2 Themes
iBNu Maksum edited this page 2023-10-17 16:57:14 +07:00

PHPNuxBill Support Themes Modification

PHPNuxBill using Smarty for Interface.
Themes saved at ui/themes

Folder name use underscore for space, example ui/themes/my_theme it will show as My Theme

User can Customize Theme or default Theme using ui_custom

The priority for the folder are

  1. ui/ui_custom
  2. ui/themes
  3. ui/ui

You can create theme for Customer only, Admin Only, or both.
But Customer only is recomended.


{$_theme} is used for path

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$_theme}/styles/bootstrap.min.css">

it will change to

<link rel="stylesheet" href="ui/themes/my_theme/styles/bootstrap.min.css">

{$_c} are config variable, key values from table tbl_appconfig

Theme Modification

if you just want to change some default theme, just copy the file to ui/ui_custom, then edit it