# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Star Inc. multiprocessing data switching === To switch data in multiprocessing. LICENSE: MPL 2.0 (c)2020 Star Inc. """ # Initializing import json from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler switch_data = {} auth_code = 0 # Functions def mds_exit(data): if data: exit(0) def update(data): global switch_data # noinspection PyBroadException try: if type(data["path"]) is list: over = query({"path": data["path"]}) over.get("data").update(data["data"]) return {"status": 200} return {"status": 400} except: return {"status": 500} def delete(data): global switch_data # noinspection PyBroadException try: if type(data["path"]) is list: over = query({"path": data["path"]}) over.get("data").pop(data["data"]) return {"status": 200} return {"status": 400} except: return {"status": 500} def query(data): global switch_data query_data = data["path"] # noinspection PyBroadException try: if type(switch_data) is dict and type(query_data) is list: result = switch_data query_len = len(query_data) - 1 for count, key in enumerate(query_data): if key in result: if count < query_len: if type(result.get(key)) is not dict: result = 1 # "unknown_type" + type(source_data.get(key)) break result = result.get(key) else: result = 2 # "unknown_key" break return {"status": 200, "data": result} return {"status": 400} except: return {"status": 500} def sync(data): global switch_data # noinspection PyBroadException try: switch_data = data["path"] return {"status": 200} except: return {"status": 500} def yuukiLimitDecrease(data): global switch_data # noinspection PyBroadException try: switch_data["LimitInfo"][data["path"]][data["userId"]] -= 1 return {"status": 200} except: return {"status": 500} # Works _work = { "EXT": mds_exit, "UPT": update, "DEL": delete, "GET": query, "SYC": sync, "YLD": yuukiLimitDecrease } class IndexHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write(''' Python MDS Server
To switch data in multiprocessing.
(c)2019 Star Inc. ''') def post(self): global auth_code req_body = self.request.body req_str = req_body.decode('utf8') req_res = json.loads(req_str) if req_res.get("code") == auth_code: result = _work[req_res.get("do")]( { "path":req_res.get("path"), "data":req_res.get("data") } ) else: result = {"status": 401} if not result: result = {"status": 500} self.write(json.dumps(result)) # Main def listen(code): global auth_code auth_code = code app = Application([('/', IndexHandler)]) server = HTTPServer(app) server.listen(2019) IOLoop.current().start()