server;
$n->community = $community;
$n->routers = $routers;
return $n->save();
public function customerDeactivate($username, $radiusDisconnect = true)
{ {
global $radius_pass;
$r = $this->getTableCustomer()->where_equal('username', $username)->whereEqual('attribute', 'Cleartext-Password')->findOne();
if ($r) {
// no need to delete, because it will make ID got higher
// we just change the password
$r->value = md5(time() . $username . $radius_pass);
if ($radiusDisconnect)
return $this->disconnectCustomer($username);
return '';
public function customerDelete($username)
$this->getTableCustomer()->where_equal('username', $username)->delete_many();
$this->getTableUserPackage()->where_equal('username', $username)->delete_many();
$this->getTableCustomerAttr()->where_equal('username', $username)->delete_many();
* When add a plan to Customer, use this
public function customerAddPlan($customer, $plan, $expired = '')
global $config;
if ($this->customerUpsert($customer, $plan)) {
$p = $this->getTableUserPackage()->where_equal('username', $customer['username'])->findOne();
if ($p) {
// if exists
// session timeout [it reset everyday, am still making my research] we can use it for something like 1H/Day - since it reset daily, and Max-All-Session clear everything
//$this->delAtribute($customer['username'], 'Session-Timeout', 3600); // 3600 = 1 hour
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Max-All-Session', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Max-Data', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'WISPr-Session-Terminate-Time', 'username', $customer['username']);
//$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Ascend-Data-Rate', 'username', $customer['username']);
//we are removing the below in the next two updates, some users may have that attribute, it will remove them before we remove it
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'access-period', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Max-Volume', 'username', $customer['username']);
$p->groupname = "plan_" . $plan['id'];
} else {
$p = $this->getTableUserPackage()->create();
$p->username = $customer['username'];
$p->groupname = "plan_" . $plan['id'];
$p->priority = 1;
$this->addBandwidth($customer, $plan);
if ($plan['type'] == 'Hotspot' && $plan['typebp'] == "Limited") {
if ($plan['limit_type'] == "Time_Limit") {
if ($plan['time_unit'] == 'Hrs')
$timelimit = $plan['time_limit'] * 60 * 60;
$timelimit = $plan['time_limit'] * 60;
// session timeout [it reset everyday, am still making my research] we can use it for something like 1H/Day - since it reset daily, and Max-All-Session clear everything
//$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Session-Timeout', 3600); // 3600 = 1 hour
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Max-All-Session', $timelimit);
} else if ($plan['limit_type'] == "Data_Limit") {
if ($plan['data_unit'] == 'GB')
$datalimit = $plan['data_limit'] . "000000000";
$datalimit = $plan['data_limit'] . "000000";
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Max-Data', $datalimit);
} else if ($plan['limit_type'] == "Both_Limit") {
if ($plan['time_unit'] == 'Hrs')
$timelimit = $plan['time_limit'] * 60 * 60;
$timelimit = $plan['time_limit'] * 60;
// session timeout [it reset everyday, am still making my research] we can use it for something like 1H/Day - since it reset daily, and Max-All-Session clear everything
//$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Session-Timeout', 3600); // 3600 = 1 hour
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Max-All-Session', $timelimit);
if ($plan['data_unit'] == 'GB')
$datalimit = $plan['data_limit'] . "000000000";
$datalimit = $plan['data_limit'] . "000000";
// Mikrotik Spesific
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Max-Data', $datalimit);
} else {
// session timeout [it reset everyday, am still making my research] we can use it for something like 1H/Day - since it reset daily, and Max-All-Session clear everything
//$this->delAtribute($customer['username'], 'Session-Timeout', 3600); // 3600 = 1 hour
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Max-All-Session', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Max-Data', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'WISPr-Session-Terminate-Time', 'username', $customer['username']);
//we are removing the below in the next two updates, some users may have that attribute, it will remove them before we remove it
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'access-period', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Max-Volume', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->getTableAcct()->where_equal('username', $customer['username'])->delete_many();
// expired user
if ($expired != '') {
//extend session time only if the plan are the same
if ($plan['plan_id'] == $p['plan_id'] && $config['extend_expiry'] != 'no') {
// session timeout [it reset everyday, am still making my research] we can use it for something like 1H/Day - since it reset daily, and Max-All-Session clear everything
//$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Session-Timeout', 3600); // 3600 = 1 hour
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Max-All-Session', strtotime($expired) - time());
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Expiration', date('d M Y H:i:s', strtotime($expired)));
// Mikrotik Spesific
date('Y-m-d', strtotime($expired)) . 'T' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($expired)) . Timezone::getTimeOffset($config['timezone'])
} else {
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Max-All-Session', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Expiration', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', 'username', $customer['username']);
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'WISPr-Session-Terminate-Time', 'username', $customer['username']);
//we are removing the below in the next two updates, some users may have that attribute, it will remove them before we remove it
$this->delAtribute($this->getTableCustomer(), 'access-period', 'username', $customer['username']);
if ($plan['type'] == 'PPPOE') {
if (!empty($customer['pppoe_ip']) && $expired != '') {
$this->upsertCustomerAttr($customer['username'], 'Framed-Pool', $plan['pool'], ':=');
$this->upsertCustomerAttr($customer['username'], 'Framed-IP-Address', $customer['pppoe_ip'], ':=');
$this->upsertCustomerAttr($customer['username'], 'Framed-IP-Netmask', '', ':=');
$this->upsertCustomerAttr($customer['username'], 'Framed-Pool', $plan['pool'], ':=');
$this->upsertCustomerAttr($customer['username'], 'Framed-IP-Address', '', ':=');
$this->upsertCustomerAttr($customer['username'], 'Framed-IP-Netmask', '', ':=');
return true;
return false;
public function customerUpsert($customer, $plan) //Update or Insert customer plan
if ($plan['type'] == 'PPPOE') {
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Cleartext-Password', (empty($customer['pppoe_password'])) ? $customer['password'] : $customer['pppoe_password']);
} else {
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Cleartext-Password', $customer['password']);
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Simultaneous-Use', ($plan['type'] == 'PPPOE') ? 1 : $plan['shared_users']);
// Mikrotik Spesific
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Port-Limit', ($plan['type'] == 'PPPOE') ? 1 : $plan['shared_users']);
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Mikrotik-Wireless-Comment', $customer['fullname']);
return true;
private function delAtribute($table, $attribute, $key, $value)
$r = $table->where_equal($key, $value)->whereEqual('attribute', $attribute)->findOne();
if ($r) $r->delete();
* To insert or update existing plan
private function upsertPackage($plan_id, $attr, $value, $op = ':=')
$r = $this->getTablePackage()->where_equal('plan_id', $plan_id)->whereEqual('attribute', $attr)->find_one();
if (!$r) {
$r = $this->getTablePackage()->create();
$r->groupname = "plan_" . $plan_id;
$r->plan_id = $plan_id;
$r->attribute = $attr;
$r->op = $op;
$r->value = $value;
return $r->save();
* To insert or update existing customer
public function upsertCustomer($username, $attr, $value, $op = ':=')
$r = $this->getTableCustomer()->where_equal('username', $username)->whereEqual('attribute', $attr)->find_one();
if (!$r) {
$r = $this->getTableCustomer()->create();
$r->username = $username;
$r->attribute = $attr;
$r->op = $op;
$r->value = $value;
return true;
* To insert or update existing customer Attribute
public function upsertCustomerAttr($username, $attr, $value, $op = ':=')
$r = $this->getTableCustomerAttr()->where_equal('username', $username)->whereEqual('attribute', $attr)->find_one();
if (!$r) {
$r = $this->getTableCustomerAttr()->create();
$r->username = $username;
$r->attribute = $attr;
$r->op = $op;
$r->value = $value;
return $r->save();
public function disconnectCustomer($username)
global $_app_stage;
if ($_app_stage == 'demo') {
return null;
* Fix loop to all Nas but still detecting Hotspot Multylogin from other Nas
$act = ORM::for_table('radacct')->where_raw("acctstoptime IS NULL")->where('username', $username)->find_one();
$nas = $this->getTableNas()->where('nasname', $act['nasipaddress'])->find_many();
$count = count($nas) * 15;
$result = [];
foreach ($nas as $n) {
$port = 3799;
if (!empty($n['ports'])) {
$port = $n['ports'];
$result[] = $n['nasname'] . ': ' . @shell_exec("echo 'User-Name = $username,Framed-IP-Address = " . $act['framedipaddress'] . "' | radclient -x " . trim($n['nasname']) . ":$port disconnect '" . $n['secret'] . "'");
return $result;
public function addBandwidth($customer, $plan)
$bw = ORM::for_table("tbl_bandwidth")->find_one($plan['id_bw']);
$unitdown = ($bw['rate_down_unit'] == 'Kbps') ? 'K' : 'M';
$unitup = ($bw['rate_up_unit'] == 'Kbps') ? 'K' : 'M';
// TODO Burst mode [ 2M/1M 256K/128K 128K/64K 1s 1 64K/32K]
if (!empty(trim($bw['burst']))) {
// burst format: 2M/1M 256K/128K 128K/64K 1s 1 64K/32K
$pattern = '/(\d+[KM])\/(\d+[KM]) (\d+[KM])\/(\d+[KM]) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+[KM])\/(\d+[KM])/';
preg_match($pattern, $bw['burst'], $matches);
if (count($matches) == 9) {
$burst = $bw['rate_up'] . $unitup . "/" . $bw['rate_down'] . $unitdown . ' ' . $matches[1] . '/' . $matches[2] . ' ' . $matches[3] . '/' . $matches[4] . ' ' . $matches[5] . ' ' . $matches[6] . ' ' . $matches[7] . '/' . $matches[8];
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', $burst);
} else {
_log("Unexpected burst format for customer " . $customer['username']);
} else {
//$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Ascend-Data-Rate', $this->stringToInteger($bw['rate_up'] . $unitup) . "/" . $this->stringToInteger($bw['rate_down'] . $unitdown));
$this->upsertCustomer($customer['username'], 'Mikrotik-Rate-Limit', $bw['rate_up'] . $unitup . "/" . $bw['rate_down'] . $unitdown);
return true;