2024-03-14 14:42:20 +07:00

734 lines
33 KiB

* PHP Mikrotik Billing (
* by
class Package
* @param int $id_customer String user identifier
* @param string $router_name router name for this package
* @param int $plan_id plan id for this package
* @param string $gateway payment gateway name
* @param string $channel channel payment gateway
* @return boolean
public static function rechargeUser($id_customer, $router_name, $plan_id, $gateway, $channel, $note = '')
global $config, $admin, $c, $p, $b, $t, $d, $zero;
$date_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$date_only = date("Y-m-d");
$time_only = date("H:i:s");
$time = date("H:i:s");
if ($id_customer == '' or $router_name == '' or $plan_id == '') {
return false;
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('id', $id_customer)->find_one();
$p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('id', $plan_id)->find_one();
// Additional cost
$add_cost = 0;
$add_rem = User::getAttribute("Additional Remaining", $id_customer);
// if empty then it doesnt have cycle, if zero then it finish
if ($add_rem != 0) {
$add_cost = User::getAttribute("Additional Cost", $id_customer);
if (empty($add_cost)) {
$add_cost = 0;
if ($add_cost > 0 && $router_name != 'balance') {
$bills = User::getAttributes("Bill", $id_customer);
foreach ($bills as $k => $v) {
$note .= $k . " : " . Lang::moneyFormat($v) . "\n";
// Zero cost recharge
if (isset($zero) && $zero == 1) {
$p['price'] = 0;
$add_cost = 0;
if (!$p['enabled']) {
if (!isset($admin) || !isset($admin['id']) || empty($admin['id'])) {
r2(U . 'home', 'e', Lang::T('Plan Not found'));
if (!in_array($admin['user_type'], ['SuperAdmin', 'Admin'])) {
r2(U . 'dashboard', 'e', Lang::T('Plan Not found'));
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period') {
$day_exp = User::getAttribute("Expired Date", $c['id']); //ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->where('field_name', 'Expired Date')->where('customer_id', $c['id'])->find_one();
if (!$day_exp) {
$day_exp = 20;
// $day_exp = date('d', strtotime($c['created_at']));
// if (empty($day_exp) || $day_exp > 28) {
// $day_exp = 1;
// }
$f = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->create();
$f->customer_id = $c['id'];
$f->field_name = 'Expired Date';
$f->field_value = $day_exp;
if ($router_name == 'balance') {
// insert table transactions
$inv = "INV-" . Package::_raid();
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = $inv;
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
$t->price = $p['price'];
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->recharged_time = date("H:i:s");
$t->expiration = $date_only;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->type = "Balance";
if ($admin) {
$t->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$t->admin_id = '0';
$balance_before = $c['balance'];
Balance::plus($id_customer, $p['price']);
$balance = $c['balance'] + $p['price'];
$textInvoice = Lang::getNotifText('invoice_balance');
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[company_name]]', $config['CompanyName'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[address]]', $config['address'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[phone]]', $config['phone'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[invoice]]', $inv, $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[date]]', Lang::dateTimeFormat($date_now), $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[payment_gateway]]', $gateway, $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[payment_channel]]', $channel, $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[type]]', 'Balance', $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[plan_name]]', $p['name_plan'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[plan_price]]', Lang::moneyFormat($p['price']), $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[name]]', $c['fullname'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[user_name]]', $c['username'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[user_password]]', $c['password'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[footer]]', $config['note'], $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[balance_before]]', Lang::moneyFormat($balance_before), $textInvoice);
$textInvoice = str_replace('[[balance]]', Lang::moneyFormat($balance), $textInvoice);
if ($config['user_notification_payment'] == 'sms') {
Message::sendSMS($c['phonenumber'], $textInvoice);
} else if ($config['user_notification_payment'] == 'wa') {
Message::sendWhatsapp($c['phonenumber'], $textInvoice);
return true;
* 1 Customer only can have 1 PPPOE and 1 Hotspot Plan, 1 prepaid and 1 postpaid
$b = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')
->select('', 'id')
->select('tbl_user_recharges.routers', 'routers')
->select('tbl_user_recharges.type', 'type')
->where('customer_id', $id_customer)
->where('tbl_user_recharges.routers', $router_name)
->where('tbl_user_recharges.Type', $p['type'])
->where('prepaid', $p['prepaid'])
->join('tbl_plans', array('', '=', 'tbl_user_recharges.plan_id'))
$mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($router_name);
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Months') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' month'));
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period') {
$date_tmp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' month'));
$dt1 = new DateTime("$date_only");
$dt2 = new DateTime("$date_tmp");
$diff = $dt2->diff($dt1);
$sum = $diff->format("%a"); // => 453
if ($sum >= 35) {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime('+0 month'));
} else {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' month'));
$time = date("23:59:00");
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Days') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' day'));
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Hrs') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' hour')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Mins') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+' . $p['validity'] . ' minute')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
if ($p['type'] == 'Hotspot') {
if ($b) {
if ($b['namebp'] == $p['name_plan'] && $b['status'] == 'on') {
// if it same internet plan, expired will extend
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Months') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' months'));
$time = $b['time'];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' months'));
$time = date("23:59:00");
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Days') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' days'));
$time = $b['time'];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Hrs') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' ' . $b['time'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' hours')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Mins') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' ' . $b['time'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' minutes')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p, "$date_exp $time");
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotActiveUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::addHotspotUser($client, $p, $c);
$b->customer_id = $id_customer;
$b->username = $c['username'];
$b->plan_id = $plan_id;
$b->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$b->recharged_on = $date_only;
$b->recharged_time = $time_only;
$b->expiration = $date_exp;
$b->time = $time;
$b->status = "on";
$b->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$b->routers = $router_name;
$b->type = "Hotspot";
if ($admin) {
$b->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$b->admin_id = '0';
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . Package::_raid();
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
$t->price = $p['price'] + $add_cost;
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->recharged_time = $time_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->note = $note;
$t->type = "Hotspot";
if ($admin) {
$t->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$t->admin_id = '0';
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period') {
// insert to fields
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->where('field_name', 'Invoice')->where('customer_id', $c['id'])->find_one();
if (!$fl) {
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->create();
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_name = 'Invoice';
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
} else {
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
Message::sendTelegram("#u$c[username] $c[fullname] #recharge #Hotspot \n" . $p['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nGateway: " . $gateway .
"\nChannel: " . $channel .
"\nPrice: " . Lang::moneyFormat($p['price']));
} else {
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p, "$date_exp $time");
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotActiveUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::addHotspotUser($client, $p, $c);
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->create();
$d->customer_id = $id_customer;
$d->username = $c['username'];
$d->plan_id = $plan_id;
$d->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$d->recharged_on = $date_only;
$d->recharged_time = $time_only;
$d->expiration = $date_exp;
$d->time = $time;
$d->status = "on";
$d->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$d->routers = $router_name;
$d->type = "Hotspot";
if ($admin) {
$d->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$d->admin_id = '0';
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . Package::_raid();
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period' && $p['price'] != 0) {
// Calculating Price
$sd = new DateTime("$date_only");
$ed = new DateTime("$date_exp");
$td = $ed->diff($sd);
$fd = $td->format("%a");
$gi = ($p['price'] / 30) * $fd;
if ($gi > $p['price']) {
$t->price = $p['price'] + $add_cost;
} else {
$t->price = $gi + $add_cost;
} else {
$t->price = $p['price'] + $add_cost;
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->recharged_time = $time_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->note = $note;
$t->type = "Hotspot";
if ($admin) {
$t->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$t->admin_id = '0';
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period' && $p['price'] != 0) {
// insert to fields
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->where('field_name', 'Invoice')->where('customer_id', $c['id'])->find_one();
if (!$fl) {
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->create();
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_name = 'Invoice';
if ($gi > $p['price']) {
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
} else {
$fl->field_value = $gi;
} else {
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
Message::sendTelegram("#u$c[username] $c[fullname] #buy #Hotspot \n" . $p['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nGateway: " . $gateway .
"\nChannel: " . $channel .
"\nPrice: " . Lang::moneyFormat($p['price']));
} else {
if ($b) {
if ($b['namebp'] == $p['name_plan'] && $b['status'] == 'on') {
// if it same internet plan, expired will extend
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Months') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' months'));
$time = $b['time'];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-$day_exp", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' months'));
$time = date("23:59:00");
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Days') {
$date_exp = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' days'));
$time = $b['time'];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Hrs') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' ' . $b['time'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' hours')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
} else if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Mins') {
$datetime = explode(' ', date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($b['expiration'] . ' ' . $b['time'] . ' +' . $p['validity'] . ' minutes')));
$date_exp = $datetime[0];
$time = $datetime[1];
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p, "$date_exp $time");
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeActive($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::addPpoeUser($client, $p, $c);
$b->customer_id = $id_customer;
$b->username = $c['username'];
$b->plan_id = $plan_id;
$b->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$b->recharged_on = $date_only;
$b->recharged_time = $time_only;
$b->expiration = $date_exp;
$b->time = $time;
$b->status = "on";
$b->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$b->routers = $router_name;
$b->type = "PPPOE";
if ($admin) {
$b->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$b->admin_id = '0';
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . Package::_raid();
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
$t->price = $p['price'] + $add_cost;
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->recharged_time = $time_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->routers = $router_name;
$t->note = $note;
$t->type = "PPPOE";
if ($admin) {
$t->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$t->admin_id = '0';
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period' && $p['price'] != 0) {
// insert to fields
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->where('field_name', 'Invoice')->where('customer_id', $c['id'])->find_one();
if (!$fl) {
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->create();
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_name = 'Invoice';
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
} else {
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
Message::sendTelegram("#u$c[username] $c[fullname] #recharge #PPPOE \n" . $p['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nGateway: " . $gateway .
"\nChannel: " . $channel .
"\nPrice: " . Lang::moneyFormat($p['price']));
} else {
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p, "$date_exp $time");
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeActive($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::addPpoeUser($client, $p, $c);
$d = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->create();
$d->customer_id = $id_customer;
$d->username = $c['username'];
$d->plan_id = $plan_id;
$d->namebp = $p['name_plan'];
$d->recharged_on = $date_only;
$d->recharged_time = $time_only;
$d->expiration = $date_exp;
$d->time = $time;
$d->status = "on";
$d->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$d->routers = $router_name;
$d->type = "PPPOE";
if ($admin) {
$d->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$d->admin_id = '0';
// insert table transactions
$t = ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->create();
$t->invoice = "INV-" . Package::_raid();
$t->username = $c['username'];
$t->plan_name = $p['name_plan'];
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period' && $p['price'] != 0) {
// Calculating Price
$sd = new DateTime("$date_only");
$ed = new DateTime("$date_exp");
$td = $ed->diff($sd);
$fd = $td->format("%a");
$gi = ($p['price'] / 30) * $fd;
if ($gi > $p['price']) {
$t->price = $p['price'] + $add_cost;
} else {
$t->price = $gi + $add_cost;
} else {
$t->price = $p['price'] + $add_cost;
$t->recharged_on = $date_only;
$t->recharged_time = $time_only;
$t->expiration = $date_exp;
$t->time = $time;
$t->method = "$gateway - $channel";
$t->note = $note;
$t->routers = $router_name;
if ($admin) {
$t->admin_id = ($admin['id']) ? $admin['id'] : '0';
} else {
$t->admin_id = '0';
$t->type = "PPPOE";
if ($p['validity_unit'] == 'Period' && $p['price'] != 0) {
// insert to fields
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->where('field_name', 'Invoice')->where('customer_id', $c['id'])->find_one();
if (!$fl) {
$fl = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers_fields')->create();
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_name = 'Invoice';
if ($gi > $p['price']) {
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
} else {
$fl->field_value = $gi;
} else {
$fl->customer_id = $c['id'];
$fl->field_value = $p['price'];
Message::sendTelegram("#u$c[username] $c[fullname] #buy #PPPOE \n" . $p['name_plan'] .
"\nRouter: " . $router_name .
"\nGateway: " . $gateway .
"\nChannel: " . $channel .
"\nPrice: " . Lang::moneyFormat($p['price']));
if ($add_rem > 0) {
User::setAttribute('Additional Remaining', ($add_rem - 1), $id_customer);
Message::sendInvoice($c, $t);
return true;
public static function changeTo($username, $plan_id, $from_id)
$c = ORM::for_table('tbl_customers')->where('username', $username)->find_one();
$p = ORM::for_table('tbl_plans')->where('id', $plan_id)->find_one();
$b = ORM::for_table('tbl_user_recharges')->find_one($from_id);
if ($p['routers'] == $b['routers'] && $b['routers'] != 'radius') {
$mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($p['routers']);
} else {
$mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($b['routers']);
// delete first
if ($p['type'] == 'Hotspot') {
if ($b) {
if (!$p['is_radius']) {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotActiveUser($client, $c['username']);
} else {
if (!$p['is_radius']) {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removeHotspotActiveUser($client, $c['username']);
} else {
if ($b) {
if (!$p['is_radius']) {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeActive($client, $c['username']);
} else {
if (!$p['is_radius']) {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeUser($client, $c['username']);
Mikrotik::removePpoeActive($client, $c['username']);
// call the next mikrotik
if ($p['routers'] != $b['routers'] && $p['routers'] != 'radius') {
$mikrotik = Mikrotik::info($p['routers']);
if ($p['type'] == 'Hotspot') {
if ($b) {
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p, $b['expiration'] . '' . $b['time']);
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::addHotspotUser($client, $p, $c);
} else {
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p, $b['expiration'] . '' . $b['time']);
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::addHotspotUser($client, $p, $c);
} else {
if ($b) {
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p);
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::addPpoeUser($client, $p, $c);
} else {
if ($p['is_radius']) {
Radius::customerAddPlan($c, $p);
} else {
$client = Mikrotik::getClient($mikrotik['ip_address'], $mikrotik['username'], $mikrotik['password']);
Mikrotik::addPpoeUser($client, $p, $c);
public static function _raid()
return ORM::for_table('tbl_transactions')->max('id') + 1;
* @param in tbl_transactions
* @param string $router_name router name for this package
* @param int $plan_id plan id for this package
* @param string $gateway payment gateway name
* @param string $channel channel payment gateway
* @return boolean
public static function createInvoice($in)
global $config, $admin, $ui;
$date = Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($in['recharged_on'], $in['recharged_time']);
if ($admin['id'] != $in['admin_id'] && $in['admin_id'] > 0) {
$_admin = Admin::_info($in['admin_id']);
// if admin not deleted
if ($_admin) $admin = $_admin;
$admin['fullname'] = 'Customer';
$invoice = Lang::pad($config['CompanyName'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($config['address'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($config['phone'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads("Invoice", $in['invoice'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Date'), $date, ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Sales'), $admin['fullname'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Type'), $in['type'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Plan Name'), $in['plan_name'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Plan Price'), Lang::moneyFormat($in['price']), ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($in['method'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($in['note'], ' ', 2);
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Username'), $in['username'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Password'), '**********', ' ') . "\n";
if ($in['type'] != 'Balance') {
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Created On'), Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($in['recharged_on'], $in['recharged_time']), ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Expires On'), Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($in['expiration'], $in['time']), ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($config['note'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$ui->assign('invoice', $invoice);
$config['printer_cols'] = 30;
$invoice = Lang::pad($config['CompanyName'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($config['address'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($config['phone'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads("Invoice", $in['invoice'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Date'), $date, ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Sales'), $admin['fullname'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Type'), $in['type'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Plan Name'), $in['plan_name'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Plan Price'), Lang::moneyFormat($in['price']), ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($in['method'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($in['note'], ' ', 2);
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Username'), $in['username'], ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Password'), '**********', ' ') . "\n";
if ($in['type'] != 'Balance') {
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Created On'), Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($in['recharged_on'], $in['recharged_time']), ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pads(Lang::T('Expires On'), Lang::dateAndTimeFormat($in['expiration'], $in['time']), ' ') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad("", '=') . "\n";
$invoice .= Lang::pad($config['note'], ' ', 2) . "\n";
$ui->assign('whatsapp', urlencode("```$invoice```"));
$ui->assign('in', $in);