mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 07:56:01 +08:00
345 lines
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345 lines
16 KiB
* PHP Mikrotik Billing (https://github.com/hotspotbilling/phpnuxbill/)
* by https://t.me/ibnux
$action = $routes['1'];
$user = User::_info();
$ui->assign('_user', $user);
switch ($action) {
case 'voucher':
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'voucher');
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Order Voucher'));
run_hook('customer_view_order'); #HOOK
case 'history':
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'history');
$paginator = Paginator::build(ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway'),['username'=>$user['username']]);
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')
->where('username', $user['username'])
$ui->assign('paginator', $paginator);
$ui->assign('d', $d);
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Order History'));
run_hook('customer_view_order_history'); #HOOK
case 'balance':
if (strpos($user['email'], '@') === false) {
r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 'e', Lang::T("Please enter your email address"));
$ui->assign('_title', 'Top Up');
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'balance');
$plans_balance = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('type', 'Balance')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
$ui->assign('plans_balance', $plans_balance);
case 'package':
if (strpos($user['email'], '@') === false) {
r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 'e', Lang::T("Please enter your email address"));
$ui->assign('_title', 'Order Plan');
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'package');
if (!empty($_SESSION['nux-router'])) {
if ($_SESSION['nux-router'] == 'radius') {
$radius_pppoe = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('is_radius', 1)->where('type', 'PPPOE')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
$radius_hotspot = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('is_radius', 1)->where('type', 'Hotspot')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
} else {
$routers = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->where('id', $_SESSION['nux-router'])->find_many();
$rs = [];
foreach ($routers as $r) {
$rs[] = $r['name'];
$plans_pppoe = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where_in('routers', $rs)->where('is_radius', 0)->where('type', 'PPPOE')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
$plans_hotspot = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where_in('routers', $rs)->where('is_radius', 0)->where('type', 'Hotspot')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
} else {
$radius_pppoe = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('is_radius', 1)->where('type', 'PPPOE')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
$radius_hotspot = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('is_radius', 1)->where('type', 'Hotspot')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
$routers = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->find_many();
$plans_pppoe = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('is_radius', 0)->where('type', 'PPPOE')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
$plans_hotspot = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('is_radius', 0)->where('type', 'Hotspot')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_many();
$ui->assign('routers', $routers);
$ui->assign('radius_pppoe', $radius_pppoe);
$ui->assign('radius_hotspot', $radius_hotspot);
$ui->assign('plans_pppoe', $plans_pppoe);
$ui->assign('plans_hotspot', $plans_hotspot);
run_hook('customer_view_order_plan'); #HOOK
case 'unpaid':
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')
->where('username', $user['username'])
->where('status', 1)
r_find_unpaid'); #HOOK
if ($d) {
if (empty($d['pg_url_payment'])) {
r2(U . "order/buy/" . $trx['routers_id'] . '/' . $trx['plan_id'], 'w', Lang::T("Checking payment"));
} else {
r2(U . "order/view/" . $d['id'] . '/check/', 's', Lang::T("You have unpaid transaction"));
} else {
r2(U . "order/package/", 's', Lang::T("You have no unpaid transaction"));
case 'view':
$trxid = $routes['2'];
$trx = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')
->where('username', $user['username'])
run_hook('customer_view_payment'); #HOOK
// jika tidak ditemukan, berarti punya orang lain
if (empty($trx)) {
r2(U . "order/package", 'w', Lang::T("Payment not found"));
// jika url kosong, balikin ke buy
if (empty($trx['pg_url_payment'])) {
r2(U . "order/buy/" . (($trx['routers_id'] == 0) ? $trx['routers'] : $trx['routers_id']) . '/' . $trx['plan_id'], 'w', Lang::T("Checking payment"));
if ($routes['3'] == 'check') {
if (!file_exists('system/paymentgateway/' . $trx['gateway'] . '.php')) {
r2(U . 'order/view/' . $trxid, 'e', Lang::T("No Payment Gateway Available"));
run_hook('customer_check_payment_status'); #HOOK
include 'system/paymentgateway/' . $trx['gateway'] . '.php';
call_user_func($trx['gateway'] . '_validate_config');
call_user_func($config['payment_gateway'] . '_get_status', $trx, $user);
} else if ($routes['3'] == 'cancel') {
run_hook('customer_cancel_payment'); #HOOK
$trx->pg_paid_response = '{}';
$trx->status = 4;
$trx->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$trx = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')
->where('username', $user['username'])
if ('midtrans' == $trx['gateway']) {
//Hapus invoice link
if (empty($trx)) {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Transaction Not found"));
$router = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->find_one($trx['routers_id']);
$plan = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->find_one($trx['plan_id']);
$bandw = ORM::for_table('tbl_bandwidth')->find_one($plan['id_bw']);
$ui->assign('trx', $trx);
$ui->assign('router', $router);
$ui->assign('plan', $plan);
$ui->assign('bandw', $bandw);
$ui->assign('_title', 'TRX #' . $trxid);
case 'pay':
if ($_c['enable_balance'] != 'yes' && $config['allow_balance_transfer'] != 'yes') {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Balance not enabled"));
$plan = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->find_one($routes['3']);
if (empty($plan)) {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Plan Not found"));
r2(U . "home", 'e', 'Plan is not exists');
if($plan['allow_purchase'] != 'yes'){
r2(U . "home", 'e', 'Cannot recharge this plan');
if ($routes['2'] == 'radius') {
$router_name = 'radius';
} else {
$router_name = $plan['routers'];
if ($plan && $plan['enabled'] && $user['balance'] >= $plan['price']) {
if (Package::rechargeUser($user['id'], $router_name, $plan['id'], 'Customer', 'Balance')) {
// if success, then get the balance
Balance::min($user['id'], $plan['price']);
r2(U . "home", 's', Lang::T("Success to buy package"));
} else {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Failed to buy package"));
Message::sendTelegram("Buy Package with Balance Failed\n\n#u$c[username] #buy \n" . $plan['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nPrice: " . $p['price']);
} else {
r2(U . "home", 'e', 'Plan is not exists');
case 'send':
if ($_c['enable_balance'] != 'yes') {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Balance not enabled"));
$ui->assign('_title', Lang::T('Buy for friend'));
$ui->assign('_system_menu', 'package');
$plan = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->find_one($routes['3']);
if (empty($plan)) {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Plan Not found"));
r2(U . "home", 'e', 'Plan is not exists');
if($plan['allow_purchase'] != 'yes'){
r2(U . "home", 'e', 'Cannot recharge this plan');
if ($routes['2'] == 'radius') {
$router_name = 'radius';
} else {
$router_name = $plan['routers'];
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'plan') {
$target = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', _post('username'))->find_one();
if (!$target) {
r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('Username not found'));
if ($user['balance'] < $plan['price']) {
r2(U . 'home', 'd', Lang::T('insufficient balance'));
if ($user['username'] == $target['username']) {
r2(U . "order/pay/$routes[2]/$routes[3]", 's', '^_^ v');
$active = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')
->where('username', _post('username'))
->where('status', 'on')
if ($active && $active['plan_id'] != $plan['id']) {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Target has active plan, different with current plant.") . " [ <b>$active[namebp]</b> ]");
if (Package::rechargeUser($target['id'], $router_name, $plan['id'], $user['fullname'], 'Balance')) {
// if success, then get the balance
Balance::min($user['id'], $plan['price']);
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->create();
$d->username = $user['username'];
$d->gateway = $target['username'];
$d->plan_id = $plan['id'];
$d->plan_name = $plan['name_plan'];
$d->routers_id = $routes['2'];
$d->routers = $router_name;
$d->price = $plan['price'];
$d->payment_method = "Balance";
$d->payment_channel = "Send Plan";
$d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->expired_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->pg_url_payment = 'balance';
$d->status = 2;
$trx_id = $d->id();
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->create();
$d->username = $target['username'];
$d->gateway = $user['username'];
$d->plan_id = $plan['id'];
$d->plan_name = $plan['name_plan'];
$d->routers_id = $routes['2'];
$d->routers = $router_name;
$d->price = $plan['price'];
$d->payment_method = "Balance";
$d->payment_channel = "Received Plan";
$d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->expired_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->pg_url_payment = 'balance';
$d->status = 2;
r2(U . "order/view/$trx_id", 's', Lang::T("Success to send package"));
} else {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Failed to Send package"));
Message::sendTelegram("Send Package with Balance Failed\n\n#u$user[username] #send \n" . $plan['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nPrice: " . $plan['price']);
$ui->assign('username', $_GET['u']);
$ui->assign('router', $router_name);
$ui->assign('plan', $plan);
case 'buy':
if (strpos($user['email'], '@') === false) {
r2(U . 'accounts/profile', 'e', Lang::T("Please enter your email address"));
if ($config['payment_gateway'] == 'none') {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', Lang::T("No Payment Gateway Available"));
if (!file_exists('system/paymentgateway/' . $config['payment_gateway'] . '.php')) {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', Lang::T("No Payment Gateway Available"));
run_hook('customer_buy_plan'); #HOOK
include 'system/paymentgateway/' . $config['payment_gateway'] . '.php';
call_user_func($config['payment_gateway'] . '_validate_config');
if ($routes['2'] == 'radius') {
$router['id'] = 0;
$router['name'] = 'radius';
} else if ($routes['2'] > 0) {
$router = ORM::for_table('tbl_routers')->where('enabled', '1')->find_one($routes['2']);
} else {
$router['id'] = 0;
$router['name'] = 'balance';
$plan = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('enabled', '1')->where('allow_purchase', 'yes')->find_one($routes['3']);
if (empty($router) || empty($plan)) {
r2(U . "order/package", 'e', Lang::T("Plan Not found"));
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')
->where('username', $user['username'])
->where('status', 1)
if ($d) {
if ($d['pg_url_payment']) {
r2(U . "order/view/" . $d['id'], 'w', Lang::T("You already have unpaid transaction, cancel it or pay it."));
} else {
if ($config['payment_gateway'] == $d['gateway']) {
$id = $d['id'];
} else {
$d->status = 4;
if (empty($id)) {
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->create();
$d->username = $user['username'];
$d->gateway = $config['payment_gateway'];
$d->plan_id = $plan['id'];
$d->plan_name = $plan['name_plan'];
$d->routers_id = $router['id'];
$d->routers = $router['name'];
$d->price = $plan['price'];
$d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->status = 1;
$id = $d->id();
} else {
$d->username = $user['username'];
$d->gateway = $config['payment_gateway'];
$d->plan_id = $plan['id'];
$d->plan_name = $plan['name_plan'];
$d->routers_id = $router['id'];
$d->routers = $router['name'];
$d->price = $plan['price'];
$d->created_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$d->status = 1;
if (!$id) {
r2(U . "order/package/" . $d['id'], 'e', Lang::T("Failed to create Transaction.."));
} else {
call_user_func($config['payment_gateway'] . '_create_transaction', $d, $user);
r2(U . "order/package/", 's', '');