diff --git a/docs/acls.md b/docs/acls.md index 20e073a6..55ab3544 100644 --- a/docs/acls.md +++ b/docs/acls.md @@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ a server they can register, the check of the tags is done on headscale server and only valid tags are applied. A tag is valid if the user that is registering it is allowed to do it. +To use ACLs in headscale, you must edit your config.yaml file. In there you will find a `acl_policy_path: ""` parameter. This will need to point to your ACL file. More info on how these poicies are written can be found [here](https://tailscale.com/kb/1018/acls/). + Here are the ACL's to implement the same permissions as above: ```json