mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:04:47 +08:00
* Remove status from web-ui docs Rename the title to indicate that there multiple web interfaces available. Do not track the status of each web interface here as their status is subject to change over time. * Add page for third-party tools and scripts
186 lines
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186 lines
5 KiB
site_name: Headscale
site_url: https://juanfont.github.io/headscale
edit_uri: blob/main/docs/ # Change the master branch to main as we are using main as a main branch
site_author: Headscale authors
site_description: >-
An open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server.
# Repository
repo_name: juanfont/headscale
repo_url: https://github.com/juanfont/headscale
# Copyright
copyright: Copyright © 2024 Headscale authors
# Configuration
name: material
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# Excludes
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# Plugins
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- minify:
minify_html: true
- social: {}
- redirects:
acls.md: ref/acls.md
android-client.md: usage/connect/android.md
apple-client.md: usage/connect/apple.md
dns-records.md: ref/dns.md
exit-node.md: ref/exit-node.md
faq.md: about/faq.md
iOS-client.md: usage/connect/apple.md#ios
oidc.md: ref/oidc.md
remote-cli.md: ref/remote-cli.md
reverse-proxy.md: ref/integration/reverse-proxy.md
tls.md: ref/tls.md
web-ui.md: ref/integration/web-ui.md
windows-client.md: usage/connect/windows.md
# Customization
json: [.s2]
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link: https://github.com/juanfont/headscale
- icon: material/coffee
link: https://ko-fi.com/headscale
- icon: fontawesome/brands/docker
link: https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/pkgs/container/headscale
- icon: fontawesome/brands/discord
link: https://discord.gg/c84AZQhmpx
version: 0.23.0
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# Page tree
- Welcome: index.md
- About:
- FAQ: about/faq.md
- Features: about/features.md
- Clients: about/clients.md
- Getting help: about/help.md
- Releases: about/releases.md
- Contributing: about/contributing.md
- Sponsor: about/sponsor.md
- Setup:
- Requirements and Assumptions: setup/requirements.md
- Installation:
- Official releases: setup/install/official.md
- Community packages: setup/install/community.md
- Container: setup/install/container.md
- Cloud: setup/install/cloud.md
- Build from source: setup/install/source.md
- Upgrade: setup/upgrade.md
- Usage:
- Getting started: usage/getting-started.md
- Connect a node:
- Android: usage/connect/android.md
- Apple: usage/connect/apple.md
- Windows: usage/connect/windows.md
- Reference:
- Configuration: ref/configuration.md
- OIDC authentication: ref/oidc.md
- Exit node: ref/exit-node.md
- TLS: ref/tls.md
- ACLs: ref/acls.md
- DNS: ref/dns.md
- Remote CLI: ref/remote-cli.md
- Integration:
- Reverse proxy: ref/integration/reverse-proxy.md
- Web UI: ref/integration/web-ui.md
- Tools: ref/integration/tools.md