2021-02-20 16:19:14 +08:00
import 'cypress-file-upload';
Cypress.Commands.add('resetDB', () => {
// Although cypress clearly states that a webserver should not be run
// from within it, listmonk is killed, the DB reset, and run again
// in the background. If the DB is reset without restartin listmonk,
// the live Postgres connections in the app throw errors because the
// schema changes midway.
2021-09-25 15:14:09 +08:00
2021-02-20 16:19:14 +08:00
// Takes a th class selector of a Buefy table, clicks it sorting the table,
// then compares the values of [td.data-id] attri of all the rows in the
// table against the given IDs, asserting the expected order of sort.
Cypress.Commands.add('sortTable', (theadSelector, ordIDs) => {
2024-10-14 14:12:49 +08:00
2021-02-20 16:19:14 +08:00
cy.get('tbody td[data-id]').each(($el, index) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('loginAndVisit', (url) => {
2024-10-14 13:00:01 +08:00
const username = Cypress.env('LISTMONK_ADMIN_USER') || 'admin';
const password = Cypress.env('LISTMONK_ADMIN_PASSWORD') || 'listmonk';
// Fill the username and passowrd and login.
cy.get('input[name=username]').invoke('val', username);
cy.get('input[name=password]').invoke('val', password);
// Submit form.
2021-02-20 16:19:14 +08:00
Cypress.Commands.add('clickMenu', (...selectors) => {
selectors.forEach((s) => {
cy.get(`.menu a[data-cy="${s}"]`).click();
// https://www.nicknish.co/blog/cypress-targeting-elements-inside-iframes
2021-09-25 15:14:09 +08:00
Cypress.Commands.add('iframe', { prevSubject: 'element' }, ($iframe, callback = () => { }) => cy
.should((iframe) => expect(iframe.contents().find('body')).to.exist)
.then((iframe) => cy.wrap(iframe.contents().find('body')))
.within({}, callback));
2023-07-21 02:11:53 +08:00
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
if (err.hasOwnProperty('request')) {
const u = err.request.url;
if (u.includes('config') || u.includes('settings') || u.includes('events')) {
return false;
return true;