#!/usr/bin/python3 # coding=UTF-8 import os, time, \ requests, \ json, ntpath,\ traceback from libs.core.TalkService import * from .connection import Yuuki_Connect from .i18n import Yuuki_LangSetting class Yuuki: def __init__(self, Seq, Yuuki_Connection, helper_LINE_ACCESS_KEYs, Lang="en", Admin=[]): self.Seq = Seq self.Admin = Admin self.i18n = Yuuki_LangSetting(Lang) self.LINE_Media_server = "https://obs.line-apps.com" self.Connect = Yuuki_Connect(Yuuki_Connection) (self.client, self.listen) = self.Connect.connect() self.connectHeader = Yuuki_Connection.connectHeader for access in helper_LINE_ACCESS_KEYs: self.Connect.helperConnect(access) self.MyMID = self.client.getProfile().mid global _ _ = self.i18n._ # Basic Func def exit(self, restart=False): if restart: with open(".cache.sh", "w") as c: c.write(sys.executable + " ./main.py") os.system("sh .cache.sh") os.system("rm .cache.sh") sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(0) def readCommandLine(self, msgs): replymsg = "" for msg in msgs: replymsg = replymsg + " " + msg return replymsg def checkInInvitationList(self, ncMessage): if ncMessage.param3 == self.MyMID: inList = True elif "\x1e" in ncMessage.param3: if self.MyMID in ncMessage.param3.split("\x1e"): inList = True else: inList = False else: inList = False return inList def changeGroupUrlStatus(self, group, stat): if stat == True: us = False else: us = True group.members, group.invitee = None, None group.preventJoinByTicket = us self.client.updateGroup(self.Seq, group) def cleanMyGroupInvitations(self): for cleanInvitations in self.client.getGroupIdsInvited(): self.client.acceptGroupInvitation(self.Seq, cleanInvitations) self.client.leaveGroup(self.Seq, cleanInvitations) def getContact(self, mid): if len(mid) == len(self.MyMID) and mid[0] == "u": try: contactInfo = self.getContact(mid) except: contactInfo = False else: contactInfo = False return contactInfo def sendToWho(self, Message): if Message.message.toType == MIDType.USER: return Message.message.from_ elif Message.message.toType == MIDType.ROOM: return Message.message.to elif Message.message.toType == MIDType.GROUP: return Message.message.to def sendText(self, toid, msg): message = Message(to=toid, text=msg) self.client.sendMessage(self.Seq, message) def sendUser(self, toid, mid): message = Message(contentType=ContentType.CONTACT, text='', contentMetadata={ 'mid': mid, 'displayName': 'LINE User', }, to=toid) self.client.sendMessage(self.Seq, message) def sendMedia(self, toid, type, path): if os.path.exists(path): file_name = ntpath.basename(path) file_size = len(open(path, 'rb').read()) message = Message(to=toid, text=None) message.contentType = type message.contentPreview = None message.contentMetadata = { 'FILE_NAME': str(file_name), 'FILE_SIZE': str(file_size), } if type == ContentType.FILE: media_name = file_name else: media_name = 'media' message_id = self.client.sendMessage(self.Seq, message).id files = { 'file': open(path, 'rb'), } params = { 'name': media_name, 'oid': message_id, 'size': file_size, 'type': ContentType._VALUES_TO_NAMES[type].lower(), 'ver': '1.0', } data = { 'params': json.dumps(params) } url = self.LINE_Media_server + '/talk/m/upload.nhn' r = requests.post(url, headers=self.connectHeader, data=data, files=files) if r.status_code != 201: self.sendText(toid, "Error!") # Task def Poll(self): NoWork = 0 catchedNews = [] ncMessage = Operation() Revision = self.client.getLastOpRevision() while True: try: if NoWork == 300: Revision = self.client.getLastOpRevision() catchedNews = self.listen.fetchOperations(Revision, 50) if catchedNews: NoWork = 0 for ncMessage in catchedNews: if ncMessage.type == OpType.RECEIVE_MESSAGE: self.Commands(ncMessage) elif ncMessage.type == OpType.NOTIFIED_INVITE_INTO_GROUP: self.JoinGroup(ncMessage) if ncMessage.reqSeq != -1: Revision = max(Revision, ncMessage.revision) else: NoWork = NoWork + 1 except SystemExit: self.exit() except EOFError: pass except: err1, err2, err3 = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_tb(err3) tb_info = traceback.extract_tb(err3) filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1] ErrorInfo = "occurred in\n{}\n\non line {}\nin statement {}".format(filename, line, text) try: if catchedNews and ncMessage: Finded = False for Catched in catchedNews: if Catched.revision == ncMessage.revision: Finded = True if Finded: Revision = Catched.revision break if not Finded: Revision = self.client.getLastOpRevision() for Root in self.Admin: self.sendText(Root, "Star Yuuki BOT - Something was wrong...\nError:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s" % (err1, err2, err3, ErrorInfo)) except: print("Star Yuuki BOT - Damage!\nError:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s" % (err1, err2, err3, ErrorInfo)) self.exit() def JoinGroup(self, ncMessage): GroupMember = [] if self.checkInInvitationList(ncMessage): GroupID = ncMessage.param1 GroupInfo = self.client.getGroup(GroupID) if GroupInfo.members: GroupMember = [Catched.mid for Catched in GroupInfo.members] self.client.acceptGroupInvitation(self.Seq, GroupID) LeaveGroup = True for Root in self.Admin: if Root in GroupMember: LeaveGroup = False if LeaveGroup: self.client.leaveGroup(self.Seq, GroupID) def Main(self, ncMessage): pass def Commands(self, ncMessage): if 'BOT_CHECK' in ncMessage.message.contentMetadata: pass elif ncMessage.message.toType == MIDType.ROOM: self.client.leaveRoom(self.Seq, ncMessage.message.to) elif ncMessage.message.contentType == ContentType.NONE: if 'Yuuki/mid' == ncMessage.message.text: self.sendText(self.sendToWho(ncMessage), _("LINE System UserID:\n") + ncMessage.message.from_) elif 'Yuuki/Speed' == ncMessage.message.text: Time1 = time.time() self.sendText(self.sendToWho(ncMessage), _("Testing...")) Time2 = time.time() self.sendText(self.sendToWho(ncMessage), _("Speed:\n{}s").format(Time2 - Time1,))