2024-02-13 17:41:55 +07:00

375 lines
19 KiB

"Log-in": "Oturum a\u00e7",
"Register": "Kay\u0131t olmak",
"Announcement": "Duyuru",
"Registration Info": "Kay\u0131t Bilgisi",
"Voucher not found, please buy voucher befor register": "Kupon bulunamad\u0131, l\u00fctfen kay\u0131t olun ve kay\u0131t olun",
"Register Success! You can login now": "Kay\u0131t Ba\u015far\u0131l\u0131! \u015eimdi giri\u015f yapabilirsiniz ",
"Log in to Member Panel": "\u00dcye Paneli'ne giri\u015f yap\u0131n",
"Register as Member": "\u00dcye olarak kay\u0131t ol",
"Enter Admin Area": "Y\u00f6netici Paneli Giri\u015fi",
"Username": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131 ad\u0131",
"Password": "Parola",
"Passwords does not match": "Parolalar e\u015fle\u015fmiyor",
"Account already axist": "Hesap zaten aksanl\u0131",
"Manage": "Y\u00f6net",
"Submit": "G\u00f6nder",
"Save Changes": "De\u011fi\u015fiklikleri Kaydet",
"Cancel": "\u0130ptal etmek",
"Edit": "D\u00fczenle",
"Delete": "Sil",
"Welcome": "Ho\u015fgeldiniz",
"Data Created Successfully": "Veriler Ba\u015far\u0131yla Olu\u015fturuldu ",
"Data Updated Successfully": "Veriler Ba\u015far\u0131yla G\u00fcncellendi",
"Data Deleted Successfully": "Veri Ba\u015far\u0131yla Silindi",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Search Customers...": "M\u00fc\u015fteri Ara ...",
"My Account": "Hesab\u0131m",
"My Profile": "Benim profilim",
"Settings": "Ayarlar",
"Edit Profile": "Profili D\u00fczenle",
"Change Password": "\u015eifre de\u011fi\u015ftir",
"Logout": "\u00c7\u0131k\u0131\u015f Yap",
"Services": "Hizmetler",
"Bandwidth Plans": "Bant Geni\u015fli\u011fi Planlar\u0131",
"Bandwidth Name": "Bant Geni\u015fli\u011fi Ad\u0131",
"New Bandwidth": "Yeni Bant Geni\u015fli\u011fi",
"Edit Bandwidth": "Bant Geni\u015fli\u011fini D\u00fczenle",
"Add New Bandwidth": "Yeni Bant Geni\u015fli\u011fi Ekle",
"Rate Download": "\u0130ndirme Oran\u0131",
"Rate Upload": "\u00dccret Y\u00fckleme",
"Name Bandwidth Already Exist": "Bandwidth Ad\u0131 Zaten Var",
"Hotspot Plans": "Hotspot Planlar\u0131",
"PPPOE Plans": "PPPOE Planlar\u0131",
"Plan Name": "Plan Ad\u0131",
"New Service Plan": "Yeni Hizmet Plan\u0131",
"Add Service Plan": "Hizmet Plan\u0131 Ekle",
"Edit Service Plan": "Hizmet Plan\u0131n\u0131 D\u00fczenle",
"Name Plan Already Exist": "Plan\u0131 \u0130smi Zaten Var",
"Plan Type": "Plan T\u00fcr\u00fc",
"Plan Price": "Plan Fiyat\u0131",
"Limit Type": "S\u0131n\u0131r Tipi",
"Unlimited": "S\u0131n\u0131rs\u0131z",
"Limited": "S\u0131n\u0131rl\u0131",
"Time Limit": "Zaman s\u0131n\u0131r\u0131",
"Data Limit": "Veri S\u0131n\u0131r\u0131",
"Both Limit": "Her \u0130ki S\u0131n\u0131r",
"Plan Validity": "Plan Ge\u00e7erlili\u011fi",
"Select Bandwidth": "Bant Geni\u015fli\u011fini Se\u00e7",
"Shared Users": "Payla\u015f\u0131lan Kullan\u0131c\u0131lar",
"Choose User Type Sales to disable access to Settings": "Ayarlar'a eri\u015fimi devre d\u0131\u015f\u0131 b\u0131rakmak i\u00e7in Kullan\u0131c\u0131 T\u00fcr\u00fc Sat\u0131\u015flar\u0131n\u0131 Se\u00e7",
"Current Password": "\u015eimdiki \u015eifre",
"New Password": "Yeni \u015eifre",
"Administrator": "Y\u00f6netici",
"Sales": "Sat\u0131\u015f",
"Member": "\u00dcye",
"Confirm New Password": "Yeni \u015fifreyi onayla",
"Confirm Password": "\u015eifreyi Onayla",
"Full Name": "Ad Soyad",
"User Type": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131 tipi",
"Address": "Adres",
"Created On": "Olu\u015fturuldu",
"Expires On": "Tarihinde sona eriyor",
"Phone Number": "Telefon numaras\u0131",
"User deleted Successfully": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131 Ba\u015far\u0131yla Silindi",
"Full Administrator": "Tam Y\u00f6netici",
"Keep Blank to do not change Password": "\u015eifreyi de\u011fi\u015ftirmemek i\u00e7in bo\u015f tutun",
"Keep it blank if you do not want to show currency code": "Para birimi kodunu g\u00f6stermek istemiyorsan\u0131z bo\u015f b\u0131rak\u0131n",
"Theme Style": "Tema Stili",
"Theme Color": "Tema Rengi",
"Default Language": "Varsay\u0131lan dil",
"Network": "A\u011f",
"Routers": "Y\u00f6nlendiriciler",
"IP Pool": "IP Havuzu",
"New Router": "Yeni Y\u00f6nlendirici",
"Add Router": "Router ekle",
"Edit Router": "Y\u00f6nlendiriciyi D\u00fczenle",
"Router Name": "Y\u00f6nlendirici Ad\u0131",
"IP Address": "IP adresi",
"Router Secret": "Y\u00f6nlendirici S\u0131rr\u0131",
"Description": "A\u00e7\u0131klama",
"IP Router Already Exist": "IP Router Zaten Var",
"Name Pool": "\u0130sim Havuzu",
"Range IP": "Aral\u0131k \u0130P",
"New Pool": "Yeni Havuz",
"Add Pool": "Havuz ekle",
"Edit Pool": "Havuzu D\u00fczenle",
"Pool Name Already Exist": "Havuz Ad\u0131 \u200b\u200bZaten Var",
"Prepaid": "\u00d6n \u00d6demeli",
"Prepaid Users": "\u00d6n \u00d6demeli Kullan\u0131c\u0131lar",
"Prepaid Vouchers": "\u00d6n \u00d6demeli Kuponlar",
"Refill Account": "Hesab\u0131 Yenile",
"Recharge Account": "Hesab\u0131 Yeniden \u015earj Et",
"Select Account": "Hesap Se\u00e7",
"Service Plan": "Servis plan\u0131",
"Recharge": "\u015earj",
"Method": "Y\u00f6ntem",
"Account Created Successfully": "Hesap ba\u015far\u0131yla olu\u015fturuldu",
"Database Status": "Veritaban\u0131 Durumu",
"Total Database Size": "Toplam Veritaban\u0131 Boyutu",
"Download Database Backup": "Veritaban\u0131 Yedekleme \u0130ndir",
"Table Name": "Tablo ismi",
"Rows": "Sat\u0131r",
"Size": "Boyut",
"Customer": "M\u00fc\u015fteri",
"Add New Contact": "Yeni \u0130leti\u015fim Ekle",
"Edit Contact": "\u0130leti\u015fim D\u00fczenle",
"List Contact": "Liste \u0130rtibat",
"Manage Contact": "Ki\u015fiyi Y\u00f6netin",
"Reports": "Raporlar",
"Daily Reports": "G\u00fcnl\u00fck raporlar",
"Period Reports": "D\u00f6nem Raporlar\u0131",
"All Transactions": "T\u00fcm \u0130\u015flemler",
"Total Income": "Toplam gelir",
"All Transactions at Date": "Tarihte T\u00fcm \u0130\u015flemler",
"Export for Print": "Bask\u0131 i\u00e7in \u0130hracat",
"Print": "Bask\u0131",
"Export to PDF": "PDF'ye Aktar",
"Click Here to Print": "Yazd\u0131rmak i\u00e7in Buraya T\u0131klay\u0131n",
"You can use html tag": "Html etiketini kullanabilirsiniz",
"Date Format": "Tarih format\u0131",
"Income Today": "Gelir Bug\u00fcn",
"Income This Month": "Bu Ay Gelir",
"Users Active": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131lar Aktif",
"Total Users": "Toplam Kullan\u0131c\u0131",
"Users": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131lar",
"Edit User": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131y\u0131 d\u00fczenle",
"Last Login": "Son giri\u015f",
"Administrator Users": "Y\u00f6netici Kullan\u0131c\u0131lar\u0131",
"Manage Administrator": "Y\u00f6netici Y\u00f6net",
"Add New Administrator": "Yeni Y\u00f6netici Ekleyin",
"Localisation": "Lokalizasyon",
"Backup\/Restore": "Yedekleme \/ Geri",
"General Settings": "Genel Ayarlar",
"Date": "Tarih",
"Login Successful": "Giri\u015f ba\u015far\u0131l\u0131",
"Failed Login": "Ba\u015far\u0131s\u0131z oturum a\u00e7ma",
"Settings Saved Successfully": "Ayarlar ba\u015far\u0131yla kaydedildi",
"User Updated Successfully": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131 Ba\u015far\u0131yla G\u00fcncellendi",
"User Expired, Today": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131 S\u00fcresi Doldu, Bug\u00fcn",
"Activity Log": "Etkinlik G\u00fcnl\u00fc\u011f\u00fc",
"View Reports": "Raporlar\u0131 G\u00f6r\u00fcnt\u00fcle",
"View All": "Hepsini g\u00f6r",
"Number of Vouchers": "Kuponlar\u0131n Say\u0131s\u0131",
"Length Code": "Uzunluk Kodu",
"Code Voucher": "Kod Makbuzu",
"Voucher": "Fi\u015f",
"Hotspot Voucher": "Hotspot Kuponu",
"Status Voucher": "Durum Makbuzu",
"Add Vouchers": "Kupon Ekle",
"Create Vouchers Successfully": "Kuponlar\u0131 ba\u015far\u0131yla olu\u015ftur",
"Generate": "Genel",
"Print side by side, it will easy to cut": "Yanyana yazd\u0131r\u0131rsan\u0131z, kesmesi daha kolay olacakt\u0131r.",
"From Date": "\u0130tibaren",
"To Date": "Bug\u00fcne kadar",
"New Service": "Yeni Servis",
"Type": "T\u00fcr",
"Finish": "Biti\u015f",
"Application Name\/ Company Name": "Uygulama Ad\u0131 \/ \u015eirket Ad\u0131",
"This Name will be shown on the Title": "Bu \u0130sim Ba\u015fl\u0131kta g\u00f6sterilecek",
"Next": "Sonraki",
"Last": "Son",
"Timezone": "Saat dilimi",
"Decimal Point": "Ondal\u0131k nokta",
"Thousands Separator": "Bin Ay\u0131r\u0131c\u0131",
"Currency Code": "Para Birimi Kodu",
"Order Voucher": "Sipari\u015f Makbuzu",
"Voucher Activation": "Kupon Aktivasyonu",
"List Activated Voucher": "Aktif Fi\u015f Listesi",
"Enter voucher code here": "Kupon kodunu buraya girin",
"Private Message": "\u00d6zel mesaj",
"Inbox": "Gelen kutusu",
"Outbox": "Giden",
"Compose": "Olu\u015fturma",
"Send to": "G\u00f6nderildi",
"Title": "Ba\u015fl\u0131k",
"Message": "Mesaj",
"Your Account Information": "Hesap Bilgileriniz",
"Welcome to the Panel Members page, on this page you can:": "Panel \u00dcyeleri sayfas\u0131na ho\u015f geldiniz, bu sayfada \u015funlar\u0131 yapabilirsiniz:",
"Invalid Username or Password": "Ge\u00e7ersiz kullan\u0131c\u0131 ad\u0131 veya \u015fifre",
"You do not have permission to access this page": "Bu sayfaya eri\u015fim izniniz yok",
"Incorrect Current Password": "Yanl\u0131\u015f Ge\u00e7erli \u015eifre",
"Password changed successfully, Please login again": "\u015eifre ba\u015far\u0131yla de\u011fi\u015ftirildi, L\u00fctfen tekrar giri\u015f yap\u0131n",
"All field is required": "T\u00fcm alan gerekli",
"Voucher Not Valid": "Kupon Ge\u00e7erli De\u011fil",
"Activation Vouchers Successfully": "Aktivasyon Kuponlar\u0131 Ba\u015far\u0131yla",
"Data Not Found": "Veri bulunamad\u0131",
"Search by Username": "Kullan\u0131c\u0131 Ad\u0131na G\u00f6re Ara",
"Search by Name": "\u0130sme G\u00f6re Ara",
"Search by Code Voucher": "Kod Makbuzuna G\u00f6re Ara",
"Search": "Arama",
"Select a customer": "Bir m\u00fc\u015fteri se\u00e7in",
"Select Routers": "Router'lar\u0131 Se\u00e7",
"Select Plans": "Planlar\u0131 Se\u00e7",
"Select Pool": "Havuz Se\u00e7",
"Hrs": "Saat",
"Mins": "Dk",
"Days": "G\u00fcn",
"Months": "Ay",
"Add Language": "Dil Ekle",
"Language Name": "Dil ad\u0131",
"Folder Name": "Klas\u00f6r ad\u0131",
"Translator": "\u00c7evirmen",
"Language Name Already Exist": "Dil Ad\u0131 Zaten Var",
"Payment Gateway": "Payment Gateway",
"Community": "Community",
"1 user can be used for many devices?": "1 user can be used for many devices?",
"Cannot be change after saved": "Cannot be change after saved",
"Explain Coverage of router": "Jelaskan Cakupan wilayah hotspot",
"Name of Area that router operated": "Nama Lokasi\/Wilayah Router beroperasi",
"Payment Notification URL, Recurring Notification URL, Pay Account Notification URL": "Payment Notification URL, Recurring Notification URL, Pay Account Notification URL",
"Finish Redirect URL, Unfinish Redirect URL, Error Redirect URL": "Finish Redirect URL, Unfinish Redirect URL, Error Redirect URL",
"Status": "Status",
"Plan Not found": "Plan Not found",
"Failed to create transaction.": "Failed to create transaction.",
"Seller has not yet setup Xendit payment gateway": "Seller has not yet setup Xendit payment gateway",
"Admin has not yet setup Xendit payment gateway, please tell admin": "Admin has not yet setup Xendit payment gateway, please tell admin",
"Buy this? your active package will be overwrite": "Buy this? your active package will be overwrite",
"You already have unpaid transaction, cancel it or pay it.": "You already have unpaid transaction, cancel it or pay it.",
"Transaction Not found": "Transaction Not found",
"Cancel it?": "Cancel it?",
"expired": "expired",
"Check for Payment": "Check for Payment",
"Transaction still unpaid.": "Transaction still unpaid.",
"Paid Date": "Paid Date",
"Transaction has been paid.": "Transaction has been paid.",
"Buy Hotspot Plan": "Buy Hotspot Plan",
"Buy PPOE Plan": "Buy PPOE Plan",
"Package": "Package",
"Order Internet Package": "Order Internet Package",
"Unknown Command.": "Unknown Command.",
"Checking payment": "Checking payment",
"Create Transaction Success": "Create Transaction Success",
"You have unpaid transaction": "You have unpaid transaction",
"TripayPayment Channel": "TripayPayment Channel",
"Payment Channel": "Payment Channel",
"Payment check failed.": "Payment check failed.",
"Order Package": "Order Package",
"Transactions": "Transactions",
"Payments": "Payments",
"History": "History",
"Order History": "Order History",
"Gateway": "Gateway",
"Date Done": "Date Done",
"Unpaid Order": "Unpaid Order",
"Payment Gateway Not Found": "Payment Gateway Not Found",
"Payment Gateway saved successfully": "Payment Gateway saved successfully",
"Package History": "Package History",
"Buy History": "Buy History",
"Activation History": "Activation History",
"Buy Package": "Buy Package",
"Email": "Email",
"Company Footer": "Company Footer",
"Will show below user pages": "Will show below user pages",
"Request OTP": "Request OTP",
"Verification Code": "Verification Code",
"SMS Verification Code": "SMS Verification Code",
"Please enter your email address": "Please enter your email address",
"Failed to create Paypal transaction.": "Failed to create Paypal transaction.",
"Plugin": "Plugin",
"Plugin Manager": "Plugin Manager",
"User Notification": "User Notification",
"Expired Notification": "Expired Notification",
"User will get notification when package expired": "User will get notification when package expired",
"Expired Notification Message": "Expired Notification Message",
"Payment Notification": "Payment Notification",
"User will get invoice notification when buy package or package refilled": "User will get invoice notification when buy package or package refilled",
"Current IP": "Current IP",
"Current MAC": "Current MAC",
"Login Status": "Login Status",
"Login Request successfully": "Login Request successfully",
"Logout Request successfully": "Logout Request successfully",
"Disconnect Internet?": "Disconnect Internet?",
"Not Online, Login now?": "Not Online, Login now?",
"You are Online, Logout?": "You are Online, Logout?",
"Connect to Internet?": "Connect to Internet?",
"Your account not connected to internet": "Your account not connected to internet",
"Balance": "Balance",
"Balance System": "Balance System",
"Enable System": "Enable System",
"Allow Transfer": "Allow Transfer",
"Telegram Notification": "Telegram Notification",
"SMS OTP Registration": "SMS OTP Registration",
"Whatsapp Notification": "Whatsapp Notification",
" Chat Widget": " Chat Widget",
"Invoice": "Invoice",
"Country Code Phone": "Country Code Phone",
"Voucher activation menu will be hidden": "Voucher activation menu will be hidden",
"Customer can deposit money to buy voucher": "Customer can deposit money to buy voucher",
"Allow balance transfer between customers": "Allow balance transfer between customers",
"Failed to create transaction. ": "Failed to create transaction. ",
"Failed to check status transaction. ": "Failed to check status transaction. ",
"Disable Voucher": "Disable Voucher",
"Reminder Notification": "Reminder Notification",
"Reminder Notification Message": "Reminder Notification Message",
"Reminder 7 days": "Reminder 7 days",
"Reminder 3 days": "Reminder 3 days",
"Reminder 1 day": "Reminder 1 day",
"PPPOE Password": "PPPOE Password",
"User Cannot change this, only admin. if it Empty it will use user password": "User Cannot change this, only admin. if it Empty it will use user password",
"Invoice Balance Message": "Invoice Balance Message",
"Invoice Notification Payment": "Invoice Notification Payment",
"Balance Notification Payment": "Balance Notification Payment",
"Balance Plans": "Balance Plans",
"Buy Balance": "Buy Balance",
"Price": "Price",
"Validity": "Validity",
"Disable auto renewal?": "Disable auto renewal?",
"Auto Renewal On": "Auto Renewal On",
"Enable auto renewal?": "Enable auto renewal?",
"Auto Renewal Off": "Auto Renewal Off",
"Refill Balance": "Refill Balance",
"Invoice Footer": "Invoice Footer",
"Pay With Balance": "Pay With Balance",
"Pay this with Balance? your active package will be overwrite": "Pay this with Balance? your active package will be overwrite",
"Success to buy package": "Success to buy package",
"Auto Renewal": "Auto Renewal",
"View": "View",
"Back": "Back",
"Active": "Active",
"Transfer Balance": "Transfer Balance",
"Send your balance?": "Send your balance?",
"Send": "Send",
"Cannot send to yourself": "Cannot send to yourself",
"Sending balance success": "Sending balance success",
"From": "From",
"To": "To",
"insufficient balance": "insufficient balance",
"Send Balance": "Send Balance",
"Received Balance": "Received Balance",
"Minimum Balance Transfer": "Minimum Balance Transfer",
"Minimum Transfer": "Minimum Transfer",
"Company Logo": "Company Logo",
"Expired IP Pool": "Expired IP Pool",
"Proxy": "Proxy",
"Proxy Server": "Proxy Server",
"Proxy Server Login": "Proxy Server Login",
"Hotspot Plan": "Hotspot Plan",
"PPPOE Plan": "PPPOE Plan",
"Are You Sure?": "Are You Sure?",
"Success to send package": "Success to send package",
"Target has active plan, different with current plant.": "Target has active plan, different with current plant.",
"Recharge a friend": "Recharge a friend",
"Buy for friend": "Buy for friend",
"Buy this for friend account?": "Buy this for friend account?",
"Review package before recharge": "Review package before recharge",
"Activate": "Activate",
"Deactivate": "Deactivate",
"Sync": "Sync",
"Failed to create PaymeTrust transaction.": "Failed to create PaymeTrust transaction.",
"Location": "Location",
"Voucher Format": "Voucher Format",
"Service Type": "Service Type",
"Others": "Others",
"PPPoE": "PPPoE",
"Hotspot": "Hotspot",
"Monthly Registered Customers": "Monthly Registered Customers",
"Total Monthly Sales": "Total Monthly Sales",
"Active Users": "Active Users"