2023-12-22 18:10:13 +08:00
package manager
import (
type pipe struct {
camp *models.Campaign
rate *ratecounter.RateCounter
wg *sync.WaitGroup
2023-12-22 22:05:53 +08:00
sent atomic.Int64
lastID atomic.Uint64
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errors atomic.Uint64
2023-12-22 22:05:53 +08:00
stopped atomic.Bool
2023-12-22 18:10:13 +08:00
withErrors atomic.Bool
m *Manager
// newPipe adds a campaign to the process queue.
func (m *Manager) newPipe(c *models.Campaign) (*pipe, error) {
// Validate messenger.
if _, ok := m.messengers[c.Messenger]; !ok {
m.store.UpdateCampaignStatus(c.ID, models.CampaignStatusCancelled)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown messenger %s on campaign %s", c.Messenger, c.Name)
// Load the template.
if err := c.CompileTemplate(m.TemplateFuncs(c)); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Load any media/attachments.
if err := m.attachMedia(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the campaign to the active map.
p := &pipe{
camp: c,
rate: ratecounter.NewRateCounter(time.Minute),
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
m: m,
// Increment the waitgroup so that Wait() blocks immediately. This is necessary
// as a campaign pipe is created first and subscribers/messages under it are
// fetched asynchronolusly later. The messages each add to the wg and that
// count is used to determine the exhaustion/completion of all messages.
go func() {
// Wait for all the messages in the campaign to be processed
// (successfully or skipped after errors or cancellation).
m.pipes[c.ID] = p
return p, nil
// NextSubscribers processes the next batch of subscribers in a given campaign.
// It returns a bool indicating whether any subscribers were processed
// in the current batch or not. A false indicates that all subscribers
// have been processed, or that a campaign has been paused or cancelled.
func (p *pipe) NextSubscribers() (bool, error) {
// Fetch a batch of subscribers.
subs, err := p.m.store.NextSubscribers(p.camp.ID, p.m.cfg.BatchSize)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error fetching campaign subscribers (%s): %v", p.camp.Name, err)
// There are no subscribers.
if len(subs) == 0 {
return false, nil
// Is there a sliding window limit configured?
hasSliding := p.m.cfg.SlidingWindow &&
p.m.cfg.SlidingWindowRate > 0 &&
p.m.cfg.SlidingWindowDuration.Seconds() > 1
// Push messages.
for _, s := range subs {
msg, err := p.newMessage(s)
if err != nil {
p.m.log.Printf("error rendering message (%s) (%s): %v", p.camp.Name, s.Email, err)
// Push the message to the queue while blocking and waiting until
// the queue is drained.
p.m.campMsgQ <- msg
// Check if the sliding window is active.
if hasSliding {
diff := time.Now().Sub(p.m.slidingStart)
// Window has expired. Reset the clock.
if diff >= p.m.cfg.SlidingWindowDuration {
p.m.slidingStart = time.Now()
p.m.slidingCount = 0
// Have the messages exceeded the limit?
if p.m.slidingCount >= p.m.cfg.SlidingWindowRate {
wait := p.m.cfg.SlidingWindowDuration - diff
p.m.log.Printf("messages exceeded (%d) for the window (%v since %s). Sleeping for %s.",
p.m.slidingCount = 0
return true, nil
func (p *pipe) OnError() {
if p.m.cfg.MaxSendErrors < 1 {
// If the error threshold is met, pause the campaign.
count := p.errors.Add(1)
if int(count) < p.m.cfg.MaxSendErrors {
p.m.log.Printf("error count exceeded %d. pausing campaign %s", p.m.cfg.MaxSendErrors, p.camp.Name)
// Stop "marks" a campaign as stopped. It doesn't actually stop the processing
// of messages. That happens when every queued message in the campaign is processed,
// marking .wg, the waitgroup counter as done. That triggers cleanup().
func (p *pipe) Stop(withErrors bool) {
// Already stopped.
if p.stopped.Load() {
if withErrors {
func (p *pipe) newMessage(s models.Subscriber) (CampaignMessage, error) {
msg, err := p.m.NewCampaignMessage(p.camp, s)
if err != nil {
return msg, err
msg.pipe = p
return msg, nil
func (p *pipe) cleanup() {
defer func() {
delete(p.m.pipes, p.camp.ID)
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// Update campaign's "sent" count.
if err := p.m.store.UpdateCampaignCounts(p.camp.ID, 0, int(p.sent.Load()), int(p.lastID.Load())); err != nil {
p.m.log.Printf("error updating campaign counts (%s): %v", p.camp.Name, err)
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// The campaign was auto-paused due to errors.
if p.withErrors.Load() {
if err := p.m.store.UpdateCampaignStatus(p.camp.ID, models.CampaignStatusPaused); err != nil {
p.m.log.Printf("error updating campaign (%s) status to %s: %v", p.camp.Name, models.CampaignStatusPaused, err)
} else {
p.m.log.Printf("set campaign (%s) to %s", p.camp.Name, models.CampaignStatusPaused)
_ = p.m.sendNotif(p.camp, models.CampaignStatusPaused, "Too many errors")
// Fetch the up-to-date campaign status from the DB.
c, err := p.m.store.GetCampaign(p.camp.ID)
if err != nil {
2024-01-10 02:04:08 +08:00
p.m.log.Printf("error fetching campaign (%s) for ending: %v", p.camp.Name, err)
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// If a running campaign has exhausted subscribers, it's finished.
if c.Status == models.CampaignStatusRunning {
c.Status = models.CampaignStatusFinished
if err := p.m.store.UpdateCampaignStatus(p.camp.ID, models.CampaignStatusFinished); err != nil {
p.m.log.Printf("error finishing campaign (%s): %v", p.camp.Name, err)
} else {
p.m.log.Printf("campaign (%s) finished", p.camp.Name)
} else {
p.m.log.Printf("stop processing campaign (%s)", p.camp.Name)
// Notify the admin.
_ = p.m.sendNotif(c, c.Status, "")