2 Installing Plugin or Payment Gateway
iBNu Maksum edited this page 2024-06-12 20:34:27 +07:00

You can sell Plugin by yourself

Your zip file must have plugin and or paymentgateway and or theme and or device folder

Example Repository

Example structure for plugin.zip

├── plugin/
│   ├── plugin.php
│   └── ui/
│       └── plugin.tpl
├── changelog.txt
├── install.txt
└── license.txt

Example structure for paymentgateway.zip

├── paymentgateway/
│   ├── payment.php
│   └── ui/
│       └── payment.tpl
├── changelog.txt
├── install.txt
└── license.txt

Example structure for theme.zip

├── theme/
│   └── theme_name/
│       ├── home.tpl
│       └── order.tpl
├── changelog.txt
├── install.txt
└── license.txt

Example structure for device.zip

├── device/
│   └── deviceName.php
├── changelog.txt
├── install.txt
└── license.txt

or you can make full package

Example structure for fullpackage.zip

├── theme/
│   └── theme_name/
│       ├── home.tpl
│       └── order.tpl
├── paymentgateway/
│   ├── payment.php
│   └── ui/
│       └── payment.tpl
├── plugin/
│   ├── plugin.php
│   └── ui/
│       └── plugin.tpl
├── device/
│   └── deviceName.php
├── changelog.txt
├── install.txt
└── license.txt

install.txt instruction to install manually
license.txt is your license for the plugin

all the files inside folder plugin and or paymentgateway and or device will be move to PhpNuxBill system, and theme will be move to ui/themes